
  • Creating & Attracting occurs when you're Being your TRUE SELF not your Non Self
    12 m
  • SPECIAL OFFER FREE -- > Future Directions Insights <--
    Sep 8 2022

    I'm looking to provide FUTURE DIRECTION INSIGHT to a select few amazingly lucky Ladies to give them some clarification and a nudge in a direction that feels aligned and natural to take

    So if you're interested, read up below on what needs to be done, in order to have a chance to win a FREE


    You need to qualify for 2 out of the 4 listed below:

    • You're between 35 to 55
    • Are Self-employed
    • Employed
    • Own a small Biz (max 5 employees)

    & steps to take:

    • Share this episode with anybody who may be interested
    • If you're selected as one of the lucky winners, and you're happy and resonate with the Future Direction Insights Info provided by me, I'd be so grateful if you could share your testimonial by tagging me in an Instagram post or stories on your IG account
    • Or if you're not on Instagram or any other social network, an audio, video or written testimonial is fine too!
    • As an added bonus for sharing a testimonial, you'll get another free option to receive insights into what maybe resisting you from following your Future Direction

    This SPECIAL FREE OFFER is available until wed 15 september 2022

    After the 15 September, I'll pick random ladies and will personally DM to let them know they've won!

    If you're on Instagram follow me @amesj111 and start tagging or sharing this same post to other people who may be interested to get an insight into their Future Direction

    If you're reading this post on my SELF-TRUST & CLARITY podcast, pls share this episode to another lady who will be interested too!

    I can't wait to open your mind, eyes and heart to your potential!

    Good luck 👍

    Más Menos
    8 m
  • (#4) Life's Work based on the Highest expression of who you
    Sep 8 2022

    In this episode we kick of understanding more about our 4 biggest energies, based off of our Incarnation cross, by looking into our biggest energy we carry which is where our LIFE'S WORK energy comes from

    This represents 70% of our personality, so a huge energy that people will definitely feel and know about you and you also have awareness of yourself too, to an extent

    This is the energy of where you shine, your leadership, personality, life force, your power, your ego and what you express

    Take your Human design chart and look at the very top number found in the top corner of your the chart and see what number shows up

    e.g. in this episode of 17.3 so the gate is 17

    Más Menos
    7 m