
  • Episode 06: Patience Pays Off – Cultivating Community & Traction in Podcasting
    Jun 27 2024
    Red House Productions | Episode 06: “Patience Pays Off – Cultivating Community & Traction in Podcasting” In this solo episode of Red House Productions, host Eric Begay dives into the realities of launching a podcast and the patience required to build a community and gain traction. Eric shares valuable insights and personal anecdotes about the journey of growing a podcast audience, emphasizing the importance of having a strategic plan and leveraging existing networks. He uses examples from his own experience and those of clients, including the success story of the Flute 360 podcast, to illustrate key points. Main Points: The Reality of Podcasting: Launching a podcast involves more than just recording and publishing episodes.Initial high expectations can lead to disappointment without proper planning and time commitment. Case Study - After School Program Podcast: Example of a client with high ambitions but limited time to dedicate to their podcast.Importance of scheduling and planning to ensure consistent content production. Building an Audience: The necessity of having a ready audience before launching a podcast.Utilizing email lists, social media, and organic marketing to engage and grow an audience.Starting with a community that is already warmed up to your business or institution. Expectation of Growth: Realistic timelines for gaining traction, using Flute 360 as a reference.Consistent publishing and engagement with the audience over time lead to sustained listenership. Strategies for Organic Growth: Importance of social media presence and engagement.Creating a marketing strategy that includes social media, live sessions, and promotional snippets.Building long-term listeners through consistent interaction and quality content. Using Analytics for Growth: Monitoring listener engagement and trends using podcast analytics tools.Learning from the data to refine content and marketing strategies. Importance of Consistency and Patience: Success in podcasting is a long-term commitment.Regular publishing schedules and ongoing audience engagement are crucial. Upcoming Mastermind Session: Announcement of the Red House Productions Mastermind on June 29th, from 2-4 PM CT.Opportunity for listeners to join and gain insights on podcasting, exchange ideas, and build connections.Free 30-minute consultation with Heidi Kay Begay for those who sign up. Call to Action: This episode is perfect for podcasters at any stage who are looking to see real transformation in their podcasting journey. Join us in our upcoming mastermind session on Saturday, June 29, 2024 from 2-4 PM CT to connect with fellow podcasters and learn how to grow your podcast community and listenership. Sign up now and take the first step towards podcasting success! Follow Us! Follow Us via TikTokFollow Us via LinkedInFollow Us via InstagramJoin Our Private Facebook GroupJoin Our NewsletterVisit Our Website Join the Red House Productions’ Accelerator Program!
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  • Episode 05: Podcast Gear – Make or Break Your Sound
    Jun 20 2024

    Red House Productions | Episode 05: "Podcast Gear – Make or Break Your Sound”

    Welcome to Episode 05 of the Red House Productions Podcast, where we empower podcasters to discover their voice and make a meaningful impact. In this episode, titled "Podcast Gear: Make or Break Your Sound," we dive deep into the essential tech gear that every podcaster needs to know about. Whether you're a newbie overwhelmed by cables and tech jargon, or a seasoned podcaster looking to upgrade your setup, this episode is packed with valuable insights and tips.

    Main Points from the Episode:

    1. Choosing the Right Computer: Importance of a powerful processor and sufficient storage for handling large audio and video files.
    2. Microphones and Audio Interfaces: Discussion on USB vs. XLR microphones, including recommendations for easy setups and professional-grade audio interfaces for enhanced sound control.
    3. Headphones and Monitoring: Tips on selecting the best headphones for editing and recording, and the importance of using headphones to prevent echo during recordings.
    4. Software and DAW Systems: Insight into choosing the right Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) like Adobe Audition or Pro Tools, and the benefits of knowing multiple DAW systems.
    5. Internet and Connectivity: Importance of high upload and download speeds for seamless remote recording sessions, and tips on choosing the right internet provider.
    6. Sound Quality and Setup: Emphasis on microphone placement and room setup to optimize sound quality, and the concept of "trash in, trash out" in recording quality.

    Call to Action:

    Don't miss out on the opportunity to transform your podcasting journey! Join Heidi and Eric at our next Podcasting Mastermind in the Red House Production Accelerator Program. We're meeting on Saturday, June 29, 2024, from 2:00 to 4:00 PM / CT. This is your chance to network with fellow podcasters, get expert advice, and elevate your podcast to the next level. Click here to join!

