De: Prince Handley
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    Prince Handley
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    Sep 2 2024
    UNIVERSITY OF EXCELLENCE Prince HandleyPresident / Regent PRINCE HANDLEY PORTAL 1,000's of FREE ResourcesWWW.REALMIRACLES.ORG INTERNATIONAL Geopolitics | Intelligence | Prophecy WWW.UOFE.ORG MIRACLES IN THE SINAI DESERT LISTEN TO AND OBEY THE HOLY SPIRIT 24/7 Blogs and Podcasts > STREAM Prince Handley on MINDS LinkedIn ~ Geopolitics and HealthNOTE: You do NOT have to Sign In to LinkedIn. Click the "X" at top right of "Sign In" to dismiss. Subscribe FREE to Prince Handley Teaching and Newsletter Links to KEY RESOURCES at bottom. ______________________________________ DESCRIPTION In this podcast teaching I will discuss “Miracles in the Sinai Desert.” A true account of how God made it rain in the Sinai Desert so that Israeli government employees would monitor flow meters where Prince Handley placed his Vis-Tab posters (signs) with a Star of David and a Messianic message. This teaching shows HOW God will work with YOU if you listen to and obey the Holy Spirit. ______________________________________ MIRACLES IN THE SINAI DESERT LISTEN TO AND OBEY THE HOLY SPIRIT I want to talk to you today about MIRACLES in the Sinai Desert. In a previous podcast titled “Miracle Ideas from God” I mentioned how I took 4,000 signs, the Vis-Tab Outdoor Posters (waterproof and tear-proof signs) into Israel; and how the Israeli Policemen put them up on the walls of the Jerusalem Police Station. Also, how the soldiers in the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) put them on the stocks of their weapons. These signs had permanent adhesive on them and had a Star of David with the following message: “MESSIAH YESHUA: DIED FOR US – WAS BURIED – IS ALIVE. In this podcast teaching I want to talk to you about what happened when I put the Vis-Tab signs up in the Sinai Peninsula. I had been down in the area of a Eilat, a resort area. And while traveling to the South on the highway on the way to Egypt, I felt impressed by the Holy Spirit to get out of my car and walk West of the highway quite a distance. I saw (I counted) 19 camels walking―one behind the other―in a caravan; However, there was NO camel driver: nobody! I walked actually with the 19 camels for a while. They weren't carrying a burden. I don't know what they were doing there unless they belonged to some Bedouin, somewhere near in the desert. Camels are very expensive and I'm sure they weren't running loose, running unaccounted for sometime. Somehow I learned later that it's very dangerous to mess around with camels. Anyway, while I was going through the desert, I was directed by the Holy Spirit to a large sheet metal assemblage. It was in the ground and I dismantled it. Inside the sheet metal assemblage there were meters. Evidently the Israeli government had put those meters there, placed them there―so that they could detect water flow during the few times it would rain in the desert. (I don't know, but that's what I assume.) Anyway, after I dismantled the assemblage around the meters, I placed the Vis-Tab signs (with permanent adhesive) inside. I assembled the parts back together, closed and bolted the assembly, went on my way; got in my rental car and I decided, instead of going to Egypt, I would turn around and go northward. (I felt the Holy Spirit leading me to change course.) And after traveling, I don't know, maybe an hour or 45 minutes, I saw a small booth on the left that sold orange juice. There weren't any businesses along the road … it was in the middle of nowhere! At the orange juice stand there were a lot of young people from kibbutz. During the time where I stopped for orange juice, I talked with a young Jewish man about the Messiah. I had a Hebrew Brit Chadashah (New Testament): a prophetic version on me and showed it to him. He asked me if He could have it and I gave it to him. I talked to him about the LORD for a few minutes. Another young man from the kibbutz was listening to our conversation and he said to me, “I know you! I heard you speak in Dallas, Texas (USA).” Then he mentioned my name and told me he had heard me speak at a large college. Well, I went on my way … and I was thinking, “What a foolish thing I did to take apart that sheet metal asssemby … put up signs there … it's probably NOT going to rain anyway!” And I thought, “I wonder IF I really listened to the LORD on that?!” But … about a year later, I was speaking again in Dallas, Texas, at Christ for the Nations Institute, where they love the Jews, and they have done lots of work to help Israel. While I was speaking, I felt impressed by the Holy Spirit to talk about that time along the highway in the Sinai Peninsula, where I installed the Vis-Tab signs … and then turned northward. After speaking―as I was leaving backstage―a young man ran up to me and said, “I was one of the people on the bus from the kibbutz, and listened to you talk to my Jewish friend. When I saw you give him the New Testament, I recognized you.” He said, ...
