
  • S1E1: Tales of a Fallen Castle
    Feb 4 2020
    The Emerald Magistrates, Soshi no Burezu and Togashi Yoshi, have been ordered to track down and kill the evil sorceress Kitsu Sokori and her servant Gaku, who have been known to conduct blasphemous magic with live captives, and who, more recently, have been implicated in a string of disappearances and murders along Rokugan’s coast.The trail of clues brought the magistrates to the house of Yasuki Keiji, a Crab Clan samurai living in Clear Water Village. There, they discovered that a woman matching Kitsu Sokori’s description had stolen a precious family heirloom from Yaskui Keiji—a centuries old map detailing the lands of the Hiruma family, and the blueprints of a fallen castle now lost to the dark powers of the Shadowlands, Daylight Castle. Keiji explained that he believes Sokori is planning to use this map to infiltrate Daylight Castle for an unknown reason. He then asked the magistrates to travel beyond the wall separating Rokugan from the Shadowlands, go to Daylight Castle, and retrieve the map. Keiji also asked the magistrates to take his nephew, Kaiu Tomo, with them on their mission as part of a coming-of-age ritual, and as an opportunity for Tomo to prove his courage to his family and honor the memory of his ancestors.Kaiu Tomo, Togashi Yoshi, and Soshi no Burezu then traveled to the Spear of the Dawn Watchtower on the Kaiu Wall—the closest entrance to The Shadowlands from Clear Water Village. There, they had an audience with Hida Hachiro, commander of the castle watchtower on the wall. After tense negotiations, Hachiro begrudgingly granted permission for the party to move beyond the wall on the condition that if the party finds any historical texts relating to Crab history or culture at Daylight Castle, these texts must be returned to him upon the party’s return. Hachiro also ordered a small retinue of samurai led by one of his most seasoned retainers, Hida Nagahide, to travel with the party in order to guide them safely through the Shadowlands.While on the wall, the party heard reports from scouts returning from the field of an oni named Atsumari—a powerful demon partially responsible for the defeat of Daylight Castle—raising an army of the dead deep in the Shadowlands.After training, studying, and living with the Crab at the watchtower for a week, the party was finally allowed passage into the Shadowlands, an escort of brave warriors at their side, and a myriad of dark rumors filling their heads… Characters and Locations/ GlossaryAshigaru- Conscripted peasants forced to serve as light infantry in times of war.Atsumari no Oni- Demon general who served in the Maw, the Shadowlands army which conquered Daylight Castle.Bayushi Tsubasa- Scorpion samurai. Personal retainer of Hida Hachiro.Bishamon- Fortune of strength.Bushi- “Warrior.” Samurai who serve their lords using martial arts.Bushido- “The way of the warrior.” The code of conduct by which all Rokugani samurai strive to live.Castle of the Emerald Champion- Emerald Champion’s seat of power. Permanent station of the Emerald Magistrates.Clear Water Village- Small community deep within Crab territory. Location of Yasuki Keiji’s estate.Daimyo- A great lord appointed to the head of a family. Answers directly to the Emperor.Daisho- A set of swords, the Katana and the Wakizashi. It is a symbol of a samurai’s status within society.Daylight Castle- (see “About Daylight Castle” in Episode 1 show notes).Emerald Champion- Commander of the Imperial Legions and enforcer of Imperial law.Emerald Magistrates- Agents of the Emerald Champion tasked with upholding Imperial law in places where local jurisdiction is uncertain.Fortune- A god.Fukurokujin- Fortune of mercy and wisdom.Fu Leng- The Dark Kami. His fall from the heavens made a bridge between Ningen-do and Jigoku, resulting in the creation of the Shadowlands.Gaku- Servant of Kitsu Sokori. Kidnapped Otomo Hiroshige. Thought to have been killed in Slow Tide Harbor.Gempukku- A coming-of-age test for young samurai. Upon its completion, the samurai will be considered an adult.Gunsō- A sergeant.Hida Hachiro- Crab samurai. Taisa of Spear of Dawn Watchtower.Hida Nagahide- Crab samurai. Gunsō of Crab ranging party.Jigoku- The realm of evil.Kaiu Wall- (see “About the Wall” in Episode 1 show notes).Kami- Elemental spirits of nature.Kansen- Malevolent spirits.Katana- A long sword about three and a half feet in length.Kitsu Sokori- Maho-Tsukai. Connected to string of crimes along Rokugan’s coast. Ordered dead by the Emerald Champion.Maho- Magic evoking dark spirits.Maho-Tsukai- Practitioners of Maho rituals.Ningen-do- The realm of mortals.Oni- Native inhabitants of Jigoku. Powerful demons with magical powers.Otomo Hiroshige- Son of an imperial noble. Rescued from Slow Tide Harbor by Emerald Magistrates.Otosan Uchi- Political capital of Rokugan. The Emperor’s formal seat of power.Oyumi- A crossbow.Rokugan- (see “About Rokugan” in Episode 1 show notes).Ronin- “Wave man” ...
