
  • How to cure our Knees?
    Jul 29 2024
    I was born with bad knees (too much play in the joint), and it went worse and worse, so I had to stop my skiing, mountain climbing, and volleyball. Today are my knees better than ever before in my life, and without any surgery.
    How did I cure my knees?
    Avoid always to stand, to lay with straight or stiff knees. Have you seen Judoka or other eastern Fighter… They always stand with loose knees. Because if the knees are straight, the joints are inflexible and can be easily hurt. Also, the energy can’t flow. Imagine a shock absorber, our knees should absorb every physical and psychological shock and ground our negative emotions. If the knees are straight, then we get tension in our lowest part of our spine… When we are under stress the weakest part of our back is under tension, and we have back pain… 80% of the people who have back pain have also knee pain… and for sure they have too much stress.
    Have you seen old people? If the old people standing straight, we see a significant gap between the knees. The knee joints are one sided overloaded and so getting worse… (meniscus problems). Also, the supporting muscles from the knee joints are too weak. The gap between the knees and the too weak leg muscles will ruin every knee joints.
    What to do? We train the inside and outside muscles of the knees legs. Point both feet 30 to 45 grade inside and make knee bends. This will prevent that we get that gap or will make that gap smaller. Point both feet straight and make knee bends down to the ground. With both exercises, we get the muscles we need.
    Where is the pain there is the blockage… Massage your legs every day and look for the pain spots… The pain points are the area where should massage… After some days the pain is gone, and your leg is getting better. Also, make stretching exercises for the legs.
    We need to build up cartilage in the knees and this only possible through movements. Bicycle riding (without getting straight knees) is one of the best. Because of less load on the knees and many movements. Or swimming.
    Gelatin, fish collagen have the magic to build up cartilage in every joint of our body. This means body exercise for that cartilage and eating 6 sheets of Gelatin a day (or Gelatin for a half liter) for at least 3 months…
    Don’t eat acid food, like meat, ketchup, because it will destroy every joint.

    My video: How to cure our Knees? https://youtu.be/gmVuHd4RXzwMy Audio: https://divinesuccess.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/Podcast.A/How-to-cure-our-Knees.mp3
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  • What is a digital addiction?
    Jul 28 2024
    If we look at the statistics, how many times the average people are using their smartphone to take care of the emails, Facebook … The UK Kids are checking 150 times/ day their smartphone… And even 69% of the children complain that their parents spend too much time on their mobile device at home.Half of all UK adults admit to being ‘completely hooked‘ on their smartphones.
    Through this addiction the people: lose the ability of critical thinking (this is good for the politician); lose the attention for their environment including their kids, spouse, and friends;
    1. lose their focus; 2. live in an unreal world; 3. escape from their reality/ problems; forget their feelings; 4. live like a Zombie…
    Imagine you are together with a guy, who is texting and checking his smartphone… Do you think that this guy will give his attention to you, or maybe that you just disturb him, or maybe you start also to work on your smartphone?
    Maybe we want:
    1. to fill such dark hole in us, 2. or we are bored, looking for excitement…3. or run away from our fears 4. or inside depression; - when we checking our smartphone.
    We should ask ourselves, do we want to become a slave to our smartphone?Why we want the distraction of our smartphone?
    A high performer like J. T. Fox is checking only two times a day his emails, Facebook.
    Everybody has only 24hours a day, and we all have a limited time on this planet… How would it be, if we start to digital detox?
    This means even High Performer doing that, switch off our Internet, smartphone in the middle of the day… And look what we really want or start to feel our feelings, our body. Inhale and exhale deeply. Live and feel the here and now…
    My Video: What is a digital addiction? https://youtu.be/J0rEW7_azQo My Audio: https://divinesuccess.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/Podcast.A/What-is-digital-addiction.mp3
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  • How to Put Yourself First?
    Jul 27 2024

    and Why It’s so?

    The first priority in your life excluding god or your faith is You.

    Sounds foreign to you?

    In every case, we decide if it is in our self-interests or not… to help or to do.

    Everyone has different self-interests…

    Selfless doing is not possible, because we act after our self-interests! I remembered this discussion with my siblings, age 10 years…

    Most people do not even understand this…, because they are brainwashed.

