
  • S2E30: Rethinking Accountability: What We Can Learn From a Simple Question Changes Everything
    May 6 2024

    Looking for lasting freedom from porn? START with one of our 3 options here:

    1. Grab Our Free 90 Day Porn Withdrawal Guide: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SIG3jTjSAtEtsqxqHDI8fNG7m9L8mAv5/view?usp=sharing⁠⁠

    2. Book a Call with our Team to work 1:1 with Coach Shawn: ⁠⁠⁠⁠https://secrethabit.ca/call/⁠⁠⁠⁠

    3. Enroll in a DIY Mini Course: ⁠⁠⁠⁠https://secrethabit.thinkific.com/⁠⁠⁠⁠

    Most people struggle to feel momentum in their Christian walk. This leads to low self esteem, dull confidence and lukewarm living... which leads guys to relapsing with porn. Not a fun cycle to be in!

    One of the biggest reasons I see for this is that we dont know how to truly sharpen one another (Scripture says that iron sharpens iron)

    Most people are "great" at giving advice, but the advice is actually harmful, or unhelpful at best...

    We focus way to much on the surface problem and neglect peoples deep pain

    We must start asking questions that get to the heat of the issue

    King Artaxerxis in Nehemiah 2 is a great example of what we call curiosity in the recovery world. He asks Nehemiah a wonderful question to get below the surface, and then further, he asks how he can help RATHER than assuming his advice is what he needs

    I also dive ito some paradigm shifts when it comes to discipleship, accountability and friendship

    These are some AWESOME tips on how to develop a healthier life which leads to quitting porn and growing in sexual integrity

    Grab Our Free 90 Day Porn Withdrawal Guide: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SIG3jTjSAtEtsqxqHDI8fNG7m9L8mAv5/view?usp=sharing⁠⁠⁠

    Más Menos
    14 m
  • S2E29: Your Motivations May Be Driving You Further From God... How To Uproot Core Motivational Lies & Live In Freedom From Porn
    May 2 2024

    Looking for lasting freedom from porn? START with one of our 3 options here:

    1. Book a Call with our Team to work 1:1 with Coach Shawn: ⁠⁠⁠https://secrethabit.ca/call/⁠⁠⁠

    2. Enroll in a DIY Mini Course: ⁠⁠⁠https://secrethabit.thinkific.com/⁠⁠⁠

    3. Grab Our Free 90 Day Porn Withdrawal Guide: ⁠⁠⁠https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SIG3jTjSAtEtsqxqHDI8fNG7m9L8mAv5/view?usp=sharing⁠

    In this episode, you'll learn why you you're coming up short even if you're "doing all the right things"

    This may be in porn recovery, family, marriage, work... whatever it is, you MUST change your core motivation or else you'll stay stuck.

    We all have a core identity and from that core identity we have motivations

    If your motivations are focused on NOT being a failure and working hard to not be one, you'll miss the gospel

    The gospel saves, PERIOD. Jesus is the solution here, but he meets us in such strategies to renew our belief system and change the very reason we do anything

    May this be the driver to changing your life... its time to quit porn and masturbation, to redeem your marriage, to enjoy Godly sex and to be men of integrity!

    Grab Our Free 90 Day Porn Withdrawal Guide: ⁠⁠⁠⁠https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SIG3jTjSAtEtsqxqHDI8fNG7m9L8mAv5/view?usp=sharing⁠⁠

    Más Menos
    10 m
  • S2E9: Why I Moved To Czech and Joined DeepClean
    Apr 26 2024

    Looking for lasting freedom from porn? START with one of our 3 options here:

    1. Book a Call with our Team to work 1:1 with Coach Shawn: ⁠⁠⁠https://secrethabit.ca/call/⁠⁠⁠

    2. Enroll in a DIY Mini Course: ⁠⁠⁠https://secrethabit.thinkific.com/⁠⁠⁠

    3. Grab Our Free 90 Day Porn Withdrawal Guide: ⁠⁠⁠https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SIG3jTjSAtEtsqxqHDI8fNG7m9L8mAv5/view?usp=sharing⁠

    I am answering the BIG questions today - why did I move to Czech? why did I join DeepClean? Why did I stop coaching with Secret Habit? Do I miss Canada? Am I staying in Czech? And so many more!

