
  • Lessons Learned as Lawyers Support Wildfire Victims - PIMM89 Podcast
    Mar 13 2025
    Attorney Brittnie Panetta joins us today to discuss wildfire lawsuits. Brittnie works with the Matthews and Associates law firm, which has handled many wildfire lawsuits in California and Hawaii. This episode covers the current status of the Eaton Wildfire (as of March 2025), why there is likely a good case against Socal Edison, how the Eaton Fire compares to other fires, legal concerns fire victims fast, lawsuits filed to date, possible evidence, how long these types of cases take, and much more. Visit Brittnie online here: https://www.dmlawfirm.com/attorneys/brittnie-panetta/. See all episodes or subscribe to the Personal Injury Marketing Minute here: https://optimizemyfirm.com/podcasts/. Transcript coming soon.
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    18 m
  • Effective Mentorship with Gary Miles - Personal Injury Marketing Minute 88
    Mar 12 2025
    Seasoned Trial Attorney Gary Miles mentors attorneys and entrepreneurs. He joins us for Personal Injury Marketing Minute #88 to discuss how he helps them obtain health and wealth. In this episode, we'll cover the importance of mentorship, challenges for young lawyers, effective mentorship strategies, advice for listeners and more. Check out "The Free Lawyer" Podcast and visit Gary here: https://www.garymiles.net/. See all episodes or subscribe to the Personal Injury Marketing Minute here: https://optimizemyfirm.com/podcasts/. Transcript coming soon.
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    24 m
  • How Centre College Prepares Students for Careers in Law - PIMM87 Podcast
    Mar 10 2025
    Distinguished Centre College alumni who work in law discuss how Centre College in Danville, Kentucky helped prepare them for their career. Guests include Andrew Mize, Barrett Freeman, Ashley Eklund and Zach Shewmaker. In this podcast, the guests (and host) will discuss why they chose Centre, how they ended up becoming attorneys, what their major was, hurdles, how Centre could improve, and advice for incoming students interested in a legal career. See all episodes or subscribe to the Personal Injury Marketing Minute here: https://optimizemyfirm.com/podcasts/. Transcript coming soon.
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    55 m
  • The Business of Law with Mike Bonamarte - PIMM86 Podcast
    Mar 5 2025
    Michael Bonamarte, IV is the Managing Partner at Levin & Perconti. In this podcast, Mike will discuss how the law firm has grown over the last 20 years to become a major law firm in Chicago. Mike joined as a Law Clerk and worked his way up to Managing Partner. He goes over how the firm has grown over the last couple decades - including branding, intake, marketing, growth, AI and more. Visit Michael Bonamarte, IV here: https://www.levinperconti.com/attorneys/michael-f-bonamarte-iv/. See all episodes or subscribe to the Personal Injury Marketing Minute here: https://optimizemyfirm.com/podcasts/. Transcript coming soon.
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    44 m
  • Podcast: Peanut The Squirrel's Attorney on Government Overreach - PIMM85
    Jan 29 2025
    Mark Longo and Daniela Bittner, owners of beloved social media stars Peanut the squirrel and Fred the Raccoon, are suing New York State over their seizure and killing by authorities. Their attorney, Nora Constance Marino, joins the podcast today to tell us more about this case. In this podcast, Nora provides some background on what allegedly happened, possible missteps in how New York State and the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation handled the issue, how the matter could've been easily resolved, where the case is now, and goals moving forward. Visit Nora online here: https://marinojustice.com/. Visit the Legal Action Network for Animals here: https://lanalawgroup.org/. Visit P'Nuts Freedom Farm here: https://www.pnutsfreedomfarm.com/. See all episodes or subscribe to the Personal Injury Marketing Minute here: https://optimizemyfirm.com/podcasts/. Transcript: Intro: Lindsey: Welcome to the Personal Injury Marketing Minute, where we quickly cover the hot topics in the legal marketing world. I'm your host, Lindsey Busfield. While many personal injury lawyers exclusively represent car accidents and slip-and-fall cases, there is room in sub-practices to take on cases that stray from the traditional, advocating for justice beyond personal injury. Nora Marino has been actively working on a case that has taken social media by storm, the case of Peanut the squirrel. Marino joins us today to give us an update on the case and the constitutional issues surrounding it. Thank you so much for joining us today. Nora: Hi, my pleasure. Thank you. What happened to P'nut & Fred: Lindsey: So for listeners who haven't been closely following the