
  • Signs of the Times – TS Wright
    Jul 29 2024
    Signs of the Times TS Wright

    Scott Wright is back with us today. Scott has been teaching us about the different ages of the Church and significant things the Bible and history has to say about them. Amen.

    We have seen recently, some pretty spectacular signs in nature. We’ve seen a terrible earthquake in Taiwan and, just a few days ago (at the time of this recording) an earthquake in NEW JERSEY – of all places.

    Then, just a few days after the earthquake in New Jersey, we had the solar eclipse. I guess the question I have for you todays is, “How does it all relate to us as Christians?” Or is it just something that is a coincidence in this day and time in which we live?

    I believe the Bible is very clear that God will use spectacular events in nature to try and “get our attention” as we approach the end times, correct?

    I’ve seen reports that animals were “freaking out” (for lack of a better term), during the eclipse. But, if you look at this – so were people. Just look at some of things they were doing during the eclipse. They were basically “worshipping” the eclipse!

    Before we leave today, I can’t help but bring up what’s happening now in Israel. When the United States accidently did a drone strike on an innocent civilian who was simply loading water jugs into the trunk of his car – Israel never came out and publicly criticized the United States for being reckless and calling for an immediate end to the war.

    But yet, Israel makes the same type of mistake – and suddenly, our government is calling for an immediate cease fire. So – here we go again – the entire WORLD is now at odds against the victims of an unprovoked attack and they in a position where the US is discussing cutting back their aid and support. Your thoughts on this?

    Scott, this has been so interesting as we discuss the current situation over in Israel. If someone wants more information or would like to ask a question, how can they get in touch with you?

    I’ll put links to all of this in the show notes below…

    Drop down into the show notes and reach out to Scott Wright. Get in touch with him. Subscribe to his podcast. And be sure to purchase his journal and start learning all about the “God Centered Concepts” that he specializes in. Amen!

    Do it right now before you forget about it later. Amen!


    Email: gccgodcenteredconcept2038@gmail.com

    Book: “God Centered Concept Journal: Making God’s Word My Ways.” - on Amazon

    Podcast: The God Centered Concept

    Más Menos
    33 m
  • What Does it Mean to Choose Christ? – Scott Wright
    Jul 27 2024
    What Does it Mean to Choose Christ? Scott Wright

    Scott Wright is back with us today as we continue to study details about the nation of Israel that, for some, may have never heard before. Scott is the author of the “God Centered Concept Journal” and has a unique insight into prophecy and the end times. He is also a podcaster, conducting teachings on these subject and the podcast has the same name, the “God Centered Concept Podcast.” Amen!

    The last time Scott was on, we discussed the “Fall of a Nation,” using Biblical examples of what has happened here, in the United States, when a nation turns from serving God. We left off with there being absolutely no doubt we have turned our backs on God and given him the infamous middle finger salute.

    Is there any wonder WHY things are going the way they are in this country right now?

    Many people, some in very influential ministry positions, claim “God will never forget the United States of America… He will preserve this nation… He will protect this nation…, etc.”


    If He didn’t do it for Israel – what makes the United States any better than Israel when they turned their backs on God?

    Ok… Ok… so YOU say, you’ve chosen Christ. Ok. I get that…

    Do you know who He REALLY is?

    Do you know what His REAL MISSION is all about?

    Do you understand HOW He is planning on accomplishing His mission?

    Do you even know why the NUMBER 4 is so significant to His mission?

    Well, you are about to find the answers to these questions and more. Amen!

    Help me welcome back to the program, Scott Wright! Scott, it’s great to talk to you again!

    Ok… We have a lot to talk about today and I could go off in any myriad numbers of directions. But let’s try to stay focused today… amen?

    Ok, I gave a list of questions. Before we get to the first one, “Do you know who Christ really is?” – can you tell us WHY the answers to these questions we are about to go over are so significant to what we see happening right now, in this nation, the world and in Israel?

    First question, “Who is Christ?”

    What is so important about “His Mission” that we are not really aware of in our society today?

