Jul 18 2024
    Remember when Pima Sheriff Manuel von Satan tackled a 14 year old quadriplegic kid to the ground? Yeah well he's still working at Pima County Jail suckling off the teeth of the American taxpayer! I just heard they put the #deletelawz guy in jail for 6 months! He's like the Steve Bannon of the left, the antidote to fascism and a hero to the oppressed! #chilli Sounds like they're trying to silence him too charging him with something like interfering with their investigation that's what he's all about he is for helping documents police misconduct which is brutal and a matter of course in their daily activities, apparently! I think we should shut the whole f thing down, personally #defundthepolice Public confidence in the popo is shot, pun intended! 😆 Nobody trusts the cops! It's like they are on a rampage or something. 35% of Americans are charged with felonies during the course of their lifetime, superhigh compared to international and European rates. I am studying to go to law school, studying Hot topics in criminal justice from Yale University on my podcast Politics AF Podcast ! The mass incarceration rate, as it turns out, actually exacerbates crime rates. Everybody knows, when people go to prison they learn how to become better criminals! Not a corrections element of criminal Justice as it is seen in Europe especially Ireland! I really admire Ireland in a lot of ways - that is where I got the gift of the gab, having kissed the blarney Stone!!!!! I felt a kindred spirit when I was there, on a cycling and Comedy tour, performing my poetry from my book the war on poetry in Limerick and Dublin and Belfast! I'll be digging up those videos soon and posting them; that is unless the cops come and get me and put me away in a psych ward again for absofcukautely nothing than to harassing intimidate and take away my freedom and shut me up about their misconduct! Well, I already reported them all bwahahah! to the Attorney General of Arizona, US justice department and ACLU of Arizona & Senator Mark Kelly & #acluaz Sure wish my friends at would help me out! Actually all we need is to force the Pima County Sheriff's Department to turn over unredacted body cam footage TO PROVE MY CLAIMS THAT WE WERE FALSELY ARRESTED - the tampered with evidence and falsified their reports to convict us thus depriving us of our civil rights. AND DEPRIVED US OF DUE PROCESS BY BEING IMMEDIATELY SENT TO JAIL WITHOUT EVEN DOING AN INSPECTION OR WALK THROUGH. Moreover they unreasonably seized my perfectly healthy prize-winning flock of beautiful animals! HEARTBREAKING AND HORRIFIC IT WILL BE WHEN WE SEE THAT BODY CAM FOOTAGE! MY BIRDS AND ANIMALS, TO WHICH I devoted exemplary, 24/7 care, was going to be my home business — thus police deprived me of a livelihood! My federal lawsuit CR-23-00525-TUC-JCH & CR-23- 00524 for when they kidnap me before they literally snatched me outside the courtroom! Put me in cups and transported me against my will which is the definition legal definition of kidnapping to undergo extensive Medical examination including drawing bloods several times drug test all came back clean!!!! QUEEN AS A WHISTLE MFRS* LOL 😂 In this way they were like keystone Cops 😂 But now they're at it again! My public pretender Janet l schuler against whom I had to file an ethics complaint for depriving me of my civil rights to Fair council and my freedom or attempt to! Amanda bynum too she and they were delivering me to the prosecution like a lamb to the slaughter! Everybody knows if they get you to the bench trial there's a 90% conviction rate for the all-powerful state attorney's office! DREAM ON LAURA CONOVER FOR DRAGGING US AND OUR GOOD NAME THROUGH THE MUD! With your malicious prosecution! You suck Teddy and Clarissa perjured themselves on the stand when I questioned them under oath! Duh 🙄 where did you get your law degree from cracker Jack school lol 😂 Now, COPS COULD COME ANY MOMENT AND TAKE ME AWAY! AGAIN! For n
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    1 h y 8 m
    Jul 12 2024
