
  • #223: Levels of Thinking
    Jun 26 2024

    In last week’s Weekend Wellness we discussed the 3 TYPES of Thinking, and this week on the podcast we’re now discussing the 3 LEVELS of Thinking.

    Most people are living in Level 1 where they believe everything they are thinking to be true and even a fact in their life.

    The risk we take when we remain in Level 1 is that we automate our day and how we show up without even questioning, “Is this the kind of result I want today?” or the even deeper question, “What am I creating that is allowing for this experience?”.

    Once you realize this isn’t about rearranging your environment or your outer world so that you can be at peace, but rather, this is about a deeper freedom within you already…

    That’s when the game really begins to change.

    Tune in to learn more about each level so that we can create our life from a much deeper purpose.

    YOU are the answer.

    Listen now.


    Have you watched the latest training stressed out Executives are raving about?⤵️

    “Release Stress 10X Faster: Discover the Stress-Busting Formula That Successful Leaders Swear By!”

    If not, then you might want to sign up and watch it now! Inside this Free Video Series training you will discover:

    ⚡The 3 POWERFUL SHIFTS that allow our clients to SEE stress (and resolve it), instead of always feeling it for days or even weeks.

    ⚡How to use an EASY formula to break that negative thought spiral (that works like a charm)!

    ⚡Why “Self-Care” is the #1 Stress Myth. You’ve had enough massages + staycations to prove it. We’ll create an actionable plan to become Stressproof.

    ⚡What you MIGHT be accidentally doing that is keeping the stressful problem "maintained" (but not truly resolved).

    ⚡Finally drop the blame game of: “If I’m so smart, what’s wrong with ME?”. It’s time to take the same GET-IT-DONE spirit you have in your career and apply it to your stress.

    Plus, you’ll learn all about the Stressproof Method and how Executives and Leaders around the world are applying it to achieve massive results in their lives.

    For instant access head on over to www.stressproofpodcast.com/freemasterclass

    Watched the training and ready to go deeper?

    Get the support you need to melt away stress faster than ever before so that you can finally focus on your goals.

    🟢Learn all about Personalization: It’s not the email that stresses you out, it’s a specific thought you are believing. Learn more about your Personalization here.

    🟢The Stressproof Method Program: The most comprehensive DIY program available to help you finally overcome any stressful situation so that you can get back to BIG results again. Click here to learn more and start today!

    🟢VIP Coaching: An exclusive 3 month coaching program in a 1:1 setting to finally help you move past old patterned behavior holding you back from your biggest dreams and goals. Those that don’t want to repeat last year all over again, apply here.

    If you enjoyed the podcast, would you please consider leaving a short review on Apple Podcasts/iTunes and Spotify? It takes less than 60 seconds, and it really makes a difference in helping non-listeners find the podcast so that we can all stress LESS and create a beautiful world - together. Let’s go!

    Sign up for Susan’s email newsletter (“Weekend Wellness”) at stressproofpodcast.com/email.

    Follow Susan:

    Instagram: instagram.com/susanchoiwellness

    Facebook: facebook.com/susanchoiwellness

    Más Menos
    22 m
  • #222: Middle School
    Jun 12 2024

    By popular request I am sharing a simple yet highly effective concept that will help you shift your perception so that you can get through tough times and get what you truly desire.

    This episode has helped people through busy times at work, get that well deserved promotion, and even make it to CEO.

    Just because something feels hard doesn’t mean it’s not meant for you.

    In fact, this just might be what is required so that you can finally become who you truly want to be.

    You got this.

    Listen now.


    Have you watched the latest training stressed out Executives are raving about?⤵️

    “Release Stress 10X Faster: Discover the Stress-Busting Formula That Successful Leaders Swear By!”

    If not, then you might want to sign up and watch it now! Inside this Free Video Series training you will discover:

    ⚡The 3 POWERFUL SHIFTS that allow our clients to SEE stress (and resolve it), instead of always feeling it for days or even weeks.