    How is He planning on accomplishing His mission and how far along on the plan is He now?

    What is so significant about the number “4” and why should we be aware of it today?

    Tie all of this up for us in a big, pretty bow and relate it to what the current events are telling us about to happen…

    Scott, as usual, you give us a lot to think about and pray about. If someone has a question or would like to reach out to you for more information, how can they do that?

    I’ll put links to all of this in the show notes below…

    Folks, the information Scott Wright has shared with us today is vital for your life. Not just this physical life, but your spiritual life and that of your family as well. I want to encourage you to reach out to Scott. Ask your questions. If you have a podcast, invite him on to speak to your audience. Amen!

    Be sure to get into the Word. Study the Word. Apply the Word to your life. Not only will YOUR LIFE get better… but it will start to spread to those you meet as well. Amen!


    Email: gccgodcenteredconcept2038@gmail.com

    Book: “God Centered Concept Journal: Making God’s Word My Ways.” - on Amazon

    Podcast: The God Centered Concept

    Más Menos
    25 m
  • The "gods" are Here - Tom Donnan
    Jul 22 2024
    The "gods" are Here Tom Donnan

    Tom Donnan is back with us today as we discuss Bible prophecy in relation to current events – and do we have some current events happening right now that definitely relate to Bible Prophecy. Amen!


    Tom Donnan


    Six free books can be found at: Home | Zoe Healing Center

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    29 m
  • Thy Kingdom Come – Cedric Sydnor
    Jul 15 2024
    Thy Kingdom Come Cedric Sydnor

    If you are a believer, you have to know that we are living in the “last of the last days” right now. Even unbelievers are sensing “something” is about to happen. They just don’t know what.

    For believers, although this situation is an answer to our prayers, there is still some anxiety over loved ones and friends that may not have given their hearts to the Lord or may just outright reject any discussion of salvation, eternity, etc.

    What will happen to them?

    What about our pets? Will they be with us in Heaven?

    What about “second chances?”

    What about those who have never heard the Gospel yet?

    What about… well, the list could go on and on.

    Tim LeHaye and Jerry Jenkins released a book (that was turned into a movie) titled, “Left Behind.” It shook the world with what life would be like after the Rapture. It is still a best seller on Amazon. Amen!

    Our guest today has written a book titled, “Thy Kingdom Come.” It was inspired by “The Left Behind Series,” but covers a few other elements of concern along the way.

    Cedric Sydnor is the author and he is our guest today.

    Help me welcome to the program, Cedric Sydnor!

    Cedric, I appreciate you taking the time to join us today!

    First question I always start with is this. Other than that brief information I just shared, can you tell us in your own words, “Who is Cydric Sydnor?”

    You are fan of the “Left Behind Series.” But what motivated you to write your own series on the topic of the “Rapture?”

    You address some topics that were left out of the “Left Behind Series.” I outlined a couple of them in my introduction. But you say this book focuses on the “individuality” of those left behind. What do you mean by that?

    Let’s take on the subject of “pets.” What has your research found concerning “pets going to Heaven?”

    What about women who are pregnant when the Rapture occurs? The babies are not yet “born” into the earth?

    How about people that have not heard the Gospel as of the time of the Rapture?

    You also discuss the Catholic Church in your book. What about the Catholic Church?

    Is it possible for those left behind to realize the mistake they made and be given, for lack of a better phrase, a “second chance?”

    Your book is about to be released, probably just before this episode is published…

    Do you have a website or anyplace where we can find more information on your book?

    What would you like to share with our audience that we have not yet covered?

    “With a Soveriegn God there is no science fiction.

    If someone has a question or would like to receive more information, or possibly to do an interview such as this… how can they do that? How can someone get in touch with you?

    I’ll put links to all of this in the show notes below.

    Folks, the “soon return of Jesus” is real. You would have to be living under a rock right now if you don’t see all of the events happening around us are building to one, climatic event. Amen!

    And even Jesus said, “The very rocks will cry out!” Praise God.

