• 252 | 3 Simple Summer Habits to Create (& Maintain) an Organized Home
    Jul 29 2024


    Hey CEO-

    How’s your DWELLING (aka HOME) feeling this summer?

    Whether you have kids home for the summer or not, you may feel like it’s more stressful to keep things clean and picked up with all the coming and going… especially when you long to relax and take a break from your responsibilities.

    It’s amazing how when things are in order, you feel peaceful, rested and welcoming…and when they’re NOT, well let’s just say the doors may be shut but YOU still feel the disorder inside you!

    So what’s a girl to do when she’s got a business to run, a home to manage, trips to plan…and MORE stuff, dust-bunnies and footprints than you have time to keep up with?

    Set realistic expectations with a doable plan for the season you’re in.

    That’s why I’ve invited Crystal Tharpe of the Organized Home to join us today…

    Crystal is a Home Organization and Productivity expert, dedicated to helping busy Christian women transform their chaotic, cluttered homes into serene, confidence-boosting spaces. Through her proven habits, routines, and systems, Crystal guides women from feeling stressed and overwhelmed to enjoying peace, balance, and efficiency in their daily lives. And she is passionate about enabling women to thrive in their roles, aligning with God’s vision for a harmonious and fulfilling home life.

    What I love is that Crystal’s faith-centered coaching integrates her extensive knowledge with biblical principles that create a well-ordered environment and life which are crucial for spiritual growth and overall well-being.

    Speaking of trying to manage a home….ever feel like you’re Cinderella trying to manage your time? “Cinderella do this.” “Cinderella do that.” It seems like no matter how hard you work, there’s always something more for you to do before you can go to the ball.

    Why not change how you approach time so you’re not giving in to all demands that come your way?

    I love to listen to things while I do my household tasks, so while you’re putting today’s tips into practice decluttering or cleaning your home, why not listen to the Manage Your Time Masterclass and learn the bippity-boppity-boo secret to no longer chasing the clock before it strikes.

    Grab on-demand access now at redeemhertime.com/masterclass

    Don’t worry, you WON’T be inside cleaning all day when you implement these simple habits to STAY AHEAD of the clutter and the calendar so that way you can get out and enjoy your summer…

    Grab Crystal’s Faithfully Clutter-Free Guide

    We pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!

    XO- Lissa + Crystal

    P.S. Watch the Manage Your Time WITHOUT Chasing the Clock Masterclass…and discover the simple question to shift how you approach time in both life + biz…so there’s always enough!

    Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website https://redeemhertime.com

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    33 m
  • 251 | Make Doing What you Love a Habit by Planning your Intentional Summer
    Jul 22 2024


    Hey CEO-

    Are YOU having FUN this summer?

    Summer is the perfect season to make doing what you love with those you love a habit with all the opportunities it holds to get out of your office…road trips, beach days, picnics, family gatherings...

    Yet sadly it’s still easy to feel stuck behind a screen slaving away at your work in order to keep business growing while everyone else seems to be at the lake, pool or beach (at least that’s what their instagram feed shows)

    I gotta admit, for a long time, I DIDN’T have time for FUN…cuz there was just too much to do and too little time to run and scale my business.

    But the truth was, I HAD TIME….I just wasn’t MAKING TIME to explore my passions and rediscover what I loved to do. I was on the fast track to burnout and really not much FUN to be around…can you relate?

    Whether you’re having too much fun, too little fun or somewhere in between, you’re gonna love my conversation with Jess Massey around simple habits to prioritize your PASSIONS…not just in summer, but in EVERY season.

    Jess is the host of The Hustle Sanely Podcast, a planner creator, and the founder of the community-centered productivity brand Hustle Sanely® where she uses her framework The 5 Keys to Hustling Sanely™ to coach ambitious women on how to pursue their goals while prioritizing their mental health and relationships. From adopting a positive mindset to getting clear on your vision to prioritizing your tasks and creating a schedule that makes sense for your season, Jess covers it all and is excited to help you create a peacefully productive life.

    And what I love most is that even with all the ways Jess intentionally incorporates passions + fun…her ultimate JOY comes from her relationship with Jesus.

