
  • The Healing Power of Nature: Science-Backed Benefits for Aging Well
    Jun 19 2024

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    108- Have you ever felt rejuvenated after a day spent outdoors, perhaps gardening or simply enjoying a walk in the woods? Recently, nature has been my much needed therapy, and it’s transformed my approach to health and aging.

    In today’s episode, I’ll share how my own journey into the world of gardening and nature began at a time when I needed it most—right as I turned 48 and was worn out from constant traveling and presenting. This personal experience opened my eyes to the potent benefits of connecting with nature. So, I dove into the scientific literature, and in this episode, I share…

    Key Topics Discussed:

    • Personal Gardening Experience: I dive into my transformative journey into gardening after moving to Vermont, highlighting the deep personal and health benefits from tending to plants.
    • Importance of Forest Bathing: Learn about the Japanese practice of Shinrin-Yoku, or forest bathing, and its proven effects on reducing stress, improving heart health, and enhancing overall well-being.
    • Scientific Evidence on Nature’s Benefits: Explore the latest research from a 2024 meta-analysis that reviews various nature-based interventions and their impact on older adults’ health, especially those with chronic conditions.
    • Virtual and Accessible Nature Experiences: Discover how therapeutic gardens, virtual reality nature experiences, and even simple indoor plants can benefit those unable to engage with outdoor environments directly.
    • Practical Tips for Integrating Nature into Daily Life: Discussion on how to incorporate nature into everyday settings, particularly for older adults, to promote health and well-being.

    Access links to the research mentioned in this episode here.

    PROFESSIONALS: Grab your free guide to working with older adults here

    Attention Social Workers, Therapists, Counselors, Psychologists, Aging Life Care Experts... Click here to get Continuing Education Credits

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    17 m
  • Signs and Symptoms of Depression and Anxiety Older Adults
    Jun 12 2024

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    #107- Today we're diving deep into a topic that affects many older adults but is often misunderstood: depression and anxiety.

    While these mental health conditions are prevalent among older adults, they are not a normal part of aging and deserve our attention and care.

    Episode Highlights:

    1. Understanding Depression and Anxiety in Older Adults:
      • Depression and anxiety are prevalent but not normal aspects of aging.
      • These conditions need to be recognized and treated to prevent serious health impacts
    2. Effective Treatments Available:
      • A combination of medications and psychotherapies can effectively treat anxiety and depression in older adults.
      • Encouraging older adults to seek help can significantly improve their quality of life.
    3. Impact of Untreated Mental Health Conditions:
      • Untreated depression and anxiety can worsen medical conditions, increase hospital stays, and lead to more functional impairments.
      • The importance of addressing mental health to improve both psychological and physical well-being.
    4. Identifying Symptoms of Depression (SIGECAPS):
      • Sleep: Changes in sleep patterns.
      • Interest: Loss of interest in activities.
      • Guilt/Despair: Feelings of hopelessness.
      • Energy: Decreased energy levels.
      • Concentration: Difficulty concentrating.
      • Appetite: Changes in appetite.
      • Psychomotor changes: Agitation or slowing down.
      • Social isolation: Withdrawing from social interactions.
    5. Signs of Anxiety in Older Adults:
      • Excessive worry, fear, and a sense of doom.
      • Avoiding daily routines and social situations.
      • Physical symptoms like a racing heart, shallow breathing, and muscle tension.
    6. Encouraging Medical Evaluation:
      • Symptoms of depression and anxiety can also indicate medical problems or medication side effects.
      • Starting with a primary care provider to rule out physical health issues is crucial.
    7. The Five D's of Suicide Risk:
      • Depression
      • Disability
      • Disconnectedness
      • Disease
      • Deadly means
      • Understanding these risk factors helps us intervene and provide the necessary support.
    8. Fostering Hope and Connection:
      • Social engagement, cultivating meaning and purpose, and reflecting on past resilience are key protective factors against depression and anxiety.
      • Respecting the autonomy and wishes of older adults in their mental health journey is essential.

    Connect with Me:

    • Visit my website: www.drreginakoepp.com
    • Follow me on social media: Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn
    • Subscribe to the podcast for more insights on mental health and aging!

