
  • The Legacies We Leave Behind with Kirby Deal & Erika Biddix
    Mar 28 2024

    As Women's History Month comes to an end this weekend, today we're sharing our final episode of Season 2 of the She Speaks Podcast, and we’re closing it out with some real talk about how important supporting other women in your community is as a leader.

    In this final episode, we share a conversation between Let Her Lead established leader graduate, Kirby Deal, and her mentor, Erika Biddix. Both of these women are dynamic role models for other women leaders and have put so much into empowering others in their communities.

    Some of the topics they cover include remembering that you are more than just your title, taking ownership of your human-ness outside of work and family, and what it means to leave behind a legacy — especially embracing the fact that they are leaving legacies that don't need to be compared to others.

    At the end of this episode, Kirby shares her own personal legacy statement about how leaving a legacy is like “planting seeds in a garden you will never get to see.” She connects her favorite flowers to qualities that she wants to inspire in others in such a beautiful way. Be sure to listen all the way to the end of the episode. This quote from her legacy statement was one of our favorites!

    About Season 2 of the She Speaks Podcast:

    Throughout Season 2 we will be featuring the graduates and mentors/coaches in our first cohort of the Let Her Lead program. Each woman you will hear from throughout this season embarked on a 12-week journey in late 2023 to gain new skills and insights to become the leader SHE wants to be.


    Connect with Kirby:
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    Connect with Erika:
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    More About Erika

    How to Connect with Let Her Speak:
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    Thank You to:

    Our sponsor partners: Schaad Companies & Knoxville Entrepreneur Center
    Our producer & theme music composer: Travis Tench of Oak Hill Audio
    Our brand designer: Maranda Vandergriff of Vagabondary
    Our photographers: Javon Renee Portraits, Smoke Signal Photography, Ashley Gurley Photography, and Kara Hudgens Photography

    Have any questions, comments, or want to connect more with the Let Her Speak community? Contact us at hello@letherspeakusa.org

    Más Menos
    47 m
  • Owning Your Worth with Rachel Baker & Leslie Batchelor
    Mar 27 2024

    Have you ever felt like you didn’t belong somewhere, and that you were out of your element?

    In today’s new episode of the She Speaks Podcast, we hear from Let Her Lead aspiring leader program graduate, Rachel Baker, and her mentor, Leslie Batchelor. When Rachel initially heard back that she had been chosen for the Let Her Lead program, she thought we had mistakenly chosen her — and our team can vouch that it was NOT a mistake!

    During their conversation, Rachel and Leslie discuss a lot of hard things on Rachel’s leadership journey, including understanding that we all have internal, inherent worth that external validation cannot touch, learning to believe in yourself, balancing a career and motherhood, and so much more.

    Rachel’s fire and passion for her community really comes through during this conversation, as well as her hope for what she wants to accomplish as a leader.

    At the end of the episode, Rachel shares her legacy statement, which honors the spirit of her mother and the way she was able to inspire Rachel’s leadership journey by encouraging her to always sparkle and shine, wherever life took her — and that experiencing loss also allows us to experience gratitude.

    About Season 2 of the She Speaks Podcast:

    Throughout Season 2 we will be featuring the graduates and mentors/coaches in our first cohort of the Let Her Lead program. Each woman you will hear from throughout this season embarked on a 12-week journey in late 2023 to gain new skills and insights to become the leader SHE wants to be.


    Connect with Rachel:
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    Connect with Leslie:
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    How to Connect with Let Her Speak:
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    Thank You to:

    Our sponsor partners: Schaad Companies & Knoxville Entrepreneur Center
    Our producer & theme music composer: Travis Tench of Oak Hill Audio
    Our brand designer: Maranda Vandergriff of Vagabondary
    Our photographers: Javon Renee Portraits, Smoke Signal Photography, Ashley Gurley Photography, and Kara Hudgens Photography

    Have any questions, comments, or want to connect more with the Let Her Speak community? Contact us at hello@letherspeakusa.org

    Más Menos
    42 m
  • The Evolution of a Leader with Emma Moran & Alysia Bullock
    Mar 25 2024

    If you’re familiar with the saying “The best-laid plans are paved with good intentions” - then you know there is power in being able to handle changes and interruptions, even if you’re feeling uncertain about the future.

    In today’s drop on the She Speaks Podcast, we share a conversation with Let Her Lead established leader graduate, Emma Moran, and her coach, Alysia Bullock. They speak openly about how we react to change.

    Emma’s leadership journey has experienced many changes, and some of the topics that come up in this episode include what her journey has looked like, how she has evolved into the leader she’s always wanted to be, and how she shows up for others when she can’t physically be there with her community.

    At the end of the episode, Emma shares her legacy statement, which is a beautiful look into how chasing external validation from outside of her community wasn’t fulfilling her — and how focusing on individual relationships and the way she makes people around her feel gave her the fulfillment she needed.