    Speaking of not having time for fun…..if you don’t wanna miss out on life beyond your laptop, I wanna invite you to watch the Manage Your Time Masterclass to get a handle on your time so you no longer feel like there’s never enough…in fact, you can even take it with you to the lake, pool, beach or the back deck. Grab on-demand access at redeemhertime.com/masterclass

    Don’t let the fact that we’re past the halfway mark in summer keep you from planning an intentional summer…let’s jump in today and make a splash!

    Grab Jess’ Summer Planning Guide here

    We pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to have FUN!

    XO- Lissa + Jess

    P.S. Watch the Manage Your Time WITHOUT Chasing the Clock Masterclass…and discover the simple question to shift how you approach time in both life + biz…so there’s always enough!

    Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website https://redeemhertime.com

    Join the conversation inside the REDEEM Her Time Community

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    38 m
  • 250 | Summer Energy Reset: 2 Simple Habits to Master your Energy using Natural Rhythms
    Jul 15 2024


    Hey CEO-

    How’s your ENERGY this summer?

    There’s just something about those DOG DAYS of Summer this time of year that makes you wanna SLOW the pace of your body, soul and spirit…and for good reason!

    Paying attention to the natural rhythms around you has a profound effect on your energy levels and long-term wellness.

    But the problem is, we DON'T always pay attention.

    Too often, we find ourselves just getting BUSIER in each season of life… and that not only has an affect on your mental wellness, but also on your physical wellness and longevity.

    And then just like with trying to MANAGE TIME, we wonder why trying to MANAGE our ENERGY feels like we’re walking a tightrope that keeps moving on us!

    That’s why I’ve invited today’s guest, Ashly Torian of Ashly’s Heart Song TV, to join us for a conversation about mastering our energy and improving our wellness using the natural rhythms around us

    Ashly Torian is the Vitality Coach, Speaker, and Author of Join Me in the E.N.D. Zone. She has a lifelong focus, education, and experience on understanding the psychology of eating, human physiology, emotional resolution, the mind-body connection, and how our outlook on these factors can either damage or enhance our lives.

    Ashly works with those who desire to set themselves FREE from the pain and struggle they experience by addressing the SOUL- the mind, heart, and emotions through her 3-brain approach.

    And more importantly I love that she helps women get out of the stress & back into your body, life, and business!

    You’re gonna love her SIMPLE HABIT IDEAS that go right along with the natural rhythms of summer to reset your energy instead of trying to manage it.

    And if you wanna stop walking the tightrope of trying to MANAGE your TIME, I invite you to watch the Manage your Time Masterclass. Grab on-demand access at redeemhertime.com/masterclass and let go of trying to MANAGE it all so you can get back into your God-given life + biz this summer too!

    Now let’s dive into increasing our vitality by paying attention to the PACE of our body, soul and spirit.

    Grab Ashly’s Circadian Rhythm Rocks here

    We pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!

    XO- Lissa + Ashly

    P.S. Watch the Manage Your Time WITHOUT Chasing the Clock Masterclass…and discover the simple question to shift how you approach time in both life + biz…so there’s always enough!

    Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website https://redeemhertime.com

    Join the conversation inside the REDEEM Her Time Community

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    24 m
  • 249 | Discover your Money Mindset: Key Habits That Lead to Financial Stewardship
    Jul 8 2024


    Hey CEO-

    What thoughts come to mind when YOU think about money?

    I know…Why do I ask when you’ve got plenty of other things on your mind this summer, and perhaps are seeing more going out than coming in with the costs of summer adding up and a potential decrease in business income?

    Because how you think leads to what you believe, feel and do…and before you know it, your results match your thoughts…yes, even when it comes to your money.

    Cuz you see, it’s not really about the balance in your bank account, but about what you make it mean…that’s why one person can look at a $100 bill in hand and see the abundance while another only sees the lack.

    Does that sound familiar? It’s the same principle we talk about here on the REDEEM Her Time Podcast when we talk about our time and how our beliefs STEER our results.

    So no matter how much you have coming in or going out this summer, if you want to steward your finances well, you need to pay attention to what you’re believing about it...

    That’s why I’ve invited today’s guest, Amber Peterson of Amber Peterson Financial Coaching, to have a conversation around how to intentionally create your money mindset to steward your finances well.

