
  • Faith and love in a new world - Sermon preached Sunday 13th June 2021
    Jun 17 2021
    Hilgay Methodist Church Morning Service Sunday 13th June 2021 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time All Hymns in most hymnals and on spotify Prayers used below the Order of Service Order of Service Call to worship: Psalm 20 Hymn: Love Divine All Loves Excelling Prayer of Adoration Prayer of Thanksgiving Prayer of Confession Lord’s Prayer 1st Reading: 1 Samuel 15:34-16:13 2nd Reading: 2 Corinthians 5:6-17 Hymn: Take my life and let it be, consecrated Lord to thee Sermon Prayers of Intercession Hymn: And can it be that I should gain? The Grace     Prayers: Prayer of Adoration Lord enthroned in the heavens, we declare our praises unto You as the Great and Glorious One who reigns upon high over us all. We praise You as the eternal one, who is unchanging in every age and beyond the ages. We praise You as the Son who taught us and died for us, living the life of man, showing us all the glories of how to live. We praise You as the Holy Spirit alive in our hearts, the constant presence of God with us, for You are the God of us personally, as well as the God in the glory of heaven. Praise be unto You, our glorious God, Father Son and Holy Spirit. Amen Prayer of Thanksgiving Gracious God we give our thanks for all that You have given us. We thank You for the glories of the summer, the bright colours and light, the promise of harvest’s bounty, and the joy of feeling the sun warm us. We thank You for the gifts You give us as Our Saviour, the forgiveness of sins, the guidance to make our lives better, and the help to endure all the things this imperfect world can throw at us. We give thanks for the hope we have to come, of eternal life in heaven with our God and all the saints who have gone before us, our dear friends and the millions of Christians of the past. Thanks be unto You, Our most generous God, Amen. Prayer of Confession Forgiving Lord, we come before You to make our confession of our sins. Lord, we have strayed from the paths of Righteousness into the ways of wickedness. We have not done as we ought, instead rushing headlong into the ways of sin and wrongdoing. We have acted against Your Laws, and failed to do those things that would have helped others. We have been slow to praise You, and swift to complain when the ways of this world turn against us. Lord God, we ask You to Forgive our sins. We know, that when we are truly sorry for our sins, you say to us, “Our sins are forgiven”. We say Lord, God, thank you for forgiving us, and we ask You to aid us in these coming days to do better than we have before. Thanks be to You Our God, Amen. Lord’s Prayer Our Father, who art in Heaven Hallowed be Thy Name Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done On Earth as it is in Heaven Give us this day, our daily bread And forgive us our Trespasses, As we forgive those who trespass against us And lead us not into temptation, But deliver us from evil For Thine is the Kingdom, The Power and the Glory Forever and Ever Amen Prayers of Intercession Lord Our God, We Pray For The World We pray for the continued roll out of the Vaccine, for all those who are working to help the afflicted and for the end of these time of restrictions, fear and struggle. We Pray For Those Living In Places Stricken By War and Disaster, May They Know Help We Pray for O Christian Brethren At Home And Abroad, May Their Numbers Increase And Sorrows Decrease, especially those persecuted. We Pray For All Who Struggle With Illness, Grief, And Difficulty, May They Know Your Comforts. We Pray For All Who Are Unable To See The Good In Their Lives, May Their Eyes Be Opened. We Pray For Our Nation and Royal Family, Lord, Guard and Guide All Who Dwell In These Lands. We Pray For Ourselves In Our Difficulties, May We Come To Know The Joys Of Our Lives. All These We Ask In Jesu’s Name, Amen
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    20 m
  • A Christian Family - With example - Preached at Downham Market Methodist Church Sunday 6th June 2021
    Jun 6 2021
