
  • OPEN DOOR | "It Begins at Home"
    Sep 1 2024

    How many of us walk around with unmet needs in our lives? What would it look like to have all of our needs met? How can practicing hospitality lead to joy? This week, Pastor Karla discusses how the hospitality we extend to one another is a practice field for extending grace to others.

    Passage: Acts 4:32-35

    We have three worship opportunities for you to experience:
    9:00 a.m. - Sanctuary Service
    9:30 a.m. - Online Service
    10:30 a.m. - Chapel Service
    Please consider joining us for one of these services.

    To view past worship services along with other digital content, go to our Youtube Channel @PointLomaChurchOnline.

    To get involved in what God is doing within our community, please visit our website at www.pointlomachurch.org.

    For event happenings: http://pointlomachurch.org/connect/events/

    To register for any event: http://pointlomachurch.org/register

    If you would like to give to the ministry: http://pointlomachurch.org/give/ or through our Venmo account: @Point-Loma-Church

    Más Menos
    18 m
  • OPEN DOOR | "Making Room"
    Aug 25 2024

    Vulnerability. We don't like that word much in our individistic, self-sufficiency culture. But it is a word we must address head on in our lives if we wish to imitate Jesus in our hospitality. Today, Pastor Karla takes us into the intimate setting of a meal in ancient culture. She addresses the issue of filling our lives with only what we desire doesn’t leave room for much else. Who might God be calling you to invite to the table?

    Passage: Luke 14:12-24

    We have three worship opportunities for you to experience:
    9:00 a.m. - Sanctuary Service
    9:30 a.m. - Online Service
    10:30 a.m. - Chapel Service
    Please consider joining us for one of these services.

    To view past worship services along with other digital content, go to our Youtube Channel @PointLomaChurchOnline.

    To get involved in what God is doing within our community, please visit our website at www.pointlomachurch.org.

    For event happenings: http://pointlomachurch.org/connect/events/

    To register for any event: http://pointlomachurch.org/register

    If you would like to give to the ministry: http://pointlomachurch.org/give/ or through our Venmo account: @Point-Loma-Church

    Más Menos
    21 m
  • OPEN DOOR | "What is Hospitality?"
    Aug 18 2024

    This week, Pastor Karla explores how living out a Matthew 25 ministry requires us to see Christ in people. We learn from Abraham and Sarah how to entertain strangers.

    Passage: Genesis 18:1-8

    We have three worship opportunities for you to experience:
    9:00 a.m. - Sanctuary Service
    9:30 a.m. - Online Service
    10:30 a.m. - Chapel Service
    Please consider joining us for one of these services.

    To view past worship services along with other digital content, go to our Youtube Channel @PointLomaChurchOnline.

    To get involved in what God is doing within our community, please visit our website at www.pointlomachurch.org.

    For event happenings: http://pointlomachurch.org/connect/events/

    To register for any event: http://pointlomachurch.org/register

    If you would like to give to the ministry: http://pointlomachurch.org/give/ or through our Venmo account: @Point-Loma-Church

    Más Menos
    20 m
    Aug 4 2024

    This year at the church we have been moving our Faith Forward by exploring discipleship in the gospel of Matthew. Near the end of the book of Matthew, Jesus calls his disciples to give special consideration for those on the margins of society, what he calls "the least of these". In taking care of orphans, widows, prisoners, and the like, we have the privilege of serving Jesus, himself. This summer at PLCPC, while Pastor Karla is on Sabbatical, we have the unique opportunity to hear from some of our Christian sisters and brothers who are doing this type of frontline discipleship ministry. The speakers range from those doing ministry to the unhoused, to those releasing people in bondage from human trafficking, to those helping refugees on our own border. Hopefully, you will be inspired and encouraged to take your own step in deeper discipleship by hearing their stories. Wherever God calls, might we all have the courage to answer.

    This week, we conclude our summer speaker series with our Director of Community Life, Evan Gratz. Evan encourages us as Christ followers we are called to more than just reading our bibles and believing in God. But oftentimes we try to find loopholes that will keep us in our comfort zones and get us “off the hook” from doing what He is asking of us. However, Jesus very specifically tells us that how we treat “the least of these” and love others is how we treat and show love to Him. What does it look like to live a life of loving God by fully loving others without condition.

    Passage: Galatians 5:13-18

    We have three worship opportunities for you to experience:
    9:00 a.m. - Sanctuary Service
    9:30 a.m. - Online Service
    10:30 a.m. - Chapel Service
    Please consider joining us for one of these services.

    To view past worship services along with other digital content, go to our Youtube Channel @PointLomaChurchOnline.

    To get involved in what God is doing within our community, please visit our website at www.pointlomachurch.org.

