• 17. 10 Time Management And Productivity Tips To Save You 25 Hours A Week
    May 28 2024

    How many hours a week do you waste doing mundane tasks like admin?

    How many hours a week are you allowing your customers and team to steal from you?

    You only have 168 precious hours in your weekly time bank.

    Why squander our valuable time on tedious admin tasks and dealing with people who lack common sense and initiative? Take control of your time and focus on what truly matters.

    If you want me to save you a minimum of 25 hours a week, get more done in less time and become more productive. You must listen to this powerful episode.

    I’m going to share with you 10 simple tips that will free up your time so you can spend it doing the things that make you and your family happy.

    Key Learnings & Actions From This Episode

    • Learn the top 5 tips on how to delegate all of your paperwork and admin to someone else

    • Discover who the 5 types of people are that you are allowing to steal your valuable time

    • Uncover the 10 TIME ROBBERS that are forcing you to graft 60+ hours a week and pushing you to burnout

    • Unleash the tools to help you to become more productive and more organised saving you time and money

    • Learn how to stop working late into the night doing paperwork and how to never have to work weekends again

    If you are working more than 35 hours a week in your business you must listen to this episode right now. It will give you back your valuable time.

    Helpful Resources

    Join our thriving Facebook group and community: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠www.facebook.com/groups/tradesfreedomclub⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

    Apply to join our ‘Inner Circle’ marketing and business coaching programme


    Please leave Craig a quick ⁠⁠⁠AUDIO MESSAGE HERE⁠⁠⁠ sharing your business or personal wins and results from listening to my podcast. We will then add this into one of our next episodes giving you and your business a big shout-out.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 5 m
  • 16. 16 Killer Features That Will Turn Your Website Into A Lead-Generating Machine
    May 21 2024


    How many vetted leads would you say your website generates you each day?

    Does your website rank on page 1 of Google for all your SEO keywords?

    Sadly most people invest time and money into having websites built only to be left feeling out of pocket and frustrated.

    They were expecting to hit page 1 of Google generating them an avalanche of quality leads.

    Instead, they are left with a trickle of time-wasting leads and a website that only gives them an online presence.

    The reason why this is happening is simple and easy for them to fix.

    In this episode, I will teach you why your website and SEO are not working. Then I unleash the exact features and strategies of how to transform your basic website into a lead-generating machine.

    Key Learnings & Actions From This Episode:

    • Discover the 16 killer features your website must have and where to add them to on your website
    • Learn the 7-step website design features that turn browsers into pre-sold-ready-to-buy leads
    • The exact reasons why your web designer and your website are failing you and your business
    • Learn the 4 psychological triggers you need to hit to get your cold lead to become a red-hot lead
    • Discover the on-page and off-page SEO strategies to rank your website on page number 1 of Google.

    Your website has one purpose and that’s to generate a never-ending flow of profitable leads.

    If it’s not doing this or you currently do not have a website. You need to listen to this episode NOW to avoid making some big costly mistakes!

    Helpful Resources

    Join our thriving Facebook group and community: ⁠⁠⁠⁠www.facebook.com/groups/tradesfreedomclub⁠⁠⁠⁠

    Apply to join our ‘Inner Circle’ marketing and business coaching programme


    Please leave Craig a quick ⁠⁠AUDIO MESSAGE HERE⁠⁠ sharing your business or personal wins and results from listening to my podcast. We will then add this into one of our next episodes giving you and your business a big shout-out.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 22 m
  • 15. How To Build A Trustworthy And Reliable Team To Scale Your Trades Business
    May 14 2024


    How frustrating can employing staff or subcontractors be?

    Sometimes it can feel like you are babysitting grown adults who have no common sense.

    Ringing you up every day with stupid questions

    Turning up late for work or to customers' jobs

    Tossing it off on their phones in your time

    Turning up not wearing your uniform

    This list goes on and on...

    So, how do you build a trustworthy, reliable and hard-working team that makes you money whilst freeing up your time?

