
  • Perspective 1.9.24 - can the Isle of Man help to bring hope and opportunity to small countries …. and should it?
    Sep 1 2024

    Fear of mass immigration has fuelled unrest and political change across Europe and the solution usually offered is bigger walls or stronger borders. Less attention seems to be paid to what is driving this mass migration and what might encourage migrants to stay in their home countries. Former Chief Constable, Gary Roberts, has taken up a new role as Executive Director of the Small Countries Financial Management Centre and he talks to Perspective about how his Centre is empowering people to bring opportunity to their small countries. A message of hope in this troubled world?

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  • Perspective 25.8.24 - is Government doing enough to solve the Island's housing woes?
    Aug 25 2024

    Three years ago Keys candidates were expressing concern and committing to resolving what was popularly believed to be a housing crisis. Government’s flagship solution to the lack of funds to deliver high quality comprehensive public services is to grow the economically active part of the population so generating more tax income. To do that we need more houses for this wave of new residents to live in but three years in to this House of Keys’ term of office has much actually changed? If only every report, investigation, recommendation and strategy was a new house .... !

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  • Perspective 18.08.24 - Former MHK Chris Robertshaw's views on the current political scene
    Aug 19 2024

    Former Douglas East MHK Chris Robertshaw has been called a lot of things over his time in business and politics but ’shrinking violet’ was never one of them. Chris has lots to say about the current state of Manx politics and the biggest challenge is how we’ll fit it all in on this week’s Perspective. How many of Chris’s catch phrases will we get? I expect “Smaller smarter government”, “single legal entity” and the old favourite “silo mentality” are all likely to make an appearance, but will any of this find receptive ears in Tynwald?

    Regardless, expect a political blast from the former Minister.

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  • Perspective 11.8.24 - Ørsted explains the Mooir Vannin wind farm project.
    Aug 11 2024

    Ørsted want to build a 1.4 gigawatt wind farm six nautical miles off the north east coast of the Isle of Man. Up to 100 turbines are proposed and these could be as high as 389 metres above low tides. So what’s in it for us? Sea bed rental income, tax on the energy production, a community fund and potentially cheaper electricity are all mentioned but will all this be delivered? And what about the environment? Does the potential benefit in developing green energy outweigh the inevitable damage to marine habitats and views from the shore? Yes it’s Gawne with the Wind on this week’s show!

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  • Perspective 4.8.24 - some July Tynwald housing highlights
    Aug 4 2024

    July Tynwald saw several debates about housing and development with reassurances given about “lots of work going on behind the scenes”. An entertaining exchange saw the Housing Minister attempting to woo Jason Moorhouse but he was playing hard to get. We also hear from the Home Affairs Minister about the cost of the new sexual assault referral centre and emergency planning. Can our elected members really achieve more by asking an occasional question or moving a Tynwald motion than they could by getting there sleeves rolled up at the decision making coal face of a department? I mean …… Really?

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  • Perspective 28.7.24 - is Manx agricultural in terminal decline or is there hope for the Manx food sector?
    Jul 28 2024

    Despite food prices having been higher in recent years Manx agriculture continues to face significant challenges. Closures of Ramsey Bakery and Shoprite have impacted on Manx food sales in the Isle of Man, the meat plant continues to face significant problems and recently the Department of Infrastructure has imposed huge increases in charges to remove fallen stock from Manx farms. On Perspective we take a trip to the Southern Agricultural Show to talk to the Manx National Farmers Union and the Department of Food and Agriculture about the current state of Manx farming and the prospects for the future.

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  • Perspective 21.7.24 - we’re three years in to the Cannan administration but has much changed? The Chief Minister is very upbeat about the progress his government is making.
    Jul 21 2024

    Perspective 21.7.24 - we’re three years in to the Cannan administration but has much changed? The Chief Minister is very upbeat about the progress his government is making.

    We’re pretty much three years in to the Cannan administration but has much changed. There certainly seem to be a few glimmers of progress but is the change that was promised being felt yet by the people? The Chief Minister is very upbeat about the progress his government is making and you can find out why on this episode of Perspective. We’ll also consider the impact the new UK Labour government will have on Manx prospects and reflect on the Covid report and government’s response to it. While Alf Cannan is not exactly talking jam tomorrow it’s fair to say the jam today is barely enough to cover a slice of toast.

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  • Perspective 14.7.24 - Energy and Sustainability Director’s Adrian Cowin and Ralph Peake challenge the views of controversial climate commentator Paul Burgess.
    Jul 14 2024

    Controversial climate scientist Paul Burgess has made several claims based on his interpretation of climate science which conflict significantly from the general consensus reached by climate scientists who say we need to act swiftly if we are to avoid our climate becoming so extreme that we will be unable to live in it. Mr Burgess refutes this consensus but on Perspective this week Adrian Cowin and Ralph Peake challenge Mr Burgess’s position. Are we all about to bake in a hotter climate? Can renewables reduce our energy bills? Lots of questions but who do you believe?

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