
  • Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
    Jul 17 2024
    “Do you ever read any of the books you burn?”--young neighbor, Clarisse “That’s against the law.”--Guy Montag Join Kate and Sheila as they dive into Ray Bradbury’s classic, Fahrenheit 451. Guy Montag is a fireman in the future whose job is to burn books and houses in which the books are found. He begins to wonder how life got so empty after his wife, Mildred, emptied a bottle of sleeping pills. The pump snake guys come and ‘save’ her, then head off to their next disillusioned resident.. Guy wants to help Millie, but she tells him, “Let me alone” to which he replies, “We need not to be let alone. We need to be really bothered once in a while.” This book will bother you and challenge you too. Guy’s boss, Firechief Beatty quips, “People want to be happy, isn't that right?...They live for pleasure…” And as Dr. Phil always asks, “How’s that working for you?” Sadly, TVs take up entire walls of the houses. Mildred has a three wall TVs, which is not enough; she needs four. She refers to the shows as her family…’her family’ is on all the time. Guy has kept some books instead of burning them. When he tries to read Ecclesiastes 3, he struggles to get meaning from the text. He pays a visit to Faber, a retired English professor he met by chance in the park a year ago who had told him, “I don’t talk things, sir, I talk the meaning of things. I sit here and know I’m alive.” Are you ready to turn up the heat and read Fahrenheit 451? “To everything there is a season. A time to break down and time to build up. A time to keep silent and a time to speak…”
    Más Menos
    44 m
  • Bonus Bite-“Just Because You’re Angry Doesn’t Mean You’re Right” from House Rules by Jacob Hudgins
    Jul 4 2024
    Do you hear the drum roll? We are on Rule #10 of House Rules by Jacob Hudgins! Today, Kate and Sheila recap… Just Because You’re Angry Doesn’t Mean You’re Right. Jacob starts with Cain, his anger was misinformed and misdirected. God told him, “If you do well, will you not be accepted? And if you do not do well, sin is crouching at your door. Its desire is for you, but you must rule over it.” Genesis 4:6-7 Cain doesn’t listen to God. He kills his brother, seeking a ‘permanent solution for a temporary problem.’ Anger clouds our judgment, like alcohol, it lowers our inhibitions. What we are doing feels right and appropriate. Remember the king of Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar, who was filled with fury when 3 Jewish guys dared to defy him? He orders the fiery furnace to be heated seven times hotter than normal, does this make sense? When we are angry we don’t seem to notice that our reasoning is impaired. When Jonah was angry at God for saving the people of Nineveh, God asked him, “Do you do well to be angry?” What a great clarifying question! Are you ready for a solution? House Rules refers us to James 1:19-20. The tone of Christian homes should reflect James’ powerful advice: Be quick to hear (we must learn to listen) Be slow to speak (anger can often alert us to character weaknesses within ourselves) Be slow to anger (the anger of men does not produce the righteousness of God) Please join us as we strive to keep anger in check! May you be blessed as we grow together striving to please God each day!
    Más Menos
    29 m
  • Uprising by Jennifer Nielsen
    Jul 2 2024
    Lidia Zakrzewski’s real-life story of the Polish resistance fighters who struggled to force out the Nazi occupiers inspired Jennifer A. Nielsen to write, Uprising, an amazing novel about Poland falling into the hands of Germany. Lidia’s father went off to fight and she desperately wanted to go with him. The huge conflict of the occupation and the conflict on the homefront between Lidia and her mother keep readers on the edge of their seats. Why does her mother criticize so quickly? Why does Lidia refuse to see any good in her mother? Lidia’s brother, Ryszard, tries to help her. “That’s your problem, Lidia. You think you already know everything and can do everything and understand everything, but you don’t.” Lidia becomes a messenger for the Resistance and is led through the sewers by a girl named Ester. “I wasn’t worried. There was a calmness about Ester, and a confidence that kept me calm too…to have met Ester was entirely worth it.” What a goal for all of us to exude calmness and confidence in a confusing world because we are anchored to God! Uprising takes readers through the Invasion, the Occupation, the Uprising, and lastly, the Escape. Are you ready to join Poland’s 55,000 resistance fighters as they strive daily to outwit the Nazis? Please join Kate and Sheila as they recap a turbulent time in history when chaos surrounded the Polish people but they were still able to say, “...whenever we are with those we love, we are home.”