    Thank you for tuning in, and we can't wait to help you make your podcasting dreams a reality. Until next time, keep creating and inspiring!

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    • Schedule your FREE call with Heidi & Eric today! Click here!
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    31 m
  • Episode 04: Unlocking Your Inner Broadcast - The Power of YOU in Podcasting!
    May 23 2024

    Red House Productions | Episode 04: “Unlocking Your Inner Broadcast – The Power of YOU in Podcasting!”

    Welcome back to another empowering episode of the Red House Productions podcast!

    In this episode, Heidi Kay Begay and Eric Jay Begay delve deep into a common concern among new podcasters: "Who would want to hear me talk?" This question often stems from fear and self-doubt.

    Our hosts break down this fear, boost your confidence, and equip you with insights to help you embrace your unique voice. They encourage you to view your listeners as friends—trusted and valued—and to communicate with them as such. It’s all about finding and speaking to your niche, being authentically you, and not getting caught up in chasing numbers.

    Main Points:

    1. Debunking the Fear: Many new podcasters hesitate to start because they fear no one will be interested in what they have to say. Eric's advice is to think of your listeners as friends, which makes the conversation more intimate and genuine.
    2. Your Unique Voice Matters: You are a unique individual with your own set of skills, expertise, and perspectives. This uniqueness is exactly what will make your content resonate with the right audience.
    3. The Power of Authenticity: Authenticity attracts listeners. When you are true to yourself, you naturally attract people who appreciate your personality and content, just as Eric has experienced firsthand through his interactions with clients.
    4. Focusing on the Task, Not the Results: It's easy to get caught up in wanting large numbers of downloads or followers, but it's more productive to concentrate on producing quality content that serves and resonates with your listeners.
    5. Building Your Listener Avatar: Understanding who you are talking to can significantly increase your confidence and effectiveness as a podcaster. Over time, this understanding will grow deeper as you interact more with your audience.

    Call to Action:

    Are you ready to elevate your podcasting journey? Join our Red House Productions’ accelerator program! Our next session is on May 25th, 2024, from 2-4 P.M. / CT.

    Not only will you gain invaluable insights into podcasting, but you'll also receive a FREE coaching call valued at $200, exclusively available this May 2024.

    Don't miss out on this opportunity to enhance your podcasting skills and connect with like-minded creators. Sign up now and start transforming your podcasting dreams into reality! Join us here!

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    34 m
  • Episode 03: Double Your Success - Why You Need a Podcast Partner to Thrive!
    May 16 2024

    Red House Productions | Episode 03: “Double Your Success - Why You Need a Podcast Partner to Thrive!”

    In this enlightening episode of Red House Productions, Heidi and Eric Begay explore the transformative benefits of having a podcast partner. Drawing on their experiences and feedback from clients, they discuss the crucial role of accountability and support in launching and maintaining a successful podcast. This episode offers both personal insights and practical advice for anyone looking to overcome the challenges of podcasting.

    Accountability in Podcasting: The episode opens with a discussion on how common it is for podcasters to postpone starting their shows due to a lack of accountability. Heidi and Eric stress the importance of having a partner who can provide encouragement and help maintain consistent content creation.

    Challenges of Going Solo: Throughout the episode, the hosts address the difficulties of handling a podcast alone and how a partner can alleviate much of this burden by sharing the workload and emotional support.

    Leveraging Community Support: Eric talks about the advantages of engaging with a podcasting community or forum where members can exchange ideas, resolve common issues, and provide mutual support, which can be particularly beneficial for those without a direct accountability partner.

    Success Stories from Coaching: The hosts share stories from their clients, highlighting how their coaching has helped many podcasters move from hesitation to action, illustrating the benefits of having experienced guides in the podcasting journey.

    Embracing Authenticity: The discussion also covers the importance of authenticity in podcasting. Heidi shares how being open and genuine has been natural for her as an extrovert, while Eric discusses his journey to overcome the initial fear of sharing personal thoughts publicly.

    Special Call to Action: As a bonus for this month, Heidi and Eric encourage listeners to sign up for the upcoming 5/25/24’s podcasting mastermind. Participants who register will receive a FREE podcasting call with them, valued at $200. This is a unique opportunity to gain direct access to expert advice and enhance your podcasting skills. Spots are limited, so register now to secure your place in this valuable session.

