
  • The Haunting of a Midwestern Bed and Breakfast
    Jul 16 2024

    Hello again everyone! Join the Paranormal Podcast Crew as we spend many hours over two days investigating a late 1800's midwestern B&B. Built in the later portion of the 1800's this place has seen it's share of famous guests and a few deaths.

    Currently under renovation, we received reports of disembodied voices which scared the cleaning crew away. Doors opening and closing on their own, and an overall feeling of unease. For this episode we introduce Nancy, one of our crew and a medical professional (which, as often as we mess up, is nice to have around). This investigation, but not audio, also introduces Brad, a veteran investigator of many years.

    We are sorry, as much as we would love to use real names and locations, the owner has asked we not use the business's actual details. Out of respect for the owner's wishes, we do not reveal the true name or location of this place.

    Join us as we discuss our findings and experiences during our time here! Iakona will NOT be joining us for this episode because he decided attending a work conference out of state was more important.

    WARNING - As usual, this episode may (and will) contain adult content, adult language, references to adult material and alcohol and various morbid topics as well as references to cultural beliefs and practices which may not be currently socially acceptable nor reflect our own opinions.

    If you have any personal experiences we would love to hear them and possibly read them on air! Send them to stories@hauntedorigins.com

    P.S. If the owner decides to take our advice and advertise as a haunted business in the future... YOU HEARD IT HERE FIRST!

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    Jul 2 2024

    Join Iakona, Jenny, and Frank as we continue our discussion of the Crescent Hotel. On this episode we discuss each individual room we visited and our own impressions and experiences. Also, find out about the surprise deaths previously unknown at the Crescent which may explain some previously confusing Spiritbox messages!

    We also want to express a big thank you to our new paid subscribers, Jesse, Janet, Tiffany, and Jennifer! Thank you so much for helping us make this podcast a reality!

    If you have a personal paranormal experience, we would love to hear about it at stories@hauntedorigins.com. If you want it read live just let us know!

    As always, WARNING this podcast may contain references to adult humor, adult situations, alcohol, material of a morbid nature, adult language, references to violence, and references to beliefs from differing time periods which may not (and probably do not) reflect our own. Also it may have a myriad of other offensive material or references and may not be suitable for all audiences.

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    Jun 21 2024

    Greetings Investigators! Take the next hour and get to know a little about your hosts, Jenn, Frank, and Iakona. Listen to all of the unapologetic silliness along with stories of some of what started our interest in the paranormal.

    There may be some confusion among the audiences as you hear Jason and Iakona interchangeably, no, the hosts haven't changed already! It's the same name, just different versions.

    Anyway, sit back, join us in having a drink... unless you're driving.... that's bad, and learn a bit about us.

    As always WARNING, the material in this episode may not be suitable for all audiences as.... who knows what it will contain, but almost certainly adult humor, adult language, references to morbid and or violent topics, references to alcohol, and potentially outdated societal views (not necessarily our own).

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  • Crescent Hotel - Part One
    Jun 18 2024

    Welcome to the first episode of the Paranormal Patrol Podcast where your hosts, Frank, Jenny, and Iakona discuss their (mis) adventures at the Crescent Hotel in Eureka Springs Arkansas. There for the weekend long event, we had full access to all of the most reportedly haunted rooms within this magnificent structure.

    Join us as we learn paranormal investigation techniques from veteran investigators and as we demonstrate how NOT to conduct an investigation... spoiler alert, laughs, big experiences, and huge let downs ahead.

    WARNING - This episode will contain adult language, descriptions of a morbid nature, adult situations, and discussions about alcohol. The content may not be suitable for all audiences.

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  • Another EVP response?
    Mar 12 2024

    High quality headphones always recommended for listening. In this recording, there were four people in the room, spread out in a circle. This door on this particular room was reported by the tenant to randomly open and close throughout the night and was also the same room Nancy, our guest investigator, had noticed the lights shut off in later in the evening! We had tried a Spiritbox, REM Pod, and cat (crystal) balls with no luck.

