
  • The Spiritual Meaning of Independence Day - A Holistic View
    Jul 4 2024

    If we strive to expand the boxes that we're in constantly, if we're constantly willing to expand our Horizon and to grow, then we are on the right track.
    The concept of independence is not just about physical or material dependency, but also about breaking free from emotional and mental dependencies on authority figures in our lives.
    By being disconnected from ourselves and from God, we look for substitutes to patch up that hole, often in our relationships with the outside world.
    Reconnecting with ourselves and with God is the ultimate way of healing, beyond the entanglements of the material world.
    We're trained to look for answers outside of ourselves rather than inside, in prayer and meditation.
    Being independent means having a true integrated alignment of Body Mind spirit and feeling that you are everything and everything is you.
    Allowing life to flow without resistance can bring about a sense of liberation and independence.
    Take the opportunity of Independence Day to dissect your own dependencies, reconnect with your heart, and follow your intuition to find healing and independence

    #independenceday #4thofjuly #4th #independence #independent #spirituality #spiritualawakening #journeyofloveandlight #consciousness #awakeningjourney #spiritualexperience

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    14 m
  • Understanding & Dealing with Abuse - Reflections - Strategies and metaphysical insights
    Jun 23 2024

    This podcast explores the complex dynamics of abuse, encompassing not only its traditional forms such as physical and sexual violence but also emotional, mental, and spiritual abuses that are often overlooked.

    The host delves into how societal structures and personal behaviors contribute to both inflicting and suffering abuse, urging listeners to recognize the subtler forms of manipulation and control in their relationships and environments.

    By emphasizing self-awareness and the transformative power of unconditional love and forgiveness, the episode encourages individuals to transcend victimhood and engage in healing practices.

    The discussion also touches on the metaphysical aspects of abuse, suggesting that our experiences are intertwined with our spiritual evolution and karmic balances.

    The podcast aims to empower listeners to reconnect with their divine essence and foster a community of support through the Love and Light Tribe.

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    22 m
  • We are Under Attack - A Way to Heal Humanity
    Jan 15 2024

    What is going on in the world and how can we save ourselves?
    This is what I talk about in this new episode.

    #healing #spirituality #growth #consciousness #upliftment #change #god #unity #division

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    14 m
  • Times of Crisis - what can we do?
    Oct 21 2023

    In this episode i speak about what we can do as individual seekers in times of crisis to heal ourselves and heal humanity.

    Stay tuned!

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    16 m
  • Tapping into the Divine Light Within - Reading from Edward Bach's HEAL THYSELF
    Sep 18 2023

    Key insights


    Complete cure requires addressing both the physical and internal causes of disease.


    Final and complete healing ultimately comes from within, as the soul radiates harmony throughout the personality when allowed to do so.


    Edward Bach suggests that healing can be achieved by converting self-love into devotion to others, as excessive self-love is at the core of many diseases.


    "It's based on an intuitive inner knowing that we are all connected, that there is no difference between you and me, our personalities might act out differently and personalities might choose all kinds of crazy behavior that you might not agree with."


    ‍♂️ The concept of uniting oneself with the Divine within, as mentioned by Edward Bach, implies the potential for experiencing different powers, realizations, and depths of understanding.


    Edward Bach suggests that we should engage in self-inventory to identify and overcome the defects within ourselves that hinder the flow of love and Divine Light into our lives.


    Failure is impossible if we stick to our goals, stand up again and again, and persevere.

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    13 m
  • Origins of Disease #2 - Continuing to read from Edward Bach's HEAL THYSELF
    Sep 14 2023

    Key insights
    Understanding the true reason behind our sickness can lead to the discovery of the origins behind it, rather than just treating the symptoms.
    According to Edward Bach, being cruel to others can result in personal suffering, including physical pain and mental conditions such as depression and hysteria.
    Bach emphasizes the importance of considering others and not just oneself, implying that a lack of empathy and concern for others can contribute to the development of certain diseases.
    Instability of mind can lead to disorders affecting movement and coordination in the body.
    Diseases that render a person a slave to their own body can be the result of greed and domination of others, causing harm and curbing desires and ambitions.
    The heart is attacked when love towards humanity is not developed or is wrongly used, highlighting the importance of cultivating love and compassion.
    Understanding your disease allows you to embody the exact antidote to its origin cause, helping your soul grow and guiding you on your path to Unity.
    Edward Bach's deep understanding of the causes of disease and how to overcome them is inspiring and insightful.

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    13 m
  • Origins of Disease - Reading from Edward Bach's HEAL THYSELF
    Sep 10 2023

    Key insights

    • 💗 "By the law of unity, we must grow until we understand that even those who persecute us should evoke feelings of love and sympathy."
    • 🌍 In every true spiritual teaching, there is the aspect of interconnectedness and the idea that harming others ultimately harms oneself.
    • 🌱 Every kind of disease is trying to push us towards a state of love and unity, the highest level of spiritual living.
    • 💔 Self-love that only focuses on oneself and disregards the interests of others is a denial of unity and our duty to humanity.
    • 🌟 The path of healing involves bringing light and love into every aspect of our being, working through the darkness of ignorance.
    • 💭 "If you are truly connected to that voice inside of you and realize that you are part of it, that is going to give you the stability to act the way you need to act and not be a weak and whimsy creature moved around by circumstances."
    • 🌱 Each core origin of disease manifests differently in the physical body, causing unique maladies, highlighting the individuality of health issues and the need for personalized approaches to healing.

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    14 m
  • Reading from Edward Bach's Heal Thyself
    Aug 30 2023


    Written in the early 1930s, Bach's book delves into the concept of healing and provides insights into the power of natural remedies.
    "What we found as disease is the terminal stage of a much deeper disorder." - Edward Bach challenges the traditional medical approach by emphasizing the importance of addressing the root cause of illness.
    If we have unconditional love for all things, we can do no harm to others or ourselves, preventing the occurrence of diseases.
    Through introspection and deep diving into our own being, we can prevent illness and distress by identifying any discords with the Divine Law of love and unity.
    Understanding the root cause of our disease eliminates the need for correction, as the energetic reasons behind the symptoms are dissolved, leading to the gradual fading away of suffering.
    The real primary diseases of men are defects such as pride, cruelty, hate, self-love, ignorance, instability, and greed, which are adverse to unity.


    Understanding the underlying causes of disease and addressing them through unconditional love and self-reflection can lead to self-healing and prevent illness.
    00:00 Edward Bach wrote a book about flower remedies for self-healing, and the first chapter is called "Heal Thyself."
    00:59 Disease is the terminal stage of a deeper disorder, and treating only the final result without addressing the underlying cause is not effective, which was a controversial idea at the time.
    01:50 Disease is caused by actions that go against unity, which stems from a self-centered version of self-love.
    02:48 Every disease is caused by actions against unity, and the symptoms can help us identify the type of action taken against the Divine Law of love and unity, emphasizing the importance of unconditional love in preventing harm and disease. Expand
    05:01 Our suffering is a blessing that leads us towards a state of perfection, and by understanding and meditating on our diseases, we can overcome obstacles and prevent illness.
    06:52 Understanding the cause of our disease eliminates the need for correction, as suffering serves to guide us towards the right path and accelerate our evolution towards perfection.
    07:59 The real primary diseases of men are defects such as pride, cruelty, hate, self-love, ignorance, instability, and greed, which, when persisted in despite knowing they are wrong, lead to illness.
    09:56 The speaker plans to discuss the topic of pride in future videos and invites viewers to leave comments and share their thoughts on the new format.

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    10 m