    Más Menos
    1 h y 39 m
  • S1E2: Wrestling with the Shadows
    Feb 19 2020
    Yoshi, Buro, Tomo, and their Crab clan escort set off from the Spear of Dawn Watchtower into the desolate world of the Shadowlands. After departing from the wall, Hida Nagahide explained to the party that Atsumari has enlisted the aid of the Crimson Moon tribe, a mercenary tribe of the ratlike Nezumi living in the Shadowlands. After careful deliberation, the party decided to make toward the Weeping Bog. Their hopes were to cross the River of the Last Stand at a less conspicuous place that wouldn’t be watched by Atsumari’s scouts.While crossing the river, the party was attacked by a group of drowned corpses, resurrected by the malevolent powers of the Shadowlands. There were no casualties, but it was the party’s first glimpse at the horrifying magic in store for them, and an unsettling sign that tainted creatures are beginning to amass close to the Carpenter Wall.That night, the party camped on the Black Waste. It was an opportunity for Yoshi, Buro, and Tomo to build new friendships with their protectors and partake in Crab traditions beyond the wall. The next day, the party chose to take a rarely traveled high road through the Twilight Mountains—a place known for its shifting cliffs, and eerie, smoke-like peaks. On a particularly dangerous pass, one of the Crab samurai lost his footing and almost fell to the valley below, however, Togashi Yoshi saved his life with a well-placed throw of his grappling hook. While camped out in the Twilight Mountains, the party got a sight of the skulking Crimson Moon tribe traveling through the forest beneath them—a haunting reminder that the twisted forces of the Shadowlands are hunting them in their sleep.On their third day beyond the wall, the party began to hear dark whispers in their minds, as if the mountains were speaking to them telepathically. Distracted by the voices in their heads, the party veered off course into an unknown part of the mountains and away from the road leading them to Hiruma valley.Lost, confused, and tormented by the mountain’s dark whispers, one of the Crab escort, a samurai named Yasuki Hidekawa, unmasked and proclaimed that they were being lead to certain death. Renouncing Hida Nagahide’s authority and refusing his orders to carry on, Yasuki Hidekawa demanded to turn around. The punishment for insubordination beyond the wall is death, so Hida Nagahide, being left with no other choice, drew her sword, ready to cut Yasuki Hidekawa down on the spot.Character and Locations GlossaryThe Black Waste- Barren field at the base of The Twilight Mountains in the Shadowlands.Bo- Humble wooden staff, roughly six feet long.Bokken- Wooden practice sword used for sparring.Crimson Moon Tribe- Mercenary tribe of Nezumi outriders hired by Atsumari no Oni.Hiruma Takana- Crab samurai. Member of the ranging party sent to protect Yoshi, Buro, and Tomo.Hiruma Yuto- Crab samurai. Member of the ranging party sent to protect Yoshi, Buro, and Tomo.Jade- Green stone known for warding off evil spirits, oni, and the Taint of Jigoku. Vital for traveling in the Shadowlands.Kaiu Daisoto- Crab samurai. Member of the ranging party sent to protect Yoshi, Buro, and Tomo.Kuni Akari- Crab samurai. Member of the ranging party sent to protect Yoshi, Buro, and Tomo.The Nezumi- (see “About the Nezumi” in episode 2 shownotes).River of the Last Stand- River in the Shadowlands. Runs parallel to the Kaiu Wall. Site of historic battle between Shadowlands forces and the Crab clan.Setting Sun Bridge- Bridge on the River of the Last Stand. Crab clan outpost.Tetsubo- Long, narrow wooden club about the height of a person covered in metal studs or spikes.The Twilight Mountains- Mountain range in The Shadowlands. Known for driving people to madness.Unmasking- Outpouring of raw emotion. Considered highly dishonorable in Rokugani society. The Weeping Bog- Broad delta of the River of the Last Stand. Named for its dead willow trees.Yasuki Hidekawa- Crab samurai. Member of the ranging party sent to protect Yoshi, Buro, and Tomo.Additional Info (Links)About the NezumiCreditsAlbum Art by Dylan Munoz"Shadowlands Theme" by Brandon Spain"Ethereal Presence" by Brandon Spain"Camp Jam" by Brandon Spain"Elegant Fight" by Brandon Spain"Crab Wrestling Song" by Brandon Spain"Black Wastes" by Brandon Spain"Bog Rock" by Brandon Spain"Crimson Moon Tribe" by Brandon Spain"Katana" by Taira Komori @ http://taira-komori.jpn.org/freesounden.html"swamp" by dobroide @ https://freesound.org/s/16771/"flesh rip" by alvarojmarquez @ https://freesound.org/s/58611/"puking" by gerogisound @ https://freesound.org/s/469888/"train_passing_mountains" by lorenzosu @ https://freesound.org/s/65986/"howling wind" by inchadney @ https://freesound.org/s/157204/ Artwork by Dylon MunozMusic by Brandon Spain & Podcast of the Five Rings
    Más Menos
