
  • 【渡部恒雄の視点】2024米国大統領選挙:民主党全国大会を終えて
    Sep 3 2024






    (4)進行:村田綾(笹川平和財団日米グループ グループ長)

    (5)0:00~4:00 導入・渡部氏の紹介 

       04:00 ~  渡部上席フェローの話スタート


    <渡部 恒雄 氏の略歴>

    笹川平和財団 安全保障研究グループ上席フェロー


     1963年福島県に生まれる。1988年、東北大学歯学部卒業、歯科医師となるが、社会科学への情熱を捨てきれず米国留学。1995年ニューヨークのニュースクール大学で政治学修士課程修了。同年、ワシントンDCのCSIS(戦略国際問題研究所)に入所。客員研究員、研究員、主任研究員を経て2003年3月より上級研究員として、日本の政党政治、外交安保政策、日米関係およびアジアの安全保障を研究。2005年4月に日本に帰国。以来CSISでは非常勤研究員を務める。三井物産戦略研究所主任研究員を経て、2009年4月から2016年8月まで東京財団政策研究ディレクター兼上席研究員。10月に笹川平和財団に特任研究員として移籍。2017年10月より上席研究員となり、2024年4月より現職。外交・安全保障政策、日米関係、米国の政策分析に携わる。  2007年から2010年まで報道番組「サンデープロジェクト」(テレビ朝日系)のコメンテーターを務め、現在、「激論!クロスファイア」(BS朝日)、「深層ニュース」(BS日テレ)、「日経ニュースプラス9」(BSテレ東)、「報道1930」(BS-TBS)、「プライムニュース」(BSフジ)などで国際問題を解説。2010年5月から2011年3月まで外務省発行誌「外交」の編集委員を務め、現在、防衛省の防衛施設中央審議会委員。  著書に「国際安全保障がわかるブックガイド」(共著、2024年、慶應義塾大学出版会)、「NATO(北大西洋条約機構)を知るための71章」(共著、2023年、明石書店)、「デジタル国家ウクライナにロシアは勝利するか?」(共著、2022年 日経BP)、「防衛外交とは何か―平時における軍事力の役割」(共編著、2021年 勁草書房)、「2021年以後の世界秩序―国際情勢を読む20のアングル」(2020年 新潮新書)、「いまのアメリカがわかる本・最新版」(2013年 三笠書房)、「二〇二五年米中逆転―歴史が教える米中関係の真実」(2011年 PHP研究所)等。




    🔹SPF 国際情報ネットワーク分析IINA(渡部上席フェローがチーフ・エディターを務めています)


    Más Menos
    43 m
  • Challenges facing the U.S. and Japan in 2024: Russia-Ukraine War, Middle East, China, and the U.S. Presidential Election
    Jan 19 2024
    In this episode, we invited two distinguished experts Dr. Hal Brands and Dr. Zack Cooper to hold a discussion, "Challenges facing the U.S. and Japan in 2024: Russia-Ukraine War, Middle East, China, and the U.S. Presidential Election." Since the beginning of the Biden administration, the U.S. has faced three regional security issues: Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the war between Israel and Hamas, and competiton with China. In addition, the U.S. presidential election is coming up in 2024 amidst these circumstances. How does this destabilizing security environment and dynamics of domestic politics affect the U.S. strategy, which wants to focus on strategic competition with China? And what are the roles and challenges of the Japan-U.S. alliance under this circumstance? In this episode, Dr. Brands and Dr. Cooper discuss a wide range of issues, including the current international order and the U.S.-China relations, the impact of the U.S. domestic politics, and their implications for the Japan-U.S. alliance and the security of the Indo-Pacific region, such as the South China Sea and Taiwan Strait. You can listen to the podcast below. Details of the podcast👇 https://www.spf.org/jpus-insights/ideas-and-analyses-en/20240119_01.html (1) Recorded on: Wednesday, January 17, 2024 (JST) (2) Discussants:
    • Dr. Hal Brands (Henry A. Kissinger Distinguished Professor of Global Affairs, School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University)
    • Dr. Zack Cooper (Senior Fellow, American Enterprise Institute)
    *Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this discussion are those of the speakers and do not represent the views of the Sasakawa Peace Foundation or the institutions to which the participants belong
    Más Menos
    47 m
  • Like-Minded Allies? Indo-Pacific Partners’ Views on Possible Changes in the U.S. Relationship with Taiwan
    Nov 13 2023

    Like-Minded Allies? Indo-Pacific Partners’ Views on Possible Changes in the U.S. Relationship with Taiwan

    *This episode is originally from the webinar "Like-Minded Allies? Indo-Pacific Partners’ Views on Possible Changes in the U.S. Relationship with Taiwan" held on October 5, 2023.

