
  • Die Bestaan van God: Die argument uit ontwerp (AFRIKAANS)
    Oct 7 2024

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    Más Menos
    31 m
    Oct 2 2024

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    Does God exist? The Teleological Argument


    In the previous episode we considered the Cosmological argument for the existence of God.


    In today’s episode we will consider the Teleological Argument, also known as the argument from design. The argument goes like this:

    Premise 1:

    Every design had a designer

    Premise 2:

    The universe has highly complex design


    Therefore, the universe had a designer


    Anthropic constants:

    1. Oxygen level:

    2. Atmospheric Transparency:

    3. Moon-Earth Gravitational Interaction

    4. Carbon Dioxide Level:

    5. Gravity:

    6. Expansion rate:

    7. Jupiter:

    8. Rotation of the earth:


    We not only see this kind of precise fine tuning in terms of the initial conditions at the big bang, but we also see this kind of fine tuning at the foundations of life. Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft says it like this:

    “DNA is like a computer program but far, far more advanced than any software ever created”

    Initial and new life forms:
    Think about what that means. You need the code from DNA for life to have originated. You also need new DNA code in order for new life forms to exist. So, if you need the digital code from DNA for the initial life to exist then the code from DNA could not have resulted from evolutionary processes.

    Where does the information come from?
    This begs the question: Where does the information come from? Well as Dr Meyer pointed out, in our uniform and repeated experience (Which is the basis for all scientific reasoning), all specified information—that is to say, functional information that produces a specific result—comes from a mind or an intelligence.

    Explanation for fine tuning:
    What is the best explanation of these precise realities? There are only three options.

    Physical necessity:




    To summarize, we have looked at evidence from the anthropic constants as well as the information encoded in the DNA molecule that indicates that the universe is designed. Anytime we see design, like a watch or a car, we know there is a designer. And anytime we see specified information like “Roland loves Jo-Ann” we know that there is an intelligent source—a mind—behind it.


    So what have we learned from the first two arguments for the existence of God? From the cosmological argument we have learned that the universe has a cause, and that cause is extremely powerful. Form the Teleologic argument (The argument form design) we have learned that the universe has a cause, and that cause is extremely intelligent. It seems Isaac Newton was right.


    In the next episode we will consider the Moral argument for the existence of God. We will be considering whether morality (right and wrong) is subjective or objective and how that relates to the existence of God.

    That’s it for today, and until the next time, remember, the truth matters and so do you!

    Más Menos
    30 m
  • Bestaan God? DIe Kosmologiese Argument (AFRIKAANS)
    Sep 30 2024

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    Más Menos
    23 m
  • Does God exist? The Cosmological Argument
    Sep 12 2024

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    Arguments for the existence of God


    Does God exist? This is the question that we will be considering in today’s podcast episode. Here’s the claim:

    “God exists”

    Objective or subjective?

    If you remember, the first thing we do when we are confronted with a truth claim is to ask: is this a subjective or objective truth claim?

    Category of truth:

    In which category of truth does this claim belong? Is it a material, menta/conceptual, metaphysical or moral truth claim?

    Method of inquiry:

    Now which academic discipline or method of inquiry is best suited to answer this all-important question?


    The three arguments we will consider today are:

    · The Cosmological Argument

    · The Teleological Argument (Argument from design)

    · Moral Argument

    The Cosmological Argument:

    CLIP: William Lane Craig

    The argument is formulated as follows:

    1) Whatever begins to exist has a cause

    2) The universe began to exist

    3) Therefore, the universe has a cause

    Premise 1: Whatever begins to exist has a cause

    Premise 1—also known as the Law of causality—is the fundamental principle of science. Without the Law of Causality science is impossible.

    Premise 2: The universe began to exist

    The second premise of the cosmological argument states that the universe began to exist.

    Philosophical argument:

    The philosophical argument goes like this:

    1) An infinite number of days has no end.

    2) But today is the end day of history (History being a collection of all days).

    3) Therefore, there were not an infinite number of days before today (i.e., time had a beginning).

    Scientific evidence:

    S—The Second Law of Thermodynamics

    The second law of thermodynamics (also known as the Law of Entropy) states that the universe is running out of usable energy.