    1 h y 58 m
  • S1E3: Daylight Rising
    Mar 5 2020
    Yoshi, Buro, and Tomo ended their third day in the Shadowlands with a staredown between Yaskui Hidekawa and Hida Nagahide. Hidekawa insisted that their mission was a deathtrap and refused to move forward, prompting Nagahide to order Hidekawa to his death. In response, Hidekawa challenged Nagahide to a duel to the death, insisting that if he was to die that day, he wants to die an honorable death against a worthy opponent. After tense negotiations, and carefully weighing her options, Hida Nagahide eventually ordered Hidekawa to commit seppuku for his insolence and rejected his challenge to a duel. The next morning, the party burned his body in remembrance of the man he once was.The next day, the party discovered the Hiruma Valley, completing their trek through the Twilight Mountains—the first time in nearly four centuries for Rokugani samurai to lay eyes upon the forgotten place.While travelling toward Daylight Castle on Last Stand Plain, the party encountered an old man wandering the field. This man explained that he travels the world, studying battles and meeting new people, playing games with them from the collection of games he keeps in a large sack. He then offered a challenge to the party: if they could defeat him in a game of their choice, he would tell them a secret about Daylight Castle. But if he wins, someone from the party must give him their name.Bravely accepting those terms, Kaiu Tomo challenged him to a one-on-one game of Rokugani Hold Em’. His skills were no match for The Stranger, however, and this mysterious man easily defeated him. In a last ditch effort, to trick the The Stranger, Tomo wrote a fake name on the old man’s ledger—the name of the recently departed Yasuki Hidekawa. Recognizing the ruse, the old man called Tomo out for his deception. Tomo quickly responded by drawing a weapon on the man attempting to attack him.His attack missed and angered The Stranger. He then assumed his true form—an oni with the body of a spider, human-like appendages, and covered in pale flesh with a long serpentine neck and rows of sharp, obsidian teeth contained within the snout of a dog.In the ensuing battle, most of the party avoided serious injury, deflecting the ferocious blows of the oni’s snapping maw. All except for Hiruma Takana, who had his left arm completely bitten off by the demon, and now has a black, festering wound on his shoulder where the oni attacked him.After slaying The Stranger, the party tended to Takana’s wounds and attempted to clean their weapons of the oni’s vile blood, which left some of their equipment permanently damaged. Desperately trying to regroup themselves after the devastating battle with the oni, and as Takana fades in and out of consciousness, the party decided to make camp on Last Stand Plain. That night, in their dreams, the party was brought to a simple, yet immaculate temple where they were greeted by an unknown woman wearing the colors and mon of an unfamiliar clan. “I’ve been waiting for you,” she says…Character & Locations GlossaryChampion- A stand-in for another person in a duel. Considered and honorable position.Duel- A highly revered part of Rokugani samurai culture. Considered not just a martial contest, but a spiritual one as well. To deny a duel is seen as a shameful act.Invocation- Prayers to powerful spirits in exchange for earthly gifts. Techniques which allow one to communicate with the kami and ask for their assistance.Kiho- Spiritual techniques for aligning one’s inner power—ki—to the wider cosmos. Techniques for tapping into the limitless power of the natural world.Obsidian- Black stone considered to have malicious power. Often used by Maho-Tsukai or Oni for dark rituals.Plain of the Last Stand- The field surrounding Daylight Castle. The site of a massive battle where Shadowlands forces defeated the Crab and took the castle.Sake- Rice wine.Seppuku- Ritualistic suicide. Considered an honorable death for samurai who have shamed themselves.Shuji- Social techniques which allow the user to communicate clearly, avoid social pitfalls, motivate their allies, and manipulate their rivals.The Stranger- Mysterious wanderer who the party encounters in Hiruma Valley.CreditsArt:Album Art by Dylan MunozMusic:"Rokugan Theme" by Brandon Spain"Shadowlands Theme" by Brandon Spain"Seppuku" by Brandon Spain"Bardic Inspiration" by Brandon Spain"Ethereal Presence" by Brandon Spain"Dragon Theme" by Brandon Spain"Bali Cremation Ceremony" by RTB45 @ https://freesound.org/people/RTB45/sounds/149186/ -https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/Sound Effects:"keys rattling" by hdrck16 @ https://freesound.org/people/hdrck16/sounds/135004/ - https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ Artwork by Dylon MunozMusic by Brandon Spain & Podcast of the Five Rings
    Más Menos
    2 h y 15 m
  • S1E4: Messages From Beyond
    Mar 19 2020

