
  • Distraction and Deflection: How not to avoid doing "the work"
    Jul 10 2024

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    In a world that offers endless distraction, it can be a challenge to connect to yourself and make a start on your journey to ascension.

    We hear all the time that clients don't have the time to do the inner work required to make progress, but that's not at all true. You don't have to head to the cloister to meditate in isolation, you can do it washing the dishes, watering the garden, or whenever you feel the need to hit the play button on whatever channel it is that distracts you.

    Always remember to bring your emotions away from your critical thinking circuitry (your brain) and back to your emotional centre (your heart). They only way forwards - and upwards if you like - is through your own truth. Cut through the noise and connect with your true self.

    Please reach out to us if you have any questions: our mission is to help you live you best life.

    You can email us at shiftingrealitiesrobandjulie@gmail.com

    Or if you want to email one of us directly you can do so at julie@juliemaeallison.com or robert@robertperryhealing.com

    Más Menos
    25 m
  • Don't Feel the Fear
    Jul 3 2024

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    We are witnessing an increase in spiritual fear mongering: older spiritual beliefs that no longer serve (have not been upgraded to meet the new frequencies).

    We all have contracts and many of these can be observed and cleared, with the help of our other-dimensional "team in spirit". In this episode we look at negative polarity and what that can mean in a spiritual journey, and how to clear it to allow us to move forward.

    Remember that if you allow fear in to your energy field, it saps your energy and causes you to recycle it into the matrix. Don't be that person if you can help it, but look to live without fear even in the face of challenges and the chaos that boils around us.

    Please reach out to us if you have any questions: our mission is to help you live you best life.

    You can email us at shiftingrealitiesrobandjulie@gmail.com

    Or if you want to email one of us directly you can do so at julie@juliemaeallison.com or robert@robertperryhealing.com

    Más Menos
    20 m
  • Maureen Foers, OBE. Leadership, Empowerment and Spirituality in one.
    Jun 27 2024

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    Maureen Foers has a remarkable story to tell, one of success and achievement but also one of spiritual questing.

    From hard times to good, Maureen has refused to take no for an answer. A pioneer in business and a tireless promoter of women in business, she is able to look back on a career of real purpose. Now, when she might reasonably be putting her feet up, Maureen is using her same passion to promote spiritual growth.

    Founding Celestial Explorers, a forum to promote spiritual thinking and practise, running retreats in the magial west of Ireland, and putting pen to paper with a first book due, she is, in her own words, "just doing my best". We should be doing the same.

    Listen along to hear Maureen's story and her journey with spirit. She's a inspiration.

    The best way to reach Maureen is through Celestial Explorers: their website and FB pages are linked below.


    Please reach out to us if you have any questions: our mission is to help you live you best life.

    You can email us at shiftingrealitiesrobandjulie@gmail.com

    Or if you want to email one of us directly you can do so at julie@juliemaeallison.com or robert@robertperryhealing.com

    Más Menos
    29 m
  • The Subtle Messages that help us Shift our Frequency
    Jun 26 2024

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    Can you imagine how much better your life would be if you let go of pointless negative energies?

    Our Guides have mastered the art of the subtle message. These are messages that point is in the direction of blocks and attachments that we can clear for ourselves: what have we not forgiven? Is your anxiety a learned pattern?

    Regular connection with your Guides will help you learn to read the signs, identify problem areas and lead you towards a fix. As your frequency grows, so does your capacity to work with Guides, but you are responsible for putting in the work. The Guides do not perform miracles, they allow you to perform your own. So take your time to connect, find a way that works for you, and don't rush it.

    Time is a human construct, remember. You have all the time you need to do this work, but you have to start.

    Please reach out to us if you have any questions: our mission is to help you live you best life.

    You can email us at shiftingrealitiesrobandjulie@gmail.com

    Or if you want to email one of us directly you can do so at julie@juliemaeallison.com or robert@robertperryhealing.com

    Más Menos
    28 m
  • New truth about DNA!
    Jun 19 2024

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    Our DNA is the blueprint of ourselves in complete detail: past, present and future. Just as we use only a fraction of our brains, as humans, so we only use a fraction of our DNA.