    U—The Universe Is Expanding

    The second line of evidence is the fact that the universe is expanding.

    No Time, No Space, No Matter

    Let’s imagine we were watching a video of the history of expansion of the universe in reverse. We will see all matter in the universe collapse back to a point where the expansion started.

    R—Radiation from the big bang

    The phenomenon is technically known as cosmic background radiation and this afterglow is the light and heat from the initial explosion. The light has become invisible due to the expanding universe, but the heat can still be detected.

    G—Great galaxy Seeds

    If the Big Bang occurred, scientist expected to see slight variations or ripples in the temperature of the cosmic background that Penzias and Wilson had discovered.

    E—Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity

    The E in surge is for Einstein. His theory of general relativity is the fifth line of scientific evidence that the universe had a beginning. Einstein’s theory of general relativity demands an absolute beginning for time, space and matter.


    Anything that begins to exist has a cause and based on the arguments from SURGE, the universe began to exist. Therefore, the universe has a cause.


    In the next episode we will consider the Teleological (Argument from design) as well as the Moral argument for the existence of God.

    So, until then, remember:

    The TRUTH MATTERS and so do YOU!

    Más Menos
    26 m
  • Besware teen objektiewe waarheid (AFRIKAANS)
    Sep 5 2024

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    Now, let us apply the laws of logic to the objections to objective truth

    · There is no truth:

    If someone says, “There is no truth”, we must ask: Is that true?

    If the claim “there is no truth” is true, then there is at least one truth. And if there is at least one truth, then the claim “there is no truth” is false.

    · All truth is relative:

    When a person says all truth is relative it is the same as saying everyone has their own truth. Dr Frank Turek has a nice example to show the fallacy of this objection:

    CLIP: Frank Turek Bank teller

    We see this a lot in our culture. Proponents of feminism and particularly those supporting the LGBTQ movement are often encouraging one another to “live their truth”. The problem is, if all truth is relative then we must ask, is that true for everyone? If it is true for everyone then the statement that “all truth is relative” is false because if it is true for everyone then it is objectively true. Conversely, if the statement “all truth is relative” is false then it proves that, at least some truths are not relative; there are at least some objective truths.

    · You can’t know truth:

    Some people go as far as to say, that while there might be something akin to objective truth, no one can really know what truth is. So, they would object by saying “you can’t know truth”. To that objection we must simply ask: Is that true? Is it true that we can’t know truth? Because if it’s true that we can’t know truth then there is at least one truth that we can know (the statement that we can’t know truth). And if there is at least one truth that we can know then the statement “you can’t know truth” is false.

    · There is no objective truth:

    Some people might concede that there is truth, just not objective truth. They might say something like, “there is no objective truth”. This objection begs the question: Is that true for everyone? If “there is no objective truth” is true for everyone one, then “there is no objective truth” is an objective truth which, again, makes the statement false.

    Listen to this clip from cloud atlas which gives us some insight into the nature of truth.

    CLIP: Cloud Atlas (Truth is singular)

    One more claim:

    · Truth is only produced by science:

    Many people believe only science gives us objective truths. To this we must ask: Is that a scientific truth? No, it’s not! You can’t prove that claim in a laboratory because it’s a philosophical claim.

    When presented with objections like these, Christian apologists point out that saying there is no truth is like saying “I don’t speak a word of English”. You must use English to say, “I don’t speak a word in English”. The statement refutes itself.

    Más Menos
    6 m
  • What is TRUTH? Part 2
    Sep 4 2024

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    · The law of identity:

    · The law of the excluded middle and

    · The law of non-contradiction


    • There is no truth:
    • All truth is relative:
    • You can’t know truth:
    • There is no objective truth:
    • Truth is only produced by science:



    Theories for truth:

    • Correspondence:
    • Coherence:

    Tests for truth

    • Logical consistency:
    • Empirical Adequacy:
    • Experiential relevance:


    • Philosophical method:
    • Scientific method:
    • Historical method


    • What is evidence?
    • What is proof?