    Yoshi, Tomo, Buro, and their retinue of Crab samurai were brought to Yume-do—the realm of dreams—by a mysterious woman bearing the mon of the Moth clan. This woman identified herself as having been a shugenja stationed at Daylight Castle when the castle fell to the Shadowlands. She further explained that as a last ditch effort to protect the souls of the Hiruma from being consumed by the demon Atsumari, she completed a ritual which took the souls to Yume-do where they have been hiding for the last 400 years. The woman asked the party for their help undoing the ritual so that the souls of the fallen Hiruma may finally rest in peace. In order to do so, the party would have to find three keys which could be found in Daylight Castle. First, they would have to find the last verse of the Moth shugenja’s ritual which could be found in the castle’s temple. Secondly, they would have to find the ancestral blade of the Hiruma, a wakizashi which belonged to the Hiruma daimyo. Finally, the last key was to identify the Moth shugenja’s name which the shugenja had forgotten as part of the ritual.

    The audience with the strange woman was rushed to an end, as the party came under attack by the Crimson Moon Tribe in their camp on the Plain of Last Stand. The Nezumi attempted to overwhelm the party in the dark of the night with superior numbers and advantageous positioning. At the site of these attackers, Togashi Yoshi, overcome by his fear of rats, fled from combat, leaving the rest of the party to fend for themselves against overwhelming numbers. After a grave battle which left most of the party wounded and in poor condition (including Kuni Akari who barely managed to survive thanks to a selfless act of courage by Soshi Burezu), the party fended off the Nezumi attackers and proceeded on their mission to Daylight Castle.

