
  • Does Anyone Care What The 4th Celebration Is For?
    Jul 5 2024
    Another July has come and gone in America once again. After a period of unprecedented government expansion of power and forceful over-reach into the lives of Americans. With Americans willfully surrendering cherish rights like never before, Tony simply revisits the Declaration of Independence and the 10 Amendments to the U.S Constitution to see what documents laid the groundwork for the creation of the greatest nation that so much work has gone into memory-hole an entire nation of their existence to solely treat this day for one to eat bbq.
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    1 h y 10 m
  • America Isn't Meant To Be A Feminine Nation
    Jul 2 2024
    The Progressive Left's assault on masculinity, tradition family, and the children is affecting every aspect and level of the American society and culture, from the crib to adulthood and from the boardrooms to even the military. And it is reconstructing this once great nation into something that it was never ever intended by our Christian-minded Forefathers.
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    1 h y 8 m
  • Is America Still a Moral-Based Nation
    Jun 16 2024
    For the first time in the history of American national politics one of the main political Parties gone full bore to show support for so many moral positions such as the Democrat Party today would not have dared been though of just 20 yrs ago. So many events that have occurred in the past 4-20 yrs that has forever flipped and fractured our society culturally and morally from the Same-Sex movement to the Transgender Movement and the minimization Traditional Christian values to the out-right suspension of God-given Rights by the government during the Covid Pandemic, the view of what is right and wrong has never been so blurred.
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    1 h y 2 m
  • America-We Will Destroy You From Within
    May 21 2024
    In the 1950's when Russian leader Nikita Khrushchev said, when referring to America, "We Will Destroy You From Within", even the most passive observer today must think that Khrushchev was a prophet as he looks of the American degrading social landscape. From the U.S mis-educational government school system to the naked abandonment of American traditional beliefs and foundation by much of the youth and old alike, the country's future is in serious peril as in no other time. For the threatening calls of destruction is coming from with the house.
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    1 h y 20 m
  • Do You Know What Your Kids Are Listening To?
    Apr 26 2024
    American youths are under assault unlike any other time in our nation's history and the vehicle that is being used most effectively is rap music. Coupled with the explosion of female-led households and cultural feminization, the youths have been left unprotected and undisciplined to know how to combat the threat and the culture unalarmed to the dire threat that is present.
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    1 h y 15 m
  • Why Is The American Family Targeted by the Powers That Be
    Apr 11 2024
    The assault on the family is a past-through assault on Christianity at its core to exalt the government of man. There is no other explanation to the severer degradation of the cornerstone of our culture, and that of every successful empire of the past, and is one of the most prominent elements in Christendom i.e., the family, particular the American family.
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    1 h y 18 m
  • Conversation with Darrell McCain
    Mar 29 2024
    Tony sits down for a very interesting and laid back conversation with US military veteran and host of the Darrell McCain Podcast Show - Darrell McCain. They'll be discussing politics, America's Negro American culture, and more.
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    1 h y 12 m
  • America Has Been Set Ablaze!!!
    Mar 19 2024
    Is America's current state of decay intentional? Absolutely! If human progress is natural, how is it that the greatest nation ever created, where Man was set on a path to be free of government restraints to choose his and her own life are we regressing and seemingly seeking more government intervention into our lives? How is it that many of us have made choices that have brought us to this point and time? How can we change our direction?
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    1 h y 17 m