
  • Relationship trama ep 3 (eva)
    Jul 16 2024
    I never stop talking to Eva so after my break up with nita I and Eva became more serious now at this point I still never met Eva in person we only talked on the phone and she sent me pictures of her. Her friends made jokes about me maybe being a fake person and that I might not be real. People weren't finding relationships back then on the internet so it was different. We made plans to meet she said that she had an event in the area where I lived so we made a date to meet. So before that day came there was a little old behavior from Eva one time we were on the phone and she has a knock on the door. She answered the door and it was a guy from her school. They were talking for a while then she said she will call me back several minutes went by and she finally called back she said he was going through things and needed someone to talk to so that's what they were doing. I had no reason to believe Eva was lying to me so I believed her. The days were going by fast and it was almost time to meet her. I went to my grandma's house and was talking to my cousin I was telling him about Eva and that we are going to meet tomorrow. So the day comes and Eva comes on the bus and walks down to my house. She was very beautiful just like the picture's body was nice as well. We get to the house and sit down to start watching a movie. Then the action begins and we started enjoying ourselves. Then my cousins texted Me did I done it with the girl yet. Eva saw the text and said get off me she was so mad she grabbed her clothes put them on and left I didn't even have time to put on my shoes I was walking down the street trying to convince her to come back to the house. She was not listening to me at all. After 15 minutes I gave up and went back home. When I got. Home got my phone she sent a text saying I can't believe you would do something like that to me and she also said it was over. I tried to call and text but I never got a reply. I think she blocked me after that. Then I went to my grandma's house and saw my cousin and told him she saw the text that you sent and she was mad. And broke up with me. He said he was sorry but the damage was already done. After a couple of weeks, Eva texted me and ask how was I doing I said not good because I wasn't with her no more. I asked how she was doing she said great. At that moment I wanted to flip out because I felt like she was playing with my feelings. But I just let it go. After that day I tried to keep in touch with her. But she never replied again. I still feel like I didn't do anything wrong. And she overreacted for no reason. All she saw was a text from my cousin now the text did say are you smashing the girl. But it was like I was cheating on her. I mean maybe in the beginning but I stop doing that. I was faithful to her and did not deserve to be cut off like that at all. But hey thats life and we have to move on --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/2millie-305/support
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  • Relationship trama ep 2 (nita part 2)
    Jul 9 2024
    I remember this one time I was coming out of my grandma's house and quite was running down the street fast I ran right into her house. an couple of minutes later there was a guy on a bike riding down the street I text her and ask if she would come outside she said yes and came out but she was looking around like she was looking for someone then the guy with the bike popped back up and he looked at her and kept going. I wasn't sure if she was messing with him or not but it was a worried vibe. I little fed up with the situation with Nita I got on the internet I think it was Myspace and I started talking to this girl name Eva. Now one day I and Eva were texting and I left my phone on the charger well I went outside when I came back in. My phone was turned on like someone was reading my messages I knew then my cousin had gone through my phone and seen the texts from Eva. And I knew he was probably going to tell Nita so when I was going home I told Nita to tell me if my cousin tell her anything about Eva because she is just a friend Nita said ok. In like 5 minutes Nita said here comes your cousin. Then she got quiet. For like 15 minutes then texted me, yep your cousin just told me you were talking to another girl. That's when I realized family is not family. So I let that go. Then I went back to my grandma's house and Anita's sister came out and told me. That she will never be faithful to you she cheating on you now. She was hurt before and said she would never let another man hurt her like that again. The crazy part was Nita was right there and just put her head down like she know it was true. I still didn't break up with her. I still kept trying to make it work hoping it might change. I went home and just let it go. While I was home my momma told me that the girl I was talking to was on the train with a guy holding hands I asked how did she know and my mom told me my Auntie saw her. Now my aunty has no reason to lie so I believed her. I was upset and had to break up with her. So I go on the bus and train and went to my grandma's house and texted her to come outside and told her we had to break up she asked why and I told her because my auntie saw you on the train with a guy She said they were just friends but I didn't believe her. I walked off and went back to the train station we were still texting and it got a little heated I called her the B word she got so upset. When I got to the bus stop she kept texting me crazy things I think her uncles wanted to fight me. But I was ready for the bus going on. She was trying to provoke me through text by saying mean things but I stayed calm and played the victim and told her to leave me alone. To make it look like she was the aggressive one. After I few my texts I stop responding and everything went away. A week went by I went to my grandma and saw her brother and uncles I stopped and looked they looked at me back and kept going I guess it wasn't anything. After that, I spoke to her one last time and he talked about everything she told me everybody was going to fight me and that day. And I told her if I. Had to fight one person I was going to pay some girls to beat you up she got quiet and that was the last time we ever spoke. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/2millie-305/support