    That day, the party scoured the Plain of Last Stand for a subterranean entrance into the castle in order to avoid the potential traps which might still be active on the walls of Shiro Hiruma. After hours of searching, they eventually found an abandoned tunnel which would lead directly to the central keep. There, the party made camp for the night.

    While camped out in the vacant tunnel, the party made a few startling discoveries. First, their food supply was running low. Realizing they only had about three days worth of food left, they decided to ration their remaining supplies, hoping to make it last for twice as long. Next, they discovered that Hiruma Takana was not recovering from his wound suffered by the oni which claimed his arm on the Plain of Last Stand. If he was not given immediate medical attention, he was not likely to survive much longer. Finally, they discovered that Kaiu Daisoto was deeply offended by Togashi Yoshi’s cowardice in the face of the Crimson Moon Tribe, damaging the trust which Yoshi worked hard to earn from him.

    On the morning of the sixth day in the Shadowlands, the party ventured deeper into the tunnels until they eventually found their way beneath the interior castle walls. There they found a hidden courtyard which held evidence of once having been a garden with a deep well and shrine to the Fortunes in the castle interior. The plants were long dead and the Fortunes twisted into hideous and profane gestures.

    There, Buro spoke with the kami, revealing some secrets of the castle. The kami told him to speak with the sisters, mentioning that they have an unknown knowledge which he seeks. They also said that there had been another person communing with the spirits, seeking far greater power than Buro could understand. Finally, they told him that he should seek the daimyo’s quarters for an ancestral gift.

    Moving forward, the party found a trap door leading away from the hidden courtyard. On the other side, they discovered the ruined remains of Daylight. They were now in the heart of the complex, in the great keep of the ancient castle, Shiro Hiruma.


    Album Art by Dylan Munoz


    "Rokugan Theme" by Brandon Spain

    "Ethereal Presence" by Brandon Spain

    "Dangerous" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License


    "Satiate" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License


    Artwork by Dylon Munoz

    Music by Brandon Spain & Podcast of the Five Rings

    Más Menos
    2 h y 4 m
  • S1E5: Burning Bridges
    Apr 2 2020

    Buro, Tomo, Yoshi, and their Crab clan retinue discovered the ruined keep of Daylight Castle. While exploring the first floor of the castle, they found the castle temple, untouched by the Shadowlands foul taint. Inside this temple, they found the first of three keys to undo the ritual which brought the souls of the Hiruma to Yume-do—the final verse of the Moth shugenja’s ritual which sealed the Hiruma away.

    On the second floor of the keep, they encountered a small group of goblins guarding a wooden bridge between the central keep and one of its towers. The samurai slew a handful of the goblins, forcing the others to retreat across the bridge. While pursuing these monsters, Kaiu Tomo discovered that the bridge was covered in pitch and rigged to be set ablaze. The rest of the samurai covered Tomo from the goblins amassing in front of the castle tower as he quickly turned around to exit the bridge. Being firmly positioned in the keep and having routed the goblins, the samurai decided to burn the bridge, preventing any goblins from crossing it.

    Climbing the castle keep, the samurai found a disheveled Crab samurai imprisoned in an obsidian cage slick with blood. The Crab identified himself as Hiruma Tomoharu—daimyo of the Hiruma family and witness to Daylight Castle’s defeat. He explained that he had been imprisoned there to look over the castle, and vaguely reported that “the demon” saw through his eyes. Weighed down by the shame of his defeat, he asked the samurai to retrieve the ancestral wakizashi of the Hiruma so he may commit seppuku with it. He warned the samurai, however, that this blade was now being watched by a foul demon in his former quarters. When asked about the strange woman in the Moth robes, he identified her as Hiruma Masami, the savior of Daylight castle and woman responsible for ending Atsumari’s war against the Crab. This unlocked the second key for the samurai to use in undoing the ritual that binded the souls of the Hiruma.

