
  • 77: Ep 077 - How gamification can boost employee engagement.
    Jul 25 2024
    Employee disengagement can hinder productivity and exacerbate issues like absenteeism, impeding your organization's ability to thrive in a dynamic, competitive market. Proactive, forward-thinking companies have begun exploring new approaches to expand their level of employee engagement.

    One strategy that has gained significant traction is gamification. The gamification market expanded at a rate of 27.4% between 2020 and 2025.
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    8 m
  • 76: Ep 076 - HR operating models for 2025 (Expanded Competency, Internal Consultant, External Leverage)
    Jul 7 2024
    HR operating models serve as the blueprint for HR service delivery, enabling organizations to optimize resources, enhance efficiency, and foster a culture of continuous improvement. The concept of HR operating models has undergone a remarkable transformation over the years. Initially, HR functions were primarily focused on administrative tasks, such as payroll processing and record-keeping.

    Over time, as organizations recognized the strategic importance of human capital, HR's role expanded to encompass talent acquisition, employee development, and fostering a positive workplace culture.
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    11 m
  • 75: Ep 075 - How Decision Agility is Redefining HR Strategies for the Better
    May 28 2024
    In today’s rapidly changing business landscape, the ability to make quick yet effective decisions is more valuable than ever before, especially within Human Resources. This necessity has given rise to a concept known as decision agility, a capacity that is fast becoming a cornerstone of strategic HR management.

    Decision agility is not just about speed; it’s about marrying velocity with precision to navigate through complex personnel challenges and opportunities. Its importance in the HR domain cannot be overstated, as it directly impacts organizational flexibility, employee satisfaction, and the overall success of business strategies.
    Más Menos
    14 m
  • 74: Ep 074 - Why talent, Human Capital Management (HCM), and succession planning must be made priorities
    Apr 16 2024
    Strategic human capital management (HCM) is a vital component of any successful business. It involves aligning the organization's human resources with its overall strategic goals and objectives. By effectively managing talent and focusing on human capital, companies can gain a competitive edge in the market. Strategic HCM goes beyond traditional HR practices and takes a more holistic approach to talent management, recognizing that people are the most valuable asset of any organization.
    Más Menos
    12 m
  • 73: Ep 073 - How HR can drive climate change adaptation and sustainability practices.
    Apr 10 2024
    Climate change is no longer a distant future problem; it is a pressing issue affecting the environment, and therefore human lives, in significant ways. We don’t have to go very long before the next unusual weather event makes it to the news.

    So, while I’d gladly forsake my neighbour’s cat, and all of his nine lives, to the weather gods for some snow in India as this year’s summer threatens to melt the earth with weeks of sweltering, unforgiving heat that’s far worse than previous years, my entirely self-serving thought helps bring into focus the issue: climate change is taking a toll and the results of such alterations in climate may be closer to us, and more immediate than many naysayers would like to admit.

    No surprise then that climate change can affect our work too, and at a scale that impacts large swathes of populations. As business organizations and workplaces face the impacts of climate change, human resource professionals have a unique opportunity to play a strategic role in driving climate change adaptation and sustainability practices.
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    10 m
  • 72: Ep 072 - Meeting Load Paradox
    Feb 12 2024
    In today's fast-paced work environment, meetings have become an integral part of organizational dynamics. They serve as a platform for collaboration, decision-making, and information sharing. 

    However, recent research has highlighted the negative impact of excessive meetings on employee well-being and productivity. This phenomenon, known as the Meeting Load Paradox, underscores the need for organizations to strike a balance between the benefits and burdens of work meetings. 

    In this podcast, we’ll explore the causes and consequences of this thing known as the Meeting Load Paradox and discuss strategies for managing meetings effectively while prioritizing employee well-being. 
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    11 m
  • 71: Ep 071 - The Impact of Generative AI on the Future of HR -
    Feb 2 2024
    The rise of generative AI, also known as GAI, is poised to revolutionize the way we work, and the HR function is no exception. From recruiting to performance management, GAI has the potential to reshape various aspects of HR operations. 

    While there may be concerns about job displacement, the reality is that AI can enhance and elevate the role of HR professionals, allowing them to focus on more strategic and value-added work.
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    10 m
  • 70: Ep 070 - The Power of an Intention-Driven Benchmarking and Location Strategy
    Dec 18 2023
    In today's competitive business landscape, HR departments play a critical role in driving organizational growth and success. To effectively navigate this dynamic environment, it is essential for HR professionals to implement strategic tools and approaches that optimize growth. 

    One such powerful strategy is intention-driven benchmarking. By leveraging reliable data sources, HR departments can gain valuable insights into industry best practices and set meaningful benchmarks for their own organization.
    Más Menos
    12 m