
  • PTB 435: Mistakes leaders make when delegating
    Jul 24 2024

    I enjoy going out for a good night of dancing. It can be intimidating though at times. More than likely there are people out there doing it "better" than you, perhaps you are in a place that is less familiar, or the music is not what you are used to, then there is the X factor of those around you. So many things going on at once! Leadership can be a complicated dance at times as well. What to delegate? When to step in? How do you make sure that you are not stepping on the other person's toes? When do you lead and when do you let the other person take the lead? Today we'll look at four ways that help you be effective in navigating those leadership moments.

    Check out our website for additional written resources!

    Join Zack Hudson as he helps you grow your leadership skills weekly. Passing the Baton podcast is hosted by Neha Shingane & Mike Floyd.

    Más Menos
    24 m
  • PTB 434: The 360 Leader Series - Leading Up
    Jul 17 2024

    The middle leaders are perhaps the most important part of an organization. They both serve and lead and without these leaders, the ability to get things done becomes hazy at best. As you lead down to your team or customers and across to your peers, it's important to lead up to your leaders as well. That concept may seem a little odd in your organization, but whether they realize it or not, they need you to leverage your full circle of leadership to impact the organization.

    Today we talk through tips and strategies as you lead and influence your leader.

    Check out our website for additional written resources!

    Join Zack Hudson as he helps you grow your leadership skills weekly. Passing the Baton podcast is hosted by Neha Shingane & Mike Floyd.

    Más Menos
    30 m
  • PTB 433: The 360 Leader Series - Leading Across
    Jul 10 2024

    We continue our 360 leader series with leading across by looking at how you can influence your peers and other working teams.

    Check out our website for additional written resources!

    Join Zack Hudson as he helps you grow your leadership skills weekly. Passing the Baton podcast is hosted by Neha Shingane & Mike Floyd.

    Más Menos
    19 m
  • PTB 432: The 360 Leader Series - Leading Down
    Jul 3 2024

    We begin our three part 360 Leader with a look at Leading Down. Today we take a slightly different look at it by discussing the down and adjacent meaning your peer's direct reports.

    Check out our website for additional written resources!

    Join Zack Hudson as he helps you grow your leadership skills weekly. Passing the Baton podcast is hosted by Neha Shingane & Mike Floyd.

    Más Menos
    29 m
  • PTB 431: Addressing new leadership in a clean-up situation
    Jun 26 2024

    Today we spend the whole show on just one question! We unpack each sub question on how to successfully jump into a new role where a clean-up is required, constraints put on the role and feeling overwhelmed.

    Check out our website for additional written resources!

    Join Zack Hudson as he helps you grow your leadership skills weekly. Passing the Baton podcast is hosted by Neha Shingane & Mike Floyd.

    Más Menos
    26 m
  • PTB 430: Addressing Toxic Positivity
    Jun 19 2024

    "I think that they are too positive." That was the start of a coaching session a leader once had with me when we were discussing one of their employees. It can be a weird and confusing feeling to realize that you are interacting with someone with toxic positivity..... Today we'll help you navigate how to address toxic positivity when you encounter it.

    Check out our website for additional written resources!

    Join Zack Hudson as he helps you grow your leadership skills weekly. Passing the Baton podcast is hosted by Neha Shingane & Mike Floyd.

    Más Menos
    22 m
  • PTB 429: The benefits of pausing before a response
    Jun 12 2024

    "I want it right now" is the expectation that has become ingrained in our desires in all parts of our lives - from that order that you placed online today, to health goals, and expectations in your business. Today we unpack the benefits of putting a pause, from small to big, in your responses to others.

    Check out our website for additional written resources!

    Join Zack Hudson as he helps you grow your leadership skills weekly. Passing the Baton podcast is hosted by Neha Shingane & Mike Floyd.

    Más Menos
    23 m
  • PTB 428: Manage your energy
    Jun 5 2024

    It can be difficult to balance the ever-changing starting balance of your energy as well as all the surprises that pop up through the day that further impact your energy. Today we'll look at sugar, containers, and spoons to help you understand your energy and how to manage it.

    Check out our website for additional written resources!

    Join Zack Hudson as he helps you grow your leadership skills weekly. Passing the Baton podcast is hosted by Neha Shingane & Mike Floyd.

    Más Menos
    23 m