    Más Menos
    28 m
  • Bonus Bite- “We Control Ourselves” from House Rules by Jacob Hudgins
    Jun 29 2024
    “A man without self-control is like a city broken into and left without walls.” Proverbs 25:28 “To the ancient mind, a city without walls is ripe for the picking. It lacks any defenses. It is susceptible to any passing army or group of bandits…When we lack self-control, we are setting ourselves up for disaster.” Self-control is not natural, it doesn’t come easy. In fact, one of the hardest folks to control is the face I see in the mirror, but saying no to self is empowering. When we become far-sighted, in tune with the big picture, the daily battle plan is much easier to execute. My goal is to please God, that sets the course for my why. Would this please God? If not, He will give me the strength to say no to myself. Children are not born with limits. We must teach them in such a way that when they leave home they will have the capacity to say no to ungodly things that will bombard their adult lives. How? By modeling this struggle daily while they are at home and by letting them practice it with our support. Let us embrace the rhythms of life like working before playing, praying before eating, and asking permission before doing something we’re not sure about. These rhythms will serve our children well, now and in adulthood, they won’t hurt us either : ) Boundaries help us respect each other. We cannot teach kids what we are unwilling to practice. Are you ready for the challenge of being far-sighted... think eternity? Please join Kate and Sheila as they recap Rule #9 We Control Ourselves from House Rules by Jacob Hudgins.
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    28 m
  • The Women by Kristin Hannah
    Jun 26 2024
    “The women had a story to tell, even if the world wasn’t ready to hear it, and their story started with three simple words, ‘We were there.’” Are you ready for a challenge? The Women by Kristin Hannah was a tough read indeed! Sadly, Frankie McGrath’s wealthy California family communicated with each other less than people who don’t speak the same language. When her old brother was killed in action during the Vietnam Conflict Frankie quickly enlisted. The note, “Welcome to the 36 Evac Hospital, McGrath. Be the best version of yourself” starts her adventure with fellow nurses, Ethel and Barb. Frankie had no training but with their help she became a skilled surgical nurse. What’s up with The Stars and Stripes informing the US that no soldiers are being killed while Frankie, Barb, and Ethel and a host of others serving in Vietnam know that is a falsehood? This book shows us that things are not always what they appear to be and sadly that includes people as well. A raw, gritty, and tense look at the horrors of war and the countless difficulties those returning experience day after day after day. Join Kate and Sheila as they recap the heaviness of the rigor of readjusting in a country that refused to reaffirm those who gave so much and were appreciated so little. When we know better, we do better. We are so grateful to all who have served, may God bless you and your families! Thank you so much for listening! Remember, Stay on Track & Read Your Stack!
    Más Menos
    43 m
  • Bonus Bite-“We Lead By Serving” from House Rules by Jacob Hudgins
    Jun 22 2024
    After you” “No, after you” Sounds a lot better than, “Me first!” Jacob Hudgins urges readers to break the pattern of getting, getting, getting to one of serving others instead. Join Kate and Sheila as they recap House Rules, Rule #8 We Lead By Serving. Let us make a shift from the “What’s in it for me?” mantra to “Here’s my opportunity to serve!” We want to emulate Jesus, the master of leading by serving! “We cannot allow the tone of the world to overwhelm us.” When we find ourselves anxious, upset, worried, or out-of-sorts we must adjust our focus from ourselves back to Jesus. “The pressing question for Christians in our time— is ‘what are we doing today that is good?’ Let’s teach ourselves and our kids that life’s not about being fair. What is fair about an innocent man dying for our transgressions? Jesus is the ultimate example of true leadership: ‘Lowering ourselves in love. He demonstrates complete abandonment of His own will—leaving behind the privileges of His status.” “Jesus calls us to be different. He urged His power-hungry disciples to channel all of their energy and desperate need for validation into a desire to serve?” Our prayer is that we become aware of opportunities to serve that God sends our way. May we roll up our sleeves and give our time and effort to bless and help others every day. We must be countercultural, the challenge is real, Set boundaries to stay focused, serving others isn’t based on how we feel! In the mighty name of Jesus, amen! Happy serving and reading dear listeners!
