
  • In Light of Who He Is
    Jul 2 2024

    God speaks to humanity through simple yet profound means. Today we look at the crucial significance of Jesus taking on flesh and living among us, and reflect on His pivotal declarations like "I am the way, the truth, and the life" from John 14 and "I am Alpha and Omega" from Revelation.

    Our conversation also delves into the Lord’s longing for a deep personal relationship with each believer, while highlighting His self-sufficiency and completeness. As we reflect on the church being the bride of Christ and the joy of eternal life in knowing and walking with Him, we extend a warm invitation to those newly born again to connect with our ministry.

    NEW BOOK! I'm pleased to say that we have completed a new book that has been years in the making. The Ten Shirot: Songs of Redemption looks at ten songs that were sung through pivotal times in Scripture. It's an examination of the redemption of Jesus, of worship, and of Scripture in a way that we believe you probably haven't seen before. Check it out at https://a.co/d/0a4KIooL .

    The Redeeming Love Bible Broadcast is a ministry of Grace Baptist Tabernacle. We're located at 121 Arborside Lane in King, NC and we can be reached at welcome@gracebaptisttabernacle.org. Please continue to share these episodes, and please consider coming to visit our church. We are excited and expectant for you to come!

    Más Menos
    22 m
  • The LORD's Love for You
    Jun 18 2024

    Can salvation really be a gift that requires nothing from us but acceptance? Drawing from the powerful message in Romans 5:8, we look at how God's boundless love, demonstrated through Christ's ultimate sacrifice, offers us a precious relationship free from the chains of sin. We reflect on God's unwavering will to restore humanity and the comforting ministry of the Holy Spirit towards the lost, emphasizing that salvation is not something we earn but graciously receive.

    NEW BOOK! I'm pleased to say that we have completed a new book that has been years in the making. The Ten Shirot: Songs of Redemption looks at ten songs that were sung through pivotal times in Scripture. It's an examination of the redemption of Jesus, of worship, and of Scripture in a way that we believe you probably haven't seen before. Check it out at https://a.co/d/0a4KIooL .

    The Redeeming Love Bible Broadcast is a ministry of Grace Baptist Tabernacle. We're located at 121 Arborside Lane in King, NC and we can be reached at welcome@gracebaptisttabernacle.org. Please continue to share these episodes, and please consider coming to visit our church. We are excited and expectant for you to come!

    Más Menos
    22 m
  • Leading with Mercy
    Jun 4 2024

    Today we look at God's redeeming love as shown through John 3:14-16. We'll unpack the profound significance of faith in Jesus, emphasizing how His atoning death and resurrection bring forgiveness and true reconciliation with God.

    God's merciful nature and desire for all to be saved underpin the promise that "whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." This episode sheds light on the compassionate nature of God's salvation plan.

    Evangelism isn't about enforcing rules; it's about sharing the love of a living God. We'll delve into the relational and compassionate approach to evangelism, highlighting the sufficiency of the Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ in leading this mission.

    NEW BOOK! I'm pleased to say that we have completed a new book that has been years in the making. The Ten Shirot: Songs of Redemption looks at ten songs that were sung through pivotal times in Scripture. It's an examination of the redemption of Jesus, of worship, and of Scripture in a way that we believe you probably haven't seen before. Check it out at https://a.co/d/0a4KIooL .

    The Redeeming Love Bible Broadcast is a ministry of Grace Baptist Tabernacle. We're located at 121 Arborside Lane in King, NC and we can be reached at welcome@gracebaptisttabernacle.org. Please continue to share these episodes, and please consider coming to visit our church. We are excited and expectant for you to come!

    Más Menos
    25 m
  • Witnesses (Part 3) - Foolishness and Power
    Apr 16 2024

    Every response to the Gospel, whether visible or hidden deep within, is a profound and crucial decision. With part 3 of Witnesses, we confront the stark helplessness of worldly wisdom when faced with spiritual needs, emphasizing the precious promise of faith and the unshakable assurance of salvation. This episode isn't just a discourse; it's an invitation to experience the ultimate reconciliation of Jesus Christ.

    NEW BOOK! I'm pleased to say that we have completed a new book that has been years in the making. The Ten Shirot: Songs of Redemption looks at ten songs that were sung through pivotal times in Scripture. It's an examination of the redemption of Jesus, of worship, and of Scripture in a way that we believe you probably haven't seen before. Check it out at https://a.co/d/0a4KIooL .

    The Redeeming Love Bible Broadcast is a ministry of Grace Baptist Tabernacle. We're located at 121 Arborside Lane in King, NC and we can be reached at welcome@gracebaptisttabernacle.org. Please continue to share these episodes, and please consider coming to visit our church. We are excited and expectant for you to come!