    ⚡How to use an EASY formula to break that negative thought spiral (that works like a charm)!

    ⚡Why “Self-Care” is the #1 Stress Myth. You’ve had enough massages + staycations to prove it. We’ll create an actionable plan to become Stressproof.

    ⚡What you MIGHT be accidentally doing that is keeping the stressful problem "maintained" (but not truly resolved).

    ⚡Finally drop the blame game of: “If I’m so smart, what’s wrong with ME?”. It’s time to take the same GET-IT-DONE spirit you have in your career and apply it to your stress.

    Plus, you’ll learn all about the Stressproof Method and how Executives and Leaders around the world are applying it to achieve massive results in their lives.

    For instant access head on over to www.stressproofpodcast.com/freemasterclass

    Watched the training and ready to go deeper?

    Get the support you need to melt away stress faster than ever before so that you can finally focus on your goals.

    🟢Learn all about Personalization: It’s not the email that stresses you out, it’s a specific thought you are believing. Learn more about your Personalization here.

    🟢The Stressproof Method Program: The most comprehensive DIY program available to help you finally overcome any stressful situation so that you can get back to BIG results again. Click here to learn more and start today!

    🟢VIP Coaching: An exclusive 3 month coaching program in a 1:1 setting to finally help you move past old patterned behavior holding you back from your biggest dreams and goals. Those that don’t want to repeat last year all over again, apply here.

    If you enjoyed the podcast, would you please consider leaving a short review on Apple Podcasts/iTunes and Spotify? It takes less than 60 seconds, and it really makes a difference in helping non-listeners find the podcast so that we can all stress LESS and create a beautiful world - together. Let’s go!

    Sign up for Susan’s email newsletter (“Weekend Wellness”) at stressproofpodcast.com/email.

    Follow Susan:

    Instagram: instagram.com/susanchoiwellness

    Facebook: facebook.com/susanchoiwellness

    Más Menos
    21 m
  • #221: Worthiness, Best Case Scenarios, People Pleasing & More
    May 29 2024

    In this special podcast I give a mini update, plus read the last month’s worth of Weekend Wellness, a juicy newsletter of short stories and wisdom that gets sent out to subscribers!

    From worthiness, being a vessel for the BEST case scenarios, people pleasing and so much more!

    Listen as I ask you insightful questions that can help you move past your current blocker.

    You got this.


    Have you watched the latest training stressed out Executives are raving about?⤵️

    “Release Stress 10X Faster: Discover the Stress-Busting Formula That Successful Leaders Swear By!”

    If not, then you might want to sign up and watch it now! Inside this Free Video Series training you will discover:

    ⚡The 3 POWERFUL SHIFTS that allow our clients to SEE stress (and resolve it), instead of always feeling it for days or even weeks.

    ⚡How to use an EASY formula to break that negative thought spiral (that works like a charm)!

    ⚡Why “Self-Care” is the #1 Stress Myth. You’ve had enough massages + staycations to prove it. We’ll create an actionable plan to become Stressproof.

    ⚡What you MIGHT be accidentally doing that is keeping the stressful problem "maintained" (but not truly resolved).

    ⚡Finally drop the blame game of: “If I’m so smart, what’s wrong with ME?”. It’s time to take the same GET-IT-DONE spirit you have in your career and apply it to your stress.

    Plus, you’ll learn all about the Stressproof Method and how Executives and Leaders around the world are applying it to achieve massive results in their lives.

    For instant access head on over to www.stressproofpodcast.com/freemasterclass

    Watched the training and ready to go deeper?

    Get the support you need to melt away stress faster than ever before so that you can finally focus on your goals.

    🟢Learn all about Personalization: It’s not the email that stresses you out, it’s a specific thought you are believing. Learn more about your Personalization here.

    🟢The Stressproof Method Program: The most comprehensive DIY program available to help you finally overcome any stressful situation so that you can get back to BIG results again. Click here to learn more and start today!