    Details of the seminar👇


    This episode featured a report, "Like-Minded Allies? Indo-Pacific Partners' Views on Possible Changes in the U.S.-Japan Relations," which was the result of a study conducted by the RAND in cooperation with the Japan-U.S. Program. In this episode, three experts from the RAND, the core authors of the report, gave a background and overview of the report, such as the reason why they focus on allies rather than US policy on Taiwan itself, the perceptions and reactions of each ally, Japan, South Korea, and the Philippines. Afterwards, two Japanese experts as commentators joined the discussion and they discussed various issues including the implications of the research in the view of China and Taiwan, and the influence of domestic politics in the U.S. and each ally.

    (1) Recorded on: Thursday, October 5, 2023 (JST) (2) Panelists:

    • Dr. Jeffrey W. Hornung(Senior Political Scientist, RAND Corporation)
    • Dr. Miranda Priebe (Director, Center for Analysis of U.S. Grand Strategy; Senior Political Scientist, RAND Corporation)
    • Dr. Bryan Rooney (Political Scientist, RAND Corporation)
    • Dr. Saya Kiba (Associate Professor, Department of International Relations, Kobe City University of Foreign Studies)
    • Mr. Tsuneo Watanabe (Senior Fellow, Security Studies Program, Sasakawa Peace Foundation)

    *Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this discussion are those of the speakers and do not represent the views of the Sasakawa Peace Foundation or the institutions to which the participants belong.

    The original video of this episode is available on YouTube 👇


    Más Menos
    1 h y 35 m
  • The Future of U.S.-China Rivalry and Changes in the International Security Environment
    Nov 13 2023

    *This episode is originally from the public seminar "The Future of U.S.-China Rivalry and Changes in the International Security Environment" held on August 22, 2023.

    Details of the seminar👇


    In this episode, we hosted Dr. Hal Brands (Professor, Johns Hopkins University, SAIS) and Dr. Zack Cooper (Senior Fellow, American Enterprise Institute).

    Dr. Hal Brands is an expert on American strategy and Cold War history, and in recent years, he has written numerous articles and books on the U.S.-China rivalry and U.S. foreign policies. His recent book, Danger Zone: The Coming Conflict with China, was also published in Japanese and has received a lot of attention in Japan. Dr. Zack Cooper is also an expert on U.S. defense policy in Asia, alliances, and U.S.-China strategic competition, and has written numerous reports and articles and appeared on podcasts.

    In this episode, Dr. Brands gave a speech based on his argument in Danger Zone; why China now faces peak-out, why this situation could increase the risk of US-China conflict, and what the US needs to do to deter China. Afterwards, Dr. Satoru Mori (Keio University) and Dr. Cooper joined a discussion with Dr. Brands, and exchanged their views and thoughs on a wide range of issues, including the impact of next year's election in Taiwan on China's policy, the role of nuclear weapons in Taiwan's contingency, and the prospect of strategic ambiguity.

    (1) Recorded on: Tuesday, August 22, 2023 (JST) (2) Speakers:

    • Speaker: Dr. Hal Brands (Henry A. Kissinger Distinguished Professor of Global Affairs, School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University)
    • Commentator: Dr. Zack Cooper (Senior Fellow, American Enterprise Institute)
    • Moderator: Dr. Satoru Mori (Professor, Faculty of Law, Keio University)

    (3) Languages: English and Japanese

    *Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this discussion are those of the speakers and do not represent the views of the Sasakawa Peace Foundation or the institutions to which the participants belong.