    Join the mastermind and take your podcasting to the next level with personalized guidance from experienced podcasters! Secure your spot today and don't miss out on this exclusive offer to boost your podcasting journey.

    Click here to register for May 2024’s LIVE mastermind session!

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    20 m
  • Episode 02: Podcasting Paralysis - Conquer Perfectionism & Launch with Confidence!
    Apr 25 2024

    Red House Productions | Episode 02: “Podcasting Paralysis - Conquer Perfectionism & Launch with Confidence!”

    In this empowering episode, Heidi and Eric Begay delve into common obstacles that podcasters face before hitting the launch button. This episode isn't about the technicalities of starting a podcast; it's about overcoming the mental blocks – perfectionism, imposter syndrome, and time management – that hold you back from sharing your voice with the world.

    In "Podcasting Paralysis," Heidi and Eric address the crucial but often overlooked aspect of podcasting - the mental hurdles. They explore why perfectionism, self-doubt, and technical overwhelm can be bigger obstacles than the technical aspects of podcasting. With personal insights and practical advice, they empower you to move past these barriers and launch your podcast with confidence.

    Episode 02 – Main Points:

    • 00:00 - Introduction to Red House Productions
    • 02:30 - Addressing podcasters' pain points and mental hurdles
    • 06:45 - Overcoming perfectionism and the mantra of "better done than perfect"
    • 14:20 - Eric and Heidi's personal experiences with podcasting challenges
    • 21:55 - Demystifying the tech side of podcasting and keeping it simple
    • 30:40 - Tips for managing time effectively for podcasting
    • 39:00 - Tackling imposter syndrome and realizing your unique value
    • 47:50 - Final thoughts and call to action

    Call to Action:

    • Feeling stuck in podcasting paralysis? It's time to break free and launch with confidence! Remember, perfection is a myth, and your unique voice deserves to be heard. Don't let technical worries or time constraints hold you back. Start simple, make time, and embrace your authentic self. Your audience awaits!

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    34 m
  • Episode 01: Unveiling Red House - Our Origin Story
    Apr 11 2024

    Red House Productions | Episode 01: “Unveiling Red House - Our Origin Story”

    Join Heidi and Eric Begay in the inaugural episode of the Red House Productions podcast as they share their personal and professional journey into the world of podcasting. Discover the origins of Red House Productions, learn about the sacrifices and hard work that shaped their path, and get a glimpse into their lives and values. This episode offers an intimate look at the couple behind the business, their commitment to their clients, and how they empower podcasters to make a meaningful impact.

    Episode 01 – Main Points:

    • 0:00 - Introduction to Red House Productions and hosts Heidi and Eric Begay.
    • 2:30 - Eric discusses his initial foray into podcasting and the evolution of his career.
    • 7:45 - Heidi highlights the importance of their podcasting work and the couple's dedication to their clients.
    • 12:10 - Eric and Heidi reminisce about their humble beginnings and the growth of Red House Productions.
    • 17:20 - The significance of the company's name, Red House Productions, and its cultural roots.
    • 22:35 - Eric's invitation to discuss Navajo culture and the possibility of podcast editing in Navajo language.
    • 26:50 - Closing thoughts, gratitude to listeners, and a call to action.

    Call To Action:

    • Subscribe, rate, and review the Red House Productions podcast on platforms like Spotify, Apple, Amazon Music, and iHeartRadio.
    • Visit redhouseproduction.net and sign up for the weekly newsletter to receive valuable podcasting insights and tips.

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  • Official Trailer: Red House Productions Podcast with Eric Jay & Heidi Kay Begay
    Apr 3 2024

    Red House Productions | Official Trailer: “Red House Productions Podcast with Eric Jay & Heidi Kay Begay”

    Hello Podcaster! Thank you for clicking play and joining us on our podcasting journey.

    We are a podcasting production company, so it only makes sense that we have a podcast about podcasting!

    Join us as we discuss podcasting topics that matter the most to you. Whether you are a novice, intermediate, or professional podcaster, this show will have something for you!

    We are your podcasting home, so no matter where you are on your journey, we have the content and the support you need to thrive in your podcasting so you can make a significant impact in your industry and community!

    Whether you are launching, growing, or monetizing your show – we’ve got you covered!

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    6 m