    Those who unfairly, rAshly say there are no good politicians? Actually I can name about 20 off the top of my head: AOC and the squad ilhan Omar ayana Presley Rashida tlaib Jamie raskin Dan Goldman Jared moskowitz Jasmine Crockett Katie Porter adam Schiff Tammy duckworth Jamal Bowman Cori bush .. how many is that? I forgot Ted lieu how could I forget #tedlieu- he's awesome! 😎 Motion to Sanction the Pima County District Attorney for Malicious and Frivolous ProsecutionIntroductionPlaintiff: State of Arizona (Laura Conover) Defendant: Trista Tramposch Pima County Consolidated Justice Court Case Number: CR-23-013942-MI Title: Motion to Sanction for Malicious and Frivolous ProsecutionBackgroundOn August 30, 2023, 50 Pima County Sheriffs raided my home and arrested me and my Desert Storm veteran witness without probable cause.The officers, under the direction of Ted Noon with reporting by PACC investigator Leyva-Canez, seized all my pets despite no evidence of neglect or harm.The district attorney's witnesses perjured themselves, falsely reporting the time and circumstances of our arrest.The district attorney, Laura Conover, pursued charges of failure to provide medical attention to my dog despite the fact that my dog was at the vet, and the vet declined to report any neglect.Legal Standards for SanctionsMalicious Prosecution: Defined as initiating a criminal prosecution without probable cause and for purposes other than bringing the defendant to justice (Hawkins v. State, 183 Ariz. 100, 102 (1995)).Frivolous Prosecution: Bringing charges without a factual or legal basis, intended to harass or improperly use the judicial system.ArgumentsLack of Probable Cause:The arrest and search warrant were based on hearsay without proper investigation.Video and audio evidence show the arrest occurred at 8:45 a.m., contrary to reports stating it occurred after a walk-through in the afternoon.The veterinarian did not report any neglect, and evidence indicates my pets were well-cared for.Perjury by Witnesses:Witnesses provided false testimony about the conditions of the animals and the timing of events.The prosecution continued despite clear evidence of perjury and falsified reports.Improper Involuntary Commitment:The petition for involuntary commitment was based on frivolous justifications such as my statement of wanting to be a presidential candidate.Medical records from the first evaluation confirmed my mental health was sound, and the commitment was unnecessary and retaliatory.In a comparable case, Ron Davis, a Pennsylvania state trooper, had his girlfriend involuntarily committed under similar frivolous pretenses. He is currently in prison and has lost his job due to this misuse of power (2023).Comparable Case Law:In Ward v. Hinte (2019), similar charges were dropped, and the defendant's pets were returned based on exaggerated claims by a neighbor.Request for ReliefDismissal of Charges:Requesting the court to dismiss all charges against me as they are malicious and without merit.Sanctions Against the District Attorney:Requesting sanctions against Laura Conover for prosecuting a case without probable cause and ignoring exculpatory evidence.Specific sanctions could include monetary penalties and an official reprimand.Return of Seized Pets:Requesting the immediate return of all my pets, who were unlawfully seized and mistreated while in custody.Drop Rule 11 Proceedings:Requesting the court to drop all Rule 11 proceedings against me as they constitute further malicious prosecution.Compensation for False Arrest:Requesting compensation for the false arrest, similar to the case of Yesenia Garcia, who was awarded $200,000 by the City of Scottsdale last year.Release of Police Body Camera Footage:Requesting the release of police body camera footage to show how my animals were treated during the raid.ConclusionBased on the arguments and evidence presented, it is clear that the prosecution is both malicious and frivolous. The court should dismiss the cha
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    1 h y 8 m
    Jul 11 2024
    It's very disturbing listening to what right-wing radio is blasting into the US airwaves! If only Brandon would do his job and bring back the fairness doctrine! ! 🆘 PLS AG Mayes- need your intervention to prevent PCSD rule 11'ing me, they've been persecuting me and my family for a year now. Any moment they could come, lock me up, silence me 3mos, putting off my ability to sue them & hold them accountable for misconduct, which is shocking for its cruelty. In an explicable show of excessive force, FIFTY officers unlawfully raided me that day, falsified reports to cover up how they deprived us of DUE PROCESS - an ability to defend ourselves by sending us immediately to jail upon arrival, instead of letting us be part of the inspection and walkthrough. They unreasonably & cruelly seized my "property" - all my pets to whom I devoted 24/7 care for several years! Numerous witnesses & mountain of video evidence I always take off my pets- they were in perfect health. PCSD deprived me of my freedom & violated a multitude of our civil rights. Their current attempt to put me away is obviously just to silence me, AGAIN. & moreover it is violating my right to political speech as I am a candidate