    Remember the airplane, they instruct us for an emergency to take first the oxygen on our face and then we can help our kids to do the same things… Otherwise, the lack of oxygen can kill us and so we can’t help our kids…

    And this is also true for our normal life, we can’t help if we don’t have the resources or the health or power or mood…

    If we are depleted, tired, or fatigued, we must first care for ourselves to become happy and satisfied… and then we can help…

    The people who love us need the best version of you and not a frustrated, over-tired guy…

    So we have to renew our energy/health/spirit to be able to serve…

    Maybe you think you don’t belong to your friends, job, family, or relationship anymore …You need something better...

    So the longer the time you believe I don’t belong anywhere...

    So the more we train ourselves to remain in this condition, even it doesn’t fit us anymore…

    Imagine a baby elephant is tied with a tiny rope to a tree… Many years later this grown-up elephant still thinks that it can’t escape because of this tiny rope… And so it is with ourselves.

    We can free us so that we can serve much better and enjoy our life…

    Time is running out, we have to act, to renew our life, don’t get stagnant.

    Instead, we are caring and looking at other people, get distracted, and can’t grow to become better in different areas of our lives…

    Sounds selfish?

    Don’t waste your time with meaningless friends, jobs, relationships…

    Discover new opportunities.

    Renew yourself and inspire people to do the same…

    Imagine you put crabs in a basket and no crab can escape because the other crabs will prevent the crab from escaping..

    In the end, all crabs will be consumed…

    We are attached to our past and memories… so the deeper the emotions connected to previous situations so more we value them…

    But we are not our memories or the assumption that we are…

    So we have to renew our soul, and spirit with meditation, contemplation, and reflection to get out of the jail that we have built with our memories/emotions…

    The meanings that we give to our stories hinder us from growing, to achieve something better…

    My guru said let the past go and don’t dwell in the future

    live in the here now…

    Does that sound better?

    My Video: How to Put Yourself First? https://youtu.be/7fixKb7JfSc

    My Audio: https://divinesuccess.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/Podcast4/How-to-Put-Yourself-First.mp3

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  • Children learn through hard times.
    Jul 26 2024
    Many years ago, parents loved to have strong, healthy, religious, courageous and honest children…To get the children strong, brave, honest, the children got tested again and again…Today something went wrong, the parents want to make it easy for their kids so that they don’t suffer...
    If we look today at the health statistic, 66% of the babies are chronicled ill because of this awful vaccines program, (Under 7 years a kid can’t cope vaccines). For what the vaccines? This is Overprotection that never will work out.
    And this Overprotection is the biggest hindrance to getting active, healthy, brave children.
    If the children depend on the parents/society instead to go their individual path, to think and decide for themselves; then the children are easy to brainwash, manipulate, blackmail…
    For whom is it happy to make it easy for the children?
    The previous generation could understand, even it is risky, to support the personality of the children, to give them hard times to get the children strong and healthy.
    I was grown up after WW2 in Germany. For us was it mandatory to go through braveness tests; (to climb the highest trees, to fight even in violent combats…); not to have any health insurance; a compulsory religious education, tough punishment for to be dishonest …
    We had to play outside of the house, regardless, how cold and rainy it was.
    Maybe this had made our immune system healthy?!
    Today the kids get brainwashed through the TV/Media… We were taught don’t trust the media. Go your own way, regardless what other people think.
    Today the children get early their smartphones, getting digital addicted,… Everybody should know the overuse of smartphones/ PC harm the brain and body of the kids!!! Children need exercise, real communications, love (and not the smartphone, TV)…
    The today TV program is not suitable for the kids. On the other hand, the parents, want the children quite, get the kids a TV, smartphone, and PC. What do you expect from your children? If we give a computer garbage, it will deliver garbage. Garbage input, Garbage output. With this in mind, how can we let the children see the TV?
    My video: Children learn through hard times. https://youtu.be/jvItx0GUlwc My Audio: https://divinesuccess.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/Podcast.A/Children-learn-through-hard-times.mp3

