
  • 1014: Easiest-Ever Ways to Have a Beautiful, Wildlife-Friendly Yard by PETA.org
    Mar 13 2025

    Easiest-Ever Ways to Have a Beautiful, Wildlife-Friendly Yard

    You can do loads of easy things to make your yard not only look great but also encourage some pretty visitors—such as birds, butterflies, bees, geckos, squirrels, and rabbits—to drop by. Here are our top low-maintenance ways to get an attractive yard that’s also a welcoming wildlife habitat.

    Listen to today’s episode from PETA.org @official.peta

    #vegan #plantbased #plantbasedbriefing #gardening #wildlifefriendlyyard


    Original post: https://www.peta.org/living/humane-home/yard-wildlife-habitat/

    Please email other tips you may have for natural, wildlife-friendly plants and yards. My email is Marian@PlantBasedBriefing.com



    395: Does PETA Kill Animals? And Other Questions About PETA’s Shelter Answered. By Katherine Sullivan PETA.org https://plantbasedbriefing.libsyn.com/395-does-peta-kill-animals-and-other-questions-about-petas-shelter-answered-by-katherine-sullivan-petaorg


    People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) was founded in 1980, is the largest animal rights organization in the world, and PETA entities have more than 9 million members and supporters globally.

    PETA believes that animals have rights and deserve to have their best interests taken into consideration, regardless of whether they are useful to humans. Like you, they are capable of suffering and have an interest in leading their own lives.



    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@plantbasedbriefing

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2GONW0q2EDJMzqhuwuxdCF?si=2a20c247461d4ad7

    Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/plant-based-briefing/id1562925866

    Your podcast app of choice: https://pod.link/1562925866

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PlantBasedBriefing

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/plant-based-briefing/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/plantbasedbriefing/

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    7 m
  • 1013: Keep Animals Safe With These Natural, Harmless Alternatives to Pesticides by PETA.org
    Mar 12 2025

    Keep Animals Safe With These Natural, Harmless Alternatives to Pesticides

    Pesticide-free gardening is great for the insects and mammals who call your yard their home, and it’s healthier for you, too. These pesticide-free tips will help keep your garden safe from the following animals. Listen to today’ episode from PETA.org @official.peta

    #vegan #plantbased #plantbasedbriefing #organic #pesticidefree #pesticidealternatives


    Original post: https://www.peta.org/living/humane-home/natural-harmless-alternatives-garden-pesticides/

    Related Episodes:

    445: Does Backyard Beekeeping Help Bees? https://plantbasedbriefing.libsyn.com/445-does-backyard-beekeeping-help-bees-by-petaorg



    395: Does PETA Kill Animals? And Other Questions About PETA’s Shelter Answered. By Katherine Sullivan PETA.org https://plantbasedbriefing.libsyn.com/395-does-peta-kill-animals-and-other-questions-about-petas-shelter-answered-by-katherine-sullivan-petaorg


    People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) was founded in 1980, is the largest animal rights organization in the world, and PETA entities have more than 9 million members and supporters globally.

    PETA believes that animals have rights and deserve to have their best interests taken into consideration, regardless of whether they are useful to humans. Like you, they are capable of suffering and have an interest in leading their own lives.



    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@plantbasedbriefing

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2GONW0q2EDJMzqhuwuxdCF?si=2a20c247461d4ad7

    Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/plant-based-briefing/id1562925866

    Your podcast app of choice: https://pod.link/1562925866

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PlantBasedBriefing

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/plant-based-briefing/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/plantbasedbriefing/

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    6 m
  • 1012: Apologies from the Whole Food Plant-Based Fringe Radicals by Maureen Tierson at MainStreetVegan.com
    Mar 11 2025

    Apologies from the Whole Food Plant-Based Fringe Radicals

    “On behalf of all radical Whole Food Plant Basers, I apologize. We are guilty of being preachy, self-righteous and overbearing in our quest to share our passion about our freaky fringe vegan diet. No oil?! That’s right, no oil!” Listen to today’s episode written by Maureen Tierson at MainStreetVegan.com

    #vegan #plantbased #plantbasedbriefing #wfpb #oilfree


    Original post: https://mainstreetvegan.com/apologies-from-the-whole-food-plant-based-fringe-radicals-by-maureen-tierson-vlce/

    Related Episodes:

    324: 3 Ethical Reasons to Eat a Whole Foods Plant Based Diet for Health https://plantbasedbriefing.libsyn.com/324-3-ethical-reasons-to-eat-a-whole-foods-plant-based-diet-for-heatlh-by-brigitte-gemme-at-veganfamilykitchencom


    Main Street Vegan Academy is the premier training & certification program for Vegan coaches. Their mission is to encourage the adoption and maintenance of a positive vegan lifestyle and a health-promoting diet, geared to the needs and preferences of the individual, for the purpose of creating a just world for all beings and protecting this planet. Founder Victoria Moran went vegan in 1983; overcame a binge-eating disorder; in 1985 wrote Compassion the Ultimate Ethic, the first book about Vegan philosophy and practice to come from an actual publisher; raised a Vegan daughter; wrote 12 additional books and has another on the way; and appeared twice on Oprah. Learn more at https://MainStreetVegan.com



