
  • 23 випуск 12 сезону. Ruby methods are colorless, Lamby v6, Maska, Poku v2.0.0, dotJS 2024 та інше
    Jul 20 2024

    Доброго дня шановні слухачі. Представляємо новий випуск подкасту RWpod. У цьому випуску:

    • Rails Adds SKIP_TEST_DATABASE_TRUNCATE Flag To Speed Up Multi Process Test Runs
    • Mid-Year Review: IRB and Rails Console Enhancements in the First Half of 2024
    • Ruby methods are colorless
    • Exercise: Minesweeper in 100 lines of clean Ruby
    • Lamby v6 - simple Rails & AWS Lambda integration using Rack
    • Fake AWS Packages Ship Command and Control Malware In JPEG Files
    • A guide to reading and writing Node.js streams
    • Maska - a simple zero-dependency input mask library
    • Poku v2.0.0 - a cross-platform test runner
    • dotJS 2024 (videos)
    Más Menos
    33 m
  • 22 випуск 12 сезону. Ruby 3.3.4, GoodJob v4, MiniMagick v5.0.0, React Flow 12, TinyBase v5 та інше
    Jul 13 2024

    Доброго дня шановні слухачі. Представляємо новий випуск подкасту RWpod. У цьому випуску:

    • Ruby 3.3.4 Released
    • Introducing GoodJob v4
    • MiniMagick v5.0.0
    • Finding Memory Leaks in the Ruby Ecosystem
    • RailsConf 2024 (Detroit) (videos)
    • React Flow 12 release
    • TinyBase v5 - the reactive data store for local‑first apps
    • What's coming next for ESLint
    • Es-toolkit - a modern JavaScript utility library that's 2-3 times faster and up to 97% smaller
    • Sneaky React Memory Leaks: How the React compiler won't save you
    Más Menos
    25 m
  • 21 випуск 12 сезону. Ruby 3.3.3 Released, Sidekiq 7.3.0, TypeScript 5.5, JavaScript Set methods та інше
    Jul 6 2024

    Доброго дня шановні слухачі. Представляємо новий випуск подкасту RWpod. У цьому випуску:

    • Ruby 3.3.3 Released
    • Iteration and Sidekiq 7.3.0
    • Ruby: a great language for shell scripts!
    • So We've Got a Memory Leak…
    • Awesome Ruby - curated list of ruby libraries and tools
    • Announcing TypeScript 5.5
    • New JavaScript Set methods
    • How React 19 (Almost) Made the Internet Slower
    • State of JavaScript 2023 Survey
    Más Menos
    26 m
  • 20 випуск 12 сезону. Bundler Auto-Install, ESLint Configuration Migrator, WahWah, Omakub, PKIjs та інше
    Jun 8 2024

    Доброго дня шановні слухачі. Представляємо новий випуск подкасту RWpod. У цьому випуску:

    • Bundler Auto-Install Just Got A Whole Lot Better
    • 3 Mental Models For Ruby Enumerators
    • Lesser Known Rails Helpers to Write Cleaner View Code
    • WahWah - an audio metadata reader Ruby gem, it supports many popular formats
    • Omakub - an Omakase Developer Setup for Ubuntu 24.04 by DHH
    • Hotwire Combobox (video)
    • Promises From The Ground Up
    • Introducing the ESLint Configuration Migrator
    • Data Fetching Patterns in Single-Page Applications
    • Full Stack Web Push API Guide
    • Motion Canvas - create dynamic canvas-rendered animations
    • Zigar - software tool set that lets you utilize Zig code in your JavaScript project
    • PKIjs - a Typescript implementation of the most common formats and algorithms needed to build PKI-enabled applications
    Más Menos
    39 m
  • 19 випуск 12 сезону. Ruby 3.3.2, I’m over GraphQL, PBT, Inertia.js 1.1, Why Rails and Laravel won та інше
    Jun 1 2024

