
  • Different Factors That Can Make It Difficult To Lose Weight with Louise Digby
    Jul 30 2024

    “Focus on what you need to add into the diet rather than what you need to take out.” - Louise Digby

    Many people focus on diet and exercise when they want to lose weight. However, especially when it comes to stubborn weight, focusing on our health and addressing underlying imbalances gets way better results than eating less and exercising more.

    Instead of the typical diet approach of cutting out “bad” foods, a more helpful way of thinking is to focus on what your body needs to thrive and function properly. Too often, we cut out foods and food groups that have a place in a healthy diet and sabotage our progress. When you’re meeting your nutrient requirements, your body is better able to repair, stay in balance, and maintain a healthy weight.

    Today, I’m very excited to chat with Louise Digby about the various factors that can affect a weight loss journey. Louise is a registered nutritional therapist, women’s weight loss expert, and founder of The Nourish Method to Lasting Fat Loss. Her clients come to her after struggling to lose weight despite eating well and working hard to burn the fat. Louise transforms her clients' health and well-being by identifying and addressing each individual’s unique needs and imbalances to lose weight, optimize their health, and rediscover their sparkle without restrictive dieting or the need for superhuman willpower.

    In this conversation, Louise and I discuss the challenges women in perimenopause and menopause face in losing weight, how thyroid issues impact weight management, why she focuses on addressing underlying health imbalances, the need for adequate protein, fat and carbohydrates in every meal, how to manage sugar cravings, why we need to heal the gut, whether intermittent fasting works, practical steps for starting your weight loss journey, and more. Enjoy the episode!

    To learn more, visit the show notes at https://savemythyroid.com/podcast/different-factors-that-can-make-it-difficult-to-lose-weight-with-louise-digby-156/.

    Do You Want Help Saving Your Thyroid?

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    To work with Dr. Eric, visit https://savemythyroid.com/work-with-dr-eric/

    Más Menos
    45 m
  • Does Experience Matter When Choosing a Natural Thyroid Expert?
    Jul 25 2024

    There are many factors to consider when choosing a natural healthcare practitioner. From their specialization to their credentials and years in practice, there’s a lot to navigate as a patient or client.

    A practitioner’s experience can significantly affect your health outcome, but the quality of that experience matters. Today, I’m sharing the key factors to consider when evaluating practitioners, weighing the pros and cons, and finding the right provider for you.

    In this episode, you’ll learn about:
    - Why time in practice isn’t a good marker on its own
    - Recognizing that healthcare is an evolving field where it’s crucial to stay up-to-date
    - The value and drawbacks of extensive experience with specific conditions
    - Putting credentials into context when selecting a practitioner
    - The benefits of working with a practitioner who has personal experience with your condition
    - Key factors to consider when choosing a practitioner

    As always, I hope you find this episode valuable, and I look forward to catching you in the next episode!

    To learn more, visit the show notes at https://savemythyroid.com/podcast/does-experience-matter-when-choosing-a-natural-thyroid-expert/.

    Do You Want Help Saving Your Thyroid?

    Access hundreds of free articles at www.NaturalEndocrineSolutions.com

    Visit Dr. Eric's YouTube channel at www.youtube.com/c/NaturalThyroidDoctor/

    To work with Dr. Eric, visit https://savemythyroid.com/work-with-dr-eric/

    Más Menos
    17 m
  • Alternative Breast Cancer Screening and Treatment Options with Dr. Jenn Simmons
    Jul 23 2024

    “There is no survival advantage to screening with mammograms.” - Dr. Jenn Simmons

    For over 50 years, healthcare providers have told women how important it is to have a mammogram every year after a certain age. With mammograms positioned as the primary screening tool for breast cancer, these annual visits are dutifully maintained for years in the hope that they will act as an early warning system. Unfortunately, the data doesn’t support this theory.

    Research shows that there was no survival advantage to screening with mammograms, nor does it result in more breasts saved. In addition, repeated radiation exposure causes thousands of breast cancers every year, as well as thousands of women treated for breast cancer that never needed to be treated. Luckily, we now have alternatives that are safer and less aggressive.

    Today, I’m excited to chat with Dr. Jenn Simmons, who is on a mission to change the impact of breast cancer. Dr. Jenn started her professional career as Philadelphia's first fellowship-trained breast surgeon and spent 17 years as Philadelphia's top breast surgeon. Her own illness led to her discovery of functional medicine, and she became enamored with the concept of creating health rather than killing disease. She left traditional medicine in 2019 and founded Real Health MD to help women along their breast cancer journey truly heal.