    Downham Market Methodist Church Morning Service Sunday 6th June 2021 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time Hymns used are in most hymnals, and on spotify Prayers used below the order of service Order of Service Call to worship: Psalm 138 Hymn: Great is Thy Faithfulness Prayer of Adoration Prayer of Thanksgiving Prayer of Confession Lord’s Prayer 1st Reading: 2 Corinthians 4:13-5:1 2nd Reading: Mark 3:20-35 Hymn: The Church’s One Foundation Sermon Prayers of Intercession Hymn: Amazing Grace – How Sweet the Sound The Grace Prayer of Adoration Lord enthroned in the heavens, we declare our praises unto You as the Great and Glorious One who reigns upon high over us all. We praise You as the eternal one, who is unchanging in every age and beyond the ages. We praise You as the Son who taught us and died for us, living the life of man, showing us all the glories of how to live. We praise You as the Holy Spirit alive in our hearts, the constant presence of God with us, for You are the God of us personally, as well as the God in the glory of heaven. Praise be unto You, our glorious God, Father Son and Holy Spirit. Amen Prayer of Thanksgiving Gracious God we give our thanks for all that You have given us. We thank You for the glories of the summer, the bright colours and light, the promise of harvest’s bounty, and the joy of feeling the sun warm us. We thank You for the gifts You give us as Our Saviour, the forgiveness of sins, the guidance to make our lives better, and the help to endure all the things this imperfect world can throw at us. We give thanks for the hope we have to come, of eternal life in heaven with our God and all the saints who have gone before us, our dear friends and the millions of Christians of the past. Thanks be unto You, Our most generous God, Amen. Prayer of Confession Forgiving Lord, we come before You to make our confession of our sins. Lord, we have strayed from the paths of Righteousness into the ways of wickedness. We have not done as we ought, instead rushing headlong into the ways of sin and wrongdoing. We have acted against Your Laws, and failed to do those things that would have helped others. We have been slow to praise You, and swift to complain when the ways of this world turn against us. Lord God, we ask You to Forgive our sins. We know, that when we are truly sorry for our sins, you say to us, “Our sins are forgiven”. We say Lord, God, thank you for forgiving us, and we ask You to aid us in these coming days to do better than we have before. Thanks be to You Our God, Amen. Lord’s Prayer Our Father, who art in Heaven Hallowed be Thy Name Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done On Earth as it is in Heaven Give us this day, our daily bread And forgive us our Trespasses, As we forgive those who trespass against us And lead us not into temptation, But deliver us from evil For Thine is the Kingdom, The Power and the Glory Forever and Ever Amen Prayers of Intercession Lord Our God, We Pray For The World We pray for the continued roll out of the Vaccine, for all those who are working to help the afflicted and for the end of these time of restrictions, fear and struggle. We Pray For Those Living In Places Stricken By War and Disaster, May They Know Help We Pray for O Christian Brethren At Home And Abroad, May Their Numbers Increase And Sorrows Decrease, especially those persecuted, including in France. We Pray For All Who Struggle With Illness, Grief, And Difficulty, May They Know Your Comforts. We Pray For All Who Are Unable To See The Good In Their Lives, May Their Eyes Be Opened. We Pray For Our Nation and Royal Family, Lord, Guard and Guide All Who Dwell In These Lands. We Pray For Ourselves In Our Difficulties, May We Come To Know The Joys Of Our Lives. All These We Ask In Jesu’s Name, Amen  
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    12 m
  • A Different Sermon and an Announcement - Podcast for Sunday 16th May 2021
    May 16 2021

    This week is something different, along with an announcement about the podcast's future.

    Bible Index


    Prayers: This week, just speak to the Lord about How you feel, and what you're worried about.