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  • Relationship trama ep 1 (nita)
    Jul 2 2024
    In high school, girls did like me I had one girl name mercy that stared at me every time she saw me. I never spoke to her. I was just too shy. Then I had two other girls that liked me as well they were bold and told me they liked me. But I turned them both down people were starting to think I was gay. But I wasn't I just felt like it. I didn't have money to be anybody's boyfriend. On holidays like Valentine's days, I couldn't buy my girl anything and every female would be walking around with their bog teddy bears and candy. And my girl would have been looking at me crazy. So I just decided to stay single in high school. Now once I graduated there was this girl name Nita that stayed next door to my grandma's house. I came outside one day and was playing football she kept watching me. After we were done playing I went into the house. Then my cousin came in and told me that she liked me. I went back outside and we started talking and just like that at 18 I had my first girlfriend. I didn't do everything a boyfriend would do. We went to the movies. And talked about our future together. I knew my mom's schedule by heart so when she would go to work I would have nita catch the bus to my house. And that's when it happened she wanted to do it. And I was a virgin at the time but I played cool and pretended like I knew what I was doing. I pulled out and she told me to put it in. And just like that, I lost my virginity at 18 she didn't know it but she was my first I wasn't her first though. But it was ok. I was happy to lose it to her. I introduced her to one of the friends I worked with. He wanted to meet her so when he saw her he started acting all shy and nervous I was like dude she is my girl she is taken that's when I realized your friends would mess with your girl crazy. But there were times when I felt like she was messing with her ex but I was young and naive and thought she wouldn't do that to me. One time I called her and she said she was at her ex's house and they were just chilling I said oh ok there's nothing wrong with that. One night she was coming home from work and she called me and told me there was a boy that kept bothering her at the job. I told my, cousin. About it and he said to leave it alone it's not worth it so I didn't respond. I saw her after she got off the train and she told me everything was fine and he left her alone I said ok. A couple of weeks went by and I went to my grandma's house she came over to see me as we were talking a noticed a big spot on her neck I asked about it and she ran back to her house. I texted her and convinced her to come back outside. She came and she told me I guy was sucking on her neck she tried to push him away but she couldn't. It had a bump by it. So I made a joke about the hickey saying his breath must have stank and she laughed I told her to promise to never cheat again because next, I will be leaving her she said ok I promise. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/2millie-305/support
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  • David Boston story ep 15
    Jun 25 2024
    Jan 28, 2022, I leave the Frank house and look up Miller's number gosh these people are stupid to have their number and address online I then go to the Miller and sit out for 30 mins I only see one person moving inside so I knock on the door miller answer and says what you doing here I then pull out a knife and miller starts to grab his chest and backs up I think he is having a heart attack he then falls to the floor his neighbor comes up and says what's going on I say I think he is having a heart attack call for help when the neighbors leave to get her phone I run back to my car and leaves I go home and start packing my clothes my girl ask where am I going I tell her I am going on vacation she says without me. Look I know it's you that's been killing everybody's body I then stop packing and look at her. She says it's not good to kill because someone is looking at you I have to turn you in I say look baby I understand you have to do what you have to do. Give me one last hug and kiss before you call the police I was just tired of being picked on and bullied I needed to stand up for myself and if you don't understand that you have to die. I then turn her around and choke her out. I get a match and throw it on some clothes and burn the house down. And leave when I am driving the cameraman from the job says the police just left here they are looking for you. I say oh you must have given them the camera footage that shows me doing the crime he said no I saw everything you did. I edit the camera footage so you would not be caught I say why you did that. He says because I didn't like the way they were treating you. You were a quiet kid that came to work and mind your business I think they all got what they deserve. I say well I think so thank you man I gotta get out here. I hang up the phone and start to drive when I put on my GPS I notice so many roadblocks. So I park my car and change my appearance. And hitched a ride to the gray hound station on the ride there the person turns on the radio and it says Frank was found dead and Miller has died from a heart attack they are now looking for a David Boston who is the only member of the team that is missing or maybe dead the police needs to speak to him as soon a possible. The driver says Man that's crazy I think Boston killed everybody I even heard he killed his girlfriend and burned down the house. I say wow that dude must be crazy. He said where are you going. I say just out of town to see some family he then asks what's your name. I say, Billy Johnson. Breaking news on the radio and David Boston is now a suspect after finding his girlfriend dead and house on fire. He is a 5'8 150 pounds short cut brown eyes black African American man who could be looking to get out of town if you come across this person call the police immediately. The driver looks me up and down and says ok we are here. I say thanks man get out of the car and get in line and got the first bus out of there. Police stop the bus to look at everybody on board the cop stops and stares at me then keeps going he says clear and the police leave. As we are driving away an old lady starts to stare at me I turn my head and look at her and smile --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/2millie-305/support