    Next, while investigating the castle library, the samurai found a detailed chronicle of the final days of Shiro Hiruma before it fell to the Shadowlands. Remembering the promise they made to Hida Hachiro on the Spear of Dawn Watchtower, the samurai took these scrolls and safely stored them away to be handed over upon their return.

    Deciding to investigate the castle further before facing the demon guarding the Hiruma wakizashi, the samurai traveled to the castle’s armory. There they found an experimental suit of wargear—half Kaiu engineering, half Kuni ritual. A ten foot tall suit of animated armor wielding a sacred Naginata, built to defend the armory against the forces of the Shadowlands. Kansen had since corrupted it, preventing it from distinguishing friend from foe, simply killing everything in its path. Tearing it apart limb by limb, the samurai eventually defeated it, claiming the sacred blade as their own.

    Before ascending to the daimyo’s quarters, the samurai decided to rest in the castle temple, calming themselves before battle. Here, Tomo discovered that Buro had been repeatedly contacted by kansen, trying to convince him to join them in the waters flowing through the fissures now cutting across Daylight castle. These voices had gotten progressively stronger as the samurai moved across the Shadowlands and throughout Daylight Castle. Before moving on to retrieve the ancestral wakizashi, Hiruma Takana finally breathed his last breath, a result of his wounds not finding the attention they needed.

    On the top floor of the keep, the samurai found an unnatural darkness. Blood dripped from the ceiling and walls, forming pools on the staircase leading to the daimyo’s quarters. Lighting this room with torches, the samurai caught a glimpse of a strange creature hunched over a dead goblin. The creature turned to face the samurai and stood up, revealing a pale kimono stretched across a gaunt human body, its face mouthless with shut eyes.

    The creature’s kimono blinked, revealing dozens upon dozens of eyes stitched into the fabric. Then the creature opened its eyes, showing nothing more than rows of sharp teeth, like two gaping mouths upon its face.

    Artwork by Dylon Munoz

    Music by Brandon Spain & Podcast of the Five Rings

    Más Menos
    2 h y 49 m
  • S1E6: Piercing the Veil
    Apr 16 2020

    Yoshi, Tomo, Buro, and their retinue of Crab samurai stood face to face with an oni in the former daimyo’s quarters of Daylight Castle. The oni wore a pale kimono of woven human eyes, and where normally there would be eyes on the face of the monster, there were only two giant gaping mouths. After discovering the beast was afraid of fire, Buro and Yoshi attempted to draw the beast out from its hiding place in the darkness of the ruined castle. Seeing Buro put in harm’s way, Kuni Akari abandoned her position with the other Crab samurai and ran to protect Buro. Lashing out in defense, the oni attacked Akari, latching its mouths to her face and sucking her eyes right from their sockets. Her eyes became yet another pair in the oni’s collection. With their combined abilities, the party eventually defeated the oni and reclaimed the ancestral blade of the Hiruma from the daimyo’s quarters, the third and final key described by Hiruma Masami.

    The party then returned the ancestral wakizashi to the Hiruma daimyo, Hiruma Tomoharu, caged in obsidian on the floor beneath them. As his final wish, he asked that the party return this precious heirloom to the Hiruma family, so it may be with its rightful owners. With this blade, Tomoharu then committed seppuku, allowing his soul to move on to the afterlife, and releasing his body of its hideous cage.

    Shortly after his death, a large tremor shook the castle like an earthquake. Investigating its source, the party discovered that one of the towers which had previously been completely destroyed had now been resurrected as a ghostly visage of its former self. Upon entering this tower, they found it crawling with the resurrected dead, intent on killing them as they made their way up the tower. At the top, the party found the maho-tsukai, Kitsu Sokori performing some kind of dark ritual with the revived corpse of her loyal bodyguard, Gaku.

    Wading through a horde of the undead, the party were not able to reach Sokori before she completed her ritual. Upon its completion, the souls of the fallen Hiruma returned to Daylight Castle and the Plain of Last Stand, tearing them from their sleep in Yume-do. With the ritual complete, a shadow stirred in the corner of the tower, revealing itself to be the ancient demon, Atsumari no Oni. Looking over the castle and the distant plain, Atsumari used his demonic powers to return the fallen samurai to life, creating an army of undead warriors.