    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@plantbasedbriefing

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2GONW0q2EDJMzqhuwuxdCF?si=2a20c247461d4ad7

    Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/plant-based-briefing/id1562925866

    Your podcast app of choice: https://pod.link/1562925866

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PlantBasedBriefing

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/plant-based-briefing/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/plantbasedbriefing/

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    5 m
  • 1011: Mirepoix 101: The Flavor-Boosting Trio Every Cook Should Know by Mary Margaret Chappell at ForksOverKnives.com
    Mar 10 2025

    Mirepoix 101: The Flavor-Boosting Trio Every Cook Should Know

    Mirepoix is an especially good thing to know about and use in a whole-food, plant-based kitchen because it adds depth and complexity to recipes and magnifies flavors without animal products, oil, or salt.

    Listen to today’s episode written by Mary Margaret Chappell at ForksOverKnives.com

    #vegan #plantbased #plantbasedbriefing #wfpb #mirepoix


    Original post: https://www.forksoverknives.com/how-tos/mirepoix-101-the-flavor-boosting-trio-every-cook-should-know


    Forks Over Knives Documentary: https://www.forksoverknives.com/the-film/


    Forks Over Knives was founded following the release of the world-famous documentary Forks Over Knives in 2011, showing people how to regain control of their health and their lives with a plant-based diet. Since then Forks Over Knives released bestselling books, launched a mobile recipe app and maintains a website filled with the latest research, success stories, recipes, and tools to help people at every phase of their plant-based journeys. They also have a cooking course, a meal planner, a line of food products, and a magazine. Please visit www.ForksOverKnives.com for a wealth of resources.


    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@plantbasedbriefing

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2GONW0q2EDJMzqhuwuxdCF?si=2a20c247461d4ad7

    Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/plant-based-briefing/id1562925866

    Your podcast app of choice: https://pod.link/1562925866

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PlantBasedBriefing

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/plant-based-briefing/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/plantbasedbriefing/

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    6 m
  • 1010: 7 Excuses People Give for Using Animals That Feel Straight Out of the 1950s by Fabiana González at VeganFTA.com
    Mar 7 2025

    7 Excuses People Give for Using Animals That Feel Straight Out of the 1950s

    In a world that’s increasingly embracing compassion and sustainability, the reasons some people still give for exploiting animals can feel like they’ve been plucked from a bygone era. These arguments, often outdated and rooted in misconceptions, serve as a reminder of how far we’ve come -but also how far we still have to go.

    Listen to today’s episode for 7 excuses that sound like they belong in the 1950s. Written by Fabiana González at VeganFTA.com

    #vegan #plantbased #plantbasedbriefing #veganexcuses


    Original Post: https://veganfta.com/2024/11/08/the-killing-of-surplus-animals-in-the-zoo-industry/

    Related Episodes

    42: [Part 1] Don't Plants Have Feelings Too? Responding Effectively to 13 Frequently Asked Questions https://plantbasedbriefing.libsyn.com/42-dont-plants-have-feelings-too-responding-effectively-to-13-frequently-asked-questions-about-food-fiber-farm-animals-and-the-ethics-of-diet-by-karen-davis-of-united-poultry-concerns-at-upc-onlineorg

    43: [Part 2] Don't Plants Have Feelings Too? https://plantbasedbriefing.libsyn.com/part-2-dont-plants-have-feelings-too

    319: Lose Two Pounds in One Sitting: Taking the Mioscenic Route https://plantbasedbriefing.libsyn.com/319-lose-two-pounds-in-one-sitting-taking-the-mioscenic-route-by-dr-michael-greger-at-nutritionfactsorg


    VeganFTA is a small team of vegan activists supporting all forms of activism. They create videos highlighting the work of activists and animal rescuers. They write and publish articles on all aspects of veganism, and they share articles, videos, and images from other creators.



    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@plantbasedbriefing

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2GONW0q2EDJMzqhuwuxdCF?si=2a20c247461d4ad7

    Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/plant-based-briefing/id1562925866

    Your podcast app of choice: https://pod.link/1562925866

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PlantBasedBriefing

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/plant-based-briefing/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/plantbasedbriefing/

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    7 m
  • 1009: [Part 2] Sprouts: The Ultimate, Home-Grown, Nutrient-Packed Food by Ocean Robbins at FoodRevolution.org
    Mar 6 2025

    [Part 2] Sprouts: The Ultimate, Home-Grown, Nutrient-Packed Food

    In the second half of this episode learn about sprouts safety, how to grow and store them, and how to include them in your diet.