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    6 m
    Aug 31 2024
    UNIVERSITY OF EXCELLENCE Prince HandleyPresident / Regent PRINCE HANDLEY PORTAL 1,000's of FREE ResourcesWWW.REALMIRACLES.ORG INTERNATIONAL Geopolitics | Intelligence | Prophecy WWW.UOFE.ORG MIRACLES IN THE POSTAL SERVICE GOD'S HOLY ANGELS WILL WORK FOR YOU 24/7 Blogs and Podcasts > STREAM Prince Handley on MINDS LinkedIn ~ Geopolitics and HealthNOTE: You do NOT have to Sign In to LinkedIn. Click the "X" at top right of "Sign In" to dismiss. Subscribe FREE to Prince Handley Teaching and Newsletter Links to KEY RESOURCES at bottom. ______________________________________ DESCRIPTION In this podcast teaching I will discuss “MIRACLES in the Postal Service.” True stories of God's Holy Angels doing MIRACLES of mail processing AND delivery! I want to encourage YOU to enlist the help of the Holy Angels for whatever you need … IF you are living for God and involved in His Work! ______________________________________ MIRACLES IN THE POSTAL SERVICE GOD'S HOLY ANGELS WILL WORK FOR YOU I want to talk to you today about miracles in the United States AND Foreign Postal Service … more specifically, “God's Holy Angels Will Work For You.” Yes, that's right: MIRACLES in MAIL. I want to encourage you today about how God's Holy Angels will help you … when you're involved in God's Holy Work ... in the work of disseminating―propagating―the Word of God AND the teachings of Messiah Jesus. Jesus taught us, “Whatever things you desire, when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you shall have them.” This is podcast is to tell you about some things that have happened in the Postal Service. One time I was shipping to over 100 countries in one day … and I didn't have the funds to send everything by International Mail. This shipment was very important. It involved reaching lots of people, multitudes of people in different countries with the Word of God. We prayed over every part of this shipment and―because we did NOT have immediately the necessary funds―we sent them by “Surface Mail.” This should have taken five to six weeks to go into some of these countries. Some a lot longer if they were going into far away villages―very remote villages―but I needed a FAST response. So I prayed to the LORD and I asked God to have the Holy Angels assist in this shipment. I asked God to have the Holy Angels get the shipment(s) to the people speedily―and get the responses back to me speedily. I needed Angelic intervention and I got it. I needed to get this project out that God had put on my heart to reach people with the message of Messiah Jesus, how He can save, how He still heals today, how He delivers people and how He baptizes in the wonderful Spirit of God: the Ruach Elohim. Check this out: I got answers―responses―back to me in about a week. If you know anything about Postal Mail in any country … especially International Mail―if you've ever been involved in Global Mail―this was a MIRACLE. in about a week, the shipment had already been to several countries and I received answers (responses) back to my office. Think about this: The TIME (remember, we used “Surface Mail” by ships at sea) for my shipment to get to the people in other countries … PLUS the TIME for them to sit down and write a letter of response … then, the TIME to go to their Post Office (which in many cases would be many miles away, and some of the people may not even have had the money for postage right then). Then the TIME for the mail they sent to get back to me. FOR YOUR INFORMATIONAt that time there were NO computers or Email, so we had to use Postal Mail. At that time “Surface Mail” was available by ships at sea. This is WHY we shipped by “Surface Mail.” If you've ever been overseas, you know how poverty stricken it is in many Third World countries. However, in about a week I had responses back already. Now why was that? Because I was involved in doing God's Work and in doing God's Will. If there's anything that I've learned through the years, it's this: If your plans fit into God's plans ... you will have God's faith, and God's faith always works. We now use the Internet effectively for marketing, but years ago we used to market with print advertising, and providing opportunities for people to study the Bible. These were on Business Reply Cards. Now these Return Cards were good only in the United States. In other words, people would tear a card off from a poster or sign whether it was in a bus or a laundromat, or wherever. Then they would write their information on the card and send it back to us, requesting Bible Studies: Free Bible Studies through the whole New Testament. [Now available online in Spanish, French and English.] These Reply Cards would come back to us and we would pay the postage when we picked them up at the Post Office. These were only good―legal―within the confines of the United States. However, I remember getting one from a 14 ...