    About Season 2 of the She Speaks Podcast:

    Throughout Season 2 we will be featuring the graduates and mentors/coaches in our first cohort of the Let Her Lead program. Each woman you will hear from throughout this season embarked on a 12-week journey in late 2023 to gain new skills and insights to become the leader SHE wants to be.


    Connect with Emma:
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    Connect with Alysia:
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    Learn More About Alysia

    How to Connect with Let Her Speak:
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    Thank You to:

    Our sponsor partners: Schaad Companies & Knoxville Entrepreneur Center
    Our producer & theme music composer: Travis Tench of Oak Hill Audio
    Our brand designer: Maranda Vandergriff of Vagabondary
    Our photographers: Javon Renee Portraits, Smoke Signal Photography, Ashley Gurley Photography, and Kara Hudgens Photography

    Have any questions, comments, or want to connect more with the Let Her Speak community? Contact us at hello@letherspeakusa.org

    Más Menos
    47 m
  • Showing Up for Yourself with Porschia Pickett & Booth Andrews
    Mar 21 2024

    “To take care of others, you must take care of yourself first.”

    If you’ve not heard this saying before, today’s episode drop of the She Speaks Podcast is a good reminder of how important self-care truly is. Because you’re not showing up fully for yourself, how can you show up for others?

    In this episode, we hear from Let Her Lead established leader graduate, Porschia Pickett, and her coach, Booth Andrews.

    Throughout their conversation, they touch on subjects surrounding self-care, including the guilt that can come with taking the time to care for your own needs, juggling being a leader and a mother (and the pressure that women feel when they are sharing those roles), and breaking cycles to create a healthier environment for yourself and others.

    At the end of this emotional interview, Porschia shares her legacy statement with the world - speaking to a life of service and how important it is to show up for yourself as much as you do for others.

    About Season 2 of the She Speaks Podcast:

    Throughout Season 2 we will be featuring the graduates and mentors/coaches in our first cohort of the Let Her Lead program. Each woman you will hear from throughout this season embarked on a 12-week journey in late 2023 to gain new skills and insights to become the leader SHE wants to be.


    Connect with Porschia:
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    Connect with Booth:
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    How to Connect with Let Her Speak:
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    Thank You to:

    Our sponsor partners: Schaad Companies & Knoxville Entrepreneur Center
    Our producer & theme music composer: Travis Tench of Oak Hill Audio
    Our brand designer: Maranda Vandergriff of Vagabondary
    Our photographers: Javon Renee Portraits, Smoke Signal Photography, Ashley Gurley Photography, and Kara Hudgens Photography

    Have any questions, comments, or want to connect more with the Let Her Speak community? Contact us at hello@letherspeakusa.org

    Más Menos
    44 m
  • Never Going to Not Dance Again with Angelee Day & Bonnie Casamassima
    Mar 20 2024
    Have you ever walked into a room and felt afraid to truly show up as yourself? Like you had to tone down your personality to fit in?

    When you listen to today’s new episode of the She Speaks Podcast, you’ll be reminded that you’re not the only one who feels they can't be their full-selves sometimes. In this episode, we hear from Let Her Lead aspiring leader graduate, Angelee Day, and her mentor, Bonnie Cassimassima.

    These women have a lot to say about what it’s like to feel like you’re too excited, too emotional, or too much of anything to fit into certain spaces, especially in the corporate world.

    Their conversation dives into how they worked through embracing their big personalities, the importance of nurturing a relationship with their passion and curiosity, connecting to and trusting your intuition, and the power that comes with giving yourself permission to be YOU.

    Be sure to listen to the very end of the episode, where Angelee shares her legacy statement about not making yourself smaller, for anyone or anything, and how important it is to dance to the beat of your own drum. *Sparkle, sparkle, jazz hands*

    About Season 2 of the She Speaks Podcast:

    Throughout Season 2 we will be featuring the graduates and mentors/coaches in our first cohort of the Let Her Lead program. Each woman you will hear from throughout this season embarked on a 12-week journey in late 2023 to gain new skills and insights to become the leader SHE wants to be.


    Connect with Angelee:
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    Connect with Bonnie:
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    How to Connect with Let Her Speak:
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    Thank You to:

    Our sponsor partners: Schaad Companies & Knoxville Entrepreneur Center
    Our producer & theme music composer: Travis Tench of Oak Hill Audio
    Our brand designer: Maranda Vandergriff of Vagabondary
    Our photographers: Javon Renee Portraits, Smoke Signal Photography, Ashley Gurley Photography, and Kara Hudgens Photography

    Have any questions, comments, or want to connect more with the Let Her Speak community? Contact us at hello@letherspeakusa.org

    Más Menos
    50 m
  • The Art of Being Present with Rachel Dellinger Stallings & Jennifer Gamble
    Mar 18 2024

    When was the last time you took a moment to ground yourself when you found yourself in a challenging or triggering situation?

    In today’s episode, we hear from Let Her Lead established leader graduate, Rachel Dellinger Stallings, and her mentor, Jennifer Gamble. In their conversation, they speak about the ups and downs of leadership journeys, disconnecting our personal worth from our achievements, and the power of being in the present moment and observing what is happening in not only our minds — but also our bodies.