    🟢VIP Coaching: An exclusive 3 month coaching program in a 1:1 setting to finally help you move past old patterned behavior holding you back from your biggest dreams and goals. Those that don’t want to repeat last year all over again, apply here.

    If you enjoyed the podcast, would you please consider leaving a short review on Apple Podcasts/iTunes and Spotify? It takes less than 60 seconds, and it really makes a difference in helping non-listeners find the podcast so that we can all stress LESS and create a beautiful world - together. Let’s go!

    Sign up for Susan’s email newsletter (“Weekend Wellness”) at stressproofpodcast.com/email.

    Follow Susan:

    Instagram: instagram.com/susanchoiwellness

    Facebook: facebook.com/susanchoiwellness

    Más Menos
    19 m
  • #220: How To Stop Talking Negatively To Yourself
    May 1 2024

    If you’ve ever asked yourself the questions such as:

    “Why did I do that?”

    “How could I have been so stupid?”

    “What’s wrong with me?”

    “How could I have missed something like that?”

    THINKING that these questions are somewhat logical or useful to repeatedly ask yourself…

    Well, this is a form of talking negatively towards yourself because the question (and answer) is rooted in lack.

    This is why (surprise surprise) we never feel good about ourselves when we ask such questions.

    In this week’s episode we break down negative speech towards ourselves and how we can break this pattern so that we can start thinking in a solution oriented way that gets us closer to who we want to be and our precious goals.

    Listen now.


    Have you watched the latest training stressed out Executives are raving about?⤵️

    “Release Stress 10X Faster: Discover the Stress-Busting Formula That Successful Leaders Swear By!”

    If not, then you might want to sign up and watch it now! Inside this Free Video Series training you will discover:

    ⚡The 3 POWERFUL SHIFTS that allow our clients to SEE stress (and resolve it), instead of always feeling it for days or even weeks.

    ⚡How to use an EASY formula to break that negative thought spiral (that works like a charm)!

    ⚡Why “Self-Care” is the #1 Stress Myth. You’ve had enough massages + staycations to prove it. We’ll create an actionable plan to become Stressproof.

    ⚡What you MIGHT be accidentally doing that is keeping the stressful problem "maintained" (but not truly resolved).

    ⚡Finally drop the blame game of: “If I’m so smart, what’s wrong with ME?”. It’s time to take the same GET-IT-DONE spirit you have in your career and apply it to your stress.

    Plus, you’ll learn all about the Stressproof Method and how Executives and Leaders around the world are applying it to achieve massive results in their lives.

    For instant access head on over to www.stressproofpodcast.com/freemasterclass

    Watched the training and ready to go deeper?

    Get the support you need to melt away stress faster than ever before so that you can finally focus on your goals.

    🟢Learn all about Personalization: It’s not the email that stresses you out, it’s a specific thought you are believing. Learn more about your Personalization here.

    🟢The Stressproof Method Program: The most comprehensive DIY program available to help you finally overcome any stressful situation so that you can get back to BIG results again. Click here to learn more and start today!

    🟢VIP Coaching: An exclusive 3 month coaching program in a 1:1 setting to finally help you move past old patterned behavior holding you back from your biggest dreams and goals. Those that don’t want to repeat last year all over again, apply here.

    If you enjoyed the podcast, would you please consider leaving a short review on Apple Podcasts/iTunes and Spotify? It takes less than 60 seconds, and it really makes a difference in helping non-listeners find the podcast so that we can all stress LESS and create a beautiful world - together. Let’s go!

    Sign up for Susan’s email newsletter (“Weekend Wellness”) at stressproofpodcast.com/email.

    Follow Susan:

    Instagram: instagram.com/susanchoiwellness

    Facebook: facebook.com/susanchoiwellness

    Más Menos
    17 m
  • #219: Shifting Your Personalization BACK To Power
    Apr 24 2024

    Why do we suddenly feel like an imposter and lose our confidence when something shifts at work? Maybe it’s a new project, new boss, new JOB that makes us wonder, “Do I really have what it takes to do this?”.