for political office. This is just their latest attempt, MORE malicious prosecution/persecution & retaliation for my filing excessive force IA complaint against 50 officers who assaulted me that day & deprived me of my happiness and livelihood by taking away my pets, who were perfectly healthy until police came! I submitted smoking gun evidence to the courts and judge Wilson just ignored me! I PROVED these officers conspired to fabricate evidence against me by literally TORTURING my pets in their custody for 2 weeks, in order to take more incriminating photographs and put me away for a long time in prison. Now I'm asking authorities above them - YOU! for the same energy directed towards THEM now since THEY are the ones caught RED-HANDED (by me, questioning them under oath) falsely reporting, which is a crime of course ARS 132907.01 and cruelty to animals ARS 13 2910 It was extreme cruelty toward my animals for them to take them away from their perfectly happy home, just to spite me AND TERRORIZE THE POPULATION WITH IMPUNITY. Moreover they deprived me of what is most precious to me: my service dog, Dr Baker. Can you please help me get him back Miss Mayes? it is so cruel to both of us to allow these rogue cops to CONTINUED DEPRIVING ME OF MY SERVICE DOG. Isn't that violation of ADA? Here is my case number: CR-23-01394-MI Aug30 8:45am: They raided my home, stole my perfectly healthy flock of prize-winning animals, then brutalized them in their custody! This is sick abuse of innocent animals, who are voiceless to defend themselves. Police effectively framed me for animal cruelty, defamed me in the press, ruined my sterling reputation, told media my animals were "in poor condition" and that I was "hoarding" them, I was not, absolutely not!! The prosecution have no proof that was not fabricated to convict me unjustly. They already rule 15?- petitioned me to have me involuntary psych evaluated Oct30, 2023. Released in record time, under 24 hours with Perfect bill of health! Even physician said my unnecessary examination was “evidence" that proves MY case- I am being unfairly targeted for harassment, intimidation and persecution by police, for what reason? Unknown. But me and my Desert Storm veteran witness that day have been victims of their MALICIOUS PROSECUTION for the past year! The other physician who saw me said my actions reporting police for excessive force was " justified and appropriate". They - Internal Affairs & PCSD, in particular detective Teddy🧸 Noon #7977 PACC officer Clarissa Leyva-Canez #3124, IA’s Edgar Nosek #7917 and Sgt Ryan Roher - who supervised this disaster should all be fired immediately! These rogue cops are so desperate to cover up their misconduct and keep their jobs, they keep trying to pu
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    1 h y 3 m
    Jul 10 2024
    The Church of Rome don't want you to hear this! Book of Enoch is very important gospel left out because it deals with things like basically the first recorded description of an alien abduction! LOL basically Enoch is picked up by some extraterrestrials brought into the heavens he sees how heaven is set up and he describes it! He describes archangels and fallen Angels awaiting trial! He describes a lot of things that the church doesn't want us to talk about or be aware of. For this reason the book of Enoch only a part of the Ethiopian Bible, even though he is mentioned in the Bible. It is said in other research I've done on this podcast that Enoch is also known as metatron, and Hermes trismagistus. The stakes are high! God bless #tedlieu ! Everybody should be calling the justice department 202-514-2000 and demanding why six justices have not been charged with perjury yet?????? They lied about Roe v Wade they lied about immunity and said no man was above the law!!!! I'm not! He should f** definitely drop out of the race he's a war criminal duh dragged us into genocide just like he dragged us into Iraq Afghanistan and dragging out this Ukraine conflict when all he has to do is refer Putin to the international criminal court! Old grandpa Brandon knows he is a war criminal! That's not to say that we should all be calling on BOTH CANDIDATES TO DROP OUT OF THE RACE SO WE CAN GET A REAL PRESIDENT!!!!! Robert Reich is always the voice of reason! I'd really appreciate you, professor! One of my favorite Berkeley professors :-) when I'm president he shall be in my administration he did a great job before, and I would see which position he would like to serve in! And put him on a short list for that or even just let him choose whatever f* position he wants in my administration Everybody should be tagging all the media and asking this question!!!! TELL BOTH CANDIDATES TO DROP OUT OF THE RACE AND REOPEN NOMINATIONS IT'S ONLY FAIR AFTER ALLTHE S*** THEY PUT US THROUGH!!! Come on Jess you are just trying to suck up to the powers that be in the corporate democratic party structure so you can move up the ladder. Look at the best interest of America! I don't have a following at all help help I'm being suppressed!