
  • Unreasonable Hospitality | Others Matter
    Jul 1 2024

    How can we, in our own contexts, prioritise the well-being of others?

    The question is born of what I believe is your deep desire: to put others before yourself. I believe that beneath many layers of cultural sediment, our deepest desire is to regard others' interests over our own, particularly if we practice the way of Jesus.

    Our issue in activating that desire is that our host culture taught us to prioritise ourselves. We have been socialised into self-focus.

    Family, I have been socialised the same way, into the same behaviour. I know that the struggle is real, and very often, I want to put my preferences, interests, and myself above everyone else, even my own family.

    But when we received Jesus and, by the Holy Spirit, adopted His will and way, we were re-socialised out of our host culture and into Jesus’ culture. In Jesus’ culture, we put others first because others matter.

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    42 m
  • Unreasonable Hospitality | Inviting Matters
    Jun 25 2024

    The vocational calling of all of God’s people is to represent Him in this world as He brings the kingdom fully to fruition. We are integral to God’s plan to reconcile all things to Himself, and get as many people as possible back to Him.

    If you practise the way of Jesus, I believe you want to accept this mandate. You want to see your one more come to know God’s love. You want to invite them to meet Jesus and His people. But we have an issue. Though we want to see our friends, family, and neighbours know Jesus' love for them, we do not share the good news or invite them to worship.

    Why? We fear rejection and alienation. I get it. There have been extended periods in my life while I was a pastor, and the only time I invited others to know Jesus’ love and Jesus’ people was when I was speaking publicly. I have had extended seasons where I did not attempt to interpersonally introduce people to Jesus and His people.

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    32 m
  • Unreasonable Hospitality | Serving Matters
    Jun 17 2024

    Life is simply too busy to serve. Consider a typical week: juggling work deadlines, family responsibilities, and social commitments.

    By the time the weekend arrives, the thought of adding one more task, like serving at church, can feel overwhelming. It's easy to feel like there's no room left to give

    And yet an undeniable truth calls to us—Serving is Essential to The Way of Jesus. I understand this challenge personally. Before I was ever on staff at a church, I served. I remember one particular weekend when I had a major project due at work; we had a brand new baby on the way, I was in a Criminal Justice Master's programme, and I was coaching College and High School wrestling. I felt stretched thin and wondered how I could possibly find the energy to serve at church.

    But I realised that in those moments of exhaustion, serving brought a sense of fulfilment and connection that nothing else could. Despite our busyness and challenges, the Scriptures clearly state that the primary way we can mirror Jesus and make a difference in other people's lives is by activating our gifts and serving.

    So, how do we overcome these obstacles and create space for service in our lives? Here’s a practical plan to help us do just that:

    Model Jesus: Follow His example of serving others. Create Margin: Make space in your life by leaning on Jesus. Discover Your Purpose: Understand your unique gifts and calling. Use Your Gifts Well: Serve others with excellence.

    Más Menos
    43 m
  • Unreasonable Hospitality | Presence Matters
    Jun 10 2024

    As much as I believe you want every guest to feel like your church is alive and they can belong, we have an opposing force to that desire so strong that it is crippling the big “C” Church as a whole—the American way of life.

    In his article, The Misunderstood Reason Millions of Americans Stopped Going to Church, Jake Meador writes, “Contemporary America simply isn’t set up to promote mutuality, care, or common life.”

    Simply put the American way conflicts with the way of Jesus.

    Consider one of the composite characters in the book The Great Dechurching. The character is described as a 30-something woman who grew up in church.

    She meets a less religiously engaged guy; they get married, and, at some point early in their marriage, after their first or second child is born, they stop going to church.

    Another case is someone entering early or mid-career, working a high-stress job that they feel demands a 60—or 70-hour workweek.

    Add to that 15 hours of commute time, and suddenly, about two-thirds of their waking hours in the week are already accounted for.

    After a few weeks of either scenario, and many others we could examine, the thought of going to church on Sunday and creating a hospitable environment for someone else feels like a burden.

    The underlying challenge for many of us is that our lives are stretched like a rubber band about to snap, and church attendance and participation end up feeling like an item on a checklist that’s already too long.

