
  • Edit the past: How to shift realities by editing your memories | Joli Artist
    Oct 4 2024


    **In this thought-provoking episode of the "So You’re Living in a Simulation" Podcast, Joli explores the relationship between memory, consciousness, and the multiverse.**

    Starting with the challenges of memory retention, particularly for those with ADHD, Joli suggests that our minds often resurface irrelevant or painful memories without benefit. But what if we could selectively forget those who’ve caused us harm?

    She proposes a radical approach to memory: consciously editing past experiences by imagining different outcomes in parallel realities. By doing this, Joli argues, we can reframe our narratives and change our futures.

    Throughout the episode, she discusses how looping positive memories, rather than traumatic ones, can help shift our mindsets. She also cautions against becoming trapped in victimhood by reliving past trauma and advocates for using memory editing as a tool for personal growth.

    Drawing parallels to video editing, Joli encourages listeners to actively "cut out" the negative parts of their stories that no longer serve them.

    Using anecdotes, she highlights how reframing can even influence our physical and emotional states. The episode concludes with a powerful metaphor: just as actors can be left on the editing floor, so too can people and memories that don’t deserve a role in your life’s narrative.




    00:00 Introduction

    02:10 Reverse Time Travel and Closed Timelike Curves (CTC)

    09:58 "Do I Want To Say That" Pause And Choose The Reality Experience

    17:19 What Created Humanity And Set The Moon In Place?

    28:44 Stop Reliving the Traumatic Events

    31:53 Re-Imagine Something Different Happening

    01:11:42 Leveraging Forgetfulness: ADHD and Memory Editing


    **Key Explored Questions:**

    1. What is memory editing?

    2. How do our memories shape our identity?

    3. Can we forget painful memories intentionally?

    4. What role do beliefs play in how we remember?

    5. How can we change our future by altering our memories?

    6. How to forget trauma?

    7. What is Closed Time Like Curve?

    8. Who created the moon?

    9. What is the impact of negative memories on our lives?

    10. Is it possible to relive memories in a different way?

    11. How to edit the past with memory?


    Más Menos
    1 h y 18 m
  • The Money Scarcity Myth: Unlearning the Lie that Hard Work Equals Wealth | Joli Artist
    Sep 21 2024

    In this thought-provoking episode of "So You’re Living in a Simulation," Joli challenges conventional wisdom about money, success, and societal programming. She explores the concept of money as a ubiquitous resource and questions the deeply ingrained belief that hard work always leads to wealth.

    Joli delves into the psychology of fear, encouraging listeners to transform their mindset from one of scarcity to abundance. She discusses the idea of "eating" or benefiting from challenging situations, drawing parallels between sociopathic behavior in business and survival instincts.

    Throughout the episode, Joli urges her audience to break free from societal conditioning, rethink their approach to security and opportunity, and embrace a more empowered perspective on life and success.



    00:00 - Introduction

    02:14 - Money is absolutely ubiquitous

    04:12 - "Money is hard to earn" – The social conditioning

    07:40 - "Mortgage" – Death pledge

    10:36 - Empty job titles: Prioritizing appearance over substance

    12:23 - "Fiat" – Isn't real

    17:23 - "The emperor has no clothes"

    20:16 - The sense of lack vs. abundance

    22:25 - Understanding the real cost of being secure

    24:55 - "Scared money don’t make no money"

    28:54 - The power of asking "Can I benefit from this?"

    41:04 - Fear is only meant to be a warning, deprogram yourself

    42:43 - Stoic mindset and final thoughts

    Key Questions Explored:

    1. Is money truly hard to earn?

    2. How does society program our beliefs?

    3. Does hard work guarantee wealth?

    4. What's the real cost of security?

    5. How does fiat currency work?

    6. Why shift from prey to predator mindset?

    7. What role does confidence play?

    8. How to break the "slave mentality"?

    9. Why start high in your career?

    10. Is working hard always beneficial?

    11. How to break societal conditioning?

    12. What is an abundance mentality?

    13. Can everyone become wealthy?

    14. How to overcome impostor syndrome?

    15. Is money ubiquitous?

    16. Does hard work equal wealth?

    Más Menos
    48 m
  • How Time Travel Proves We Are Immortal | Joli Artist
    Aug 18 2024

    On this episode of “Your One Black Friend” Podcast, Joli delves into the profound concepts of time, consciousness, and parallel universes.

    She begins by questioning the limitations imposed by our understanding of time travel, proposing that the notion of causality and past events might be challenged by the existence of parallel universes. Joli argues that while traditional physics suggests time travel to the past could violate fundamental laws, the existence of parallel realities offers a way around these constraints.

    Joli then explores the idea of immortality from a fourth-dimensional perspective, suggesting that our consciousness exists across multiple points in space-time. She explains that when we learn or grow, we are effectively "dying" and transitioning to a new variant of ourselves in this continuous journey through time. This shifting consciousness means that even if one version of ourselves dies, other variants in different timelines or realities persist.

    The discussion further expands into the concept of quantum immortality, which posits that consciousness cannot truly die but instead continues in parallel universes where one survives potentially fatal events. Joli emphasizes that this idea supports the notion that no consciousness truly experiences death; it merely transitions to other states of existence.