- but it is critically urgent that we DUMP BOTH these corrupt as unfit candidates for president now!!!! BOTH ARE UNFIT —one is a freaking traitor and serial child r@pist and fraudster etc etc and the other is a war criminal! Biden dragged us into genocide, bypassed Congress to support war criminal Netanyahu! Stop propping up biden he can't even prop himself up he's too f** old and dementia out even step Annapolis doesn't think he will last another 4 years! So get another f* candidate Democrats Jesus the stakes are too high and Biden is barely beating this monster in the polls??? Duh 🙄 AND the other geezer has lost his mind!!!! Lying as fast as the fact checkers can check him!!! we deserve better, America ! STOP 🛑 settling for criminals and demand Democratic elections!!!!! BOTH CANDIDATES ARE UNFIT REOPEN NOMINATIONS!!! TRISTA4PREZ 🎉 & TELL BOTH OF THEM TO DROP OUT OF THE RACE!! DO IT FOR YOUR COUNTRY!! Brandon is too old and corrupt he needs to drop out of the race along with traitor Trump then we can elect a real president!!!! Biden and Netanyahu have their eyes set on the gas Fields outside of Gaza that's why they are carrying out genocide. Both are unfit candidates one is a traitor the other is a war criminal who dragged us into genocide and illegal wars of aggression in Iraq and Afghanistan and accepted 11 million from aipac Israel's lobby which means he is doing their bidding. Both are old and corrupt and nobody wants to vote for them REOPEN NOMINATIONS Why hasn't Brandon expanded the courts, imposed term limits or even picked up a phone and told these people to resign after they lied to get nominated to the highest court in the land!!!! They must be removed. We must get rid of six activist maga
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    1 h
    Jul 10 2024
    Brandon is too old and corrupt he needs to drop out of the race along with traitor Trump then we can elect a real president!!!!Biden and Netanyahu have their eyes set on the gas Fields outside of Gaza that's why they are carrying out genocide. Both are unfit candidates one is a traitor the other is a war criminal who dragged us into genocide and illegal wars of aggression in Iraq and Afghanistan and accepted 11 million from aipac Israel's lobby which means he is doing their bidding. Both are old and corrupt and nobody wants to vote for them REOPEN NOMINATIONSWhy hasn't Brandon expanded the courts or even imposed term limits or even picked up a phone and told these people to resign after they lied to get nominated to the highest court in the land!!!! They must be removed. We must get rid of six activist maga judges on the Supreme court! They are corrupt, accepted millions in unreported gifts which is a crime! everybody report them to the IRS - use form3949 - A so they should be removed for tax fraud they should also be removed for perjuring themselves that Roe v Wade was settled law! They lied in order to get nominated and then overturn Roe v Wade Cops trying to lock me up in a looney bin -- again! Even though last time they kidnapped me and transported me against my will to undergo court ordered psychiatric evaluations guess what little piggies hahaha clean bill of health I live a clean life unlike you tweakers 😂 JUST SHOWS Y'ALL ARE MALICIOUSLY PROSECUTING AND PERSECUTING ME AND MY FAMILY AND MY ANIMALS SHAME ON YOU!!!! IF I DISAPPEAR WRITE ME IN FOR PIMA SHERIFF AND DISTRICT ATTORNEY TRISTA NO MORE POLICE BRUTALITY YOU'RE WELCOME JUSTICE FOR MY PETS ⚖️ GoFund.me/10543a02 https://youtu.be/PfyHpbkqhGo?si=k55j5h7ZkguN36YH The stakes are high! God bless #tedlieu ! Everybody should be calling the justice department 202-514-2000 and demanding why six justices have not been charged with perjury yet?????? They lied about Roe v Wade they lied about immunity and said no man was above the law!!!! I'm not! He should f** definitely drop out of the race he's a war criminal duh dragged us into genocide just like he dragged us into Iraq Afghanistan and dragging out this Ukraine conflict when all he has to do is refer Putin to the international criminal court! Old grandpa Brandon knows he is a war criminal! That's not to say that we should all be calling on BOTH CANDIDATES TO DROP OUT OF THE RACE SO WE CAN GET A REAL