    Well, that’s what I teach you in this coaching episode.

    Key Learnings & Actions From This Episode:

    • The only 2 reasons why you need to employ a team. If your team do not do this you have the wrong team

    • Discover the 15 different ways your team will be losing you money and wasting your valuable time

    • Learn how to get your team to work to your standards and demonstrate the same values, morals and beliefs as you

    • Discover how to build a team that will increase your profits and free up your valuable time

    • Learn what the “4 Foundations To Building The Ultimate Team” are and how to introduce them to your team

    If you are considering taking on our first employee or already have a team of subcontractors working for you. You need to listen to this episode NOW to avoid making some big costly mistakes!

    Helpful Resources

    Join our thriving Facebook group and community: ⁠⁠⁠www.facebook.com/groups/tradesfreedomclub⁠⁠⁠

    Apply to join our ‘Inner Circle’ marketing and business coaching programme


    Please leave Craig a quick ⁠AUDIO MESSAGE HERE⁠ sharing your business or personal wins and results from listening to my podcast. We will then add this into one of our next episodes giving you and your business a big shout-out.

    Más Menos
    57 m
  • 14. How To Structure Your Payment Terms To Avoid Negative Cash Flow Problems
    May 7 2024


    Fricken cash flow problems!

    I’m sure you’ve experienced them at some point. Right?

    I know in my early years after setting up my joinery business I had some serious problems with cash flow.

    I remember the sleepless nights tossing and turning all night waking up worrying about money.

    Not having enough money in the bank to pay the wages. Getting those overdue payment reminders from my suppliers and falling behind on paying my VAT and tax bills.

    There were times when we were down to living just week to week, hand to mouth and it was flipping tough back then.

    Thankfully now I do not have to worry about money. All my businesses make a profit and I have positive cash flow.

    In this coaching episode, I teach you how to change your payment terms so you become a cash-rich company and never have to worry about money again.

    Key Learnings & Actions From This Episode

    • How to get yourself out of debt and your overdraft at the bank. Why do business owners end up in this horrible situation?

    • Learn how to get your customers to pay you quicker and on time without having to chase them

    • Discover how to become a cash-rich company and never have to worry about money again

    • Learn how to implement strict payment terms and how to explain these to your customers with confidence

    • Discover the 4 essential money pots and how to split your money up - allowing you to sleep at night

    If you need to turn your negative cash flow into a positive cash-rich business. You need to listen to this episode NOW!

    Helpful Resources

    Join our thriving Facebook group and community: ⁠⁠www.facebook.com/groups/tradesfreedomclub⁠⁠

    Apply to join our ‘Inner Circle’ marketing and business coaching programme


    Please leave Craig a quick AUDIO MESSAGE HERE sharing your business or personal wins and results from listening to my podcast. We will then add this into one of our next episodes giving you and your business a big shout-out.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 11 m
  • 13. How To Systemise And Automate Your Trades or Construction Business
    Apr 30 2024


    In this coaching episode, I'm going to be teaching you how to systemise and automate your trades or construction business so it can run without you.

    If you want to get your valuable time back, make more profit, generate more leads, or you want to get your team running your jobs for you…

    Well, then you must learn how to systemise and automate your business.

    Otherwise, the more you grow and scale your business without the right systems in place the more you will become:

    • A busy fool

    • A prisoner in your own business

    • Feeling stressed and overwhelmed

    • End up with relationship problems at home

    • Feeling you have to do everything

    I’m going to be sharing with you the exact steps, stages and tools you are going to need as well as the process of where to start and what you need to do first

    Key Learnings & Actions From This Episode

    • How and where to start with putting the correct systems in place

    • Discover the 3 types of software you must implement into your business

    • Learn how to flow out your entire customer journey in 3 simple steps

    • Discover the correct tools to allow you to delegate to the right people

    • Learn what the consequences are of not systemising our business

    If you are fed up with having no time and you feel that you are having to do everything in your business… You need to listen to this episode NOW!