    Más Menos
    21 m
  • Witnesses (Part 2)
    Mar 8 2024

    There is a stark contrast between the 'natural man' and those awakened by the Spirit. If you are born again, you are a living temple of the Holy Spirit, and every personal interaction is an opportunity to be a vessel of the Lord.

    Through 1 Corinthians 2, we unravel how the Spirit allows us to comprehend and share the heavenly gifts we've been graced with. Every time we interact with someone, whether it's with an atheist, an idol worshiper, or someone who's simply lost their way, it is a precious chance for them to witness Jesus Christ through our words and deeds.

    NEW BOOK! I'm pleased to say that we have completed a new book that has been years in the making. The Ten Shirot: Songs of Redemption looks at ten songs that were sung through pivotal times in Scripture. It's an examination of the redemption of Jesus, of worship, and of Scripture in a way that we believe you probably haven't seen before. Check it out at https://a.co/d/0a4KIooL .

    The Redeeming Love Bible Broadcast is a ministry of Grace Baptist Tabernacle. We're located at 121 Arborside Lane in King, NC and we can be reached at welcome@gracebaptisttabernacle.org. Please continue to share these episodes, and please consider coming to visit our church. We are excited and expectant for you to come!

    Más Menos
    24 m
  • Witnesses (Part 1)
    Jan 23 2024

    Welcome to 2024 and our newest series, Witnesses!
    Through the backdrop of Acts 1:7-8, we explore the profound moment when the disciples were charged with the mission to reach the farthest corners of the earth, equipped with the Holy Spirit's might.

    In this episode, we uncover the cornerstones of being a compelling witness, finding that it begins with a deep and personal relationship with God. We discuss how the gift of the Holy Ghost is not a burden to bear but a blessing to embrace, freeing us from the anxiety of perfection and guiding us to live out love in its purest form.

    NEW BOOK! I'm pleased to say that we have completed a new book that has been years in the making. The Ten Shirot: Songs of Redemption looks at ten songs that were sung through pivotal times in Scripture. It's an examination of the redemption of Jesus, of worship, and of Scripture in a way that we believe you probably haven't seen before. Check it out at https://a.co/d/0a4KIooL .

    The Redeeming Love Bible Broadcast is a ministry of Grace Baptist Tabernacle. We're located at 121 Arborside Lane in King, NC and we can be reached at welcome@gracebaptisttabernacle.org. Please continue to share these episodes, and please consider coming to visit our church. We are excited and expectant for you to come!

    Más Menos
    17 m
  • God's Finished Work
    Dec 26 2023

    In the tapestry of Ephesians 2, we look at how our salvation is not a prize for our deeds but an offering given freely through faith. This episode of our podcast examines what it means to be made alive with Christ, to be God's workmanship, and to live out the good works He's prepared for us—all without the need to earn what has already been graciously provided.

    NEW BOOK! I'm pleased to say that we have completed a new book that has been years in the making. The Ten Shirot: Songs of Redemption looks at ten songs that were sung through pivotal times in Scripture. It's an examination of the redemption of Jesus, of worship, and of Scripture in a way that we believe you probably haven't seen before. Check it out at https://a.co/d/0a4KIooL .

    The Redeeming Love Bible Broadcast is a ministry of Grace Baptist Tabernacle. We're located at 121 Arborside Lane in King, NC and we can be reached at welcome@gracebaptisttabernacle.org. Please continue to share these episodes, and please consider coming to visit our church. We are excited and expectant for you to come!

    Más Menos
    23 m
  • It's Personal
    Dec 12 2023

    As we look at Ephesians 2:8, we see that your personal journey isn't just about faith - it's an encounter that resonates within your very being. Salvation, that miraculous gift, is not earned but granted through the endless mercy of God. Our conversation pierces the heart of human sinfulness, tracing its lineage from Adam, and examines the growth of sin in our lives. We emphasize that salvation isn't a mere nod to understanding, but a deep, personal trust in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

    NEW BOOK! I'm pleased to say that we have completed a new book that has been years in the making. The Ten Shirot: Songs of Redemption looks at ten songs that were sung through pivotal times in Scripture. It's an examination of the redemption of Jesus, of worship, and of Scripture in a way that we believe you probably haven't seen before. Check it out at https://a.co/d/0a4KIooL .

    The Redeeming Love Bible Broadcast is a ministry of Grace Baptist Tabernacle. We're located at 121 Arborside Lane in King, NC and we can be reached at welcome@gracebaptisttabernacle.org. Please continue to share these episodes, and please consider coming to visit our church. We are excited and expectant for you to come!

    Más Menos
    19 m