    Drop down into the show notes and reach out to Cedric Sydnor right now. Stay up to date with his book and be sure to order it as soon as it comes out. He will let me know and I’ll send out a blast as well. Amen!


    Email: cedricsydnor@yahoo.com

    Website: cedricsydor

    Book: “Thy Kingdom Come” – on Amazon

    Más Menos
    34 m
  • Artificial Intelligence and The Image – Guy Morris
    Jul 13 2024
    Artificial Intelligence and The Image Guy Morris

    For those that listen to this podcast and our radio broadcast, you know I’ve been preaching about the “end times” for several years now. How we can tell it is getting closer and closer just by watching the news on television every night.

    Between the chaos, the climate, the wars and rumors of wars, we also have scientific development that has the ability to wipe out the human race through pandemics, etc. and through the use of technology.

    Our guest today has written several books that will shake you awake and realize just how a precarious situation we are living in right now. Last time he was on, we discussed a great book, “Swarm: Artificial Intelligence Decodes End Time Prophecies.” And a book titled, “The Last Ark: Lost Secrets of Qumran.”

    The next book in the series, tentatively titled: The Image will release in late 2024. Part of a series designed to walk into and through the Tribulation over a series of 6-7 books, the SNO Chronicles weave together modern issues of AI, climate, geo-politics, political and religious corruption through a lens of end time prophecy.

    In his books, Guy Morris, blends real life technological advances and real life situations we are facing with religious research with current events and then adds in artificial intelligence scenarios that will have you on the edge of your seat! Amen!

    Guy Morris has multiple degrees and over 36 years of leadership experience at companies like IBM, Oracle and Microsoft. He is proven thought leader in adapting advanced technologies and implementing complex IT applications. His success stories range from designing a macro-economic model that out-performed the Federal Reserve and all major banks, to building world-wide high performance teams to innovating early Artificial Intelligence systems technology. He is also a Disney published composer, a musician with multiple CD’s, a researcher of history and prophecy as well as an author of Artificial Intelligence, espionage, religious, political and history thrillers.

    Help me welcome to the program, Guy Morris! Guy, it is a blessing to talk with you today and I thank you for taking the time to come on the program!

    Who is Guy Morris?

    Last time, I think this is important for our listeners to hear, you shared that your books are inspired by a secret NSA program that, to use your words here, “escaped” from the NSA. Can you go over that information again and what that means for us laypeople listening right now?

    How did you develop your theories on prophecy and what are the elements you see active in the world which you are including in your books?

    Artificial intelligence continues to dominate and grow – faster than anything technology wise has ever done before. How do you see artificial intelligence playing into the world in the near future and especially in prophecy?

    Tell us a little about the book you are working on and the prophecies you will touch on?

    Remind us about SYLVIA…

    Your books are great. I mean that. I’ve read both of the other two. Riveting. I couldn’t put them down. I can’t wait for you to release this next one.

    I know you’re looking at “late 2024” – but do you have any idea of WHEN?

    Will there be a Pre-Order opportunity? Or do you have one set up yet?

    Guy, this is so interesting, I could talk about this for hours. But we are about out of time. How can someone order copies of your books, are they on Amazon?

    If someone wanted to get in touch with you, to ask a question or perhaps do an interview such as this, how can they do that? How can...

    Más Menos
    47 m
  • The Fall of a Nation – TS Wright
    May 28 2024
    The Fall of a Nation TS Wright

    Scott Wright is back with us today as we continue to study details about the nation of Israel that, for some, may have never heard before. Scott is the author of the “God Centered Concept Journal” and has a unique insight into prophecy and the end times. He is also a podcaster, conducting teachings on these subject and the podcast has the same name, the “God Centered Concept Podcast.” Amen!

    Help me welcome back to the program, Scott Wright! Scott, it’s great to talk to you again!

    Last time, you shared information on the importance of God establishing that Israel was to have only “one place of worship,” which was the Temple.