    Every Blessing


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    5 m
  • Christians and Politics - A Sermon for Sunday 9th May 2021 - Note: Does Not Tell You WHO to vote for
    May 9 2021
    Service for Sunday 9th May 2021 6th Sunday of Easter All Hymns in most hymnals and on Spotify (see hyperlinks for words to the hymn where only the tune is available thus) Call to worship Psalm 67:4  Hymn: Praise, my soul, the King of heaven Prayer of adoration Prayer of Confession Lord’s Prayer Hymn: – Sing we the King who is coming to reign 1st Reading: 1 Samuel 12:6-25 2nd Reading: Romans 13:1-8 3rd Reading: Matthew 5:44-7 Hymn: The Lord is King! Lift up thy voice Sermon Hymn: Jesus shall reign where’er the sun Prayers of Intercession Hymn: Onward Christian soldiers The Grace   Prayers for use with the recording to provide a full service: Prayer of Adoration Holy Father we come before You this day in worship. We adore You as our God, our King, Father and Lord. We praise You the Son, the Shepherd, the Vine, the Saviour. We praise You the Holy Spirit, the gift of Pentecost. We adore You enthroned on high in heaven, risen from the tomb and alive in our hearts. For You are our Great Lord, who reigns the same today, tomorrow and forever. We know that You have always been with us, at our side and giving us the strength we need in our lives. So we declare our adoration this day to You, O Lord our God. Amen Prayer of Confession Gracious and forgiving God, we bring before You our burden of sins. We confess all our wrongdoing, all the times we have done what we ought not, and all the times we have left undone what we should have done. We confess that we have not always lived in Righteousness and truth. We confess all these things and lay down the burden of our sins. In the time of silence we call into mind those sins which especially burden us (pause). We repent of them, for Lord we are sorry we have not done what we ought to have done. We know that when we repent of our sins, our sins are forgiven. And so we give thanks that we have been cleansed of our sins. We pray to ask You to strengthen us against sin, as we go forth in our cleanliness. Amen. The Lord’s Prayer Our Father who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, On earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, As we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, But deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen. Prayer of Intercession Lord our God, we pray for all the people who are in need in this world. We ask that all those who have want of the things of this world feel their want relieved. We pray for all those who grieve and all who are struggling in these times, Lord, bring them comfort in their grief and trials. We pray for all those who are struggling to taste the bread of heaven, Lord, help us bring them the spiritual sustenance they crave, whether they realise it or not. We ask Lord God that You guide those in government and positions of authority to do that which is right, and we ask especially your blessing upon all those who stood this week, both those who must now take up a task, and those who shall not yet do so. We pray Your Blessings upon our Royal Family as they grieve the loss of Prince Philip and continue in their duties. We pray for the end of the pandemic, and help for all affected, especially remembering those places which suffer especially at the moment, Lord may their sufferings ease and may help and vaccines come unto all the world. We pray for all those who are hoping for good news, or improved prospects, may they receive comforts and joy. All these we ask trusting in Your promise of sustenance, now and forever. Thanks be to You Our Lord for all Your help. Amen The Grace May The Grace Of Our Lord Jesus Christ, And The Love Of God, And The Fellowship Of The Holy Spirit, Be With Us All, Ever More, Amen
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    37 m
  • Love is the way to the Lord - Sermon preached at Southery Methodist Church 2nd May 2021
    May 3 2021