    Amber Peterson is a wife to her sweetheart Zach of 19 years and a mother to 4 awesome kids. She is passionate about helping women and couples understand their money mindset, create growth, and build financial peace of mind. She has two books available to support women and their spouses about gaining clarity of what they believe about money and the role it takes in their financial reality.

    You’re gonna love her simple habit ideas that don’t just focus on the HOW-TOs, but on the KEYS to help you intentionally build your money mindset this summer AND beyond… so no matter what number is in front of you, you see it as God’s abundance.

    And if you want to create the right mindset around your time to go from usually-never-enough to always-more-than-enough, you can now watch the Manage your Time Masterclass on demand. Grab access at redeemhertime.com/masterclass and start to shift everything about what you believe about your time…and what comes of it!

    Now let’s dive into being good stewards of the resources God’s entrusted to us…including your money.

    Grab Amber’s ebook Discovering your Money Mindset here

    We pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!

    XO- Lissa + Amber

    P.S. Watch the Manage Your Time WITHOUT Chasing the Clock Masterclass…and discover the simple question to shift how you approach time in both life + biz…so there’s always enough!

    Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website https://redeemhertime.com

    Join the conversation inside the REDEEM Her Time Community

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    26 m
  • 248 | Summer Work Habits to Grow Your Business …and Prioritize Your Life
    Jul 1 2024


    Hey CEO-

    What does your business look like this summer?

    Better yet, what do you want this summer to be about so that you don’t get to the fall and regret that life took over business…or business took over life?

    Let’s be honest, summer is the season where there seem to be more invitations (and distractions) that pull you away from your desk…and while it may feel good in the moment to put it away, you don’t want to get to the end of the summer and not like what you see because you didn’t give your business much time and attention…

    And you certainly don’t want the opposite to be true, where you find you’ve missed out on those moments to engage with those you love, the Lord and yourself.

    No matter where your summer is taking you, if you want your business to grow, you need to pay attention to it...

    That’s why I’ve invited today’s guest, Heather Schaefer of Branding You Big, to have a conversation around how to model running a biz + prioritizing family all while enjoying the season!

    Heather is a Branding Coach who serves multi-passionate, mission-minded women entrepreneurs with her gift of a unique left brain-right brain combination, which allows her to think strategically and creatively to build a cohesive brand that stands out in the sea of sameness. She is a Premier Success coach with EWomen Network, an expert trainer for Small Business Owners Collective, a speaker and a published author on betterafter50.com.

    I love that Heather encourages women to raise kids to love the Lord while modeling entrepreneurship so they can grow up to do BIG things…and that Business and life don’t have to be separate for women, but rather go together to create a brand that aligns with YOU.

    You’re gonna love her simple habit ideas to help you grow your business this summer…AND prioritize the other parts of your life as you start with the end in mind.

    Take Heather’s Branding Quiz here

    We pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!

    XO- Lissa + Heather

    P.S. Watch the Manage Your Time WITHOUT Chasing the Clock Masterclass…and discover the simple question to shift how you approach time in both life + biz…so there’s always enough!

    Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website https://redeemhertime.com

    Join the conversation inside the REDEEM Her Time Community

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    26 m
  • It's TIME for a Mid-Year Check In: 8 Questions to Conduct a Heart & Time Audit
    Jun 27 2024

    Hey CEO-

    Did you realize we're at the halfway point in the year? That's why I'm interrupting our SUMMER HABIT SERIES for a Mid-Year Check In...and inviting YOU to join me in looking back + looking ahead with these questions...


    • How do I feel knowing that we're at the halfway point in the year? Do I see the time that 'got away' or the time spent on what will 'never fade away'?


    • What's been getting my time/not getting my time?
    • What's working/not working?
    • What's been joy-full/stress-full?


    • What will I make time for/not give time to?
    • What will I complete/let go?
    • What will I no longer put off/will I save for later?


    • What has God put on my heart?

    If you're CHASING TIME, trying to control it and still feeling like there's NEVER ENOUGH...I encourage you to watch the Masterclass Replay to start shifting everything about how you approach time as an ABUNDANT GIFT to STEWARD on behalf of the One who controls it all.

    Grab replay access to the Masterclass here

    I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!