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    7 m
    Aug 30 2024
    UNIVERSITY OF EXCELLENCE Prince HandleyPresident / Regent PRINCE HANDLEY PORTAL 1,000's of FREE ResourcesWWW.REALMIRACLES.ORG INTERNATIONAL Geopolitics | Intelligence | Prophecy WWW.UOFE.ORG MIRACLES IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS STUDENTS BEING HEALED AT SCHOOL 24/7 Blogs and Podcasts > STREAM Prince Handley on MINDS LinkedIn ~ Geopolitics and HealthNOTE: You do NOT have to Sign In to LinkedIn. Click the "X" at top right of "Sign In" to dismiss. Subscribe FREE to Prince Handley Teaching and Newsletter Links to KEY RESOURCES at bottom. ______________________________________ DESCRIPTION In this message I discuss “MIRACLES in Public Schools.” True stories of students being healed and receiving MIRACLES from God during assemblies at Public High Schools. Also, explaining HOW the Gifts of the Holy Spirit work so people will know that God wants to help them, and do the miraculous in their lives. ______________________________________ MIRACLES IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS STUDENTS BEING HEALED AT SCHOOL I want to talk to you today about miracles in educational institutions in the USA … more specifically, “Miracles in the Public School System.” There was a period of time where I was being invited to speak at lots of public high schools in the USA (as well as other countries). In the USA the drug situation was so bad in the high schools that the schools were actually calling me and asking me to come share with their students. I remember at all these high schools (even the ones I ministered at overseas)―every one of them―God would always give me a Word of Knowledge. Now, a Word of Knowledge is one of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit where God shows you a situation about a person, or about a situation or condition concerning a person (or group of people). “But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all: for to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge through the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healings by the same Spirit, to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another different kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues. But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually as He wills.” (1 Corinthians 12:7-11) Actually, the Word of Knowledge can be a dual gift when associated with the Word of Wisdom. The Word of Knowledge is where the Holy Spirit reveals to you knowledge about a person or a situation or thing. And it's never to embarrass anyone, but it's to show people that God knows exactly what's going on―or what's involved in their life―so they will have confidence that God can help them … and that He wants to help them. If the Word of Knowledge operates in conjunction with the Word of Wisdom, then they operate as “dual” gifts. The Word of Knowledge might be provided (spoken) through one person … and the Word of Knowledge through another person. However, they may both be delivered (spoken) by the same person. But the Word of Wisdom informs a person WHAT TO DO in the particular situation. Wisdom is knowledge in action. It tells the person what to do in that situation to alleviate it, to bring deliverance, to bring them in alignment to God's will. To learn more about ALL of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit and how they operate ... read my book, How To Receive God's Power with Gifts of the Spirit In one large public high school in California I was speaking in the Science Auditorium. It was a bowl shape auditorium, similar to an amphitheatre. And as I looked up to the right, I saw a young girl that God gave me a word of knowledge concerning: it was a word for her, a specific condition―physical ailment―in her body (that nobody would have known except God). She was about 17, and I called her down to the front where I was speaking. She immediately told me, “I don't believe in God or Jesus.” She told me that she hated Jesus. But anyway, I told her, “Well, that's all right. Jesus loves you. And I love you … and God is going to do a miracle for you today.” God gave me a Word of Knowledge about this girl, a situation in her life. I don't remember the specifics, but it was a medical condition―a physical condition in her body―and God instantly touched her, healed her, gave her a miracle! She received Jesus into our life right then. I received a phone call later that day from one of the campus Christian leaders who told me that this girl had been the biggest “Bad Mouth” of the Lord on that campus. She used to go around just telling everybody how she hated the Lord. How the Lord was no good … and just mouthing off bad things about God. But that day, after God did that MIRACLE for her and the Holy Spirit gift of the Word of Knowledge operated in her life―after Jesus touched her―she was going all over campus telling students about Jesus and His love...
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