    • Different burdens of proof:
    • Beyond a reasonable doubt
    • Clear and convincing evidence
    • Preponderance of the evidence

    Two kinds of evidence:


    · Existence of God

    · Historicity of the bible

    · Resurrection of Christ

    · Deity of Christ


    In the next episode we will start to consider the question: What is God. With this question we are going to look at the philosophical and scientific evidence for the existence and nature of God.

    But for now, I bid you farewell and until the next time, remember:

    The truth matters and so do you!

    Más Menos
    36 m
  • Wat is WAARHEID? Gedeelte 1 (AFRIKAANS)
    Aug 26 2024

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    What is truth? This is a question Quote Pontius Pilate asking this question to Jesus.

    John 18:38
    38Pilate *said to Him, “What is truth?” And after saying this, he came out again to the Jews and *said to them, “I find no grounds at all for charges in His case

    Pilate walked away before Jesus could answer his question. Which means he didn’t really want an answer. Pilate’s attitude toward the truth is very similar to our society’s attitude toward truth today.

    People claim to want the truth but what they really mean is that they only want truths that make their lives more comfortable; truths that are convenient.

    1. A biblical perspective on truth..

    John 14:6
    6Jesus *said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father except through Me.

    1 Peter 3:15-16
    And do not fear their intimidation, and do not be in dread, 15but sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, but with gentleness and respect; 16and keep a good conscience so that in the thing in which you are slandered, those who disparage your good behavior in Christ will be put to shame.

    2. Objections to objective truth

    · There is no truth

    · All truth is relative

    · You can’t know truth

    · No objective truth:

    o Christianity is not objectively true = just a matter of opinion

    o Jesus is a liar

    o The existence of God is a matter of opinion

    In the following two podcast episodes I will demonstrate three things:

    o Objective truth exists

    o Objective truth can be known

    o Christianity is based on and defined by objective truth claims about reality


    We have come to the end of our second episode so let’s summarise:

    · There are two kinds of truth claims: Subjective (opinions and preferences of the subject) and objective (grounded in the object of the claim)

    · There is a difference between a truth claim and an established or verified truth (proved by evidence).

    · All truth claims fall into at least one of these four categories:

    o Material

    o Mental/Conceptual

    o Metaphysical

    o Moral

    Thank you for listening and until next time, remember: The truth matters, and so do you!

    Más Menos
    30 m
  • What is TRUTH? Part 1
    Aug 25 2024

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    What is truth? This is a question Quote Pontius Pilate asking this question to Jesus.

    John 18:38
    38Pilate *said to Him, “What is truth?” And after saying this, he came out again to the Jews and *said to them, “I find no grounds at all for charges in His case

    Pilate walked away before Jesus could answer his question. Which means he didn’t really want an answer. Pilate’s attitude toward the truth is very similar to our society’s attitude toward truth today.

    People claim to want the truth but what they really mean is that they only want truths that make their lives more comfortable; truths that are convenient.

    1. A biblical perspective on truth..

    John 14:6
    6Jesus *said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father except through Me.

    1 Peter 3:15-16
    And do not fear their intimidation, and do not be in dread, 15but sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, but with gentleness and respect; 16and keep a good conscience so that in the thing in which you are slandered, those who disparage your good behavior in Christ will be put to shame.

    2. Objections to objective truth

    · There is no truth

    · All truth is relative

    · You can’t know truth

    · No objective truth:

    o Christianity is not objectively true = just a matter of opinion

    o Jesus is a liar

    o The existence of God is a matter of opinion

    In the following two podcast episodes I will demonstrate three things:

    o Objective truth exists

    o Objective truth can be known

    o Christianity is based on and defined by objective truth claims about reality


    We have come to the end of our second episode so let’s summarise:

    · There are two kinds of truth claims: Subjective (opinions and preferences of the subject) and objective (grounded in the object of the claim)

    · There is a difference between a truth claim and an established or verified truth (proved by evidence).

    · All truth claims fall into at least one of these four categories:

    o Material

    o Mental/Conceptual

    o Metaphysical

    o Moral

    Thank you for listening and until next time, remember: The truth matters, and so do you!

    Más Menos
    32 m