    Support the Show: If you enjoyed this episode, please leave a review and share it with others who might benefit from this information. Your support helps us reach more people and make a positive impact.

    Thank you for being a part of our community and for your commitment

    PROFESSIONALS: Grab your free guide to working with older adults here

    Attention Social Workers, Therapists, Counselors, Psychologists, Aging Life Care Experts... Click here to get Continuing Education Credits

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    18 m
  • Aging and Alcohol: How to Identify Problem Drinking in Older Adults
    Jun 7 2024

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    #106- Did you know that 65% of adults over 65 report high-risk drinking? Understanding the unique impacts of alcohol on aging bodies is crucial for all of us.

    In this episode, I'll walk you through three key considerations: increased sensitivity to alcohol, health complications, and harmful interactions with medications. We'll also discuss common triggers for increased alcohol use and practical tips for caregivers and healthcare providers to help identify and manage problem drinking among older adults.

    Episode Highlights:

    1. Increased Sensitivity to Alcohol:
      • As we age, our bodies become more sensitive to alcohol.
      • This means we experience its effects more quickly, putting us at a higher risk for falls, car accidents, and injuries.
    2. Health Complications:
      • Older adults often have health conditions like diabetes, heart disease, and osteoporosis that alcohol can make worse.
      • Heavy drinking can also lead to new health issues, such as liver disease and dementia.
    3. Medication Interactions:
      • Many older adults take medications that can interact dangerously with alcohol.
      • Even common over-the-counter meds can have harmful effects when mixed with alcohol.
    4. Triggers for Increased Alcohol Use:
      • Life changes like retirement, divorce, or the loss of a loved one can lead to more drinking.
      • Functional limitations and boredom can also contribute to increased alcohol use.
    5. Identifying Problem Drinking:
      • Signs of alcohol use disorders can look like other medical conditions.
      • The CAGE screening tool can help identify problem drinking in older adults.
    6. Effective Treatment:
      • Substance use treatment works, even for older adults.
      • Everyone deserves access to mental health care and support, no matter their age.

    Practical Tips:

    • Be curious and open when discussing alcohol use with older adults.
    • Encourage them to be honest with their healthcare providers about their drinking.
    • Offer support and resources to help manage alcohol use and life transitions.

    Final Thoughts: Remember, you play a crucial role in supporting older adults. There's no expiration date on healing and transformation. Every person, at every age, deserves access to mental health care. Let’s break the myths and get older folks the help they need.

    PROFESSIONALS: Grab your free guide to working with older adults here

    Attention Social Workers, Therapists, Counselors, Psychologists, Aging Life Care Experts... Click here to get Continuing Education Credits

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    11 m
  • How to Talk with Older Adults About Mental Health Problems
    May 29 2024

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    Are you noticing signs of depression or anxiety in your older loved ones or clients and wondering how to approach the topic? This video is your essential guide to navigating these sensitive conversations with compassion and effectiveness. Learn from Dr. Regina Koepp, a geropsychologist, as she shares expert tips on:

    Starting the Conversation: Discover how to empathize and validate their feelings to create a supportive dialogue.

    Dispelling Myths: Uncover common misconceptions about aging and mental health, and how to address them.

    Handling Resistance: Find out how to manage situations when the conversation doesn’t go as planned, with techniques for apology and re-engagement.

    Respecting Autonomy: Understand the importance of respecting the individual's choices and offering them the freedom to decide their path to mental wellness.

    Listen to this episode and empower yourself with the knowledge and skills to help older adults get the mental health care they deserve, while respecting their autonomy and decisions.

    You have an important role in bridging older adults to mental health care so thank you for being here and doing your part.

    PROFESSIONALS: Grab your free guide to working with older adults here

    Attention Social Workers, Therapists, Counselors, Psychologists, Aging Life Care Experts... Click here to get Continuing Education Credits

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    8 m
  • 5 Life Lessons I've Learned from 20 years of Working with Older Adults
    Feb 9 2024

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    #104- In this touching episode, I share invaluable wisdom garnered from two decades of working intimately with older adults.

    Through personal anecdotes and professional experiences, I share five transformative life lessons that challenge and inspire.