    As Moses taught, the Temple was built according the “vision and instructions” he received directly from God…

    The Temple was also where God was to always have His presence in and among the people of Israel.

    I guess we can start with this question. If God had His presence in and among His people – why did the Israelites fall so far out of God’s Grace until they actually lost their nation?

    You shared before that Israel, basically split up into differing factions. Did this accelerate their “fall from Grace?”

    I can see this happening in the United States right now. We used to “One Nation Under God” – but we are far, far from that now. That must have been what it was like for Israel as well, right?

    What about the Synagogues? They were supposed to be local gathering places where the people could have easy access to and hear the Word taught, etc. Much like our local churches are today. Was that a contributing factor to split into factions?

    It would be like the Catholics and Protestants and Methodists and Baptists, etc.? Right?

    Scott, this is so interesting. If someone wanted to reach out to you and ask a question or do an interview such as this, how can they get in touch with you?

    I’ll put the links to all this in the show notes below.

    Folks, as Scott has shared with us, taking different “factions” and splitting into different groups, is not always a good thing. It is ok to mix and mingle with those you find you have similar tastes and preferences, sure. But to split and never mix and mingle – well, that’s how wars start for one. But more importantly, it can destroy the Faith of a nation. We have seen it happen with Israel, as Scott has shared. We have seen it happen here, in this nation as well.

    We used to be “One Nation Under God.” Now, that statement is far from being true anymore. As sad as that sounds, it can be fixed. It cannot be fixed in the natural. You cannot rely on Congress to “fix it.” It has to start with our hearts. I’m talking about our Spiritual Hearts. We have to start with our relationship with God. And that has to start with our relationship with Jesus. For “Nobody has access to the Father but by ME,” Jesus said. Amen!

    Get into the Word. Study the Word. Apply the Word to your life. Not only will YOUR LIFE get better… but it will start to spread. Amen!


    Email: gccgodcenteredconcept2038@gmail.com

    Book: “God Centered Concept Journal: Making God’s Word My Ways.” - on Amazon

    Podcast: The God Centered Concept

    Más Menos
    25 m
  • Life IS Jesus Christ – Shawn Paul
    May 21 2024
    Life IS Jesus Christ – Shawn Paul

    Have you ever wondered what it would be like to just go “all in” for Jesus? What would that mean for you. Don’t worry about what someone else did. Don’t worry about somebody else is going to do. Just “knowing” this is what the Lord has called you to do – and then just DO IT. Just go all in…

    What would that be like?

    Would you go to a foreign land? Would you teach others about the Word? Would you go into full time ministry? Would you go into becoming a caretaker of a church or church grounds? Really – the possible ways are endless. The only requirement is – you’re doing it for the Lord. Amen!

    Our guest today has followed that path. Shawn Paul owned his own construction company. He became successful in real estate, flipping houses and was living the life. But, he gave it all up to become a full-time missionary, blending his faith and technical skills to impact Central America and around the world, with the Gospel. Amen!

    He believes you can follow the plan God has for your life and when you walk firmly in your faith, the extraordinary will follow. There is nothing a person cannot do if God has told you to do it. Amen!

    He is also a podcaster, a radio broadcaster, short term missions leader and is raising up and training pastors through a 2 year Bible College program in partnership with Mark Barclay Ministries. Amen!

    Shawn has taken a break from all of that to give us a few minutes of his time today… so help me welcome to the program, the founder of “Morning Star Missions,” Shawn Paul. Amen! Shawn it is so good to finally get you to sit down for a minute and come on the program! I do appreciate it!

    First question I always start with is this. Other than that brief information I just shared, can you tell us in your own words, “Who is Shawn Paul?”

    You’re affiliated with Mark Barclay Ministries. Mark Barclay has a great ministry based up in Michigan. That’s where I’m from originally. Great man of God. Amen.

    You’re originally from Iowa, I believe I read. You now live in Guatemala as a full time missionary and serving the Lord there.

    Let’s start with your background. Were you always interested in preaching and teaching the Word or did you was it something that evolved over time?

