
  • 3 Best Words of Support and Encouragement According to Major Survey
    Apr 24 2024
    We all want to encourage others by praising good work, help them to achieve, and support them in times of trouble. Recently, nearly a thousand people were surveyed to identify the most powerful words and phrases to say to encouage others.

    In this episode you discover:

    * The best phrases and words of support based on a large survey to motivate, comfort, and create emotional wellbeing.
    * The one single thing you can do that will assure virtually everyone you speak supporting words to takes your words to heart.
    * The most powerful 3 single words of support.
    * The best words of support to hear at home and work.
    * What words come off as Hollow or cliche'.
    * Situations where words of support come off as hollow or cliche'.
    * The most annoying phrases according to this thousand person survey.


    "Americans reveal the most impactful words of support to hear". Preply.com. Link: https://preply.com/en/blog/best-words-of-support/

    "These Are the 3 Best Phrases to Say When Offering Support, Survey Says". NiceNews.com. Link: https://nicenews.com/humanity/best-phrases-support-survey/


    Stephen Carter - Website: https://StressReliefRadio.com - Email: CarterMethod@gmail.com

    Technical information:

    Recorded with Hindenburg Pro. Edits with Twisted Wave, Audacity, and Hush. Levelator not used. Final edits with Hindenburg Pro. Microphone: SE DCM8.

    Key words:

    soothing words, powerful words of support, encouraging words, encouaging others, positive self-talk,
    Más Menos
    15 m
  • Affirmations to Climb the Goal Achievement Ladder - 7 Steps to Success
    Mar 28 2024
    In this episode you discover the 7-step method that can take you from no knowledge or confidence to complete goal achievement with the help of specific affirmations.

    As we share in the episode, those 7-steps and three suggested affirmations for each of those steps are:

    Step 1: I want to do it but I can't do it.


    "I may face obstacles, but I refuse to let them define my capabilities."
    "Every challenge I encounter is an opportunity for growth and learning."
    "I believe in my potential to overcome any adversity that stands in my way."

    Step 2: I want to do it, but I don't know how.


    "I am resourceful and capable of finding solutions to any problem."
    "Every setback is a chance for me to expand my knowledge and skills."
    "I trust that the universe will provide me with the guidance and support I need to succeed."

    Step 3: I will try to do it.


    "I am committed to taking the first step towards my goal, no matter how small."
    "I embrace the journey of experimentation and discovery as I strive towards my aspirations."
    "I have the courage to pursue my dreams, even in the face of uncertainty."

    Step 4: I can do it.


    "I am capable, confident, and ready to tackle any challenge that comes my way."
    "I trust in my abilities to achieve success, no matter how daunting the task."
    "I am empowered by my past accomplishments and fueled by my determination to reach new heights."

    Step 5: I am ready to take action to do it.


    "I am fully prepared to step out of my comfort zone and into the realm of possibility."
    "I embrace the power of momentum and am eager to propel myself forward towards my goals."
    "I am committed to taking consistent and decisive action to turn my dreams into reality."

    Step 6: I am now taking action to do it.


    "I am in control of my destiny, and I choose to take purposeful action towards my goals."
    "With each step I take, I am closer to realizing my vision and fulfilling my potential."
    "I am unstoppable, persistent, and relentless in my pursuit of greatness."

    Step 7: I did it and I am grateful.


    "I celebrate my achievements with gratitude and humility, recognizing the journey it took to get here."
    "I am thankful for the lessons learned, the obstacles overcome, and the growth experienced along the way."
    "I acknowledge the support of others who helped me on my journey and express heartfelt gratitude for their contributions."


    Stephen Carter - Website: https://StressReliefRadio.com - Email: CarterMethod@gmail.com

    Technical information:

    Recorded with Hindenburg Pro. Edits with Twisted Wave, Audacity, Levelator, and Hush. Final edits and rendering with Hindenburg Pro. Microphone: SE Dynacaster DCM8.

    Key words:

    success, affirmations, goals, goal_achievement, win,
    Más Menos
    15 m
  • Use Affirmations to End Procrastination and Achieve Your Goals
    Mar 6 2024
    In this episode you discover how predisposed attitudes affect the probability a person will procrastinate and fail to act in an appropriate and timely way. You also discover how to create a bias for action and goal achievements.

    Here are five positive affirmations to help create that bias for action and success:

    "I am capable of overcoming challenges and achieving my goals. I have done this many times.”

    "I trust in my ability to make progress, even when faced with setbacks."

    "I choose to focus on positive possibilities and take action towards my goals."

    "Every step I take brings me closer to success and fulfillment."

    "I deserve to prioritize my goals and invest in my future happiness."

    Research resources:

    "Attitude Bias at Procrastination’s Root": https://neurosciencenews.com/attitude-bias-procrastination-25688/

    Journal article: "Do I want to do this now? Task delay as a function of valence weighting bias": https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0191886923004270


    Stephen Carter - Email: CarterMethod@gmail.com - Website: https://StressReliefRadio.com

    Technical information:

    Recorded with Hindenburg Pro. Edits with Twisted Wave, Levelator, and Hush. Final edits and rendering with Hindenburg Pro. Microphone: SE Dynacaster DCM8.

    Key words:

    affirmations, procrastination, goals, valence_weighting_bias, success, goal_achievement,
    Más Menos
    15 m
  • Combine 3 Powerful Affirmations for Rapid Anxiety and Stress Relief
    Dec 27 2023
    In this episode you'll discover how to combine 3 powerful affirmations for rapid relief of anxiety and stress.