Peanut case, can you give us some background and context on what happened? Nora: Sure. So my client, Mark Longo, and his wife, Daniella Bittner, originally it was Mark had rescued a squirrel when he was just a baby, literally a couple of inches long. His mother had been hit by a car in front of my client, and he rescued the baby, who would've clearly died had Mark not been there. And Mark ended up raising this squirrel, tried to release him, Peanut, and Peanut just did not do well out in the wild and wanted to be in the house. So Mark did what any compassionate person would do, I would hope, and provided shelter, food and a home for this animal. Him and his wife then actually opened up a sanctuary, where they now have 300 animals that are rescued animals that they are caring for, and they had a raccoon who had been delivered to them, a raccoon in need, an injured raccoon who they were caring for, and apparently the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation got word of Peanut the squirrel and Fred the raccoon. Peanut actually was a social media sensation, so that's not surprising. But instead of handling this in a way that would've been reasonable, in my opinion, they handled it in a way that was very unreasonable. Technically, there are issues and questions about whether or not people can maintain, quote, "wild animals" in their residences and homes. We are really dissecting the law on that issue, when I say we, I mean my office, as to what constitutes a wild animal, what constitutes a companion animal. The law is always subject to interpretation, as we all know, how one person may read a statute, another person may read that statute differently, so there are going to be questions about that. But regardless of how the DEC interpreted those laws pertaining to wild animals versus companion animals, they went in and got a warrant to search Mark and Danielle's property, which they did, and in my opinion, it was a very unreasonable search. It was five hours. We don't know what information was provided to the judge who signed off on the warrant. We have made freedom of information requests to get that information, which so far have not been responded to. I'm assuming I'll get that information in discovery down the road,
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    Menos de 1 minuto
  • Investing in your Employees - Personal Injury Marketing Minute 84
    Jan 13 2025
    Courtney Walton, a legal assistant at The Lanier Law Firm, joins Personal Injury Marketing Minute #84 to share her story on the exciting journey to law school, and how her employer inspired her and assisted her. Courtney covers how she began working at the firm, what inspired her, how she is supported, challenges, how her growth aligns with the firm's goals, how her position might evolve, and advice for other law firms considering investing in their employees' professional development. Visit Courtney Walton here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/courtney-walton-7a8599196. Visit the The Lanier Law Firm here: https://www.lanierlawfirm.com/. See all episodes or subscribe to the Personal Injury Marketing Minute here: https://optimizemyfirm.com/podcasts/. Transcript coming soon.
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    34 m
  • Marketing in Rural Areas - Personal Injury Marketing Minute 83
    Dec 30 2024
    Attorney Barret Freeman of Freeman Childers in Corbin Kentucky joins us today to discuss their approach to marketing in rural areas. We'll discuss unique challenges of advertising in a rural town, the close-knit nature of rural communities, common marketing misconception, marketing channelsand measuring success. Visit Barret Freeman online here: https://www.freemanandchilders.com/barrett-freeman. See all episodes or subscribe to the Personal Injury Marketing Minute here: https://optimizemyfirm.com/podcasts/. Transcript coming soon.
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    30 m
  • Podcast: Creating Equitable Pay Structures for Attorneys - PIMM82
    Dec 2 2024
    Brenda Barnes and Camille Stell, authors of “RESPECT - an Insight to Attorney Compensation Plans”, join us today for Personal Injury Marketing Minute #82 to discuss how to create a fair compensation plan for your law firm. In this podcast, we'll cover challenges creating pay structures for attorneys, components of an attorney’s pay, transparency, compensation, evaluation, motivation, negotiation, and other tips for attorneys who are trying to create an equitable pay structure. Get “RESPECT - an Insight to Attorney Compensation Plans” here: https://www.lawyersmutualconsulting.com/books/respect-an-insight-to-attorney-compensation-plans/. See all episodes or subscribe to the Personal Injury Marketing Minute here: https://optimizemyfirm.com/podcasts/. Transcript coming soon.
    Más Menos
    43 m