
  • #166 ˗ˏˋ ✞ ˎˊ˗ Leviticus 21-22, "I AM YAHWEH" ˗ˏˋ ✞ ˎˊ˗
    Feb 9 2024

    Priests were sanctified as holy because God is holy. God commanded that the priests remain clean and not partake in any unclean activities that would defile them. If the priests were to become defiled before God, it would misrepresent God and His holiness. The priests were specially anointed and sanctified to work for God in his Tabernacle. They had to remain sanctified and holy to be set apart from the uncleanness of the people they served. With each commandment, God reminds us that He is Yahweh. "I am Yahweh."

    Video at: https://youtu.be/kFw48T6NbEM

    Jared is a musician and released his new song, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BrRR5MFdm1E


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    Más Menos
    1 h y 8 m
  • #165 😈 Leviticus 18-20, Sexual Perversions and Abominations ꒒ ꒩ ꒦ ꒰ 😝
    Jan 23 2024

    These chapters cover God's laws against sexual perversions like incest, homosexuality, bestiality, and offering their children to Moloch, a demon god. God had to write it down because the wicked Canaanites and surrounding nations regularly practiced sexual immorality, which is an abomination to God. Offering children to Moloch was an ancient way of aborting their children born out of sin and perversions. It was unlikely that the children born of a righteous marriage with a husband and a wife would be aborted. The unwanted children born out of sexual perversion were likely offered to the demon Moloch because they had no value to these people committing sins. God's judgment for most of these perversions was death. The less severe judgment was to cut off these people from their community and not accept them or normalize such behavior as we do today. There are specialized websites to commit each of the perversions God instructed His people not to do.

    Video at https://youtu.be/htv9kVSmySY


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    57 m
  • #164 🩸 Leviticus 16-17, Day Of Atonement and Drinking of Blood Forbidden 🐐 🐐 🔥
    Jan 9 2024

    In these chapters, God describes one special day in a year when all the Israelites must offer their sin and burnt sacrifices to make an atonement of their sins. They cast lots on two goats, one for the sin offering, which was let loose in the wilderness as the substituted scapegoat and the other was sacrificed on the altar as a burnt offering. The symbolism all points to the judgment of the wicked and how Satan is allowed to roam for a time in the wilderness before the wicked are thrown into the lake of fire for their final judgment. It is important to note that God has always communicated these ideas of wheat and tear, salvation and judgment, and goats and sheep from the beginning. To understand the book of Revelation, you must understand the meanings in the Old Testament.

    Video at https://youtu.be/pPKNBOPuR3c


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    43 m
  • #163 🧽 Leviticus 14-15, The Laws Of Purity and Cleanliness 🛀🏽 💦 👨🏼‍🦲
    Dec 28 2023

    Chapters 14 and 15 are enlightening about what it took to cleanse someone from their uncleanness and sin. God prepared and trained His people to cleanse themselves upon being afflicted with serious skin diseases like leprosy. Also, purify themselves after emitting bodily fluids to wash and isolate themselves until the evening. God was practical in instructing His people to stay disease-free and also stay clean after coming in contact with sin and uncleanliness. All this foreshadowed what Jesus did on the cross to take up Himself of all man's sins and offer his new Kingdom, sin-free and holy. What Jesus really did for all mankind was that He offered a way out of sin, death, and decay that would be akin to spreading leprous diseases in Leviticus. If there is no repentance of one's sin, God will allow the disease of the heart and mind to progress and destroy oneself to necrotic dust. Jesus saved humanity from itself dying in sin. All his miracles were cleansing people from their diseases and making them whole again. The laws of purity only reflect Jesus, who can cleanse all people by fulfilling the laws Himself. Those who believe are ultimately cleansed instead of destroyed, much like the houses infected with mold/leprosy.

    Video at https://youtu.be/7t2MZPbCq6A


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    Más Menos
    1 h y 32 m
  • #162 🧔 Leviticus 11-13 Clean and Unclean 🦅 🐮 🧥
    Dec 16 2023

    Scott and I discuss these chapters about what God ordained, clean and unclean. God commanded the Israelites to eat from only animals that He declared clean. Certain procedures that women had to follow who gave childbirth different for a son v. daughter. These laws were likely to protect the babies and the mother from getting sick and dying, as giving birth was risky. Skin diseases like leprosy were on high alert, and God gave specific instructions on how the Levitical priests examine the skin to look for soreness and leprosy. The priests were the original health department and the CDC. Levicitual laws were given to protect the congregation from diseases and to quarantine them for a minimum of 7 days and a maximum of 14 days, unlike today, where any disease isolates the whole world for years. Only the sick were isolated, not the healthy people. What the governments are doing today is contrary to God's way of isolating and declaring unclean to become clean after a certain amount of time.