    In this conversation, Dr. Jenn and I discuss her personal experiences with breast cancer, the complexities of its detection and treatment, the root causes of breast cancer, how environmental toxins and lifestyle factors affect cancer development, innovative imaging technology for safer breast cancer screening, why you shouldn’t be afraid of estrogen, and more. Enjoy the episode!

    To learn more, visit the show notes at https://savemythyroid.com/podcast/alternative-breast-cancer-screening-and-treatment-options-with-dr-jenn-simmons-155/.

    Do You Want Help Saving Your Thyroid?

    Access hundreds of free articles at www.NaturalEndocrineSolutions.com

    Visit Dr. Eric's YouTube channel at www.youtube.com/c/NaturalThyroidDoctor/

    To work with Dr. Eric, visit https://savemythyroid.com/work-with-dr-eric/

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    1 h y 10 m
  • Should Thytrophin PMG be taken by those with Graves’ disease and Hashimoto’s?
    Jul 18 2024

    Thytrophin PMG is a supplement from Standard Process® that contains bovine thyroid PMG™ extract and a proprietary Protomorphogen™ blend. It’s been around for many years, and it's not uncommon for me to encounter patients who have been supplementing with it.

    In theory, Thytrophin PMG is supposed to act as a decoy for the immune system to attack the supplement instead of the thyroid gland. Today, I’m sharing what you need to know before taking Thytrophin PMG and whether it’s an effective supplement for those with Graves’ disease or Hashimoto’s.

    In this episode, you’ll learn:
    - How Thytrophin PMG works and what it’s used for
    - The potential effectiveness and lack of research on the use of Thyrotrophin PMG for Graves' disease and Hashimoto's
    - What to think about when considering using Thyrotrophin PMG
    - Recommended dosage and how to take Thyrotrophin PMG

    As always, I hope you find this episode valuable, and I look forward to catching you in the next episode!

    To learn more, visit the show notes at https://savemythyroid.com/podcast/should-thytrophin-pmg-be-taken-by-those-with-graves-disease-and-hashimotos/.

    Do You Want Help Saving Your Thyroid?

    Access hundreds of free articles at www.NaturalEndocrineSolutions.com

    Visit Dr. Eric's YouTube channel at www.youtube.com/c/NaturalThyroidDoctor/

    To work with Dr. Eric, visit https://savemythyroid.com/work-with-dr-eric/

    Más Menos
    9 m
  • Thyroid Nodules, Thyroid Cysts, and Alcohol Ablation with Dr. Brittany Henderson
    Jul 16 2024

    Thyroid care is complicated, yet we’re often offered a one-size-fits-all approach by conventional medicine.

    Thyroid medication is one of the most prescribed medications in the US, so many people could benefit from thyroid care done right. Unfortunately, most providers don’t understand how to diagnose thyroid conditions well, how antibodies affect thyroid symptoms, or how to dose the medication properly.

    Recognizing this gap, today’s guest, Dr. Brittany Henderson, recognized this gap and felt drawn to help people in this field. Dr. Brittany is a dual board-certified physician in both internal medicine and endocrinology. She is a thyroid expert working to bridge the gap between functional and conventional medical approaches to thyroid care.

    In this conversation, Dr. Brittany and I discuss her integrative approach to thyroid care, the differences between thyroid nodules and cysts, diagnostic criteria, toxic nodules, subacute thyroiditis, the role of iodine in thyroid health, conventional treatment options, minimally invasive alternatives like alcohol ablation and radiofrequency ablation, and more. Enjoy the episode!

    To learn more, visit the show notes at https://savemythyroid.com/podcast/thyroid-nodules-thyroid-cysts-and-alcohol-ablation-with-dr-brittany-henderson-154/.

    Do You Want Help Saving Your Thyroid?

    Access hundreds of free articles at www.NaturalEndocrineSolutions.com

    Visit Dr. Eric's YouTube channel at www.youtube.com/c/NaturalThyroidDoctor/

    To work with Dr. Eric, visit https://savemythyroid.com/work-with-dr-eric/

    Más Menos
    55 m
  • How common is low stomach acid in those with thyroid conditions?
    Jul 11 2024

    Adequate stomach acid levels are vital for overall health.