    What’s funny is that up until this point you (and others) considered yourself a bad a*$ that can handle anything that came your way.

    And yet, where did that energy go?

    After all, you have the same brain and technical skills… so, what happened?

    In this episode I’ll be discussing this and how it all comes down to your Personalization and why we need to shift this BACK to your personal power, your inner authority, instead of constantly relying on an external source to validate our next step.

    If you’ve been struggling with a shift in your job that is having you question your life, then you don’t want to miss this episode.

    Listen now.


    Have you watched the latest training stressed out Executives are raving about?⤵️

    “Release Stress 10X Faster: Discover the Stress-Busting Formula That Successful Leaders Swear By!”

    If not, then you might want to sign up and watch it now! Inside this Free Video Series training you will discover:

    ⚡The 3 POWERFUL SHIFTS that allow our clients to SEE stress (and resolve it), instead of always feeling it for days or even weeks.

    ⚡How to use an EASY formula to break that negative thought spiral (that works like a charm)!

    ⚡Why “Self-Care” is the #1 Stress Myth. You’ve had enough massages + staycations to prove it. We’ll create an actionable plan to become Stressproof.

    ⚡What you MIGHT be accidentally doing that is keeping the stressful problem "maintained" (but not truly resolved).

    ⚡Finally drop the blame game of: “If I’m so smart, what’s wrong with ME?”. It’s time to take the same GET-IT-DONE spirit you have in your career and apply it to your stress.

    Plus, you’ll learn all about the Stressproof Method and how Executives and Leaders around the world are applying it to achieve massive results in their lives.

    For instant access head on over to www.stressproofpodcast.com/freemasterclass

    Watched the training and ready to go deeper?

    Get the support you need to melt away stress faster than ever before so that you can finally focus on your goals.

    🟢Learn all about Personalization: It’s not the email that stresses you out, it’s a specific thought you are believing. Learn more about your Personalization here.

    🟢The Stressproof Method Program: The most comprehensive DIY program available to help you finally overcome any stressful situation so that you can get back to BIG results again. Click here to learn more and start today!

    🟢VIP Coaching: An exclusive 3 month coaching program in a 1:1 setting to finally help you move past old patterned behavior holding you back from your biggest dreams and goals. Those that don’t want to repeat last year all over again, apply here.

    If you enjoyed the podcast, would you please consider leaving a short review on Apple Podcasts/iTunes and Spotify? It takes less than 60 seconds, and it really makes a difference in helping non-listeners find the podcast so that we can all stress LESS and create a beautiful world - together. Let’s go!

    Sign up for Susan’s email newsletter (“Weekend Wellness”) at stressproofpodcast.com/email.

    Follow Susan:

    Instagram: instagram.com/susanchoiwellness

    Facebook: facebook.com/susanchoiwellness

    Más Menos
    14 m
  • #218: Listening To The External Voice
    Apr 10 2024

    We think we’re being logical when we are thinking about a problem inside our mind but is that really true?

    Is hashing out a worst case scenario and a thousand mitigation plans (over and over again) really solving anything… now?

    Believe it not, we can listen to the voice inside our head and get lost with too many options and very little action.

    This is when the External Voice comes into play.

    And by that, I mean being your own mediator OUT LOUD.

    Listen as I share this simple yet highly effective tool for being able to bring yourself back into THIS moment, where YOU are, so that you can take real action that makes an impact.

    You got this.


    Have you watched the latest training stressed out Executives are raving about?⤵️

    “Release Stress 10X Faster: Discover the Stress-Busting Formula That Successful Leaders Swear By!”

    If not, then you might want to sign up and watch it now! Inside this Free Video Series training you will discover:

    ⚡The 3 POWERFUL SHIFTS that allow our clients to SEE stress (and resolve it), instead of always feeling it for days or even weeks.

