
  • Episode 319 Do Nothing You Get Nothing
    Aug 19 2024
    If you do nothing to produce change in your life, in almost every essence, you'll remain the same. Change occurs only when there's intent to change, an action is put in place, and there's consistency. A lot of people try to change others, but don't work on changing self. If you're in the same place it's because it is you who chose to be there!

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/relatable-life-chronicles--4111164/support.
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    21 m
  • Episode 318 PICK ONE, Army, Air Force, Marines, Space Force, Navy, OR Coast Guard
    Aug 12 2024
    Choosing at least a term in The Armed Forces can be an excellent stepping stone in your life! Never ever say you can't find a job, when all you need to do is to find a recruiting station! Talk to people, get research on the Armed Forces, and then make an educated decision. It's up to you, but don't let fear and insecurities prevent you from going! Don't just settle for any job, get the job you want. Believe in yourself!!! Talk to people outside of a Recruiter to get information from multiple sources. From one veteran to a potential future veteran, you can do it!!!

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/relatable-life-chronicles--4111164/support.
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    10 m
  • Episode 317 The Spiritual World is no Fairytale it is Real
    Aug 8 2024
    I only watch a few people. However, certain things people believe in, I don't. I believe when we leave this natural body, our spiritual being moves on to another dimension and never come back. We don't have power to come back. I believe what people see and interact with are spirits of different degrees (demons and other entities), who are trying to get your attention for some type of reason, which isn't ever good. People open themselves up to spirits in many different ways, without knowing. When we die, we go to God as a spirit into the spiritual realm and on to somewhere else, depending on how we lived on earth. That's my belief!

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/relatable-life-chronicles--4111164/support.
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    23 m
  • Episode 316 Many Have Fallen for the Devil's Tricks
    Aug 1 2024
    Millions in this world have let the devil fool them. People are doing any and everything these days. What we know as right is now wrong to most and things we know as wrong, are considered right to many these days. The devil loves being the oppostie of God, and millions have fallen for his tricks. The devi's goal is to trick as many as he can into following him right on into hell. He hates you just that much! He has no power to put you in hell, he leaves going, all up to you! You can't ever forget that the devil's job is to kill, steal, and destroy. Don't let him in! The Bible says "if you resist the devil, he will flee." You can't entertain him and think he's going to go about his way, if you want to play, he'll play. He wants you to be foolish enough to lose your soul. Don't give him your power because he'll take it, causing you to lose your soul and spending eternity where he's destined to go, Hell!

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/relatable-life-chronicles--4111164/support.
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    32 m
  • Episode 314 Hearts and Minds Far From Jesus
    Jul 22 2024
    Many people profess Christ but it's a lie. Most people truly love the world more than they love Jesus. It's the greatest reason many are falling away. Individuals don't have any roots, and because of it, people go whatever way the wind blows. It's very sad. While many are lying, faking, and pretending, people are getting further away from Jesus as they partake in the ways of the world. It's in vain to live pleasing man because man's knees will someday bow too! The only way is Jesus! Pretending you love Him when you don't, means nothing to Him. Most are the walking dead, meaning, spiritually dead!

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/relatable-life-chronicles--4111164/support.
    Más Menos
    24 m
  • Episode 313 Your Desire For A Title Have Become Your Idol
    Jul 18 2024
    It's sad, but true. Many people are making their desire for a title their idol, even to the point of worshipping it. Some people are lying about them, cheating to get them, and purchasing their titles online. It's crazy how people care more about the title than doing the actul job. People want the prestige, but lack substance. It has become a big show for many. I especially feel sorry for people who claim to be Saints of God, because God doesn't care a thing about your title or a title, period, and as a True Saint, you should know that! Some people never tried to get a a degree, but they happily buy one online or take the honorary, that's given. When it comes to titles, people want the title, but most don't want to put in the real work to get it. Titles, degrees, position, status, etc., won't change what's inside of you and is why people are always chasing superficial and tangible things.

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/relatable-life-chronicles--4111164/support.
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    20 m
  • Episode 312 Temporary Fix With Permanent Affects
    Jul 11 2024
    People are under the control of substances (drugs and alcohol), medications, an other things. It's because whatever or whoever you give your power to, it has the ability to control you. When you give your power, it means you lose your control. Indulging in drugs of any sort, and alcohol, will never help your life, to become better. Being dependent on medication most likely will have you as a lifetime subscriber. It may help as maintenance, but when you're dependent on it, that medication doesn't fix your problem, and most times it leads to more problems. You must know by now, all of it is a moneymaker. As long as people are getting your money, they'll keep making it, despite the harm it causes. Be mindful and aware of what you put in your body. Your mindset leads to taking drugs, alcohol, and different medications. People are quicker to seek drugs and/or alcohol, than they are to allow themselves to heal and move on from their pains. People want a quick fix that leads to even more pain in their lives. Change your mindset, it will change your life!!!

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/relatable-life-chronicles--4111164/support.
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    24 m
  • Episode 311 When You Make People and Things Your god
    Jul 2 2024
    Most people make people and things their god, but they aren't interested in a relationship with the True and Living God. That's why we're seeing so much terrible things going on in the world. Eyes are on the creature and NOT the Creator. People are easily distracted and focus is on the world and because of it they're blind and can't see anything other than what they want and desire. People are broken with unhealed hearts and minds. They are filled with desires for the flesh, lust, and greed. Nothing is never enough. People chase after the tangible yet, those things are completely superficial and can and will lead many into very uhealthy situations.

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/relatable-life-chronicles--4111164/support.
    Más Menos
    23 m