    For event happenings: http://pointlomachurch.org/connect/events/

    To register for any event: http://pointlomachurch.org/register

    If you would like to give to the ministry: http://pointlomachurch.org/give/ or through our Venmo account: @Point-Loma-Church

    Más Menos
    22 m
  • SUMMER GUEST SPEAKER SERIES | "The Mission of Jesus"
    Jul 28 2024

    This year at the church we have been moving our Faith Forward by exploring discipleship in the gospel of Matthew. Near the end of the book of Matthew, Jesus calls his disciples to give special consideration for those on the margins of society, what he calls "the least of these". In taking care of orphans, widows, prisoners, and the like, we have the privilege of serving Jesus, himself. This summer at PLCPC, while Pastor Karla is on Sabbatical, we have the unique opportunity to hear from some of our Christian sisters and brothers who are doing this type of frontline discipleship ministry. The speakers range from those doing ministry to the unhoused, to those releasing people in bondage from human trafficking, to those helping refugees on our own border. Hopefully, you will be inspired and encouraged to take your own step in deeper discipleship by hearing their stories. Wherever God calls, might we all have the courage to answer.

    Jim Martin serves as IJM’s Vice President of Spiritual Formation. In this role for over a decade, Jim has worked with IJM's global leaders to strengthen IJM’s foundation of Christian spiritual formation. Jim seeks to equip IJM staff worldwide to do the work of justice joyfully and sustainably with ever-deepening dependence on God. Prior to this position, Jim served as IJM’s Vice President of Church Mobilization, where he led a team working to move churches to a deeper level of understanding of God's passion for justice.

    This week, Jim reminds us that the church that Jesus came to establish is hard-wired for the life-and-death struggles of this world. It is a church that brings good news to the poor, that proclaims release to the captives, and lets the oppressed go free. It is a church, says Jesus, that the gates of hell will not prevail against. What does it look like for the church to engage today’s life-and-death struggles? What does it look like for us, as followers of Jesus, to be light in the darkness? Weaving the words of scripture together with frontline stories of the work of International Justice Mission, Jim Martin paints a compelling picture of the church’s role to bring the light of rescue and restoration into some of the deepest darkness in our world today.

    Passage: Luke 4:18-19 and Matthew 16:18

    We have three worship opportunities for you to experience:
    9:00 a.m. - Sanctuary Service
    9:30 a.m. - Online Service
    10:30 a.m. - Chapel Service
    Please consider joining us for one of these services.

    To view past worship services along with other digital content, go to our Youtube Channel @PointLomaChurchOnline.

    To get involved in what God is doing within our community, please visit our website at www.pointlomachurch.org.

    For event happenings: http://pointlomachurch.org/connect/events/

    To register for any event: http://pointlomachurch.org/register

    If you would like to give to the ministry: http://pointlomachurch.org/give/ or through our Venmo account: @Point-Loma-Church

    Más Menos
    25 m
  • SUMMER GUEST SPEAKER SERIES | "Tending well: Learning to look and listen like Jesus"
    Jul 21 2024

    This year at the church we have been moving our Faith Forward by exploring discipleship in the gospel of Matthew. Near the end of the book of Matthew, Jesus calls his disciples to give special consideration for those on the margins of society, what he calls "the least of these". In taking care of orphans, widows, prisoners, and the like, we have the privilege of serving Jesus, himself. This summer at PLCPC, while Pastor Karla is on Sabbatical, we have the unique opportunity to hear from some of our Christian sisters and brothers who are doing this type of frontline discipleship ministry. The speakers range from those doing ministry to the unhoused, to those releasing people in bondage from human trafficking, to those helping refugees on our own border. Hopefully, you will be inspired and encouraged to take your own step in deeper discipleship by hearing their stories. Wherever God calls, might we all have the courage to answer.

    Rev. Dr. Melissa Hofstetter is a Mennonite minister and a psychologist. She is the executive director of Shepherd Heart, a ministry organization that cares for clergy and congregations through retreats, pastoral care, ministry consultation, and continued education.

    This week, Melissa encourages us that if we learn to listen well and look deeply-- to attend and attune like Jesus-- we can meet each other at our places of greatest need and offer one another restoration, within our own church community.

    Passage: Luke 7:36-50

    We have three worship opportunities for you to experience:
    9:00 a.m. - Sanctuary Service
    9:30 a.m. - Online Service
    10:30 a.m. - Chapel Service
    Please consider joining us for one of these services.

    To view past worship services along with other digital content, go to our Youtube Channel @PointLomaChurchOnline.

    To get involved in what God is doing within our community, please visit our website at www.pointlomachurch.org.