    ⚡How to use an EASY formula to break that negative thought spiral (that works like a charm)!

    ⚡Why “Self-Care” is the #1 Stress Myth. You’ve had enough massages + staycations to prove it. We’ll create an actionable plan to become Stressproof.

    ⚡What you MIGHT be accidentally doing that is keeping the stressful problem "maintained" (but not truly resolved).

    ⚡Finally drop the blame game of: “If I’m so smart, what’s wrong with ME?”. It’s time to take the same GET-IT-DONE spirit you have in your career and apply it to your stress.

    Plus, you’ll learn all about the Stressproof Method and how Executives and Leaders around the world are applying it to achieve massive results in their lives.

    For instant access head on over to www.stressproofpodcast.com/freemasterclass

    Watched the training and ready to go deeper?

    Get the support you need to melt away stress faster than ever before so that you can finally focus on your goals.

    🟢Learn all about Personalization: It’s not the email that stresses you out, it’s a specific thought you are believing. Learn more about your Personalization here.

    🟢The Stressproof Method Program: The most comprehensive DIY program available to help you finally overcome any stressful situation so that you can get back to BIG results again. Click here to learn more and start today!

    🟢VIP Coaching: An exclusive 3 month coaching program in a 1:1 setting to finally help you move past old patterned behavior holding you back from your biggest dreams and goals. Those that don’t want to repeat last year all over again, apply here.

    If you enjoyed the podcast, would you please consider leaving a short review on Apple Podcasts/iTunes and Spotify? It takes less than 60 seconds, and it really makes a difference in helping non-listeners find the podcast so that we can all stress LESS and create a beautiful world - together. Let’s go!

    Sign up for Susan’s email newsletter (“Weekend Wellness”) at stressproofpodcast.com/email.

    Follow Susan:

    Instagram: instagram.com/susanchoiwellness

    Facebook: facebook.com/susanchoiwellness

    Más Menos
    15 m
  • #217: Virtual Meetings Confidence
    Apr 3 2024

    Many people thought they’d find relief from not seeing ‘that’ stakeholder in meetings, especially when the pandemic hit.

    And yes, relief ensued! That is, until people got over the novelty of virtual meetings.

    Surprisingly, many people came to discover that despite the physical distance between themselves and the people they were meeting…

    The stress and anxiousness also returned.

    In this episode, we’re breaking down why physical distance doesn’t matter and more importantly, what to do in virtual meetings so that you have more peace and more confidence.

    Listen now.


    Have you watched the latest training stressed out Executives are raving about?⤵️

    “Release Stress 10X Faster: Discover the Stress-Busting Formula That Successful Leaders Swear By!”

    If not, then you might want to sign up and watch it now! Inside this Free Video Series training you will discover:

    ⚡The 3 POWERFUL SHIFTS that allow our clients to SEE stress (and resolve it), instead of always feeling it for days or even weeks.

    ⚡How to use an EASY formula to break that negative thought spiral (that works like a charm)!

    ⚡Why “Self-Care” is the #1 Stress Myth. You’ve had enough massages + staycations to prove it. We’ll create an actionable plan to become Stressproof.

    ⚡What you MIGHT be accidentally doing that is keeping the stressful problem "maintained" (but not truly resolved).

    ⚡Finally drop the blame game of: “If I’m so smart, what’s wrong with ME?”. It’s time to take the same GET-IT-DONE spirit you have in your career and apply it to your stress.

    Plus, you’ll learn all about the Stressproof Method and how Executives and Leaders around the world are applying it to achieve massive results in their lives.

    For instant access head on over to www.stressproofpodcast.com/freemasterclass

    Watched the training and ready to go deeper?

    Get the support you need to melt away stress faster than ever before so that you can finally focus on your goals.

    🟢Learn all about Personalization: It’s not the email that stresses you out, it’s a specific thought you are believing. Learn more about your Personalization here.