    XO- Lissa

    P.S. Watch the Manage Your Time WITHOUT Chasing the Clock Masterclass…and discover the simple question to shift how you approach time in both life + biz…so there’s always enough!

    Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website https://redeemhertime.com

    Join the conversation inside the REDEEM Her Time Community

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    7 m
  • 247 | Habits for Meaningful Friendships: Thoughtful Ways to Reach Out this Summer
    Jun 24 2024


    Hey CEO-

    How's the intentionality of your FRIENDSHIPS lately?

    Prov 27:9 reminds us that the counsel of a friend brings sweetness to the soul

    We all know friendships matter…but let’s be honest, when we’re feeling short on time with all of the hats we wear in life + biz, it can be easy to put friendships on the back burner…then before you know it, a lot of time has passed and you’re feeing disconnected and a little lonely out there on your own.

    We need friends to help keep us grounded through the seasons in our life- women who are there to say, “I see you.” “I got you.” “I understand what you’re going through.”

    That’s why we need to be proactive about making time for friendships…and no it doesn’t have to take a lot of time.

    My guest today, Dana Eriksson, is the founder of the Amazing Human Project. After serving in many seemingly different roles in her career, Dana realized the thing that really lights her up and the theme across her various career experiences is her desire to help people feel loved, valued, and connected with others. That’s why she created the Amazing Human Project as a way to bring more light into this world and to make it easier for people to stay connected with friends and colleagues to communicate value and thoughtfulness. Dana is also the Director of Community and Connection for an online community for eCommerce entrepreneurs and she loves helping people feel less lonely and united with others on similar journeys.

    Even though this season is full as a mom of young kids, a wife, daughter, sister, full time employee and entrepreneur, I love that Dana values her friendships and makes time to reach out in thoughtful ways.

    You’re gonna love how simple and doable she makes letting others know you care with 5 levels of reaching out… even when you feel short on time in a busy season like summer.

    Let’s dive into this conversation about simple ways to reach out to friends and show them you care!

    Check out the Amazing Human Project to make it easy to send a thoughtful gift to your friends and be sure to use code ‘RedeemHerTime’ at checkout to get 10% off

    We pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!

    XO- Lissa + Dana

    P.S. Watch the Manage Your Time WITHOUT Chasing the Clock Masterclass…and discover the simple question to shift how you approach time in both life + biz…so there’s always enough!

    Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website https://redeemhertime.com

    Join the conversation inside the REDEEM Her Time Community

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    25 m
  • 246 | Prioritizing Quality Time with Family: 5-Minute Habits to Try This Summer
    Jun 17 2024


    Hey CEO-

    It’s easy to get caught up with all-the-things in a busy season like summer, but when it’s all said and done, what will you regret more- not taking the time to send one more email, engage on one more post, hit one more milestone, do one more load of laundry…

    Or not making the time to invest in the relationships that matter most…aka your FAMILY.

    I don’t know about you, but I find it easier to create consistent habits around things like my faith-walk, my business, my wellness, my dwelling…and sometimes leave important relationships to fill the cracks in between.

    But the truth is, the TIME you invest now is laying a foundation for the future….and you’ll never regret building into those relationships!

    My guest today, Tonya Wirfs, Host of 5 Minute Habits for Mom Podcast, is a Habits Coach, an Ambassador for Birth It Forward and The Single Mom KC and mother of 5 plus 5 bonus kids. (Talk about a lot of family relationships to build into!)

    How does she do it ALL? You know what allows her to balance Family + Business, to develop consistent habits, and to avoid burnout or stalling out?

    She partners WITH-God in everything she does in her family and business!

    You’re gonna love Tonya’s simple ideas to create 5 min habits that will help you value your family relationships this summer, no matter who’s under your roof, and never make those you love most feel like you don’t have time for them.

    Now let’s dive into this conversation about 5 min habits to be intentional with those God has entrusted to us!

    Listen + Follow Tonya’s 5 Min Habits for Moms Podcast here

    We pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!

    XO- Lissa + Tonya

    P.S. Watch the Manage Your Time WITHOUT Chasing the Clock Masterclass…and discover the simple question to shift how you approach time in both life + biz…so there’s always enough!

    Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website https://redeemhertime.com

    Join the conversation inside the REDEEM Her Time Community

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    32 m