    Helpful Resources

    Join our thriving Facebook group and community: ⁠⁠www.facebook.com/groups/tradesfreedomclub⁠⁠

    Apply to join our ‘Inner Circle’ marketing and business coaching programme


    Please leave Craig a quick AUDIO MESSAGE HERE sharing your business or personal wins and results from listening to my podcast. We will then add this into one of our next episodes giving you and your business a big shout-out.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 2 m
  • 12. 5 Step Marketing Strategy To Skyrocket More Profitable Leads
    Apr 23 2024


    Do you need to generate more profitable and vetted leads coming into your business?

    If the answer is “YES” you need to stop winging it with your marketing and create a powerful marketing strategy.

    “But Craig, how the hell do I create a marketing strategy? I don’t know where to start”

    Well, I've got your back!

    Just listen to this episode to discover how to create a marketing strategy that will blow your competitors out of the water leaving you with 10X more profitable leads.

    Key Learnings & Actions From This Episode:

    • Discover the most powerful and compelling types of content that you must create to attract Pre-Sold Ready To Buy Customers.

    • How to drive traffic off social media platforms and send them to your 2 ultimate sales tools.

    • How to identify your B2C and B2B target marketing using 9 characteristics to avoid time wasters.

    • How to create and be in total control of your entire marketing strategy, marketing budget and your results.

    • Learn the most important features your website must have to turn it into an enquiry-generating machine.

    If you are pissed off that your website is generating you no leads or you are spending time creating social media content that's landing on deaf ears… You need to listen to this episode NOW!


    Please leave me a quick AUDIO MESSAGE HERE sharing your business or personal wins and results from listening to my podcast. I will then add this into one of our next episodes and give you and your business a big shout-out. (This is free marketing for your business)


    Helpful Resources

    • Visit our website: ⁠⁠⁠⁠www.TradesFreedomClub.com⁠⁠⁠⁠
    • Access Free Marketing & Business Coaching: ⁠⁠https://tradesfreedomclub.com/free-coaching/⁠⁠
    • Join our thriving Facebook group and community: ⁠⁠www.facebook.com/groups/tradesfreedomclub⁠⁠
    • Follow us on Instagram: ⁠⁠www.instagram.com/tradesfreedomclub⁠⁠
    • Follow us on TikTok: ⁠⁠www.tiktok.com/@tradesfreedomclub⁠⁠

    Listen To Our Podcasts on Your Favourite Apps 🎧

    • Apple Podcast: ⁠⁠⁠⁠https://bit.ly/WithApple⁠⁠⁠⁠
    • Amazon Music: ⁠⁠⁠⁠https://bit.ly/WithAmazon⁠⁠⁠⁠
    • Spotify For Podcasters: ⁠⁠⁠⁠https://bit.ly/WithSpotifyPod⁠⁠=⁠⁠
    • Spotify: ⁠⁠⁠⁠https://bit.ly/WithSpotify⁠⁠⁠

    Más Menos
    1 h y 9 m
  • 11. How To Identify Your B2C and B2B Target Markets Using 9 Characteristics
    Apr 16 2024

    Summary: Do you know the 9 characteristics to work out who your most profitable customers or clients are and where to find them in their highest concentration?

    Most people don’t know where to even start working out who their target market really is.

    Which means they will be wasting time and money creating content like social media posts, videos and building websites that generate little leads.

    Or even worse attracting those time wasting, penny pinching customers that drive you mad.

    Just click play to discover how to identify your target market and how to swap those time wasters out for Pre-Sold Ready To Buy customers.

    Key Learnings & Actions From This Episode:

    • The 4 different types of prospect you are attracting and why you must get rid of the first 2

    • Why you have got to stop selling your products and services and start selling the solution to your customers pain points

    • What are the 9 characteristics to create your bullseye B2C and B2B target markets
    • How to identify specific customer patterns to allow you to create compelling marketing content

    • How to use Facebook and LinkedIn to help you identify your bullseye target market

    If you are frustrated spending time marketing your business and not attracting an avalanche of quality leads… You need to listen to this episode NOW!