    The merry-go-round of related emotions leaves us feeling guilty but justified. We feel guilty because we know what we should do, but we feel justified because life is what it is.

    But a vibrant, life-giving church requires more, not less, time and energy from its members. Being a part of a life-giving church invites us to prioritise one another over our careers, prayer and time reading scripture over accomplishment, coming to church and creating hospitable environments over a “slow Sunday.”

    We host an eternity-changing event every week, and if we follow Jesus' example, we must be good hosts in our homes and not let the American way get in the way of the way of Jesus.

    Más Menos
    36 m
  • Unreasonable Hospitality | Excellence Matters
    Jun 3 2024

    Christianity is fundamentally an outward-facing faith. Based on Jesus' last command on this Earth, I say that we should make disciples of all nations. [Matthew 28:18-20] The beauty of that command is that it is very direct and vague. It tells us what to do. It does not tell us how to do it. This has given the church, at large, the freedom to adapt its local context while simultaneously holding on to the essentials.

    Because of our context here in the States, most people's journey toward Jesus begins when they meet a Christian who is an active part of a local church. That Christian invites them to come to Sunday worship. They experience Jesus and His people; we hope this becomes the jumping-off point for their spiritual journey with Jesus.

    So, for those of us who have friends, family, neighbors, and coworkers we love who don’t yet follow Jesus, we want to create a church environment that those we love will want to return.

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    35 m
  • Trinity Sunday | Mental Health Awareness Sunday
    May 28 2024

    The American culture is working tirelessly to make your life more siloed, isolated, and disconnected from community so that you will depend on it for your purpose and satisfaction.

    In this host culture we all live in, there is no greater problem that we face than a siloed, isolated existence. From the rise in depression, the rise in suicide, political polarization, and addiction, to the extreme beliefs that people hold with conviction no matter how it conflicts with reality… I could keep going — it is all amplified by the extreme level of isolation and disconnected lives our culture wants us to live.

    Here is what I find fascinating; I don’t have to spend any time convincing you about this. Nearly everyone hearing this would go yeah. The truth is we all pretty much resent the way this life is but feel powerless to do anything about it. Short of buying a plot of land in South Dakota and starting a commune with a group of friends, getting out of this way of life feels impossible. So, for most people, the answer is just apathy.

    I need you to know that what you feel here is not wrong. This way of life that our host culture wants us to live is the opposite of God’s design for us. The Bible, and specifically Jesus, believes that every person should be part of a unified community where they can love and be loved.

    Más Menos
    37 m
  • Mother's Day | You Are Enough
    May 13 2024

    You will never be a perfect mother, and you will never be everything your child needs, but you can be faithful to the task of raising your children in the way they should go, loving them in the way that they are, and trusting Jesus with the rest.

    So today, I invite you to consider three things I learned from my mother and watch in my wife, which I hope bring new joy to your motherhood journey.

    It goes without saying that I am not pedestooling them as the paragon of motherhood, but they are the two moms I know best!

    Más Menos
    35 m
  • Soul of Blessing | Pastor Doug Nelms
    May 6 2024

    “Giving is the greatest pleasure in life.” - Julius Rosenwald

    No matter where you are on your spiritual journey, we all want to live like this. We all want to be people who bless others with that level of impact, joy, and dedication.

    As we read in proverbs earlier, we want to be a soul of blessing. As inspiring as that story is, and just as much as we might aspire to be that type of person, there is an equal counter-motivator we deal with.

    Giving feels like losing.

    Whether we are in touch with the feeling itself or not, I imagine if you did a quick inventory of your heart, you would find resonance there. Giving—for many of us—feels like a loss.

    We might feel we are losing out on something we want or think we need. We might feel a loss of a greater sense of security. Or perhaps a loss of control. Whatever it is, when faced with the prospect treating our resources the way the Bible describes, our immediate feeling is often... loss.

    To some extent this is natural, when we go to the store and give our money, we get our bags immediately. We see where the $100 or more went.

    Giving to God might not immediately yield a return, so it might feel like you didn’t get anything back.

    Even though God promises that everything we give to Him will be returned in exponentially greater ways, our inability to delay gratification has hamstrung us.

    Más Menos
    33 m