    Helena and I moved to Czech back on May 30th from Canada. I joined DeepClean on June 8th and since then, its been quite the God story. However, it goes much further back, and thats what I want to share about today

    If you're ready to quit porn in the next 120 days, book your free strategy call with us, we would love to help you find out the best next steps with DeepClean!

    * www.secrethabit.ca/call

    If you want to know more about DeepClean before booking a call, grab a free copy of "The Last Relapse"

    Más Menos
    21 m
  • S2E12: Stop Using Cute Words To Describe Your Porn Addiction
    Apr 26 2024

    Looking for lasting freedom from porn? START with one of our 3 options here:

    1. Book a Call with our Team to work 1:1 with Coach Shawn: ⁠⁠⁠https://secrethabit.ca/call/⁠⁠⁠

    2. Enroll in a DIY Mini Course: ⁠⁠⁠https://secrethabit.thinkific.com/⁠⁠⁠

    3. Grab Our Free 90 Day Porn Withdrawal Guide: ⁠⁠⁠https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SIG3jTjSAtEtsqxqHDI8fNG7m9L8mAv5/view?usp=sharing⁠

    Do you do what most people do: Calling their porn addiction a "sin issue" or a "lust problem"?

    In this episode, Shawn Bonneteau is going to get real and challenge the weak sauce language we so often use as Christians. I want to help you add some weight to your words to enhance your conviction to change. This is a vital message to those who want to build bigger "muscles" in their journey to freedom from porn and sexual integrity

    Get ready to learn about:

    - The difference between weak and strong language

    - How to say things for what they are

    - Being brutally honest

    - Growing your conviction while quitting porn

    Ready to do something about your porn addiction FOR REAL?

    * Book your call with our team today and get started on our 4 month porn recovery program

    Extra resource: "The Last Relapse" book by Sathiya Sam. Grab your free copy today

    Más Menos
    10 m
  • S2E13: Outsmart Your Sexual Temptations With This Porn Recovery Tool
    Apr 26 2024

    Looking for lasting freedom from porn? START with one of our 3 options here:

    1. Book a Call with our Team to work 1:1 with Coach Shawn: ⁠⁠⁠https://secrethabit.ca/call/⁠⁠⁠

    2. Enroll in a DIY Mini Course: ⁠⁠⁠https://secrethabit.thinkific.com/⁠⁠⁠

    3. Grab Our Free 90 Day Porn Withdrawal Guide: ⁠⁠⁠https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SIG3jTjSAtEtsqxqHDI8fNG7m9L8mAv5/view?usp=sharing⁠

    Sexual temptation is powerful... Most people are like a deer in headlights when sexually tempted. No matter the trigger, its almost as if you go on auto pilot and do things you never thought you would do... sound about right?

    If so, then this recovery life hack is 100% for you

    In this episode, Shawn Bonneteau is going to uncover the #1 reason mature adults make childish decisions in the face of temptation.

    Get ready to learn about:

    - What happens when you go into fight, flight freeze

    - Why its so hard to make good decisions when sexually tempted

    - What is really triggering you before you watch porn

    - Why "prayer and read your bible more" doesn't work

    - Whats going on in the brain when you get sexually tempted or emotionally triggered

    - How to hold the power and overcome triggers and temptations no matter when they come

    Grab our 90 day survival guide when quitting porn (bottom of the blog page)


    We're opening up some slots f you're ready to quit porn but need a coach, system and community to help you do it - book your free call now and join us at DeepClean - the all in one porn recovery system for Christian men

    Más Menos
    15 m
  • S2E14: Stop Saying You're Bored, Its Killing Your Recovery
    Apr 26 2024

    Looking for lasting freedom from porn? START with one of our 3 options here:

    1. Book a Call with our Team to work 1:1 with Coach Shawn: ⁠⁠⁠https://secrethabit.ca/call/⁠⁠⁠

    2. Enroll in a DIY Mini Course: ⁠⁠⁠https://secrethabit.thinkific.com/⁠⁠⁠

    3. Grab Our Free 90 Day Porn Withdrawal Guide: ⁠⁠⁠https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SIG3jTjSAtEtsqxqHDI8fNG7m9L8mAv5/view?usp=sharing⁠

    So often I hear guys telling me "boredom" is the problem in their life. They tell me that they use pornography when they're bored.