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  • David Boston story ep 14
    Jun 18 2024
    1/27/22, I leave home early to get to work nobody is in the parking lot. I go into the office and get my keys then go upstairs and watch the parking lot Rose comes to work. And parks near me I watch her as she gets out and looks around then walks into the building she goes and gets her keys then goes upstairs and sits in a room I come into the room where the rose is. And she says hey what are you doing here I say oh I didn't know you were in here. I will leave before I can leave Rose says I am really scared there are a lot of people dying. I say listen tell me who is telling you to watch me all the time. Rose says look it's Frank he is jealous of you he thinks you are going to take his job so he trying to make people, not like you. I say ok but you're grown why to listen to him Rose says I don't know I just thought it was fun to do. Ok, I respect that. What about Miller did he know Rose says yes? And sometimes he told me to do it. Ok, thank you Rose come here and give me a hug it's going to be ok. I turn Rose around and push her to the table Rose said what are you doing I say just having fun I put on a condom and raped her then strangled her to death. I then went to the office and grabbed the keys and drove to Frank's spot and watched him the whole night everywhere he went I can tell he was getting mad but I didn't care anymore I then heard him call for a rose but she didn't answer. Frank went to turn in his vehicle I came right behind me when he got out of the vehicle I got out of the vehicle and walked slowly behind him. I got to the office and he was scared he didn't even look me in the face I turned in my keys and walked to my car. He was still calling for a rose but got no answer. We didn't even make eye contact I turned in my keys and went to my car. And drove across the street so I can still see the parking lot I saw the police come. They must have discovered the rose body. After an hour Frank finally leaves and I follow him I notice the police was behind him. So I stayed far behind. Once Frank got home the police checked the area around his house and left. I got out of the car and knocked on the door Frank answered and is shocked to see him. Frank says hey man what you doing out here? It's dangerous out here for us. I say I know the pullout of a knife Frank says what are you doing? I say finishing the job. Frank grabs the knife and we start to fight I punch him he slams me to the floor. Then he goes running to the room and grabs a gun from the dresser I cut his hand and the gun falls on the floor. I reach for the gun and am pushed to the floor Frank goes for the gun and I cut him in his leg he falls to the floor I get to the gun and he grabs it. We are fighting for control of the gun and I pulled it toward his head and he asked why. I said because no one was watching you. Then I pulled the trigger and killed Frank. I got up and ran out of the house --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/2millie-305/support
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  • David Boston story ep 13
    Jun 11 2024
    On 1/25/22, I leave home to go to work. When I get there I see a vehicle already sitting by the parking lot I drive by and go park and get out of my car and go into the building. Then I go around the building and wait till the driver of the vehicle comes out as I was watching it was green that came out of the vehicle. I followed him inside the building then rose popped up and said hey it's getting dangerous around here people are dying left and right. I was yea I know. Do you think it could be one of us that's killing off people rose said it could be? I say rose they were telling me someone was telling y'all to watch me do you think he could be the one killing everybody rose said I don't know it could be anybody. Maybe even you. I laugh and said yea it could be you too. But who was it that was telling you to do green walks by and rose put her head down and walks off? I go to my building and lock it down and go rest for a little bit then when done I go and do an area check I notice frank outside watching but there was a lot of police around the job. I think they were there to protect us. Then I get called to the office. I go and it's the police there. They say hey sue was found dead in a mall bathroom and the camera shows someone running off. Do you know if she had any problems with anyone at work I say no she was nice? Police say well there was an issue between you where she said you were watching her. I say well they watch everybody at this job that's what they are told to do. The police say who tells them to watch. I say I don't know. They don't tell me anything. But they never told me to watch anyone. They say ok. As I am walking to my car green is behind and I can tell he was looking at me hard because the police were watching him. I get in my car and drive to an area where I can still see the parking lot after a couple of minutes green finally lives the parking lot I follow behind him slowly to his house and park on the side of the building. I wait till nighttime to break in. I go through the window. Green wakes up and looks around the house. I hide behind the couch and wait till he turns his back he then goes into the bathroom. I come from. Behind and cut his neck and I watched him bleed out and die. I leave threw the window and go back to my car and drive home and wait for the news to pop up and discover his body. But it didn't come on. My girl comes in and asks why you keep burning the clothes that a brought you. I tell her they had holes in them. I don't need it anymore don't worry baby I will buy more. She says why are you coming home so late all the time now. I say baby they want me to be safe now. So I have to drive around a little so the police can make sure no one is following me. You don't want me to be the next victim right? She says no. I hug her and say you can trust me baby I am. Not doing anything. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/2millie-305/support