    🟢The Stressproof Method Program: The most comprehensive DIY program available to help you finally overcome any stressful situation so that you can get back to BIG results again. Click here to learn more and start today!

    🟢VIP Coaching: An exclusive 3 month coaching program in a 1:1 setting to finally help you move past old patterned behavior holding you back from your biggest dreams and goals. Those that don’t want to repeat last year all over again, apply here.

    If you enjoyed the podcast, would you please consider leaving a short review on Apple Podcasts/iTunes and Spotify? It takes less than 60 seconds, and it really makes a difference in helping non-listeners find the podcast so that we can all stress LESS and create a beautiful world - together. Let’s go!

    Sign up for Susan’s email newsletter (“Weekend Wellness”) at stressproofpodcast.com/email.

    Follow Susan:

    Instagram: instagram.com/susanchoiwellness

    Facebook: facebook.com/susanchoiwellness

    Más Menos
    16 m
  • #216: Identifying The Truth In Any Situation
    Mar 27 2024

    When we’re navigating NEW territory, sometimes it can be hard to know exactly what we should be thinking or what we should be doing because hey, we’ve never done this before right?

    And when we’re not careful, we can lean towards shame, guilt, or imposter syndrome because of this internal state of confusion as we search for the truth.

    In this episode of the Stressproof Podcast, we’re diving into understanding exactly what IS the truth.

    By the end of this episode you’ll have a deeper appreciation for your process, AND you will better navigate situations when multiple people are sharing a variety of opinions.

    You got this.

    Listen now.


    Have you watched the latest training stressed out Executives are raving about?⤵️

    “Release Stress 10X Faster: Discover the Stress-Busting Formula That Successful Leaders Swear By!”

    If not, then you might want to sign up and watch it now! Inside this Free Video Series training you will discover:

    ⚡The 3 POWERFUL SHIFTS that allow our clients to SEE stress (and resolve it), instead of always feeling it for days or even weeks.

    ⚡How to use an EASY formula to break that negative thought spiral (that works like a charm)!

    ⚡Why “Self-Care” is the #1 Stress Myth. You’ve had enough massages + staycations to prove it. We’ll create an actionable plan to become Stressproof.

    ⚡What you MIGHT be accidentally doing that is keeping the stressful problem "maintained" (but not truly resolved).

    ⚡Finally drop the blame game of: “If I’m so smart, what’s wrong with ME?”. It’s time to take the same GET-IT-DONE spirit you have in your career and apply it to your stress.

    Plus, you’ll learn all about the Stressproof Method and how Executives and Leaders around the world are applying it to achieve massive results in their lives.

    For instant access head on over to www.stressproofpodcast.com/freemasterclass

    Watched the training and ready to go deeper?

    Get the support you need to melt away stress faster than ever before so that you can finally focus on your goals.

    🟢Learn all about Personalization: It’s not the email that stresses you out, it’s a specific thought you are believing. Learn more about your Personalization here.

    🟢The Stressproof Method Program: The most comprehensive DIY program available to help you finally overcome any stressful situation so that you can get back to BIG results again. Click here to learn more and start today!

    🟢VIP Coaching: An exclusive 3 month coaching program in a 1:1 setting to finally help you move past old patterned behavior holding you back from your biggest dreams and goals. Those that don’t want to repeat last year all over again, apply here.

    If you enjoyed the podcast, would you please consider leaving a short review on Apple Podcasts/iTunes and Spotify? It takes less than 60 seconds, and it really makes a difference in helping non-listeners find the podcast so that we can all stress LESS and create a beautiful world - together. Let’s go!

    Sign up for Susan’s email newsletter (“Weekend Wellness”) at stressproofpodcast.com/email.

    Follow Susan:

    Instagram: instagram.com/susanchoiwellness

    Facebook: facebook.com/susanchoiwellness

    Más Menos
    13 m