    Remember to head over to our ⁠⁠Trades Freedom Club Facebook Group⁠⁠ and tell me which episodes you have been listening to. Share with me what ACTIONS you’re taking and what RESULTS you are now achieving?

    Helpful Resources

    • Visit our website: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠www.TradesFreedomClub.com⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠
    • Access Free Marketing & Business Coaching: ⁠⁠⁠https://tradesfreedomclub.com/free-coaching/⁠⁠⁠
    • Join our thriving Facebook group and community: ⁠⁠⁠www.facebook.com/groups/tradesfreedomclub⁠⁠⁠
    • Follow us on Instagram: ⁠⁠⁠www.instagram.com/tradesfreedomclub⁠⁠⁠
    • Follow us on TikTok: ⁠⁠⁠www.tiktok.com/@tradesfreedomclub⁠⁠⁠

    Listen To Our Podcasts on Your Favourite Apps 🎧

    • Apple Podcast: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://bit.ly/WithApple⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠
    • Amazon Music: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://bit.ly/WithAmazon⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠
    • Spotify For Podcasters: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://bit.ly/WithSpotifyPod⁠⁠=⁠⁠⁠
    • Spotify: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://bit.ly/WithSpotify⁠⁠⁠⁠

    Más Menos
    47 m
  • 10. How To Create A Powerful Morning And Evening Routine To Change Your Life
    Apr 9 2024

    Summary: Gone are the days of me hitting that snooze button in a morning and dreading getting out of bed.

    Then coming home at night drinking 6 bottles of lager, eating shit whilst staying up until midnight doing quotes and paperwork.

    However, I understand that the stresses and strains of running our own business can sometimes lead you to create bad habits and poor daily routines.

    In this episode I share with you my own personal morning and evening routines that keep me fired up, motivated and at the top of my game.

    Since developing these routines over the last 16 years my businesses have skyrocketed and my life has dramatically changed for the better.

    I'm fitter, healthier and more motivated than I've ever been. I even now have a six pack at 53 years old!

    Discover the exact steps and strategy I've taught to over 20,000 business owners on how implementing a simple morning and evening routine can change your entire life.

    Key Learnings & Actions From This Episode:

    • Why you are developing negative bad habits and disastrous routines that are playing havoc with your life
    • How to create a new morning routine that fills you with motivation, positive energy and a winners mindset
    • Why and how you must develop an evening routine to feed your subconscious mind whilst you are sleeping
    • How to find the time and motivation allowing you to set routines for your fitness, health, exercise and wellbeing goals
    • Why you must be consuming motivational and educational content to ignite that fire and to learn new valuable knowledge

    If you feel like you have fallen into a rut and you need a kick up the backside … You need to listen to this episode NOW!

    Helpful Resources

    • Visit our website: ⁠⁠⁠www.TradesFreedomClub.com⁠⁠⁠
    • Access Free Marketing & Business Coaching: ⁠https://tradesfreedomclub.com/free-coaching/⁠
    • Join our thriving Facebook group and community: ⁠www.facebook.com/groups/tradesfreedomclub⁠

    • Follow us on Instagram: ⁠www.instagram.com/tradesfreedomclub⁠
    • Follow us on TikTok: ⁠www.tiktok.com/@tradesfreedomclub⁠

    Listen To Our Podcasts on Your Favourite Apps 🎧

    • Apple Podcast: ⁠⁠⁠https://bit.ly/WithApple⁠⁠⁠
    • Amazon Music: ⁠⁠⁠https://bit.ly/WithAmazon⁠⁠⁠
    • Spotify For Podcasters: ⁠⁠⁠https://bit.ly/WithSpotifyPod⁠⁠=⁠
    • Spotify: ⁠⁠⁠https://bit.ly/WithSpotify⁠⁠

    Más Menos
    40 m