
  • Creating the Life You Want- The Story Behind Our Big Move and New Beginnings
    Jul 16 2024

    This week, I’m sharing my story of how my husband and I made a big move from Florida to Georgia, embracing new beginnings and creating the life we truly wanted. What began as listing our house in Florida turned into a series of unexpected yet serendipitous events that led us to our dream home in Georgia. Our experience is a testament to the power of intuition, letting go of control, and embracing change wholeheartedly.

    Topics Covered In This Episode:
    1. Trust the process and have faith in the timing of life changes.

    2. Be open to releasing control and letting things happen as they are supposed to.

    3. Embrace the journey and enjoy the process of accomplishing your goals.

    4. Recognize the signs and synchronicities that guide your decisions.

    5. Prioritize communication, intuition, and releasing control in both business and personal life while asking for what you want and putting it out into the universe.

    6. Embrace the freedom and opportunities that your business provides and continue to consider new possibilities to remain open to reevaluating life decisions.

    7. Trust in your ability to overcome challenges and navigate major life changes.

    Find the full show notes at: https://brandimowles.com/224

    Loved This Episode? Check Out More Here. ⬇️


    Additional Resources:

    Are you ready for your business to provide freedom, flexibility, and financial stability? DM me @brandimowles on Instagram “NEW BEGINNINGS”!

    Follow the Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/serve-scale-soar/id1477998650

    Follow Brandi on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brandimowles

    Follow Brandi on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Brandiandcompany

    Más Menos
    33 m
  • How to Enjoy Summer Without Sacrificing Your Business Goals with Nicole Culver
    Jun 25 2024

    As summer approaches, many entrepreneurs find themselves dreading the juggling act of running a business while wanting to prioritize family time. However, it doesn't have to be a choice between business success and family memories. Business strategist and mom of three, Nicole Culver, shares her insights on how to set up your summer for success while making time for family and still achieving your business goals.

    Topics Covered In This Episode:
    1. Nicole emphasizes the importance of knowing your business numbers and how it helps to find a balance between enjoying life and not being stressed about money during the summer.

    2. We highlight the significance of setting up a summer schedule to prioritize family time while still maintaining financial responsibilities.

    3. Nicole shares her approach to planning in advance for the summer, including a debrief at the end of the previous summer to identify what worked and what didn't work.

    4. The importance of scheduling and making non-negotiable commitments to activities like beach days, lunches with friends, and family time.

    5. Nicole introduces the idea of casting a big vision for the summer, breaking it down into manageable steps, and the importance of focusing on one thing at a time in your business.

    6. Advice from Nicole to not waste life away, give yourself permission to dream big, and set yourself up for a successful summer as a way to make each summer better than the last.

    7. The emphasis on leading by example and not apologizing for creating a summer schedule that allows for both business and family priorities.

    Find the full show notes at: https://brandimowles.com/223

    Loved This Episode? Check Out More Here. ⬇️


    Additional Resources:
    Nicole Culver helps online coaches take quantum leaps in their business with digital products. She is a certified Master NLP coach, hypnotist, and mindset expert who helps coaches amplify their results by combining the right mindset with the perfect-for-them business strategy. Nicole loves to coach her clients and students so they can see beyond their limitations and open up to what’s truly possible for them.

    Where to Find Nicole:

    Nicole's Website - CLICK HERE

    Nicole's Instagram - CLICK HERE

    Nicole's Podcast - CLICK HERE

    Nicole's Free Business Planner - CLICK HERE

    DM Brandi @brandimowles on Instagram “STRATEGIST” to learn more.

    Follow the Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/serve-scale-soar/id1477998650

    Follow Brandi on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brandimowles

    Follow Brandi on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Brandiandcompany

    Más Menos
    24 m
  • Overwhelmed with Onboarding? Try This.
    Jun 18 2024

    Client onboarding is a crucial, yet time-consuming part of being a freelancer or running an ad management business. When multiple clients are coming in simultaneously, it can be overwhelming to handle all the moving pieces. Onboarding brings mixed emotions - the joy of a growing client base and revenue, but also the stress of managing multiple clients at once. This week, I’m presenting a game-changing approach that will revolutionize your onboarding process: the Staggered Onboarding Approach.

    Topics Covered In This Episode:
    1. Onboarding multiple clients at once can lead to overwhelm, even during successful months.

    2. Staggered onboarding can be a game changer for managing client load and minimizing overwhelm.

    3. By only onboarding one client per week, professionals can manage their workload effectively, while also establishing a sense of urgency around proposal and invoice submission which can help with client commitment.

    4. Staggered onboarding not only reduces overwhelm but also presents the professional as organized and in demand.

    5. Planning specific onboarding dates, considering personal schedules and availability is crucial as the goal is to achieve success with fewer hours worked, allowing for a fulfilling personal life.