    Más Menos
    32 m
  • The Lemonade War by Jacqueline Davies
    Jun 18 2024
    We are hoping you can ‘squeeze’ The Lemonade War by Jacqueline Davis into your reading this summer. Join Kate, Sheila, and their special guest, Titus, as they recap the Treski siblings' war over who can sell the most lemonade. Evan, the oldest, discovers that his younger sister, Jessie, is going to be promoted into his class the upcoming school year. He has a lot of feelings but doesn’t share any of them with Jessie. He chooses to ignore her. Jessie feels like she’s lost her best friend, however figuring out feelings is not her forte and she’s as confused as someone trying to put a jigsaw puzzle together without being able to look at the picture on the box. The sibling rivalry is real but so is their sibling comradery. Grumpminster Fink was a mean, cranky man that Evan and Jessie made up back when their mom and dad were fighting so much. Dealing with the stress of dysfunction and divorce bonds the two together. After their dad left, they promised never to fight in front of their mom and even in the midst of their ‘lemonade war’ they kept this promise. Elbert Hubbbard was given credit for coming up with the phrase, “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade” back in 1915 when he wrote an obituary for an actor who achieved greatness despite dwarfism. The original phrase was “He picked up the lemons that fate had sent and started a lemonade stand.” We invite you to join us and let’s all strive to turn our problems into opportunities!
    Más Menos
    24 m
  • Bonus Bite- “We Deal with Our Problems” from House Rules by Jacob Hudgins
    Jun 14 2024
    Please join Kate and Sheila as they tackle Rule # 7, We Deal with Our Problems, in House Rules by Jacob Hudgins. Lev. 19:17-18 gives us a great game plan. “You shall not hate your brother in your heart, but you shall reason frankly with your neighbor, lest you incur sin because of him. You shall not take vengeance or bear a grudge against the sons of your own people, but you shall love your neighbor as yourself; I am the LORD” Why does God want us to make this difficult choice? Getting ‘it’ out in the open helps us to: maintain healthy relationships… We don’t want to give the devil a foothold. Stop sin before it spreads…Jesus teaches relationships are in constant need of maintenance, forgiveness, challenge, and reconciliation. How do we deal with our problems? The gift of discernment helps us to determine the best approach to discipline and confrontation. “Not every problem is a crisis.” The gift of courage is colossal. Hudgin made a powerful connection. The David who showed amazing courage in confronting and killing Goliath later on would refuse to deal with the problems of his own family. He did not want to challenge his kids and make them displeased with him for a season so he sacrificed their long-term flourishing and growing closer to God…which should be every parents’ goal for their children. The gift of humility is huge! 2 Tim 2:24-25 reminds us…”the LORD'S servant must not be quarrelsome, but kind to everyone, able to teach, patiently enduring evil, correcting his opponents with gentleness.” Humility must be practiced. Let’s strive to give a determined effort to deal with our problems. Let’s put the broom down and give up sweeping important things under the rug. Let’s stop jumping to conclusions and seek to understand our loved ones and open up ourselves to the possibility that we are wrong. This mindset will help change avoiders into resolvers! Are you up for the challenge?
    Más Menos
    25 m