    The original video of this episode is available on YouTube 👇


    Más Menos
    1 h y 27 m
  • Two Nuclear Peer Problem: Implications for U.S. Nuclear Deterrence Strategy
    Apr 26 2023

    Two Nuclear Peer Problem: Implications for U.S. Nuclear Deterrence Strategy

    In this episode, we welcome two distinguished experts; Dr. Brad Roberts and Mr. Sugio Takahashi. Dr. Roberts and Mr. Takahashi were involved in the publication of a report by CGSR entitled "China's Emergence as a Second Nuclear Peer: Implications for U.S. Nuclear Deterrence Strategy". Based on this report, they discuss a wide range of issues surrounding the nuclear weapons, including extended deterrence, hedging, counter force capability, arms controle, and command planning of Japan-US Alliance.

    (1) Recorded on: Tuesday, April 18, 2023 (JST) (2) Discussants:

    • Dr. Brad Roberts (Director of the Center for Global Security Research at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
    • Mr. Sugio Takahashi (Head of the Defense Policy Division of the Policy Studies Department at Japan’s National Institute for Defense Studies)

    *Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this discussion are those of the speakers and do not represent the views of the Sasakawa Peace Foundation or the institutions to which the participants belong.

    The original video of this episode is available on YouTube 👇


    Más Menos
    1 h y 1 m
  • 2023年の米国:対中政策議論の現状
    Mar 24 2023



    (1)収録日:2023年3月9日(木) (2)対談者:      モデレーター:秋田浩之氏(日本経済新聞社コメンテーター)  スピーカー: 松田康博氏(東京大学東洋文化研究所教授) (3)使用言語:日本語





    Más Menos
    1 h y 1 m
  • Great Power PoliticsとASEAN:東南アジアの視点から見る米中対立と秩序の変化
    Dec 22 2022

    Great Power PoliticsとASEAN:東南アジアの視点から見る米中対立と秩序の変化

    本エピソードでは、東南アジアがご専門の大庭三枝先生(神奈川大学教授)と古賀慶先生(シンガポール南洋理工大学准教授)をお迎えして、「Great Power PoliticsとASEAN:東南アジアの視点から見る米中対立と秩序の変化」をテーマに対談していただきました。古賀先生が本年9月までウィルソンセンター・ジャパンスカラーとして滞在された、米国ワシントンDCでの研究成果や、近著 Managing Great Power Politics: ASEAN, Institutional Strategy, and the South China Sea (Palgrave Macmillan、2022.9) での議論にも触れつつ、東南アジアの側から見た米中対立や大国への不信感、また「インド太平洋」という概念などについて、多岐にわたる論点を議論していただきました。

    (1)収録日:2022年12月6日(火) (2)対談者:      モデレーター:大庭三枝氏(神奈川大学法学部法学研究科教授)  スピーカー:古賀慶氏(南洋理工大学社会科学部准教授) (3)使用言語:日本語





    古賀先生の近著、Managing Great Power Politics: ASEAN, Institutional Strategy, and the South China Sea (Palgrave Macmillan, 2022)は下記より無料ダウンロードできます👇


    Más Menos
    1 h y 1 m
  • U.S. Nuclear Policy and Deterrence Strategy: Russia-Ukraine War and Its Implications for the Indo-Pacific
    Dec 16 2022

    U.S. Nuclear Policy and Deterrence Strategy: Russia-Ukraine War and Its Implications for the Indo-Pacific

    In this episode, we welcome four distinguished experts; Dr. Brad Roberts, Mr. Sugio Takahashi, Mr. Masashi Murano, and Dr. Nobumasa Akiyama. They discuss wide range of issues surrounding the nuclear wepons, including recent American policies and strategies, the impact of war in Ukraine, how to deal with China in the Indo-Pacific, and Japanese view point, as well as arms control.

    (1) Recorded on: Thursday, December 8, 2022 (JST) (2) Discussants:

    • Dr. Brad Roberts (Director of the Center for Global Security Research at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
    • Mr. Sugio Takahashi (Head of the Defense Policy Division of the Policy Studies Department at Japan’s National Institute for Defense Studies)
    • Mr. Masashi Murano (Japan Chair Fellow at Hudson Institute)

    (3) Moderator:

    • Prof. Nobumasa Akiyama (Professor at the School of International and Public Policy and the Graduate School of Law at Hitotsubashi University)

    *Co-organized by the Institute for Global Governance Research, Hitotsubashi University. *Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this discussion are those of the speakers and do not represent the views of the Sasakawa Peace Foundation, Hitotsubashi University, or the institutions to which the participants belong.

    The original video of this episode is available on YouTube 👇


    Más Menos
    1 h y 25 m