    Julie and I have been getting some key downloads from our guides as to the truth of DNA and how we share it across dimension sand species of beings - it is the ultimate bridge that connects us through space and time, gives us a common understanding and links us in the path towards a new, higher frequency earth.

    Our future relationship with DNA is going to change the way we think: as we are gifted the upgrades it is our responsibility to act on them, to learn from them, to understand the frequency changes they bring to us. Old modalities must adapt or fall away as we ascend as vibrational beings, always with respect and honour for those ascending at their own pace. We all have our own truth.

    Please reach out to us if you have any questions: our mission is to help you live you best life.

    You can email us at shiftingrealitiesrobandjulie@gmail.com

    Or if you want to email one of us directly you can do so at julie@juliemaeallison.com or robert@robertperryhealing.com

    Más Menos
    36 m
  • New Frequencies: how the Guides step in to help us navigate difficult transitions
    Jun 12 2024

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    Many have felt the energies around us being paticularly active lately. We are dowloading frequency upgrades, and it can be a turbulent ride!

    What are the symptoms we might go through as we raise frequency? Julie and I are noticing physical symptoms such as headaches and mild illness, irritation and a lack of patience with those who resist the energies, but we are also seeing people "wake up" in front of us.

    The Guides are active now: we have both had new Guides come in to help us but also to show us the darker side of the earth's awakening and to caution us as to how to proceed. We must proceed, of course, without fear, but it helps to know who is out there and whose team they are on.

    There's a lot in this episode that may well help you over the changes - highly recommend you tune in!

    Please reach out to us if you have any questions: our mission is to help you live you best life.

    You can email us at shiftingrealitiesrobandjulie@gmail.com

    Or if you want to email one of us directly you can do so at julie@juliemaeallison.com or robert@robertperryhealing.com

    Más Menos
    24 m
  • Spirituality and Business: Do they Mix?
    Jun 10 2024

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    In this latest Guest interview we asked Catherine Stagg-Macey to share her thoughts on spirituality, and how that can work in a business environment - or not.

    Catherine spent decades in business in a variety of leadership roles, often wondering where her mojo had gone. With unique experience building and leading teams, growing businesses and pivoting (badly!) in her career, she believes in putting the FUN back in day to day life. And now, as a self-styled "wing woman", Catherine is doing just that: helping people reboot their careers, or to really flourish as leaders. She believes the right role is out there, one that pays the bills but equally gives meaning and purpose to life. She helps you recover your mojo.

    An acclaimed podcast host, Unsaid at Work is Catherine's candid celebration of all sorts of taboo work place subjects, with an amazing guest list. Highly recommended listening and available here:


    You can find Catherine through her website:
    On Instagram:
    On Linked In:

    Please reach out to us if you have any questions: our mission is to help you live you best life.

    You can email us at shiftingrealitiesrobandjulie@gmail.com

    Or if you want to email one of us directly you can do so at julie@juliemaeallison.com or robert@robertperryhealing.com

    Más Menos
    29 m
  • Why do we connect with our Guides?
    Jun 5 2024

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    Connecting to Guides is not a random thing, not a bit of fun to be had. Connecting is to experience life lessons, to learn and to rise above trauma. Doing this allows our frequency to increase.

    Often the connection we expect is not the connection we experience: the being materialising before us and imparting words of wisdom may well not happen. More likely is that we are shown a memory of an event that has blocked us somewhere along our journey and that needs clearing: poverty, lack of success, negative cycles we can't free ourselves from.

    If we observe the memories, if we learn from them and act on them by realigning ourselves with the correct energy, we find our truth and our purpose.

    Please reach out to us if you have any questions: our mission is to help you live you best life.

    You can email us at shiftingrealitiesrobandjulie@gmail.com

    Or if you want to email one of us directly you can do so at julie@juliemaeallison.com or robert@robertperryhealing.com

    Más Menos
    19 m