
  • The Best Exercises To Do After Long Periods Of Sitting
    Jun 25 2024

    It’s travel season and that means long car rides and/or plane rides for many people. Sitting for long periods of time can be taxing on the body not just physically but mentally and emotionally. Sitting in a small seat on a plane for hours on end or riding in a long car ride can create stress on muscles, joints and blood flow circulation. It’s important to know how to counteract this stress with regular exercise and especially after you have been sitting for an extended period of time.

    In This Episode You Will Learn:

    1). Some of the common activities that require us to sit for long periods of time like traveling or “indoors” related activities like working at a desk or watching TV.

    2). The effects that sitting for long periods of time have on your body physically, mentally and emotionally.

    3). How small movements with your legs and ankles while seated can drastically help your bodies circulation muscle fatigue.

    4). Why it’s important to pay attention to your body if you’re driving a car for long periods of time and how to counteract the effects of fatigue and tiredness.

    5). Some upper body movements you can do that also help with better circulation and fatigue.


    We hope the tips and information in this episode help you stay healthy during travel or after any long period of sitting. Making sure you take the steps necessary to rejuvenate your body during a stressful period is key to maintaining a healthy lifestyle and keeping your body active everyday. To try some of the exercises mentioned in the episode visit this workout “Helpful Stretches You Can Do on an Airplane”.

    Team Meredith

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    Más Menos
    29 m
  • Gladden Hearts - MWM#266
    Jun 24 2024

    “Life is short, and we have never too much time for gladdening the hearts of those who are traveling the dark journey with us.” – Henry David Thoreau

    This quote reminds us to give love and care to all of those around us, in this short and crazy life we live together!


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    Más Menos
    6 m
  • 5 Best Tips On Staying Hydrated and Healthy
    Jun 18 2024

    Hydration levels are an important aspect to living a healthy lifestyle, yet we often overlook them during our busy day which can lead to issues with dehydration and sickness. Making sure you take in appropriate amounts of water and fluids especially during the hotter months of the year can make a big difference between staying healthy or feeling lethargic, achy and even bed-ridden.

    In This Episode You Will Learn:

    1). The ages at which hydration affects people the most including older adults.

    2). How easy it is to misdiagnose dehydration because common symptoms like feeling tired or achy can be easily assumed as effects from normal day to day stress.

    3). Why water is always the best hydrator, but there are also other "healthy" options as well that you can try if you don't like the taste of regular water.

    4). How wearing the proper clothing can help make a difference in keeping your body cool and comfortable during warmer months.

    5). The importance of planning ahead for warmer weather and how it will help keep you healthy by making sure your have proper hydration, attire and knowledge.


    We hope the tips we share in this episode help you or someone you know who may be struggling with regular hydration. It can be easy to forget or assume that we are hydrated enough and doing so can cause health issues which can easily sideline you. Make sure staying hydrated is a part of your "health habits" to ensure your path to a longer healthy active life.

    Team Meredith

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Más Menos
    29 m
  • Simple Life - MWM#265
    Jun 17 2024

    “Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.” – Confucius

    This quote reminds us of the importance in remembering that life is about living, loving, and staying positive…we need to try to keep it simple!


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    Más Menos
    6 m
  • Can You "Out Exercise" a Bad Diet?
    Jun 11 2024

    Regular exercise is one of the pillars for long lasting health. Your everyday diet is also one of the main contributing factors of a healthy lifestyle. But what happens if you only focus on exercising in hopes that it will be enough to stay healthy and omit taking into consideration the foods that may be healthier for you over time?

    In This Episode You Will Learn:

    1). Why we wanted to shed light on this topic and how it affects what we are seeing in the news and on social media about new weight loss drugs, exercise fads and influencer fitness marketing.

    2). How you can't assume someone's overall health and metabolism just by appearance alone. "Looking" like your in shape and healthy doesn't necessarily mean that you are.

    3). Why it's important to learn about your ideal health not specifically in numbers (calories, steps, weight etc).

    4). How one person's idea of what "healthy" is differs from others and how to find out what is the best definition of "healthy" for your body.

    5). Why it's important to know that eating un-healthy meals and trying to over exercise to make up for it is not a good way of maintaining your overall health.


    We hope the tips and information in this episode helps you or someone you know who may have trouble balancing exercise and diet. It's not always easy to manage a busy exercise schedule and stay on top of what goes into your body each week but it's important to know how both depend on each other for the best health results. Enjoying a "balanced" diet throughout the week along with regular exercise can make all the difference for a longer lasting active life.

    Team Meredith

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Más Menos
    30 m
  • Gratification - MWM#264
    Jun 10 2024

    “Instant gratification takes too long.” – Carrie Fisher

    This quote reminds us that we must work for what we want, it doesn’t just come or is given to us.


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    5 m
  • Ageism In The Fitness Industry
    Jun 4 2024

    Ageism occurs far too often in society in many factors of life. Ageism is defined as “prejudice or discrimination on the grounds of a person’s age.” As our population gets older, this kind of problem is becoming more apparent especially in the fitness industry. Judging one’s abilities based on just their age can have a negative affect mentally and emotionally.

    Fortunately there are positive and productive ways to address issues with ageism which can help society realize that all people have value regardless of age.

    In This Episode You Will Learn:

    1). Why we thought this issue was important to discuss and how ageism in the fitness industry (and other industries) is affecting older individuals.

    2). How being an older worker in a competitive job market can be difficult because of the stereotypes against older workers and the false ideologies of not being effective and not being able to learn new skills.

    3). How experiencing ageism can affect you mentally and emotionally.

    4). How assuming someone’s level of fitness based on their age can be a misstep to proper training.

    5). Some of Meredith’s best tips on handling ageism and how to change this mentality in the fitness and all industries.


    We hope you find value in this podcast episode as we feel discussing the problems with ageism especially in the fitness industry is important to bring into the light. As our population ages, it’s important to know that value can be found in people of all ages, and in all industries and we look forward to a future in a society that embraces this mentality.

    Team Meredith

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    30 m
  • Beauty - MWM#263
    Jun 3 2024

    “A beautiful old person is a work of art, like any beautiful young person.” – George William Curtis

    This quote reminds us that no matter your age, YOU are beautiful, a work of art…and never forget that!


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Más Menos
    5 m