    6. Implementing staggered onboarding will enhance professionalism, resulting in a more successful business.

    Find the full show notes at: https://brandimowles.com/222

    Loved This Episode? Check Out More Here. ⬇️


    Additional Resources:
    DM Brandi @brandimowles on Instagram “society” to learn more.

    Follow the Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/serve-scale-soar/id1477998650

    Follow Brandi on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brandimowles

    Follow Brandi on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Brandiandcompany

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    9 m
  • Turning Overwhelm Into Action In 4 Easy Steps
    Jun 11 2024

    Feeling overwhelmed is a common experience for many people, especially those juggling various responsibilities such as parenting, entrepreneurship, and personal goals. This week, I break down a 4-step process to navigate overwhelm and turn it into actionable steps. By following this roadmap, individuals can transform their overwhelm into relief and empowerment, enabling them to make progress in their businesses and personal lives with a clear, structured plan.

    Topics Covered In This Episode:
    1. Overwhelm can be paralyzing and prevent progress in both personal and professional life.
    2. The first step is to identify the specific source of overwhelm in order to address it effectively and then make a conscious decision to move past overwhelm and into action.
    3. Breaking down overwhelming tasks into smaller, manageable steps makes progress more achievable.
    4. Achieving a quick win, however small, can help to shift the mindset from overwhelmed to empowerment.
    5. The process of overcoming overwhelm can be applied to both personal and professional challenges, ultimately leading to faster progress and a more joy-filled life.
    6. Creating an action plan helps to alleviate overwhelm by providing clarity on what needs to be done.
    7. Implementing the 4-step process consistently can make it second nature over time and can be applied in both personal and business endeavors.

    Find the full show notes at: https://brandimowles.com/221

    Loved This Episode? Check Out More Here. ⬇️


    Additional Resources:
    Resource for my ad managers... The Ad Manager Advantage Secret Podcast

    In this 10-episode secret podcast, created specifically for Meta ad managers and aspiring ad managers, I'll be sharing insights, stories, and strategies for your business success.

    With actionable tips and expert advice, this podcast will provide you with the tools you need to take your ad management business to the next level. CLICK HERE TO SUBSCRIBE TODAY.

    Follow the Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/serve-scale-soar/id1477998650

    Follow Brandi on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brandimowles

    Follow Brandi on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Brandiandcompany

    Más Menos
    19 m
  • Breaking Up With Tracking: When Tracking Turns Toxic
    Jun 4 2024

    In the world of service providers, tracking business data can fall into two extremes: some shy away from numbers and avoid tracking, while others become obsessed and track every little detail. There is a balance when it comes to tracking as a strategic tool without becoming overwhelmed by data. This episode explores the transformation of tracking from a potential trap that keeps one stuck to a tool for propelling a business forward.

    Topics Covered In This Episode:

    1. Service providers often fall into two categories: either they shy away from numbers and avoid tracking, or they become obsessed with tracking every detail.

    2. Effective tracking can maximize efficiency in a business without causing burnout or overwhelm.

    3. Over-tracking can lead to spending excessive time on analytics, decision paralysis, feeling overwhelmed, inefficiency, and losing sight of business goals.

    4. Key performance indicators (KPIs) that service-based businesses should focus on include revenue goals, number of sales/discovery calls, outreach efforts, and client retention.

    5. Regular tracking of KPIs is essential, with outreach and sales call tracking on a weekly basis and client acquisition and revenue tracking on a monthly basis.

    6. Personal experience with over-tracking in health-related activities led to burnout and feeling overwhelmed, which can be mirrored in business tracking.

    7. It's crucial to identify the right KPIs for a business and implement a focused tracking strategy to avoid burnout and achieve goals, while businesses should also set clear revenue and client acquisition goals to guide the tracking process.

    8. A tracking system that is focused, consistent, and centered on the most relevant KPIs, and not filled with excessive data points, is needed to monitor KPIs, with regular reviews scheduled to assess progress and make informed decisions.

    Find the full show notes at: https://brandimowles.com/220

    Loved This Episode? Check Out More Here. ⬇️


    Additional Resources:
    Resource for my ad managers... The Ad Manager Advantage Secret Podcast

    In this 10-episode secret podcast, created specifically for Meta ad managers and aspiring ad managers, I'll be sharing insights, stories, and strategies for your business success.

    With actionable tips and expert advice, this podcast will provide you with the tools you need to take your ad management business to the next level. CLICK HERE TO SUBSCRIBE TODAY

    Follow the Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/serve-scale-soar/id1477998650

    Follow Brandi on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brandimowles

    Follow Brandi on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Brandiandcompany

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    24 m
  • Purpose-Driven Packages: How to Design Offers That Sell
    May 28 2024

    In the competitive landscape of service-based businesses, offering packages that stand out and meet clients' needs is crucial. However, many service providers find themselves stuck in a cycle of constantly tweaking their packages without a clear purpose. Today we are talking all about how to create purposeful service packages that deliver results and drive profitability.