    I know… I believe… that God has a unique calling for each and every person. He uses our experiences, our pains, our failures and our victories to form us into the person He needs us to be.

    Your calling started by going into business. God needed you to learn those principles so He could use you later. How did God lead you to start your business and how did that evolve over the years?

    Living in a foreign land is not easy. I know… I lived three years in Korea. It is also enjoyable, exciting and all of that. But there are challenges. My unique calling is to minister to the people of my own land…God specifically used Ezekiel chapters 2 and 3 to call me into the ministry. That evolved into ministering to the world through the Internet and to help others do the same. I know…I love what I do, despite the challenges.

    How does God give you His Peace in knowing you are doing, right now, exactly what He needs you to be doing? How do you “know that you know that you know?”

    Tell us about your podcast, “Life is Jesus Christ” podcast. How long have you been podcasting?

    How often to you release new episodes?

    Shawn, this has been so interesting. If someone would like more information on you or your ministry, or possibly would like to get you on an interview like this – how can they do that? How can they get in touch with you?

    You also have a support page on your website for the ministry work. Amen! I’ll put that link in the show notes as well.

    Folks, the work like Shawn Paul...

    Más Menos
    32 m
  • AWOKEN – Conspiracy or Theory – Donald Galade
    May 14 2024
    AWOKEN – Conspiracy or Theory Donald Galade

    Donald A. Galade has been serving people in the financial services industry since 1987. He is CEO of Kingdom Financial Ministries, a Christian-Based Registered Investment Advisory firm. ​ A student of the Word, Don has earned certificates of Theology, Ministerial Studies, and Bible Prophecy from the International School of the Word, which was founded by Perry Stone.

    He is CEO and managing partner of a Registered Financial Advisor Firm in Northeast PA called Kingdom Financial Ministries. He is also President of an RIA firm known as GFS Financial Advisors, LLC.

    He is the author of multiple books and a producer of Christian film and music. He produced a great Pro-Life documentary called, “The Voice of John” starring Perry Stone, Dr. Alveda King and Father Frank Pavone.” He is a three time, international best-selling author. His books include “In God We Trust, The Dollar We Worship” and his latest book, “Awoken: Conspiracy or Theory?”

    Help me welcome to the program, “Donald Galade!” Donald, it is a blessing to finally get you on the program. I appreciate you joining us today.

    First question I always start with is this. Other than that brief information I just shared, can you tell us in your own words, “Who is Donald Galade?”

    You’re in the financial services industry. You’ve been doing this since 1987. That’s about the time I was getting involved in the industry as well. I was selling life insurance to the military at the time. That was the market I was familiar with due to my military service. I did pretty good. But I missed my military comradery and became a police officer as it was set up along the same way.

    But, I said all that because I know how difficult it can be at times. So my hat is off to you brother for making your business so successful. I love it. And the work you do to help Christian investors is needful and beneficial. I know from, know from first-hand knowledge, that there are a lot of scammers out there that are pushing people into bad investment vehicles and things. So I just appreciate you working it from the Christian point of view. Thank you for what you do.

    Let’s start with your latest book, “Awoken: Conspiracy or Theory.” Why did you write this book and why publish it now?

    You talk about an elite group that is asserting dominance over almost every aspect of our lives. I have heard bits and pieces of some of the things you discuss, but you’ve put it all together, like a reference book. Share with us some of the facts you’ve discovered and included in this book…

    You share that there is a New World Order that requires the participation of every world leader, including US Presidents. And this has been going on since 1900?

    What if the President says “no?”

    You share that what we are witnessing right now, building in the Middle East, is the foundation of WW3. Can you explain why that is important to the End Times?

    Your book reviews on Amazon are off the charts. This is a hot topic, for sure, right now. Especially as we are coming up on the 2024 election.

    Don, this is so interesting. I love this book. I just got it a few days ago and it’s almost finished. It’s just awesome. You definitely are hitting on all the hot topics, that’s for sure.

    How can someone...

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    36 m