    Video at https://youtu.be/vlIc1-BzGoY


    You can contact Scott:


    Deprogramming With Grace's Dad podcast: https://rumble.com/c/c-2054162





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    Más Menos
    1 h y 24 m
  • #161 👋🏼 Leviticus 8-10, Consecration Of Aaron And His Sons 🍖 ♨ ⚰️
    Dec 12 2023

    Aaron and his sons are being sanctified and made holy to serve the Lord in His Tabernacle. They would stay inside the Tent of Meeting for seven days and eat only what God provided. They were being trained as Levitical priests to be able to do the animal sacrifices and offerings to God. However, Aaron's two sons sinned before the Lord by offering their own incense offering, not ordained by God, to cheat God by offering their own smelling aroma. God killed them instantly and had their uncle's sons take their bodies outside the camp and into the ashes area where the sin offering was burnt. They were to follow God's commands strictly, or they would also die. God required strict obedience to the tiniest details to distinguish what was holy from commonplace. God is Holy where no sin or commonplace can enter his Tabernacle.

    Video at https://youtu.be/jA1oB3d5DMA


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    Más Menos
    1 h y 33 m
  • #160 ✝️ Leviticus 6-7 Laws of Offerings 🥩 🛁 ⛺😋
    Dec 7 2023

    These chapters are a continuation of previous offerings ordained by God. God established His righteousness through His laws to sanctify and purify His people who dwelled with Him in the wilderness. He was their God, and they were His people. Scott Schara joins me in looking at these chapters and how they apply today, given the principles learned from God's commands to His anointed priests and the children of Israel. God protected all of them by making provisions for Aaron and his sons as the Levitical priesthood. God also ordained the ritual and ceremonial aspects of all the offerings to teach the Israelites the consequences of sin and substitution sacrifice to atone for oneself in repentance. A foreshadow of what Jesus did on the cross. Much blood was shed each and every day in the tent of the meeting, and the Israelites were commanded to participate in each sin and guilt offering. The Levitical priest had much responsibility over the people; however, God provided them with grain and meat offerings as their most holy portion. Anyone who touched them would also become holy. God laid out the seriousness in each detailed instruction to sanctify and purify by fire all who dwelled with Him inside His holy tabernacle. Those who became unclean to disobey God once again were banished from the community to be thrown outside the camp, i.e., to represent the world and wickedness.

    Video at: https://youtu.be/F-XQPkYwHls


    You can contact Scott:


    Deprogramming With Grace's Dad podcast: https://rumble.com/c/c-2054162





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    1 h y 38 m
  • #159 🐂 Leviticus 1-5, Offerings To God 🐏 🐐 🐑 🕊️🥖🩸
    Dec 3 2023

    Leviticus starts with different types of offerings made to God. It's a story within a story, symbolic of Christ and what he did for us on the cross. With each offering, God required a specific type of animal and its gender, male or female. Jared Fetzer joined our bible study podcasts to impart his insights and wisdom on the symbolism of each offering.

    The book starts with Burnt Offering, a free-will offering of an unblemished male from the herd or flock as attornment and devotion to God. Grain offering of unleavened flour, olive oil, and frankincense was offered at the altar as devotion and worship to God. Peace offerings were made for fellowship and thanksgiving of unblemished males or females from the herd or flock. The Sin Offering was mandatory to atone for one’s sins, which was defined for each as a member of the congregation, the priest, the whole congregation, a leader, and a common man. Each detail is significant to represent Christ, Mary, unbelievers, believers, the Holy Spirit, etc. The Sin Offering was also burnt outside the camp in a clean area to be symbolic of how and where Christ was crucified, as He was a sin sacrifice for all of humanity to atone for our sins. A bull was offered if the sin or congregation sinned to symbolize the coming of the Messiah. Jesus will return as powerful and triumphant, akin to a bull (Deuteronomy 33:17).

    Finally, the Guilt Offering required restitution offering to the Lord, either by bringing a male unblemished Ram or its equivalent in silver shackles. This restitution was made to the wronged party. Ram is a male sheep, symbolizing God’s strength and protection over his flock as a shepherd, and his people are the flock. Psalm 23:1-4 refers to God as a shepherd caring for His flock. The ram also symbolizes rams those in strength, power, and leadership. The image of a ram with powerful horns represents the strength of certain nations or rulers (Daniel 8:3-8, 20-22). Thus, the guilt offering offered attornment and restitution to God as our shepherd.

    Video at: https://youtu.be/hjpgm_aOljM


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    Más Menos
    1 h y 44 m