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  • David Boston story ep 12
    Jun 4 2024
    1/23/22 I leave home to go to work when I get there I see sue already there waiting on me. I have made up my mind I she is next. I get out of my car and go into the building when I go into the office rose and green are there they ask if have I heard the news about Parker I say no what happen? Green says it was all over the news he was found dead at the gas station someone came from behind him and cut his throat he bleed out. I say wow that's crazy I guess someone should have been watching they both get quiet and look at me I grab my keys and go to the building I lock everything down and see frank parked in front of the building watching me. I continue my work and ignore I go in and watch a movie once it's over I go out to do an area check as I am checking the building I see frank standing there outside the vehicle looking at me. I just keep walking when I am done I go on my lunch break for an hour. When I get done I open the building and I see sue walking by watching me. I smile and turn my head I then go turn in the keys and walk to my car as I am walking I see sue watching me again. I just keep walking I get to my car and go across the street and watch the parking lot I see sue talking to frank he walks her to her car she gets in frank looks around as he walks to his car I think he is scared now. Sue leaves and I slowly follow her I drive so and stay two cars behind so she would not notice me. She gets to her house and your boyfriend comes out and greets her. I stay hidden waiting for my opportunity to attack. A couple of hours go by and she comes by sue comes back out and starts to drive she goes to the mall. I park my car and walk into the mall I follow behind her but she does not see me. Sue then goes into the bathroom I follow behind her and make sure no one was in there. I pull out the knife and bust into the area she was using and held the knife to her neck I then pulled my pants down and put a condom on and raped her after I was done I cut her neck and walked out. I use the emergency exit and walked by to my car and drove home. I burnt the clothes and took a bath. Breaking news a woman has been found dead in a bathroom at a mall it appears she has been raped. She is another member of the team that seems to be popping up dead everywhere now. Police come to the door and ask if am I ok. I say yes what happen? The police say we are doing a wellness check for every member of your job to make sure you guys are ok. Do you want us to keep a police officer outside of the door so you can feel safe? I tell him no I am ok thank you though. Police say ok and by the way, do you have any problems with anyone at your job I say no sir I love everybody I just go to work and go home. Most of the time I am minding my own business. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/2millie-305/support
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  • David boston story ep 11
    May 28 2024
    1/21/22 I leave home to go to work when I get there Parker is sitting in her car Watching me ignore her and walk into the building when I get to the office miller and Frank are in the office I say hey what's up but Frank ignores I continue going and get my keys. As I am walking to the vehicle Parker says hey man that does not cool what you said bout Wallace I said well it turns out y'all should have been watching him instead of me. Then I ask what the person watching the cameras say. Parker says it wasn't pointed in that direction so no one saw him go in or out. I say oh ok well sorry for him but I have to go. I go to the vehicle and drive to my area as I am in my area Frank watches me lock down the building I was about to go and comfort him but I just let it go. When I did I go post for an hour after the hour is over I go do an area check and as I am walking around I noticed Frank watching me again. I ignore it and keep going. Then I take my lunch for an hour when my lunch is done I go and open up the building as I am opening up I see Frank again. I get upset and was about to go get him but Parker popped up and started talking to Frank they both started watching me. I ignored it and kept going. Once I was done I posted for an hour once I was done with a post I went and open the last building. Then as I was turning in my vehicle I saw Parker watching me so I get out and walk into the building and turned in my keys as I was leaving Parker continued to watch. I walked past and got in my car and drove away but I didn't go I waited in an area where I can still see the parking lot and watched Parker as he got into his car. He drove across the street to the gas station. I park my car around the corner and walked to the gas station and jumped in his backseat and waited till he was done. He got back in his car and started to drive he stopped at a red light and I stab in the back 3 times and ran out the back there were no other cars at the stop light. I ran back to my car and drove home. I burnt my clothes and jump in the shower. I can't believe the person I am turning into but I like it. Once done I go and sit down then news coverage of Parker being murdered comes on tv they say he is the second person from this job that has died within a week they think a serial killer is running around the area. My girl comes in and asks. Is am ok I tell her yes. She asks if am I the reason why people are being killed on the job. I say no baby I would never do something like that. She says I know I just remember you telling me. Are you tired of being bullied I thought you did something about it. I say no baby it's ok they do not do that anymore. Everybody just goes to work and minds their own business now. I would never hurt someone just for looking at me. A baby that's crazy. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/2millie-305/support
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