PRESIDENT!!!!! Robert Reich is always the voice of reason! I'd really appreciate you, professor! One of my favorite Berkeley professors :-) when I'm president he shall be in my administration he did a great job before, and I would see which position he would like to serve in! And put him on a short list for that or even just let him choose whatever f* position he wants in my administration Everybody should be tagging all the media and asking this question!!!! TELL BOTH CANDIDATES TO DROP OUT OF THE RACE AND REOPEN NOMINATIONS IT'S ONLY FAIR AFTER ALLTHE S*** THEY PUT US THROUGH!!! Come on Jess you are just trying to suck up to the powers that be in the corporate democratic party structure so you can move up the ladder. Look at the best interest of America! I don't have a following at all help help I'm being suppressed!- but it is critically urgent that we DUMP BOTH these corrupt as unfit candidates for president now!!!! BOTH ARE UNFIT —one is a freaking traitor and serial child r@pist and fraudster etc etc and the other is a war criminal! Biden dragged us into genocide, bypassed Congress to support war criminal Netanyahu! Stop propping up biden he can't even prop himself up he's too f** old and dementia out even step Annapolis doesn't think he will last another 4 years! So get another f* candidate Democrats Jesus the stakes are too high and Biden is barely beating this monster in the polls??? Duh 🙄 AND the other geezer has lost his mind!!!! Lying as fast as the fact checkers can check him!!! we deserv
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    42 m
    Jul 9 2024
    This guy must have be the smartest man alive, there is nobody I can think of at this moment who is more profound, thoughtful, sage, informs, incisive, insightful, intelligence, analytical, systems thinking than this! So if you've never heard of this dude, who's actually from colorado! But he just seems so much like one of the European philosophers of the 60s and 70s and as it turns out in an interview that I podcasted a few weeks ago, he said that he was very impressed inspired and influenced by reading the autobiography of Malcolm X. He very much reminds me of a super mellow Malcolm X. His videos are films at very close range yet incorporating some of his little hand gestures. I should do a sculpture of his percentage he's a very striking character and his work is very controversial and contentious so it's very much oppressed suppressed and purposely misinterpreted. He is a peaceful, intelligent thinker and he should be protected! Because the US government has disappeared a lot of people, they tried to disappear me too! But so far I have evaded them. And I will be seeking the truth until the day I die and I hope you will too. May we find the truth! The truth shall set us free. gofund.me/10543a02 Cashapp: $TheTrista PS I totally agree with him that United States and Israel should be kicked out of the UN United Nations should article 6 the United States and netanyahu's genocidal regime AKA ISRAHELL. He points out that the American economy has been ruled by the military industrial complex, which since the founding of the United Nations has only fueled conflicts around the world! He says the US wants control of the United Nations so it can co-opt its objectives of peace and security and instead promote war and insecurity, for the sake of our own economic benefit. He argues that kicking out USA from the UN would limit its impunity and stated motives of creating conflicts, which words negatively affect their economy. It could revive local economies to become more isolationist. he predicts very anti-semitic sentiment developing in future. AIPAC spends a fraction of what the aerospace and defense industries spend on lobbying congress, he says. He says the term judeo Christian is absolutely an oxymoron, and to cover up the past hostilities against Jewish population. The zionists have disassociated themselves from the genocide they are carrying out right now, when they are 100% the reason why the genocide is taking place. It's an American genocide in Gaza carried out by the Jewish brigade of American colonialism, American imperialism." It's encoded in their dna, he says to avoid responsibility for it, and put the blame on others instead of themselves." "They need to find a way to distance themselves from what Israel does and what Israel is doing. Basically the defense industries are blaming the Jews! It's from the sectors of finance aerospace tech and others who are benefiting! This is another reason to article 6 them he says to make them accountable for their actions and teach them a lesson! "Someday you have to learn that you