    Sermon preached at Southery Methodist Church Sunday 2nd May 2021 5th Sunday of Easter Some hymns on spotify, follow the links for others Prayers used below the order of service Order of Service Call to worship: Psalm 22:28-31 Hymn: Where shall my wondering soul begin? Prayer of Adoration Prayer of Thanksgiving Prayer of Confession Lord’s Prayer Hymn: Christ our King before creation 1st Reading: Acts 8:26-40 2nd Reading: 1 John 4:7-21 Sermon Hymn: Let him to whom we now belong (Link to text, tune on spotify) Prayers of Intercession Hymn: Thou God of Truth and Love The Grace   Prayers Prayer of Adoration Gracious God, as we come together this day to pray to You as our God, we praise You with all our hearts and minds. We praise You as the Lord enthroned on High, and the Holy Spirit alive in us. We praise You as the Christ who died for us, and rose again to triumph over death. We praise You as the Lord God, the blessed three in one. We praise You and revel as we think of the Glory and magnificence of You. Praise be unto You, Father Son and Holy Spirit, Amen Prayer of Thanksgiving Gracious God our Father we give our thanks to You for all the wonderful things You have given unto us. We give thanks for all the things we get from You every day, from the breath which comes to our lungs to the food and drink which sustain us. We thank You for all the things we have been brought safely through, and all the strength given to us in these difficult times. We thank You for all You have given unto us and all to come, Thanks be to You Our God, Amen Prayer of Confession Lord our God, we bring before You the sins we have committed. We confess all the things we have done wrong in thought, word and deed. We confess that we have done wrong by the things we have not done. We confess our sins, and ask Lord God that You Forgive Us. We ask for this forgiveness, trusting solely in Your love for our forgiveness, and we thank You Lord God that we are washed clean of our sins. Thanks be to You Father Son and Holy Spirit, Amen. Lord’s Prayer Our Father Who Art In Heaven Hallowed Be Thy Name Thy Kingdom Come Thy Will Be Done On Earth As It Is In Heaven Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread And Forgive Us Our Trespasses As We Forgive Those Who Trespass Against Us And Lead Us Not Into Temptation But Deliver Us From Evil For Thine Is The Kingdom The Power And The Glory Forever And Ever Amen Prayers of Intercession We bring our prayers of Intercession before God to ask his help in the world, as in the traditional way there is a response, after the words “Risen Lord Hear us” the response is, “Risen Lord, Graciously Hear us” Risen Lord Hear us Risen Lord Graciously Hear us Those in Want O Lord we bring before You those who are in want of material things, be it of food, of water, of shelter or anything else that is necessary to life. Lord, we know that their stories are many and varied, as are their needs. So we ask that where we can help their relief from want, we shall know how to do so, and shall set to it with a will. Where we cannot help them with our hands, we pray for the hands and hearts of others to be moved to help with all possible speed. We pray for all who are afraid in this difficult time, asking for their comfort, and the relief of the many strains upon their nerves. We pray too for all those who are in peril and far from being vaccinated, Lord speak to them that they may keep themselves as safe as possible. Risen Lord Hear us Risen Lord Graciously Hear us Those in Sickness We pray for those who are ill. We pray for those whose sickness is but seasonal or of short duration. We pray for those whose ailments are long lasting or slow to heal. God grant them healing if it be possible, and comfort in all cases. We pray too for all those who work in healthcare and social care to the aid of others, give them strength and keep them from tiredness and error. We pray too for those who labour to find new cures and treatments, please God, bless their hands and their efforts, that they may know much success and never want for ideas. We pray especially for the roll out of the vaccines, Lord, help the supplies to flow in abundance and for competence to guide the distribution throughout the world. Risen Lord Hear us Risen Lord Graciously Hear us Those in mourning and despair We bring before You those who mourn, Lord, we ask that they may know the comforts of Your Gospel and its truth, that they may be shielded from despair, sure in the knowledge of Heaven and of places prepared for Christian folk the world over there, praying for those who lose those they care for in this time of pandemic, however they may have been taken from us by. Risen Lord Hear us Risen Lord Graciously Hear us Those who labour unto God We pray Lord God for all those who work for the Church. We pray for our own Churches and Circuits, tending the flame of the Spirit amongst us in different ways in these times. We pray for the Church throughout Britain, that it may...