    For event happenings: http://pointlomachurch.org/connect/events/

    To register for any event: http://pointlomachurch.org/register

    If you would like to give to the ministry: http://pointlomachurch.org/give/ or through our Venmo account: @Point-Loma-Church

    Más Menos
    22 m
  • SUMMER GUEST SPEAKER SERIES | "New Contexts in Ministry"
    Jul 14 2024

    This year at the church we have been moving our Faith Forward by exploring discipleship in the gospel of Matthew. Near the end of the book of Matthew, Jesus calls his disciples to give special consideration for those on the margins of society, what he calls "the least of these". In taking care of orphans, widows, prisoners, and the like, we have the privilege of serving Jesus, himself. This summer at PLCPC, while Pastor Karla is on Sabbatical, we have the unique opportunity to hear from some of our Christian sisters and brothers who are doing this type of frontline discipleship ministry. The speakers range from those doing ministry to the unhoused, to those releasing people in bondage from human trafficking, to those helping refugees on our own border. Hopefully, you will be inspired and encouraged to take your own step in deeper discipleship by hearing their stories. Wherever God calls, might we all have the courage to answer.

    Rev. Dr. Sean Chow is the Executive Director of the San Diego Presbytery. He is leading the presbytery through a strategic vision to plant churches, revitalize churches, and be more missionally focused. Sean was the Associate for 1001 New Worshiping Communities for Training and Leadership Cohorts for the Presbyterian Church. He resources and consults with regional denomination bodies, churches, and church plants as they launch new creative expressions of church.

    This week, Rev. Dr. Chow examines how pastors, church leaders, and congregations are searching to reconnect themselves to a changing culture. The church we once knew has lost its relevance and is searching for meaning amidst shifting contexts. No longer is the church the priority of families and the spiritual pivot point for communities. It has been replaced with less engagement of its members, low involvement, and programs that are not connecting with those outside its walls. The church, once relevant has become a relic of a time gone by, but how do we engage those outside the church wall?

    Passage: Matthew 9:35-38

    We have three worship opportunities for you to experience:
    9:00 a.m. - Sanctuary Service
    9:30 a.m. - Online Service
    10:30 a.m. - Chapel Service
    Please consider joining us for one of these services.

    To view past worship services along with other digital content, go to our Youtube Channel @PointLomaChurchOnline.

    To get involved in what God is doing within our community, please visit our website at www.pointlomachurch.org.

    For event happenings: http://pointlomachurch.org/connect/events/

    To register for any event: http://pointlomachurch.org/register

    If you would like to give to the ministry: http://pointlomachurch.org/give/ or through our Venmo account: @Point-Loma-Church

    Más Menos
    22 m
  • SUMMER GUEST SPEAKER SERIES | "Borderlands Discipleship"
    Jul 7 2024

    This year at the church we have been moving our Faith Forward by exploring discipleship in the gospel of Matthew. Near the end of the book of Matthew, Jesus calls his disciples to give special consideration for those on the margins of society, what he calls "the least of these". In taking care of orphans, widows, prisoners, and the like, we have the privilege of serving Jesus, himself. This summer at PLCPC, while Pastor Karla is on Sabbatical, we have the unique opportunity to hear from some of our Christian sisters and brothers who are doing this type of frontline discipleship ministry. The speakers range from those doing ministry to the unhoused, to those releasing people in bondage from human trafficking, to those helping refugees on our own border. Hopefully, you will be inspired and encouraged to take your own step in deeper discipleship by hearing their stories. Wherever God calls, might we all have the courage to answer.

    Seth Clark serves as Pastor at First Baptist Church of National Church (ABCUSA) and La Iglesia Fronteriza (interdenominational), offers spiritual direction and leadership coaching, gives leadership and theological training, and advocates for the people and places of our borderlands - especially Friendship Park.

    This week, Seth discusses how Jesus' early followers went out to preach and bring healing to the suffering. What do we do about the suffering that is right in our own backyard along and between the border walls?

    Passage: Mark 6:6b-13

    We have three worship opportunities for you to experience:
    9:00 a.m. - Sanctuary Service
    9:30 a.m. - Online Service
    10:30 a.m. - Chapel Service
    Please consider joining us for one of these services.

    To view past worship services along with other digital content, go to our Youtube Channel @PointLomaChurchOnline.

    To get involved in what God is doing within our community, please visit our website at www.pointlomachurch.org.

    For event happenings: http://pointlomachurch.org/connect/events/

    To register for any event: http://pointlomachurch.org/register

    If you would like to give to the ministry: http://pointlomachurch.org/give/ or through our Venmo account: @Point-Loma-Church

    Más Menos
    22 m