    Part 1 of 2. By Ocean Robbins at FoodRevolution.org

    #vegan #plantbased #plantbasedbriefing #wfpb #sprouts


    Original post: https://foodrevolution.org/blog/sprouts/

    Related Episodes:

    537: From Seed to Sprout: A Beginner’s Guide to Sprouting https://plantbasedbriefing.libsyn.com/537-from-seed-to-sprout-a-beginners-guide-to-sprouting-by-louise-cohen-silver-at-mainstreetvegancom


    Ocean Robbins is CEO Food Revolution Network a non-profit organization committed to healthy, ethical, and sustainable food for all. Guided by John and Ocean Robbins, with more than 500,000 members and with the collaboration of many of the top food revolutionary leaders of our times, Food Revolution Network aims to empower individuals, build community, and transform food systems to support healthy people and a healthy planet.



    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@plantbasedbriefing

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2GONW0q2EDJMzqhuwuxdCF?si=2a20c247461d4ad7

    Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/plant-based-briefing/id1562925866

    Your podcast app of choice: https://pod.link/1562925866

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PlantBasedBriefing

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/plant-based-briefing/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/plantbasedbriefing/

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    9 m
  • 1008: [Part 1] Sprouts: The Ultimate, Home-Grown, Nutrient-Packed Food by Ocean Robbins at FoodRevolution.org
    Mar 5 2025

    [Part 1] Sprouts: The Ultimate, Home-Grown, Nutrient-Packed Food

    When it comes to growing your own food, it’s hard to find anything easier, quicker, or more nutritious than sprouts. If you’re thinking about how to optimize your immune system, balance your blood sugar levels, improve your digestion, support your heart and liver health and function, or enhance your family’s food security, then sprouts could be just the thing you’re looking for. Here’s what you need to know about the different kinds of sprouts, how to put them to use for more nutrition in your home, and how to avoid bacterial contamination.

    Part 1 of 2. By Ocean Robbins at FoodRevolution.org

    #vegan #plantbased #plantbasedbriefing #wfpb #sprouts


    Original post: https://foodrevolution.org/blog/sprouts/


    Ocean Robbins is CEO Food Revolution Network a non-profit organization committed to healthy, ethical, and sustainable food for all. Guided by John and Ocean Robbins, with more than 500,000 members and with the collaboration of many of the top food revolutionary leaders of our times, Food Revolution Network aims to empower individuals, build community, and transform food systems to support healthy people and a healthy planet.



    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@plantbasedbriefing

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2GONW0q2EDJMzqhuwuxdCF?si=2a20c247461d4ad7

    Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/plant-based-briefing/id1562925866

    Your podcast app of choice: https://pod.link/1562925866

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PlantBasedBriefing

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/plant-based-briefing/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/plantbasedbriefing/

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    9 m
  • 1007: V for Vegan: Mantra for Sustainability by Sailesh Rao at ClimateHealers.org
    Mar 4 2025

    V for Vegan: Mantra for Sustainability

    The conventional theory of change is that in order for the Vegan movement to grow, the Out Vegans must reach out to the Closeted Vegans and convince them through the health, environmental, ethical and spiritual aspects of Veganism to come out of the closet and act on their true feelings regarding the systematic and unnecessary exploitation of animals (including humans) on Planet A.n During my visit to India, my interactions with Out Vegans in India have convinced me that we may have this backwards.

    Listen to today’s episode for details, written by Sailesh Rao at ClimateHealers.org

    #vegan #plantbased #plantbasedbriefing #climatecrisis #climatechange #animalagriculture #veganmovement


    Original post: https://climatehealers.org/blog/v-for-vegan-mantra-for-sustainability/

    V-COP Registration (Free): https://climatehealers.ticketspice.com/v-cop21-vegan-convergence-of-the-peoples-21

    Vega - The Cow In The Room Video (1 min) https://vimeo.com/639434716


    Dr. Sailesh Rao is the Founder and Executive Director of Climate Healers, a non-profit dedicated towards healing the Earth’s climate. Dr. Rao is the author of two books, Carbon Dharma: The Occupation of Butterflies and Carbon Yoga: The Vegan Metamorphosis, and an Executive Producer of four documentaries, The Human Experiment (2013), Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret (2014), What The Health (2017), and A Prayer for Compassion (2019).

    Dr. Rao is a Human, Earth and Animal Liberation (HEAL) activist, husband, dad and since 2010, a star-struck grandfather. He has promised his granddaughter, Kimaya, that the world will be largely Vegan before she turns 16 in 2026, so that people will stop eating her relatives, the animals. He has faith that humanity will transform to keep his pinky promise to Kimaya, not just for ethical reasons, but also out of sheer ecological necessity.



    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@plantbasedbriefing

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2GONW0q2EDJMzqhuwuxdCF?si=2a20c247461d4ad7

    Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/plant-based-briefing/id1562925866

    Your podcast app of choice: https://pod.link/1562925866

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PlantBasedBriefing

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/plant-based-briefing/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/plantbasedbriefing/

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    8 m