are held responsible for your actions" they want to find a way where they feel moral about themselves virtuous, righteous people "so they will redirect all blame and responsibility toward the Jews." Ask yourself a simple question he says do people believe they have to do what they say, do you believe that rules should be adhered to? Should the law be adhered to? Do you believe there should be accountability for wrongdoing? When a contract is broken or not fulfilled? If you say yes to these questions you should support the invocation of article 6, he says. Kicking USA out of the United Nations might not impact the ordinary American but they the Americans have already attended towards unilateralism instead of multilateralism, and exceptionalism instead of cooperative relations with other countries. They don't believe in the rule of law & don't believe or respect., so there's a contingency of people who alread
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    1 h y 32 m
    Jul 9 2024
    I'm curious if y'all are digging a combination of great shows - one in politics one and one in say ancient history? I just subscribed to Billy Carson's forbidden knowledge.tv & if you are a huge fan of Billy carson, Graham Hancock Anthony West Robert shoch etc, do a search I have covered many many podcasts of all these stellar anthropologists work! Please support their research, it is very difficult to be an explorer and Forward thinking new thesis about human evolution and civilization! Especially after we have been brainwashed by the church of Rome for the past couple millennia! The powers that be absolutely do not want us to know the truth, obviously. Gatekeepers posing as egyptologists like doctor Hawi zawass same to single-handedly do everything they can to hold us back, the entire human race! We know there is a chamber of records underneath the Sphinx's paw but these gatekeepers will not let us know the truth! Tell them to open it up open up the Vatican library too! It's the least the pup can do after 2,000 years of tyranny and institutionalized pedophilia and criminal cover ups that characterize the church! The truth shall set you free gofund.me/10543a02 Cashapp: $TheTrista
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    1 h y 48 m
    Jul 9 2024
    Good stuff man! ALSO IN THIS PODCAST! EX- IDF OFFICER SAYS OCTOBER 7TH AN INSIDE JOB!!! Media doesn't cover it of course because they want traitor Trump to win; but Brandon has been bombing seria since he got into office! This is why we need to REOPEN NOMINATIONS! WE ARE SUPPOSED TO ELIMINATE OUR DEPENDENCE ON FOSSIL FUELS AREN'T WE BRANDON???? YOU'RE UNFIT! DROP OUT OF THE RACE!! YOU NEED TO GO TO THE INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT IN THE HAGUE WITH NETANYAHU AND TRAITOR TRUMP Everybody call Dick durbin 202-224-2152 the head of the judiciary committee in the Senate and demand investigation and impeachment of Supreme Court justices who lied to us in order to get nominated to the highest court in the land we cannot abide!!!!! Great show! 6 Supreme Court justices, activist judges is what they should be called, lied under oath that "no man was above the law" even the president, because they just handed down a disastrous ruling that makes the president a king! Six justices also lied under oath obviously about Roe v Wade and everybody please support #aoc as she files articles of impeachment against Supreme Court justices! That's why she is my VP running mate she gets stuff done and she looks good doing it and everybody loves her she is brilliant beautiful sweet passionate kind woman just like me 😁 we would make a landslide victory ticket this year if she will be my VP running mate! Actually I would be her VP if she really wants to. But, Under the new Supreme Court doctrine, a president can use Navy seal team 6 to assassinate his rival and he is immune from prosecution because that is an official act! The president is now a king, america! #Sotomayor made a call for help when she said "with fear for our democracy I dissent". So f** crazy! They- diaper douche and the Republikkkunts really turned us into a s*** hole country! All of you need to call the DOJ 202-514-2000 and file report against six justices for tax fraud, accepting millions in unreported gifts from billionaires like Harlan Crow is a f* crime, #ClarenceThomas And Justice #alito and Amy Coney Barrett ! Accepting luxury yacht cruises and vacations around the world with heritage foundation, and bad actors with business before the courts!? Are y'all f insane to allow this to go on and on and o
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    2 h y 21 m