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    17 m
  • Bread of Heaven - Sermon preached for the Downham Market Methodist Church Evening Zoom Service 4th Sunday of Easter Sunday 25th April 2021
    Apr 25 2021
    Sermon Preached for the Downham Market Evening Zoom Service 25th April 2021 4th Sunday of Easter All Hymns in Most Hymnals and On Spotify (the full set in order may be found at the end of the playlist) Prayers used for the service may be found below the order of service for those wanting a full act of worship with this podcast Order of Service Call to worship: Psalm 81:13-16 Hymn: Lord enthroned in heavenly splendour Prayer of Adoration Prayer of Thanksgiving Prayer of Confession Lord’s Prayer Hymn: Dear Lord and Father of Mankind 1st Reading: Exodus 16:4-15 2nd Reading: Revelation 2:12-17 3rd Reading: John 6:30-40 Sermon Hymn: Break Thou the bread of Life Prayers of Intercession Hymn: Guide me O thou great Jehovah The Grace   Prayers Used In the Service Prayer of Adoration Gracious God, as we come together this evening to pray to You as our God, we praise You with all our hearts and minds. We praise You as the Lord enthroned on High, and the Holy Spirit alive in us. We praise You as the Christ who died for us, and rose again to triumph over death. We praise You as the Lord God, the blessed three in one. We praise You and revel as we think of the Glory and magnificence of You. Praise be unto You, Father Son and Holy Spirit, Amen Prayer of Thanksgiving Gracious God our Father we give our thanks to You for all the wonderful things You have given unto us. We give thanks for all the things we get from You every day, from the breath which comes to our lungs to the food and drink which sustain us. We thank You for all the things we have been brought safely through, and all the strength given to us in these difficult times. We thank You for all You have given unto us and all to come, Thanks be to You Our God, Amen Prayer of Confession Lord our God, we bring before You the sins we have committed. We confess all the things we have done wrong in thought, word and deed. We confess that we have done wrong by the things we have not done. We confess our sins, and ask Lord God that You Forgive Us. We ask for this forgiveness, trusting solely in Your love for our forgiveness, and we thank You Lord God that we are washed clean of our sins. Thanks be to You Father Son and Holy Spirit, Amen. Lord’s Prayer Our Father Who Art In Heaven Hallowed Be Thy Name Thy Kingdom Come Thy Will Be Done On Earth As It Is In Heaven Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread And Forgive Us Our Trespasses As We Forgive Those Who Trespass Against Us And Lead Us Not Into Temptation But Deliver Us From Evil For Thine Is The Kingdom The Power And The Glory Forever And Ever Amen Prayer of Intercession Lord our God, we pray for all the people who are in need in this world. We ask that all those who have want of the things of this world feel their want relieved. We pray for all those who grieve and all who are struggling in these times, Lord, bring them comfort in their grief and trials. We pray for all those who are struggling to taste the bread of heaven, Lord, help us bring them the spiritual sustenance they crave, whether they realise it or not. We ask Lord God that You guide those in government and positions of authority to do that which is right, and we pray Your Blessings upon our Royal Family as they grieve the loss of Prince Philip and continue in their duties. We pray for the end of the pandemic, and help for all affected, especially remembering those places such Brazil and India which suffer especially at the moment, Lord may their sufferings ease and may help and vaccines come unto all the world. We pray for all those who are hoping for good news, or improved prospects, may they receive comforts and joy. All these we ask trusting in Your promise of sustenance, now and forever. Thanks be to You Our Lord for all Your help. Amen The Grace May The Grace Of Our Lord Jesus Christ, And The Love Of God, And The Fellowship Of The Holy Spirit, Be With Us All, Ever More, Amen.
