
  • The Thirteen Crystal Skulls
    Jul 27 2024

    From the moment Europeans first set foot on what they would eventually call the Americas, their plundering was insatiable. Latin America and its riches crossed the Atlantic to enrich a few powerful people : land, ressources, forests, animals and humans were either exploited on the spot or brought back to Europe. By the 19th century, pre-Columbian art too had become very popular among European art collectors and museums . All the more so when it carried mysterious legends from ancient times...

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    14 m
  • The Bermuda Triangle
    Jul 24 2024

    It is said that European ships disappeared in the Sargasso Sea as early as the 16th century... Even Christopher Columbus's caravels encountered difficulties there. Its paradise islands did not have a good reputation among the first Europeans who attempted the American adventure. They named Bermuda the Devil's Island...

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    13 m
  • The Beast of Gévaudan
    Jul 20 2024

    The Gévaudan district in Languedoc, in the south of France, is a region of ancient mountains covered in forest. In the second half of the XVIIIth century, it was a place to breed cattle. Life was hard and the people were poor, if not say miserable. It is the children who guarded the herds. They prevented them from straying and being eaten by wolves. On these mountains, wolves were part of everyday life. Frightening, sure, but the villagers knew how to defend themselves against these predators who fear men, as much as they're feared by them...

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    20 m
  • The Cecil Hotel
    Jul 17 2024

    On the morning of February 19th, 2013, at 640 Main Street in Los Angeles, several guests at the Cecil Hotel complain about the awful taste of the water coming out of the faucets. A maintenance employee, sent immediately to the bathrooms, can only confirm : you wouldn't dip the tiniest toe in that murky water. He climbs to the roof to check the tanks and discovers a young woman in one of them, lifeless. Naked, she floats on the surface while her clothes have sunk to the bottom of the tank...

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    10 m
  • The Curse on Pont-Saint-Esprit
    Jul 13 2024

    The summer of 1951 began in a promising way : in the aftermath of the Second World War, France was slowly recovering, rebuilding its cities and reviving agricultural production to solve the food shortage, all with a smile on their faces, convinced that the worst was in the rearview mirror. In the small town of Pont-Saint-Esprit in Southern France, preparations are underway for the feast of the Assumption of Mary : long tables are laid, dishes are prepared and hunger is to be generally satisfied at least for one evening. One forgets to watch out for the evil that lurks in the sleepy countryside and that is about to strike...

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    12 m
  • The Ghost of Castle Veauce
    Jul 10 2024

    During the 16th century, a strange legend is born in the castle of Veauce, in the Auvergne region of France. One day, the local lord does one of his vassals a favor by hiring his 13 year old daughter as a maid. As the years go by, Lucie - that's the girl's name - grows up and becomes so beautiful that the lord falls under her spell, despite the fact that his wife is known to be extremely jealous. But he has no time to quarrel with Madame : his duties dictate he go to war with his neighboring rival...

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    14 m
  • Robert the Doll
    Jul 6 2024

    On the eve of his inauguration as 43rd President of the United States, George W. Bush sends a letter to a certain Robert. He presents him his best wishes for the end of year celebrations, and thanks him in advance for not bringing bad luck to his term of office, or to the whole country he has to lead. The letter is sent to Key West, Florida, to the mailbox of the Fort East Martello Museum. There, the envelope joins a thousand others on the wall of a glass cage in the heart of one of the main rooms. Inside is a doll, sitting on a small wooden chair: three apples high, a stuffed puppy on its lap, its head dressed in a white cap and its straw body in a rag. Two black beads instead of eyes, hollowed out in the middle of a smooth and cold face, pierce you with her gaze if you dare to touch them. It is important to know that this doll, named Robert, has a dark past: it's an old story, which inspired the Chucky doll from the movies, and has been making the United States tremble for decades, even in the Oval Office of the White House...

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    12 m
  • Rasputin
    Jul 3 2024

    On a starry night in January 1869, a meteor flies over a small village in the Siberian countryside. According to legend, its passage would herald the birth of an exceptional being. Shortly after, Grigori Efimovitch Rasputin comes into the world. To say that this little man and his fiery gaze are exceptional is an understatement. His contemporaries would see in him a healer, a prophet, a charlatan, a pilgrim guided by faith, a beggar wallowing in debauchery, an emissary of God or of the Devil... Whatever people may think, the story of this peasant's son, who would come to whisper in the ear of the Tsar himself, is already a miracle.

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    13 m