    You'll also be introduced to the work of Emile Coue', the brilliant French Chemist / pharmacist who developed autosuggestion for healing.

    Note: This information is shared in two podcasts, those being "Postive Word Affirmations" and "Positive Word Power".

    The 3 Affirmations:

    "In this moment, I am safe."
    "This too shall pass."
    "Every day in every way, I am calmer and calmer."

    Main foundation affirmation from Emile Coue: "Every day in every way I am better and better".


    Stephen Carter, founder of Stress Solutions, LLC, Stress Solutions, USA, and Stress Relief Radio.
    Website: https://StressReliefRadio.com - Email: CarterMethod@gmail.com

    Technical information:

    Recorded with WavePad. Edits with Twisted Wave, Hush, and Auphonic. Final edits and rendering with Hindenburg Pro. Microphone: SE Dynacaster DCM8.

    Key words:

    stress, stress_relief, anxiety, anxiety_relief, Emile Coue, affirmations, emotional_wellbeing,
    Más Menos
    12 m
  • Use Affirmations to Change Chronic Anger Responses
    Nov 12 2023
    In this episode you discover how to use the wisdom of stoicism and focused affirmations to let go of chronic anger responses and create emotional calm.


    Stephen Carter; Website: https://StressReleaseRadio.com - Email: CarterMethod@gmail.com

    Technical information:

    Intro recorded with Audio Hijack. Original audio from "Stoic Sunshine" podcast recorded with Amadeus Pro; first edits done with Audacity; leveled with Levelator; final edits and rendering with Hindenburg Journalist Pro. For this updated episode edits were done with Twisted Wave, Hush, Levelator with final edits and rendering done with Hindenburg Pro. Microphone EV RE320.

    Key words:

    stoicism, Epictetus, frustration, let-go-of-anger, emotional_balance, calm, relaxed, relaxation_response, emotional_peace,
    Más Menos
    13 m
  • See Your Life Story as a Hero’s Journey for More Meaning and Success According to "Scientific American"
    Nov 2 2023
    "Scientific American" shared details of a new study showing how framing the story of our lives as a "Hero's Journey" can lead to happier, more succesful, and more meaningful lives.

    In this episode, your host guides you through how to use the insights of this new major study to enhance your success and sense of wellbeing using specific affirmations founded on life successes you've already achieved.


    "To Lead a Meaningful Life, Become Your Own Hero". "Scientific American". Link: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/to-lead-a-meaningful-life-become-your-own-hero/

    "Seeing your life story as a Hero’s Journey increases meaning in life". APA PsychNet - "Journal of Personality and Social Psychology". Link: https://psycnet.apa.org/doiLanding?doi=10.1037%2Fpspa0000341

    Listen to previous episodes of "Positive Word Power" at https://www.spreaker.com/show/positive-word-power-affirmations-that-wo


    Stephen Carter. Website: https://StressReliefRadio.com | Email: CarterMethod@gmail.com

    Technical information:

    Recorded with Amadeus Pro. Edits with Twisted Wave, Audacity, Levelator, and Hush. Final edits and rendering with Hindenburg Pro. Microphone: Zoom ZDM-1.

    Key words:

    Hero's Journey, success, achievement, affirmations,
    Más Menos
    14 m
  • Improve Confidence and Performance With One Siimple Self-Talk Affirmation Word Change
    Oct 6 2023
    In this episode you'll discover how changing the common "I can do this..." type self-talk to "You can do this..." and similar inner dialogue statements can lead to significant improvements in sports performance and other life activities.

    Research cited in this episode:

    Study abstract: James Hardy et al. To me, to you: How you say things matters for endurance performance, Journal of Sports Sciences (2019). DOI: 10.1080/02640414.2019.1622240

    "Using 'self-talk' as part of your endurance sport training? Here's what you need to know". "MedicalExpress"; link: https://medicalxpress.com/news/2019-07-self-talk-sport.html


    Stephen Carter. Website: https://www.stressreliefradio.com. Email: CarterMethod@gmail.com.
    Link to listen to previous episodes:

    Technicl information:

    Recorded with Hindenburg Pro. Edits with Twisted Wave. Leveled with Levelator. Final edits and rendering with Hindenburg Pro. Microphone: DynaCaster DCM8.

    Key words:

    affirmations, confidence, performance, self-talk, success,
    Más Menos
    8 m
  • Combine Power Questions and Positive Affirmations for Greater Self-Compassion
    Jun 20 2022
    In this episode you discover how to create and ask insightful Power Questions to identify dis-empowering beliefs that block you from consistently experiencing the self-compassion you deserve to feel.

    Once you identify those dis-empowering beliefs, you discover how to apply simple, effective Releasing Affirmations to clear those dis-empowering beliefs from your neurology and energy system. You then learn to create Positive Affirmations that allow you experience the consistent self-compassion and happiness you deserve.


    Stephen Carter, founder of Stress Solutions, LLC and host of a variety of podcasts that help you move from stress to success in every area of life.

    Website: https://www.StressReliefRadio.com | Email: CarterMethod@gmail.com.

    Technical information:

    Recorded with Audacity with edits done using Twisted Wave. Leveled with Auphonic.

    Microphone: EV RE320.
    Más Menos
    17 m