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    15 m
  • Believe in The Lord - Sermon preached at Highgate Methodist Church Sunday 18th April 2021
    Apr 18 2021
    Sermon preached at Highgate Methodist Church 18th April 2021 Hymns in Most Hymnals, and may be found in the spotify playlist 3rd Sunday of Easter Prayers used below the Order of Service for those wishing to share in the whole service Hymns as we prepare for worship: At the Name of Jesus Jesus the name High Over All Call to Worship: Psalm 4 Prayer of Adoration Prayer of Thanksgiving Prayer of Confession Lord’s Prayer Solo: O Love that wilt not let me go 1st Reading: Acts 3: 12-19 2nd Reading: Luke 24: 36b-48 Sermon Prayers of Intercession The Grace Hymns for closing: Christ Triumphant, Ever Reigning Thine be the Glory   Prayers used for the service: Prayer of Adoration Risen Lord, we declare our praises this most Glorious Day unto You, praising You our God, who rose again to triumph over death. We praise You as the One Who put all the world into motion and is not bound by anything of this world. We praise You as the Blessed Trinity, all of which was needed to make the world form into its being, and Aid us all so very much. We praise You, mindful of Your Greatness and Majesty, that is beyond our comprehension. This Day we especially praise You as the Son, Triumphant, ever reigning, raised up from the Grave, for You are Greater than anything of this world. Thus we praise You, Father Son and Holy Spirit, Amen Prayer of Thanksgiving Gracious God, we give thanks for all Your Loving gifts to us, from the gifts of the morning, springtime and friendship that put smiles on our faces, to the most glorious gift of the resurrection which You brought to pass for us, that we might have the hope and example of the life eternal, knowing that death is not the end. We Give thanks for all Your gifts to us, for those we can easily call to mind and those we take for granted so much that we forget they too are Your gifts. So we pray, and say, Lord God, Thank You. Amen Prayer of Confession Forgiving Father, who as the Son endured so much for our sakes, we make our confession of our sins. We have committed sins against others, and against You. We admit all the bad things we have done, and confess them. We say, Lord God, we are sorry for all the wrongful things we have done, in word, deed and thought. We are mindful of Your Love for us, and remember that when we are sorry, You lift us up once more and say, Your Sins are forgiven. We are cleansed of our sins, and set right once more, and we ask You to strengthen us, so that we might be more able to resist sin. We thank You Lord for Your forgiveness, and all the things You will do for us in the days to come. Amen. Lord’s Prayer Our Father, Who art in Heaven Hallowed be thy Name Thy Kingdom Come Thy Will be Done On Earth As It Is in Heaven Give us this day, Our daily bread And forgive us our trespasses, As we forgive them that trespass against us, And lead us not into temptation But deliver us from Evil For thine is the Kingdom, The Power and the Glory Forever and Ever Amen   Prayers of Intercession We bring our prayers of Intercession before God to ask his help in the world, as in the traditional way there is a response, after the words “Risen Lord Hear us” the response is, “Risen Lord, Graciously Hear us” Risen Lord Hear us Risen Lord Graciously Hear us Those in Want O Lord we bring before You those who are in want of material things, be it of food, of water, of shelter or anything else that is necessary to life. Lord, we know that their stories are many and varied, as are their needs. So we ask that where we can help their relief from want, we shall know how to do so, and shall set to it with a will. Where we cannot help them with our hands, we pray for the hands and hearts of others to be moved to help with all possible speed. We pray for all who are afraid in this difficult time, asking for their comfort, and the relief of the many strains upon their nerves. We pray too for all those who are in peril and far from being vaccinated, Lord speak to them that they may keep themselves as safe as possible. Risen Lord Hear us Risen Lord Graciously Hear us Those in Sickness We pray for those who are ill. We pray for those whose sickness is but seasonal or of short duration. We pray for those whose ailments are long lasting or slow to heal. God grant them healing if it be possible, and comfort in all cases. We pray too for all those who work in healthcare and social care to the aid of others, give them strength and keep them from tiredness and error. We pray too for those who labour to find new cures and treatments, please God, bless their hands and their efforts, that they may know much success and never want for ideas. We pray especially for the roll out of the vaccines, Lord, help the supplies to flow in abundance and for competence to guide the distribution throughout the world. Risen Lord Hear us Risen Lord Graciously Hear us Those in mourning and despair We bring before You those who mourn, Lord, we ask that they may know the comforts of Your Gospel and its truth, ...
