
  • Retiring Generously (a podcast for the charitably inclined)
    Oct 23 2023
    Hey there! This is Caleb Frankart, Financial Advisor and Enrolled Agent at Blue Jay Financial Group in Defiance OH. Today, I’m excited to introduce a new podcast called “Retiring Generously.” Coming to a platform near you, this November 28th. We’ll talk through tax-efficient strategies to be more effective with charitable giving in retirement, and how to best prepare for a generous retirement. Be sure to subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts. “Retiring Generously”, a podcast for the charitably inclined.
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  • Episode 10: Now & Later
    Dec 28 2023
    At this point, you may be saying to yourself, “this is good information and all, but I’m not retired, and I won’t be for awhile, so what’s the point?” If this is you, I would encourage you to keep listening. As I said in a prior episode, you don’t just show up to retirement without preparation. And if you do, you are probably not prepared to give generously in retirement. I want to share some ideas for everyone today. The truth is that there are things that we can all do to retire generously, regardless of where we are in the journey.
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  • Episode 9: Generous People Are Happier & More Successful
    Dec 26 2023
    I’ve always said that generous people tend to be happier and more successful. But that can be a bit of a chicken and the egg situation. Are generous people happier because they are more successful? Or are they more successful because they are happier? I don’t really know for sure, but I do think that there is a strong correlation between the two. I said that we will only dip our toe in the waters of psychology. There are reasons for that. A psychologist I am not. I’m a financial advisor. But you can’t deny that the two subjects often crossover.
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  • Episode 8: Charity Begins At Home
    Dec 21 2023
    On today's epiosode we explore some outside the box ideas to help family and friends with two big financial burdens. Medical expenses and tuition expenses. By using direct payments to the provider or institution, you exclude the gift from your gift tax return, which allows you to be more generous in other areas. After all, if you are planning to be charitable in retirement, remember charity begins at home. Someone once said that, and it sounds good to me.
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  • Episode 7: When To Itemize Your Charitable Donations
    Dec 19 2023
    When does it make sense to itemize deductions? Well, if you are far exceeding the standard you’ll want to itemize. But you can also look at opportunities to “bunch” charitable donations. Sounds pretty simple, right? We all know that the tax code is anything but simple, so you need to make sure that your tax preparer is totally on board before you employ a bunching strategy. Learn more on today's episode.
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  • Episode 6: Tax-Efficient Beneficiary Designations
    Dec 14 2023
    We’ve covered a lot of ground in the first few episodes. We’ve talked about a couple of different strategies for tax-efficient giving. We talked about ideas that specifically benefit charitable organizations. We talked about ideas that specifically benefit the next generation, likely your children. And today we are going to explore some ways to benefit both. As an added bonus, some of these ideas may be more beneficial to you as well. I’m talking about tax-efficient beneficiary designations. Don’t worry, it sounds a lot fancier than it really is. Let’s get into the nuts and bolts of it.
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  • Episode 5: Roth Conversions For The Next Generation
    Dec 12 2023
    Roth conversions can be done systematically as a part of a really effective financial plan. It’s a strategy that requires meticulous planning and perfect execution, so you need to proceed with caution. However, if retiring generously includes being generous to the next generation, you can see why this is a worthwhile endeavor.
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  • Episode 4: Qualified Charitable Distributions
    Dec 7 2023
    One of the most effective strategies for the charitably inclined is the use of Qualified Charitable Distributions, or QCDs. That’s right, another fun acronym for you to remember. But if you simply remember that QCD is short for tax savings, you’ll be fine. The great thing about QCDs is that we aren’t re-inventing the wheel here. We’re actually talking about doing something that you probably already do. The difference is the order of the steps that we use.
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