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  • There doesn’t exist spiritual enlightenment!
    Jul 25 2024
    It might be very provoking for you to read!What is enlightenment? When a guy is getting enlightenment, his ego will be destroyed and be transformed to the divine. Afterward, his whole life will emerge in the divine, everything would be selfless, and he would have no Ego anymore!In the last months of his life, Osho (Bhagwan) finally admitted that: The Ego could not be destroyed, only "observed."Krishnamurthy said simple, there is no enlightenment.Sri Aurobindo said until we have a body, we have an Ego. The Srimad Bhagavatam said, there exist nobody on this planet, who doesn’t have all three Gunas. All three Gunas are an ego, we can only improve our ego.And there is nothing mentioned on the enlightenment in the Srimad Bhagavatam or other old religion books, for instance, the famous Sufi book: The conference of the birds. Ramakrishna said we can’t kill this rascal of Ego. Instead, we use our Ego to serve God. Ramakrishna remained his whole life humble and said about himself, that he is only the servant of the servants of God. That means Ramakrishna served his devotees and his devotees should serve God.Why we can’t destroy our Ego or a part of our Ego? Because our ego is so hard-wired into our brain and our whole body. For instance, if we speak, we use our ego, without ego, we can’t talk. We can not guarantee to survive without Ego. We can free us from our ego and connect with the divine for a particular time.- With Meditation, dancing, music, chanting is this possible. Through the spiritual path, we can lose a part of our attachments to our ego. We can’t get rid of all of our attachments! This means we all have to monitor and improve our ego our whole life, and that forget these so called enlightenment people, avatars. They become arrogant and ignorant of their ego, greedy and fall from their spirituality. The next lie is to transform our sexual drive. Our brain is mainly focused on procreation because nature needs children. What is if we live in celibacy? Then we suppress our sex drive with our mind. What we suppress that will grow. After some time, our suppressed sex can cause diseases, can get perverted or simply explode in craving of sex. I by myself could live easy in Celibacy for 10 years because I raised up my energy from my sex center!!! When I had an accident, my back could not heal, because of my suppressed sex. And then I have healed my back with my sex energy (Chi Gong, Mantak Chia).All these great famous Gurus at least from the last 200 years have exploited and cheated the mass, not so the unknown Gurus, like Ramakrishna, Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan… The great famous Gurus, Saints are making a beautiful holy show, and the insider will tell you how unholy and selfish they are! (see the books reference about the famous Gurus, written from their dearest devotees, at the end).The spiritual enlightenment was a great marketing idea to exploit and cheat the people. The Zen masters even sold enlightenment certificates!Nevertheless, the Enlightenment trip was necessary to motivate, to meditate and go further.The so-called enlightenment Gurus and seriously devotees are getting over the inner path the divine inner voice. With this inner voice, they get all the information that is necessary for their specific inner path. Also, they have to obey to 100% to the divine inner voice. If they follow up, they will grow continuously on the inner path. If not, they will become evil people and will exploit others... I by myself had the fortune to get the Kundalini/spiritual-awakening very fast, with 29 years. Since this time, I have lost my body identification (still, I keep my body healthy) got my divine inner voice and many other spiritual goodies. I have obeyed to 100% my divine inner voice. Sometimes it was/is so difficult to follow my divine inner voice, because I have to do things that are contradicting my thinking/faith system. Nevertheless, my life got better and better. For me is it so easy to get blissfully. And I can teach you that! My video: There doesn’t exist spiritual enlightenment! https://youtu.be/sIib6DIyVNAMy Audio: https://divinesuccess.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/Podcast.A/there-doesn't-exist-spiritual-enligthenment.mp3Here the insider information about Osho, for free, packed with all necessary details: http://meditation-handbook.50webs.com/osho2.htmlBooks about Osho: Bhagwan: The God That Failed, by Hugh Milne, Promise of Paradise: … by Satya Bharti Franklin,Don’t kill him, by Ma Anand Sheela.About Mata Amritananda Mai Devi: “Holy Hell: A Memoir of Faith, Devotion, and Pure Madness” by Gail TredwellAbout Sri Chinmoy: “ Cartwheel in a Sari” by Jayanti TammA book about Maharaji Guru: Without the Guru: How I took my life back after thirty years, by Dr Michael Robert Finch (Chauffeur from Maharaji)Video in Deutsch Es gibt keine Erleuchtung: https://youtu.be/UEaCvpRWNcA
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  • How to cure a root Channel inflammation?
    Jul 24 2024
    The root channel inflammation treatment from the dentists has the disadvantage that it kills the tooth and that the dead tooth in your mouth will attract harmful bacteria that can cause diseases.
    For the root channel inflammation, the Indian dentists give you Antibiotics for 14 days; - most of the inflammation will be cured.
    How is it if we substitute the antibiotic with Colloidal silver? Colloidal silver has nearly no side effects when we do not take more than 400 l a year. We need to take a spoon full of colloidal silver twice a day. My body is allergic to Antibiotics, and colloidal silver works for me. Colloidal silver works not for everybody, try it out for 3 days for some inflammations... If the colloidal silver works for you, then you can substitute it for Antibiotic.
    For all inflammation it is the best to take for at least 10 days the antibiotics or colloidal silver, to make sure the inflammation will not come back. My friends who had studied medicine told me that. Still, the doctors give us only 4 days Antibiotics so that we come back after 3 months.
    The antibiotic kill all healthy bacteria in the guts and weaken so our immune system. After the antibiotic treatment, we eat every day fermented vegetables, kefir or take probiotic for 10 days to build up healthy bacteria in the guts. When we have healthy bacteria in the guts, our body produce 4 times more stem cells! The best is to eat every day fermented vegetables or kefir.
    How to prevent root channel inflammation?
    If we feel pain when we are biting. If we hit with a piece of steel (spoon) against the aching tooth and feel pain. Tooth inflammation is caused by too much stress, told me a dentist working in the emergency service at the hospital. Get rid of stress!
    These symptoms indicate us that we have a beginning of a root channel inflammation…
    We put 2 or 3 cloves in our mouth, chew them a little bit and let them in the mouth for hours. Also, we chew ginger. We let both in our mouth for hours. Slowly it will improve… For people who have healing hands (Reiki) place a hand over your mouth when you sleep. To make it even better use the healing sounds “ee” “joe.” You can make this sound loud or in silence.
    I make the colloidal silver by myself with pure silver wire, distillate water and 30V.