    Stomach acid—released from the parietal cells of the stomach lining—has several essential functions, including protein digestion, nutrient absorption, and helping to keep bacteria in check. Low stomach acid, a condition known as hypochlorhydria, is widespread in those with thyroid conditions.

    Today, I’m sharing the common causes of low stomach acid, potential issues that can arise, and how to improve stomach acid levels.

    In this episode, you’ll learn:
    - The crucial role of stomach acid
    - Causes of low stomach acid
    - How to know if you have low stomach acid
    - Potential consequences of low stomach acid levels
    - Methods to increase stomach acid levels

    As always, I hope you find this episode valuable, and I look forward to catching you in the next episode!

    To learn more, visit the show notes at https://savemythyroid.com/podcast/how-common-is-low-stomach-acid-in-those-with-thyroid-conditions/.

    Do You Want Help Saving Your Thyroid?

    Access hundreds of free articles at www.NaturalEndocrineSolutions.com

    Visit Dr. Eric's YouTube channel at www.youtube.com/c/NaturalThyroidDoctor/

    To work with Dr. Eric, visit https://savemythyroid.com/work-with-dr-eric/

    Más Menos
    10 m
  • Overcoming Endometriosis with Dr. Jessica Drummond
    Jul 9 2024

    “Most people with endometriosis have several symptoms, not just painful periods.” - Dr. Jessica Drummond

    Endometriosis is a structural immune disorder that affects around one in ten women. With this condition, tissue similar to the lining of the uterus grows anywhere in the body outside the uterus.

    Each case of endometriosis can present differently, and the condition is often misdiagnosed or undiagnosed, with an average delay of diagnosis of around 12 years. Symptoms can start in pre-puberty, first showing up as gut or digestive issues. Later, we often see menstrual pain, bladder pain, and various comorbidities such as mast cell activation syndrome.

    Today, I’m excited to be joined by Dr. Jessica Drummond to have a comprehensive chat about endometriosis, which can be a very complex condition to treat. Dr. Jessica is the Founder and CEO of The Integrative Women's Health Institute. For over two decades, she has worked with women with complex chronic illnesses such as endometriosis, pelvic pain, painful bladder syndrome, and vulvodynia and has educated practitioners in over 60 countries. She takes a root cause, innovative approach to healing in collaboration with her clients and students.

    In this conversation, Dr. Jessica and I discuss her journey into women's health, the complexities of endometriosis, its symptoms, the challenges in diagnosis and treatment, integrative management approaches, the relationship between endometriosis and thyroid health, why it’s crucial to find a skilled surgeon, non-surgical options for managing endometriosis and more. Enjoy the episode!

    To learn more, visit the show notes at https://savemythyroid.com/podcast/overcoming-endometriosis-with-dr-jessica-drummond-153/.

    Do You Want Help Saving Your Thyroid?

    Access hundreds of free articles at www.NaturalEndocrineSolutions.com

    Visit Dr. Eric's YouTube channel at www.youtube.com/c/NaturalThyroidDoctor/

    To work with Dr. Eric, visit https://savemythyroid.com/work-with-dr-eric/

    Más Menos
    45 m
  • Can LDN help with thyroid eye disease?
    Jul 4 2024

    Low-dose naltrexone (LDN) is a prescription medication that helps to modulate the immune system and can help to treat different types of autoimmune conditions.

    While I don’t recommend it for all my patients, there are situations where it might be a consideration since Graves’ disease, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, and thyroid eye disease are autoimmune thyroid conditions.

    Today, I’m sharing the situations where LDN may be a relevant option and what you need to know before taking LDN.

    In this episode, you’ll learn:
    - The benefits of LDN for thyroid eye disease
    - Factors to consider when deciding whether to take LDN
    - Potential side effects and weighing the risks versus benefits of taking LDN
    - How you can access LDN

    As always, I hope you find this episode valuable, and I look forward to catching you in the next episode!

    To learn more, visit the show notes at https://savemythyroid.com/podcast/can-ldn-help-with-thyroid-eye-disease/.

    Do You Want Help Saving Your Thyroid?

    Access hundreds of free articles at www.NaturalEndocrineSolutions.com

    Visit Dr. Eric's YouTube channel at www.youtube.com/c/NaturalThyroidDoctor/

    To work with Dr. Eric, visit https://savemythyroid.com/work-with-dr-eric/

    Más Menos
    8 m