
  • Goodbye Simple Ways: Catching Up, Looking Forward
    Jul 13 2024

    It's been a minute.

    After a year and a half I wanted to tell you where I've been and talk about where I'm going. There were some difficult times, but I'm excited about what's coming.

    Thanks for listening.

    Más Menos
    19 m
  • How to Stop Being the Main Character
    Nov 15 2022

    Okay, time to wrap up the series on being the main character by talking about three ways we can chip away at the idea of our own importance:

    1. Learn to meditate

    2. Invest in other people

    3. Understand that you will die

    I know that a lot of this might seem disempowering or morbid, but there is freedom in recognizing that nothing revolves around you. I promise.

    Más Menos
    13 m
  • Realistic Gratitude
    Oct 31 2022

    This is an audio version of an old video that I created specifically for an issue of my newsletter.

    It’s about 4 things we can always be grateful for:

    1) There is something instead of nothing.

    2) This something is stable.

    3) We have a consciousness with which to experience this stable something.

    4) We have a say in how this consciousness relates to the stable something.

    I was sick when I recorded it, please excuse the difficulty breathing you hear from time to time.

    Más Menos
    8 m
  • The Problems with Being the Main Character
    Sep 25 2022

    If we pay attention, we can see that life is constantly giving us feedback about our behavior. We cannot hear this feedback if we are too busy being the main character, and this will bring us constant trouble.

    Más Menos
    16 m
  • Are You the Main Character?
    Aug 28 2022

    Simple ways to tell if you are the main character.

    Quick spoiler: you're not.

    Más Menos
    12 m
  • Confessions of a Recovering Main Character
    Aug 8 2022

    I used to think I was the main character. Now I know I’m not.

    There’s freedom in ordinariness.

    Más Menos
    14 m
  • Have a Morning Routine
    Jun 20 2022

    Having a morning routine is one of the simplest ways we can improve our lives. I really found that how I start the morning is how my day goes. I wouldn't trade it for anything.

    I’m doing a class called Surviving Social Media for ClassRT on Tuesday, June 28th at 7pm CST. You can check it out here.


    This episode is meant to be supplemented with the Simple Ways to Have a Good Life newsletter. It goes out every Tuesday morning and is full of things intended to help you live your best life, all for free. Sign up here, unsubscribe without any hassle. I don’t share names or email addresses with anyone.

    Más Menos
    9 m
  • What are YOU working on, James?
    Jun 13 2022

    People ask me often enough what kinds of things I'm working on personally and what kinds of things I struggle with that I figured I'd just do an episode about it.

    The first two things I'm working on were pretty easy for me to identify: I'm always working on being more gentle and on being more social. I'm not really good at either of these things, but I know they are good for me so I'm doing my best.

    I think we all have things we need to be working on. It's scary to me that there's this narrative in the world that you are fine the way you are.

    I get it, a lot of the things we need to work on are not necessarily our fault. The things I like least about myself make a lot of sense when you look at my life, but that doesn't mean that I'm OK with them and that doesn't mean that I don’t have to sort them out.

    A lot of the things that happen to you are probably not your fault, but what you do with them is your responsibility. It's not compassionate to tell somebody that behaviors and choices that are bringing them harm or are harming other people are OK. It’s not everyone else’s responsibility to get on board with your bullshit behavior.

    So, in that spirit, this is a podcast talking about me and my bullshit behavior.

    Más Menos
    12 m