    My video: How to cure a root Channel inflammation? https://youtu.be/6EZUZKwzvYUMy Audio: https://divinesuccess.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/Podcast.A/How-to-cure-a-root-Channel-inflammation.mp3
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  • 9 Tips to Get Rid of Parasites & Candida
    Jul 23 2024

    If we eat certain food, like shrimp… we get harmful organisms and bacteria in our guts. After some time we will get leaky guts and then so many diseases like dementia will develop in our body.Even worse, we can get the superbug that kills everybody from the shrimps…
    What should we do?

    1. Don’t expose your body to parasites or sugar!This means a huge No to sushis or every meat, fish, scrimp, and poultry that is not entirely heated up… shrimp, lobster, and crabs are the worst.Sugar feeds, all parasites and Candida well…
    2. Eat in a relaxed setting & eat outside… Because it helps digestion.Food that is not digested fully is the best breed for parasites.
    3. Use digestive Enzymes. The body needs enzymes for digestion.Only in raw food are enzymes. And if you don’t eat enough raw food you should supplement it. Or eat unprocessed, uncooked fermented food, because it is with enzymes and probiotics!
    4. Use herbal medicine or ivermectin to kill parasites.Like:Black walnutOregano herb (I use oregano oil for sinus and coughing) just 600mg/day is enoughCloves supplements, not the spices.
    5. Take fiberPsyllium (You can do a colon cleanse with Psyllium and Bentonite clay).
    6. Full body detox, for at least 2 months.
    7. Probiotic food, like fermented vegetables, soya beans, and yogurt...
    8. Functional protein powder that repairs the gut within 5 days.
    9. Body-mind complexlyIf you are in a bad relationship, stressed, and can’t let go of your problems or past, otherwise you will get the parasites again and again
    My Video: 9 Tips to Get Rid of Parasites & Candida https://youtu.be/Xyj4277FXyMMy Audio: https://divinesuccess.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/Podcast4/9Tips-to-Get-Rid-of-Parasites-Candida.mp3
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