    This episode starts with a grounding practice that helped get Rachel focused and fully present for her episode recording — which started the conversation about how pausing and collecting ourselves mindfully can have a profound effect on our lives and how we show up for those around us.

    As you're listening to Rachel and Jennifer's conversation followed by Rachel's legacy talk, we encourage you to take the opportunity to emerge yourself in being fully present wherever you are in that moment.

    About Season 2 of the She Speaks Podcast:

    Throughout Season 2 we will be featuring the graduates and mentors/coaches in our first cohort of the Let Her Lead program. Each woman you will hear from throughout this season embarked on a 12-week journey in late 2023 to gain new skills and insights to become the leader SHE wants to be.


    Connect with Rachel:
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    Connect with Jennifer:
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    Learn More About Jennifer

    How to Connect with Let Her Speak:
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    Thank You to:

    Our sponsor partners: Schaad Companies & Knoxville Entrepreneur Center
    Our producer & theme music composer: Travis Tench of Oak Hill Audio
    Our brand designer: Maranda Vandergriff of Vagabondary
    Our photographers: Javon Renee Portraits, Smoke Signal Photography, Ashley Gurley Photography, and Kara Hudgens Photography

    Have any questions, comments, or want to connect more with the Let Her Speak community? Contact us at hello@letherspeakusa.org

    Más Menos
    40 m
  • My Legacy in Progress with Abby Hassler
    Mar 14 2024

    We're doing things a little differently in this episode. Abby Hassler is a graduate of the aspiring leader cohort of the Let Her Lead program and a brilliant storyteller. One goal that Abby set for herself coming out of the program was to start her own podcast where she shares the stories of people in the community who are overlooked and forgotten.

    As a way to help her make that dream a reality, we invited Abby to use her podcast episode as an opportunity to share her story, her way. You will hear first her legacy statement about the impact she sees storytelling can have on the world followed by the story of one of her neighbors she interviewed.

    Tune in to this incredible episode with Abby.
    ... And remember, we are all legacies in progress.

    About Season 2 of the She Speaks Podcast:

    Throughout Season 2 we will be featuring the graduates and mentors/coaches in our first cohort of the Let Her Lead program. Each woman you will hear from throughout this season embarked on a 12-week journey in late 2023 to gain new skills and insights to become the leader SHE wants to be.


    Connect with Abby:

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    How to Connect with Let Her Speak:

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    Thank You to:

    Our sponsor partners: Schaad Companies & Knoxville Entrepreneur Center
    Our producer & theme music composer: Travis Tench of Oak Hill Audio
    Our brand designer: Maranda Vandergriff of Vagabondary
    Our photographers: Javon Renee Portraits, Smoke Signal Photography, Ashley Gurley Photography, and Kara Hudgens Photography

    Have any questions, comments, or want to connect more with the Let Her Speak community? Contact us at hello@letherspeakusa.org

    Más Menos
    15 m
  • Leading from Purpose with Jaleria Rivera & Victoria Frankel
    Mar 13 2024

    In this episode, you'll be hearing from Jaleria Rivera and Victoria Frankel. Jaleria was a graduate of our aspiring leader cohort in the Let Her Speak program while Victoria was her mentor. These two women are the definition of leading with purpose and passion in the work that they do.

    Throughout their conversation, they discuss that calling to entrepreneurship. They're both entrepreneurs in their own right. Jaleria is in the arts and the leader of a movement that celebrates and emphasizes the importance that the arts and creatives play in the culture and identity of a community. Victoria's work is in the science and STEM space where she helps scientists, engineers, and founders take their complicated technologies and inventions and translate them into a language anyone can understand.

    If you have been struggling with leaping into your passion and purpose or taking a risk and pursuing entrepreneurship - you're going to want to listen to this episode!

    Tune into this amazing conversation between Jaleria and Victoria.

    About Season 2 of the She Speaks Podcast:

    Throughout Season 2 we will be featuring the graduates and mentors/coaches in our first cohort of the Let Her Lead program. Each woman you will hear from throughout this season embarked on a 12-week journey in late 2023 to gain new skills and insights to become the leader SHE wants to be.


    Connect with Jaleria:
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    Connect with SpaceCraft on Instagram
    Learn More About SpaceCraft

    Connect with Victoria:
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    Learn More about Victoria

    How to Connect with Let Her Speak:
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    Subscribe to our YouTube Channel
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    Thank You to:

    Our sponsor partners: Schaad Companies & Knoxville Entrepreneur Center
    Our producer & theme music composer: Travis Tench of Oak Hill Audio
    Our brand designer: Maranda Vandergriff of Vagabondary
    Our photographers: Javon Renee Portraits, Smoke Signal Photography, Ashley Gurley Photography, and Kara Hudgens Photography

    Have any questions, comments, or want to connect more with the Let Her Speak community? Contact us at hello@letherspeakusa.org

    Más Menos
    52 m