    You will hear Iakona, our host from Hawaii, make a comment about perhaps the spirits not being comfortable with his presence because of his race, then listen for a sound / response during his comment. The Crescent Hotel has a guest believed to interact specifically with females, perhaps spirits of certain periods can hold on to past misgivings.

    Again, this may or may not be evidence, we all have to make up our own minds based on our perceptions, and thresholds for belief, but as mentioned previously, ask yourselves "is the timing of the noise indicative of an intelligent response?" "could it have been anything else?" There was a Spiritbox which had been running on and off during our time in the room, certainly someone could have turned it back on and we may not have ever noticed. Also note the conversation, it continued despite there being a noise indicating potentially no one heard it, I certainly did not.

    Did you hear something? What do you think you heard? Offer your thoughts and comments below!

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  • An EVP answer?
    Mar 12 2024

    As always, good quality headphones are recommended to review audio. This possible EVP was captured by Iakona using a digital audio recorder. When this was recorded, Iakona was alone in a room, separated from everyone else by several walls. You will hear a question, and then some shuffling noise as the digital recorder is swapped for an EMF reader, followed by the repeat of the question.

    The EMF reader is on silent and not reading any particular field changes. There was no external noise pollution at the time of the recording. This was NOT heard at the time of the recording. The name "James," is associated with this place as he was a former owner. In 1870, he and his daughter were responsible for the building of this B&B. Also as a tidbit, I had asked a friend and sensitive to swing by sometime in the days prior to the investigation beginning and shared no information with her about the place. She walked around the property and reported two things, the name "Jim," or "James," seemed to be repeated and there was an energy in the backyard...more on the backyard in a later post and definitely listen to the podcast release to hear more about it.

    While, if this is an actual EVP, it would be regarded as a lower class due to the clarity issue, the question you should ask yourself is less "what was said," (though that is important) and more, was the timing of those noises indicative of an intelligent, conversation like, response? Did they sound like the same reply? If the answer is yes, then it may be evidence. While we all would love to hear the prefect evidence of a clean, crisp response, we may have to settle for "is it a response?"

    What we did learn from this is some gear, like this particular digital recorder, is so sensitive to movement, it would have been better evidence if it had been laying stationary with Iakona asking questions nearby. At the very least, do not move the recorder while actively conducting an EVP session.

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  • Ghost Bait... It's a job too
    Mar 12 2024

    Sometimes patience and equipment just does not pay off when attempting to entice interactions with spirits... That is where the Ghost Bait comes in, that sacrificial, "go spend sometime in a room by yourself while we watch," person is needed.

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  • "We know what we're doing." - Frank
    Mar 12 2024

    Sitting in a darkened area where a sudden and unexpected death was known to have occurred, a REM pod has already been activated several times. Now a Spiritbox, flanked by LED "cat balls," runs through its various channels filling the air with white noise and other blurbs of speech while investigators call out to any spirits nearby. The investigators pause between questions, listening to the Spiritbox hoping to hear a response, hoping the REM pod or cat balls lights up, the tension building with each question asked, but no further interaction has occurred, the car balls remain untouched and unlit, the REM pod remains silent after a few activations.

    Whether you believe in the idea of a Spiritbox being able to relay messages from those departed or give credence to other associated investigatory aids such at the popular "cat balls," it is hard to deny the effect they can add during an investigation session. That extra tension or mystique that builds energy and excitement as investigators wait for interactions...

    That is until you discover no one bothered to turn things on! Yes, it happened again! Perfectly usable equipment carefully placed down in a location where some sort of activity had occurred but not turned on! Thank you to our guest investigator Nancy for making that discovery!!!!

    Unlike the Crescent where yours truly failed to turn on a video camera during a visual event, this simply involved extra gear that would have only supported what occurred. And no, there is no clear culprit on this one, several of us placed them down and there is no telling who did what.

    On that note, has anyone else noticed that more time is spent tripping over those damned cat balls than needed? Then trying to find where they rolled off to on uneven flooring in the dark after you've kicked them! Madness!

    - Iakona

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