    Yoshi, Tomo, Buro and what remains of their Crab retinue now stand in the ghostly remains of the destroyed tower, being overwhelmed by an onslaught of skeletal minions. Opposite them, are the evil sorceress, Kitsu Sokori, and her dark lord, Atsumari no Oni, the soul rending demon responsible for the fall of Daylight Castle. Before them, the newly resurrected remains of the fallen Hiruma, an unholy horde of profane warriors hungry for one thing… the death of all life.

    Artwork by Dylon Munoz

    Music by Brandon Spain & Podcast of the Five Rings

    Más Menos
    1 h y 40 m
  • S1E7: Into the Void (Finale)
    Apr 30 2020
    Togashi Yoshi, Soshi no Burezu, Kaiu Tomo, Hida Nagahide, Hiruma Yuto, and Kaiu Daisoto stood face to face against the centuries-old demon, Atsumari, the wicked maho-tsukai, Kitsu Sokori, and her retinue of undead warriors. Sprawling out beneath them from atop the ghostly castle tower were the fallen Hiruma, an army of unholy samurai, newly resurrected by Atsumari’s vile power.Atsumari thanked Sokori for her help in acquiring this army, an arrangement made between an unspeakably powerful lord and his faithful servant. Sokori agreed to help undo the ritual which bound the souls of the Hiruma to Yume-do, bringing them back to the realm of mortals where Atsumari could enslave them and tether them to their decrepit remains, creating an army of zombies with unwavering loyalty. In exchange, Sokori would be awarded land and a position of power within Atsumari’s newly forged kingdom—the conquered empire of Rokugan.Without wasting any time, Atsumari immediately slayed the sorceress, crushing her head like a grape in his massive claw-like hands. He then reanimated the decapitated corpse like a marionette pulling on the strings of his puppet. The 20-foot tall demon then turned his attention to the weak and wounded samurai, now the only thing standing between him and his plans for domination. The party fought for their lives against the oni and his corpse abomination, but it was soon clear that they were no match for this unholy duo of dark magic. Recalling the words of Hiruma Masami and reflecting on how she defeated the beast 400 years ago, Togashi Yoshi came to terms with what must be done. Summoning an invocation taught to him by the sacred monks of his order, Yoshi focused his mind, body, and soul into one final attack. His eyes shone with a brilliant light and his hands glowed with a magnificent green energy. Attempting to distract Atsumari, Kaiu Daisoto threw himself at the monster, becoming instantly disemboweled with one stroke of the beast’s claw. With the demon’s attention now turned on the eviscerated Crab, Yoshi struck at the nightmare creature in a fit of maniacal laughter, rending its soul and banishing the both of them to the realm of Jigoku—a land of eternal torment and misery. Yoshi paid the ultimate price, sacrificing himself in order save the lives of countless innocents and delaying a full-scale assault from the Shadowlands for perhaps another few centuries.As the tower began to collapse around the remaining samurai, Kaiu Tomo swiftly investigated Kitsu Sokori’s body, revealing his uncle’s stolen map. Once outside, the samurai were greeted with the image of countless Crab souls exiting the mortal realm and moving on toward the afterlife. A final vision of Hiruma Masami graced their senses, as she said goodbye and thanked them for all they have done. As a token of their gratitude, the departing souls swept the vile taint from the lost valley, clearing a path to the River of Last Stand where the samurai could return to the Spear of Dawn Watchtower.Atsumari was slain, Kitsu Sokori was brought to justice, the stolen map were recovered, and the souls of the Hiruma were finally allowed to rest, however, all was still not well. Haunted by messages from evil kansen, Soshi Buro convinced his companions that they should investigate the caverns beneath the castle. Following the subterranean streams which cut through the castle grounds, the party found a cavern where a pair of tainted creatures called The Sisters were conducting a ritual using a stone cauldron filled with a dark, oozing liquid. Upon killing The Sisters, the evil spirits haunting Buro became even louder, enticing him to look into the cauldron. “Join us,” they said, “uncover a secret to shatter an empire.” But following the advice of the Crab samurai and with some help from his friends, Buro resisted the temptation of these dark spirits. Tomo then destroyed the cauldron with a single shot from his sacred crossbow, immediately ending the dark voices plaguing Buro.With the spirits of Daylight Castle resolved, the remaining samurai crossed the now at-peace Plain of Last Stand toward the river which would take them home. After drifting on the River of Last Stand for an unknown period of time, the samurai were eventually discovered by a Crab ranging party and promptly taken to Spear of Dawn Watchtower. There, they had an audience with Hida Hachiro where they relayed every detail of their grim story…During a moment of respite at the Spear of Dawn Watchtower, after their meeting with Hida Hachiro, Kuni Akari found Soshi Burezu praying to the armor of Togashi Yoshi. “Come with me,” she said, “study with my family. We may have a way to bring your friend back...” In the weeks following, news spread throughout Rokugan of their mission. In some places, especially among the Crab lands, the survivors came to be known as folk heroes, and Togashi Yoshi’s selfless act will be remembered for generations, catapulting him...
    Más Menos
    1 h y 28 m
  • S2E1: The Emperor's Order
    Jul 16 2020