    Доброго дня шановні слухачі. Представляємо новий випуск подкасту RWpod. У цьому випуску:

    • Ruby 3.3.2 Released
    • ActiveRecord::Relation#order Adds Support For Hash Values In Rails 7.2
    • PostgreSQL Adapter Now Decodes Columns Of Type Date To Date Instead Of String In Rails 7.2
    • Why, after 6 years, I’m over GraphQL
    • PBT - property-based testing in Ruby
    • David Heinemeier Hansson on SQLite (video)
    • How we used esbuild to reduce our browser extension build times by 90%
    • 10 modern Node.js runtime features to start using in 2024
    • Why We Need a Standard JavaScript ORM for SQL Databases
    • Inertia.js 1.1 - build SPAs for any backend
    • ShareDB - a realtime database backend based on Operational Transformation (OT) of JSON documents
    • The JavaScript problem: Why Rails and Laravel won (video)
    Más Menos
    46 m
  • 18 випуск 12 сезону. Rails, Angular v18, SolidStart 1.0, IRB Kit, Signature Pad 5.0, Brainchop та інше
    May 25 2024

    Доброго дня шановні слухачі. Представляємо новий випуск подкасту RWpod. У цьому випуску:

    • Rails Versions, and have been released!
    • Strict Loading Using :n_plus_one_only Mode Does Not Eagerly Load Child Associations In Rails 7.2
    • Namespaces - possibly a key future ruby feature
    • People shouldn't ask if Rails is dead! They should ask how long Rails has been dead!
    • IRB Kit - a suite of extensions for IRB
    • Angular v18 is now available!
    • SolidStart 1.0: The Shape of Frameworks to Come
    • Understand errors and warnings better with Gemini
    • Coding my handwriting
    • Signature Pad 5.0 - smooth signature drawing control
    • Brainchop - in-browser 3D MRI rendering and segmentation
    Más Menos
    38 m
  • 17 випуск 12 сезону. Ruby 3.4.0 preview1, DoS in REXML, React Compiler, GraphQL Yoga, Ruby-git та інше
    May 18 2024

    Доброго дня шановні слухачі. Представляємо новий випуск подкасту RWpod. У цьому випуску:

    • Ruby 3.4.0 preview1 Released
    • CVE-2024-35176: DoS in REXML
    • Ruby 3.4, No More TypeError With **nil As It Is Treated As An Empty Hash
    • Ruby 3.4, Range#size Now Raises TypeError If The Range Is Not Iterable
    • Why you should nest modules in Ruby
    • Dependabot-core is now open source with an MIT license
    • Ruby-git - a Ruby library that can be used to create, read and manipulate Git repositories by wrapping system calls to the git binary
    • React Compiler
    • How to document your JavaScript package
    • ECMAScript proposal: Promise.withResolvers()
    • Vue Fluid DnD is a fluid and smooth drag and drop solution for lists on Vue3 full animated
    • GraphQL Yoga - the fully-featured GraphQL Server with focus on easy setup, performance and great developer experience
    • Web Platform Dashboard
    • React-google-maps makes using the Google Maps JavaScript API in React applications easy
    Más Menos
    37 m
  • 16 випуск 12 сезону. Ruby Science, Disposable APIs in Javascript, Gepub, Fabric.js, Pintora та інше
    May 12 2024

    Доброго дня шановні слухачі. Представляємо новий випуск подкасту RWpod. У цьому випуску:

    • Enhancing Data Integrity With validate_foreign_key In Rails
    • Debugging in Ruby with pry-byebug
    • Gepub - generic EPUB parser/generator library
    • Ruby Science by thoughtbot
    • John Hawthorn | Vernier: A next Generation Ruby Profiler (video)
    • New Disposable APIs in Javascript
    • Why Patching Globals Is Harmful
    • Why React Query?
    • Fabric.js - simple and powerful Javascript HTML5 canvas library
    • Pintora - extensible text-to-diagrams library
    Más Menos
    35 m