    You'll embark on a journey exploring:

    • the fleeting nature of life and the importance of embracing every moment,
    • the profound impact of human connection,
    • the relentless pursuit of meaning and purpose,
    • the eternal presence of love, and
    • the never-ending potential for personal growth and transformation at any age.

    These stories not only provide a deeper understanding of aging but also offer universal insights that resonate with individuals across all stages of life.

    Join me for a heartfelt exploration of what it means to live fully, love deeply, and grow continuously, guided by the wisdom of those who have journeyed before us.

    🔗 Helpful Links:

    • Download Dr. Koepp's free guide for mental health professionals working with older adults: www.mentalhealthandaging.com/guide
    • Visit Dr. Koepp's website for more resources: www.Mentalhealthandaging.com

    💬 Let's Connect:

    • Share your own life lessons from working with or knowing older adults
    • Follow Dr. Koepp on social media for daily insights and inspiration.

    Thank you for listening, and here's to finding wisdom at every age

    PROFESSIONALS: Grab your free guide to working with older adults here

    Attention Social Workers, Therapists, Counselors, Psychologists, Aging Life Care Experts... Click here to get Continuing Education Credits

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    15 m
  • Is Anxiety Treatable in Older Adults? Expert Shares Effective Treatment
    Oct 9 2023

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    #103-Ever wondered if older people get anxious just like young folks do? Turns out, older adults can get anxious too, but it might look a bit different than what younger people experience. In this episode, we explore the questions:

    1. How does anxiety manifest differently in older adults compared to younger individuals?
    2. What biological, psychological, and social factors contribute to anxiety in seniors?
    3. What is the difference between everyday stress and an anxiety disorder in an older individual?
    4. What strengths and resiliencies do older adults bring with them to help them cope with anxiety?
    5. What is an effective CBT tool that can assist older adults in managing their anxiety?
    6. What can healthcare providers do to better support older adults who are experiencing anxiety?
    7. What can family caregivers do to better support older adults who are experiencing anxiety?

    About today's guest: Dr. Julie Erickson is a clinical psychologist in private practice and adjunct faculty member in the Department of Applied Psychology and Human Development at the University of Toronto in Toronto, Canada. Dr. Erickson is interested in optimizing evidence-based psychological treatment for older adults and reducing their barriers to treatment-seeking. She maintains an active clinical practice with adults across the lifespan and provides education to the public and mental health professionals on aging and mental health. Her book, The Aging Well Workbook for Anxiety and Depression, was released on October 1, 2023 by New Harbinger Publications.

    Link to show notes here.

    PROFESSIONALS: Grab your free guide to working with older adults here

    Attention Social Workers, Therapists, Counselors, Psychologists, Aging Life Care Experts... Click here to get Continuing Education Credits

    Más Menos
    41 m
  • 3 Myths About Aging and Intimacy: Lessons Learned from the Golden Bachelor.
    Oct 2 2023

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    #102- Dive into '3 Myths About Aging and Intimacy', inspired by lessons from the Golden Bachelor. We'll debunk common myths surrounding love and relationships in our later years using research, not stereotypes. The Golden Bachelor, with his own love stories, teaches us that age doesn't stop true connections. Plus, if medical conditions have you worried about intimacy, we've got you covered. This episode includes 5 essential tips for keeping the spark alive, even when health challenges arise. Whether you're into senior dating, curious about love in the later years, or looking for ways to strengthen bonds when health gets tricky, this is for you. Learn, laugh, and discover the ageless power of love and connection.

    Get access to the Sexual Health & Aging CE Course [3 CE Credits] I mentioned in this episode.

    Learn more about Dementia and Sexual Health [1 CE Credit] here

    PROFESSIONALS: Grab your free guide to working with older adults here

    Attention Social Workers, Therapists, Counselors, Psychologists, Aging Life Care Experts... Click here to get Continuing Education Credits

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    13 m
  • Leading Causes of Cognitive Impairment in Old Age
    Jul 26 2023

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    #101- Unlock the mystery behind the leading cause of cognitive impairment. Expert insights on prevention and management strategies.

    PROFESSIONALS: Grab your free guide to working with older adults here

    Attention Social Workers, Therapists, Counselors, Psychologists, Aging Life Care Experts... Click here to get Continuing Education Credits

    Más Menos
    8 m