    Kaiu Tomo, Soshi no Burezu, and Kuni Akari have spent the past month recuperating in Clear Water Village from their adventure into the Shadowlands. Along with them is Bayushi Tsubasa, who has been recruited to help the party—a favor owed to him for helping them prepare for their previous mission.

    While there, Soshi Buro spent his time helping Kuni Akari with the wound she sustained at Daylight Castle as well as forging a mask—a rite of passage for all Scorpion samurai. Kaiu Tomo started his duties as governor of Clear Water Village and crafted himself a yumi made of an enigmatic dark wood that his uncle had begun selling at port.

    One late summer day, the party received a letter inviting them all to the Emperor’s winter court in the capital city, Otosan Uchi. Their purpose at court is threefold: first, to tell their story so the emperor may hear it firsthand; second, to show Togashi Yoshi’s armor to the emperor; and third, to head a council which will determine the final resting place of the armor.

    Upon hearing this invitation, Kuni Akari suggested they seek out her father, Kuni Chiyagi, who lives in the Kuni Wastes. She says that he may know a way to open a permanent link between themselves, and Togashi Yoshi. Their time is short though, as Yoshi’s armor will be a necessary component in her father’s work, and they may never have access to it again.

    While preparing to leave and enjoying their last night in town, they met a boisterous Lion bard named, Ikoma Kenshi. He had heard the tale of the party’s journey beyond the wall, and wished to meet the folk heroes for himself. Kenshi, recognizing Tomo, Buro, and Akari’s fame as a stepping stone for his own personal glory, asked to join them on the road in exchange for music and entertainment.

    That same night, Buro received a letter from his father, daimyo Soshi Bantaro. In his letter, Bantaro dismissed his son’s accomplishments and demanded that Buro return home for his own winter court. Conflicted and angry, Buro wrote a letter back to his father, ignoring the daimyo’s request and insulting his honor.

    Kaiu Tomo, Soshi no Burezu, Kuni Akari, Bayushi Tsubasa, and the newly recruited Ikoma Kenshi now travel deeper into the Crab lands, to the Kuni Wastes, in search of a way to bring the Martyr Monk, Togashi Yoshi, back to the realm of the living… unsure of whatever that may entail.


    Album Art by Dylon Munoz


    "Rokugan Theme" by Brandon Spain

    "Timpani" by Podcast of the Five Rings

    "Tsubasa's Theme" by Podcast of the Five Rings

    "Sake House" by Podcast of the Five Rings

    "Background Harp" by Podcast of the Five Rings

    Artwork by Dylon Munoz

    Music by Brandon Spain & Podcast of the Five Rings

    Más Menos
    1 h y 20 m