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    15 m
  • Certain Faith in the Risen Lord - Sermon for Sunday 11th April 2021 - 2nd Sunday of Easter 2021
    Apr 10 2021
    2nd Sunday of Easter Service 11th April 2021 All Hymns in most hymnals and on Spotify (You may find a grouping of the hymns for this service at the end of the playlist) Prayers for use to have a full service below the Order of Service Order of Service Call to worship: Psalm 133 Hymn: Praise God from Whom all Blessings Flow Prayers Lord’s Prayer Hymn: Eternal Father Strong to Save 1st Reading: 1 John 1:1-2:2 2nd Reading: John 20:19-31 Hymn: How Great thou Art Sermon Hymn: Jesus Lord we look to thee Prayers of Intercession Prayer for Prince Philip Hymn: We Have a Gospel to Proclaim The Grace   Prayers for use with this sermon to provide a service Prayer of Adoration Risen Lord, we praise You our God, who rose from the grave, triumphing over death. We praise You as the One Who put all the world into place and is not bound by anything of this world. We praise You as the Blessed Trinity, all of which was needed to make the world form into its being, and Aid us all so very much in it. We praise You, mindful of Your Greatness and Majesty, beyond our comprehension. We praise You as the Son, Triumphant, ever reigning, raised up from the Grave, for You are Greater than anything of this world. Praise be unto You, Father Son and Holy Spirit, Amen Prayer of Thanksgiving Gracious God, we give thanks for all Your Loving gifts to us, from the gifts of the morning, springtime and friendship that put smiles on our faces, to the most glorious gift of the resurrection.  You brought it all to pass for us, that we might have the hope and example of the life eternal, knowing that death is not the end. We Give thanks for all Your gifts to us, for those we can easily call to mind and those we take for granted so much that we forget they are Your gifts. So we pray, and say, Lord God, Thank You. Amen Prayer of Confession Forgiving Father, who as the Son endured so much for our sakes, we make our confession of our sins. We have committed sins against others, and against You. We admit all the bad things we have done, and confess them. We say, Lord God, we are sorry for all the wrong things we have done, in word, deed and thought. We are mindful of Your Love for us, and remember that when we are sorry, You lift us up once more and say, Your Sins are forgiven. We are cleansed of our sins, and set right once more, and we ask You to strengthen us, so that we might be more able to resist sin. We thank You Lord for Your forgiveness, and all the things You will do for us in the days to come. Amen. The Lord’s Prayer Our Father, Who art in Heaven Hallowed be thy Name Thy Kingdom Come Thy Will be Done On Earth As It Is in Heaven Give us this day, Our daily bread And forgive us our trespasses, As we forgive them that trespass against us, And lead us not into temptation But deliver us from Evil For thine is the Kingdom, The Power and the Glory Forever and Ever Amen Prayers of Intercession We bring our prayers of Intercession before God to ask his help in the world, as in the traditional way there is a response, after the words “Risen Lord Hear us” the response is, “Risen Lord, Graciously Hear us” Risen Lord Hear us Risen Lord Graciously Hear us Those in Want O Lord we bring before You those who are in want of material things, be it of food, of water, of shelter or anything else that is necessary to life. Lord, we know that their stories are many and varied, as are their needs. So we ask that where we can help their relief from want, we shall know how to do so, and shall set to it with a will. Where we cannot help them with our hands, we pray for the hands and hearts of others to be moved to help with all possible speed. We pray for all who are afraid in this difficult time, asking for their comfort, and the relief of the many strains upon their nerves. We pray too for all those who are in peril and far from being vaccinated, Lord speak to them that they may keep themselves as safe as possible. Risen Lord Hear us Risen Lord Graciously Hear us Those in Sickness We pray for those who are ill. We pray for those whose sickness is but seasonal or of short duration. We pray for those whose ailments are long lasting or slow to heal. God grant them healing if it be possible, and comfort in all cases. We pray too for all those who work in healthcare and social care to the aid of others, give them strength and keep them from tiredness and error. We pray too for those who labour to find new cures and treatments, please God, bless their hands and their efforts, that they may know much success and never want for ideas. We pray especially for the roll out of the vaccines, Lord, help the supplies to flow in abundance and for competence to guide the distribution throughout the world. Risen Lord Hear us Risen Lord Graciously Hear us Those in mourning and despair We bring before You those who mourn, Lord, we ask that they may know the comforts of Your Gospel and its truth, that they may be shielded from despair, sure in the knowledge of Heaven and...
    Más Menos
    28 m