    Maybe you can relate? Maybe you have kids who say this? Maybe a friend? I want to open your eyes to what boredom really is.

    In this episode, I (Shawn Bonneteau) will push back on this common suggestion as to why people watch porn and masturbate and offer some deeper insights

    Get ready to learn about:

    - What boredom is below the surface

    - What is really driving your porn addiction

    - How to reframe the way you label your feelings

    - The holistic approach to being a healthy human being

    I mention a great resource in this episode, Going Deeper: How the Inner Child Impacts Your Sexual Addiction by Eddie Capparucci. Its a GREAT read that offers a ton of application steps to help you overcome sex addiction and other immature coping mechanisms

    Looking for a deeper drive? Ready to commit to the process of quitting porn for good?

    Book a private strategy call and join DeepClean, the all in one porn recovery system for christian men

    Más Menos
    11 m
  • S2E28: The ONLY WAY Spiritual Disciplines Work
    Apr 22 2024

    Looking for lasting freedom from porn? START with one of our 3 options here:

    1. Book a Call with our Team to work 1:1 with Coach Shawn: ⁠⁠https://secrethabit.ca/call/⁠⁠

    2. Enroll in a DIY Mini Course: ⁠⁠https://secrethabit.thinkific.com/⁠⁠

    3. Grab Our Free 90 Day Porn Withdrawal Guide: ⁠⁠https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SIG3jTjSAtEtsqxqHDI8fNG7m9L8mAv5/view?usp=sharing⁠

    In this episode, Shawn is going to get really real about the ONLY thing that leads to a healthy routine of spiritual disciplines.

    Stop trying to work harder, do more, comdemn yourself... its not working!

    Start with the posture of heart THAN work from that.

    Get ready to learn about the very dichotomy we all live in and how to choose truth, love and joy

    Jesus wants you to be free from porn, masturbation and sexual sin... however, He doesnt want you to think the work he already did has to be done again!

    Its time to change your heart and mind so you can change the very way you live each and every day

    Do you need some direction on what to do next?

    Check out ⁠⁠secrethabit.ca⁠⁠ to book a call with our team, buy a course or grab a free resource

    Más Menos
    12 m
  • S2E27: Stuck Making Immature Decisions? Heres How To Separate Your Past From Present & Get Free From Porn Addiction
    Apr 20 2024

    Looking for lasting freedom from porn? START with one of our 3 options here:

    1. Book a Call with our Team to work 1:1 with Coach Shawn: ⁠https://secrethabit.ca/call/⁠

    2. Enroll in a DIY Mini Course: ⁠https://secrethabit.thinkific.com/⁠

    3. Grab Our Free 90 Day Porn Withdrawal Guide: ⁠https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SIG3jTjSAtEtsqxqHDI8fNG7m9L8mAv5/view?usp=sharing⁠

    In this episode, Shawn Bonneteau is going to talk to you about triangulation, enmeshment and the process of getting out of what seems so stuck! If you seem to make immature decisions more than you would like to admit, then stick around and learn what it means to unmesh from your past

    Shawn has a personal testimony of overcoming these challenges and shares candidly about his own journey to growing in maturity, compassion and integrity

    This is at the heart of what it means to be free from porn, masturbation and sexual sin...

    If you feel stuck and dont know how to fix it, this is the right place for you

    Do you need some direction on what to do next?

    Check out ⁠secrethabit.ca⁠ to book a call with our team, buy a course or grab a free resource

    Más Menos
    13 m