    Topics Covered In This Episode:
    1. Creating packages with purpose involves focusing on providing everything necessary for client success without overwhelming them.

    2. It's important to weed out anything that clients don't actually need in order to be successful, distinguishing between essentials and nice-to-haves.

    3. Add-ons such as custom dashboards or funnel audits can increase the value of the package and cater to clients who want a little extra and can also help business owners with decision fatigue..

    4. Identifying your "onlyness factor" and showcasing what sets you apart can help make your packages more unique and attractive to potential clients.

    5. Avoid constantly adding new items to your packages as a reaction to raising prices; instead, focus on the essential elements for success.

    6. For ad managers specifically, a core package should include everything necessary for success and shouldn't change based on whether the client has their own copywriter or graphics person.

    7. By creating packages with purpose, you can streamline your business and attract clients more quickly, serve your clients at the highest level and increase your contract rates without offering multiple different packages.

    8. We offer a live training for those interested in learning more about setting up a successful ad management business and scaling to 6-figure months with a small number of clients.

    Loved This Episode? Check Out More Here. ⬇️


    Find the full show notes at: https://brandimowles.com/219

    Additional Resources:

    Are you ready to learn more about what it takes to run a successful ad management business? To save your seat for my BRAND NEW LIVE TRAINING on How To Have a 100K Year With Only 5 Clients and discover how to fit 100K in 2024 working with only 5 clients, CLICK HERE.

    Follow the Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/serve-scale-soar/id1477998650

    Follow Brandi on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brandimowles

    Follow Brandi on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Brandiandcompany

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    17 m
  • The Game-Changing Funnel For Ad Managers and Their Clients
    May 21 2024

    In a recent episode of the podcast, we discuss a game-changing strategy for ad managers to elevate their services and provide valuable results for their clients. I emphasize the importance of implementing a money-making funnel, revealing that by doing so, ad managers can charge more, retain clients for longer periods, and make insightful decisions for audience targeting.

    Topics Covered In This Episode:
    1. The key to charging more and retaining clients longer as an ad manager is to implement a money-making funnel for clients that generates revenue within 30 days, making you look desirable and valuable to the client.

    2. Finding the right audience of buyers rather than just generating cheap leads for clients can help create more sustainable income and create a strong strategy for your clients.

    3. It is important to differentiate between money-making funnels and a client's bread-and-butter revenue generators.

    4. Ad managers can add value by suggesting or creating low-ticket offers for clients' money-making funnels to cover ad spend and build a list of potential high-ticket buyers.

    5. Implementing money-making funnels for clients can increase the ad manager's value, client retention, and business consistency.

    6. Ad managers can transition from a technician role to a strategist role by advising and strategizing with clients on money-making funnels and audience targeting.

    7. The Strategist Society is a program focused on helping ad managers and digital marketers transition into strategist roles, providing current strategies and support.

    Loved This Episode? Check Out More Here. ⬇️


    Find the full show notes at: https://brandimowles.com/218

    Additional Resources:
    DM Brandi @brandimowles on Instagram “society” to learn more.

    To register for my BRAND NEW LIVE TRAINING on How To Have a 100K Year With Only 5 Clients. I’m going to be breaking down how you can hit 100K in 2024 and only work with 5 clients per month as an ad manager (no building an agency required). CLICK HERE to save your seat.

    Follow the Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/serve-scale-soar/id1477998650

    Follow Brandi on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brandimowles

    Follow Brandi on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Brandiandcompany

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    16 m
  • From Routine to Results: 5 Non-Negotiables That Deliver
    May 7 2024

    Have you ever found yourself looking for small changes that can make a significant impact on your personal life or business? In this week's episode of the podcast, the discussion is centered around the power of incorporating daily non-negotiables that have the potential to transform your life. I share my 5 daily non-negotiables, shedding light on the impact these habits have had on my personal growth, business development, and holistic well-being.

    Topics Covered In This Episode:
    1. Small daily habits can transform business and personal life.

    2. The 5 daily non-negotiables include movement, social media posting, conversations, journaling or meditating, and reading nonfiction.

    3. Consistency in these non-negotiables leads to massive impacts.

    4. Building habits starts small and grows gradually and can change both business and personal life.

    5. It's about a holistic approach to self-care, family, and business.

    6. Brandi adapted certain habits to fit her lifestyle and incorporating non-negotiables makes certain aspects a priority.

    7. Implementing consistent habits changes the way one shows up for themselves, family, and business.

    Loved This Episode? Check Out More Here. ⬇️


    Find the full show notes at: https://brandimowles.com/217

    Additional Resources:
    Buy Back Your Time by Dan Martell - CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO.

    Follow the Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/serve-scale-soar/id1477998650

    Follow Brandi on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brandimowles

    Follow Brandi on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Brandiandcompany

    Más Menos
    24 m