    Joli concludes by reflecting on the limitations of current technology, which prevents us from interacting with past or parallel versions of loved ones. She suggests that, despite this, the essence of our being—our consciousness—continues to exist throughout all of space-time. She envisions a future where technology could one day track and interact with these different states of being, reinforcing the idea that we are more expansive and eternal than the linear perception of life and death might suggest.




    00:00 Introduction

    05:32 Explaining eternalism and the block universe theory

    11:36 Time travel to the future: methods and theories

    19:20 "Choose your own destiny"

    28:17 Eternalism vs Presentism

    41:36 “It’s Not Just One Future" - Many Worlds Interpretation and Eternalism

    50:59 "Death only happens to other people" - consciousness can't die


    Key explored questions:

    1. What is eternalism in physics?

    2. How does the block universe theory relate to time?

    3. Is time travel to the future possible?

    4. What are the challenges of traveling to the past?

    5. How does quantum mechanics relate to time travel?

    6. What is the grandfather paradox?

    7. How does the many worlds interpretation affect time travel?

    8. What is quantum immortality?

    9. How does consciousness relate to the concept of death?

    10. Are we four-dimensional beings?

    11. How does the idea of parallel universes impact our understanding of death?

    12. Can consciousness be destroyed?

    13. How might future technology change our perception of death and time?


    Más Menos
    1 h y 8 m
  • Death Only Happens To Other People
    Aug 1 2024

    On this episode of “Your One Black Friend” Podcast, Joli begins by recounting a conversation with her editor Allwin, who expressed existential concerns about aging, suffering, and the cycle of life and death.

    Joli challenges conventional views on death, suggesting it may be an illusion rooted in societal conditioning (rather than an absolute end.) She proposes that our fear of death stems from a limited understanding of consciousness and reality.

    Drawing on various philosophical and scientific concepts, Joli presents alternative perspectives on the continuity of consciousness beyond physical death.

    Joli delves into topics such as simulation theory, reincarnation, and the cyclical nature of existence. She then explores ideas about the relationship between masculine and feminine energies, the fall of Matriarchy and shift to Patriarchy (from moon to sun worship,) and offers a speculative narrative about the origins of gender and civilization spanning Mars, Venus, and Earth.

    Throughout the episode, Joli encourages listeners to question mainstream beliefs about aging, mortality, and the nature of reality. She emphasizes the power of individual belief systems in shaping one's experience of life and suggests that embracing alternative perspectives can lead to a more fulfilling and less fearful existence.

    Joli concludes by advocating for personal exploration of these existential questions, urging listeners to develop their own philosophies and beliefs to navigate life's challenges. She presents her ideas as possibilities to consider rather than absolute truths, inviting the audience to engage in deeper contemplation about existence.




    0:00 Introduction

    3:43 Challenging conventional views on death

    5:20 The illusion of death and societal conditioning

    08:19 Feminine cycles and the nature of time

    11:03 Out of body and near-death experiences

    13:02 Ancient matriarchal society and goddess worship

    21:54 Societal programming about aging

    27:28 "Born in Her Image" Parthenogenesis

    36:18 Speculative narrative: Mars, Venus, and Earth

    53:25 Conclusion


    Key Explored Questions:

    1. Is death truly the end, or an illusion?

    2. How does societal conditioning shape our fear of death?

    3. Can we overcome aging through belief and mindset?

    4. What is the nature of consciousness beyond physical form?

    5. How might gender dynamics have evolved throughout human history?

    6. Is our reality a simulation or a persistent dream?

    7. What role does cyclical thinking play in understanding life and death?

    8. How do different cultures approach the concept of mortality?

    9. Can alternative perspectives on death lead to a more fulfilling life?

    10: What we can learn from NDEs?

    Más Menos
    56 m
  • Exploring Infinite Realities: Joli and Kosmic’s Deep Dive into Dark Matter Episodes 1-3 (Part 2)
    Jul 11 2024
    In Part 2 of this episode of "Your One Black Friend," Joli and guest host Kosmic Jedi continue their exploration of parallel universes, inspired by the themes and narrative of Blake Crouch's novel "Dark Matter," now a series on Apple TV. (Part 2 of this discussion deals only with episode 1-3 of the series.) Kosmic & Joli delve into the concept of infinite realities and discuss how this idea allows for endless possibilities and outcomes, making the show's narrative both exciting and thought-provoking. How does the concept of infinite realities reshape our understanding of personal identity? How does soul memory influence intuition and decision-making? How does exploring alternate timelines affect our perception of regret? Joli and Kosmic Jedi analyze the complex themes of the show, including Eastern mysticism, physics, and psychological analysis. They appreciate how these elements are intricately woven together to create a multi-layered narrative that encourages viewers to think deeply about the nature of reality and the choices we make. The discussion also touches on character relationships, focusing on the sacrifices and decisions made by the characters, particularly in the context of gender roles and personal fulfillment. They compare the show to other media like "Rick and Morty," "Invincible," and movies such as "The One" with Jet Li and "Deja Vu" with Denzel Washington, highlighting how these works handle the concept of multiple realities. Joli and Kosmic Jedi reflect on their own lives, contemplating how different decisions could have led to different outcomes. They emphasize the importance of intuition and the belief in multiple chances or lifetimes to experience different paths, suggesting that this mindset can reduce regret and anxiety by accepting the existence of parallel realities. The conversation also explores philosophical insights, particularly the idea of letting go of regret and anxiety by recognizing that this is not the only lifetime or timeline. They discuss how adopting this perspective can lead to a more relaxed and observant approach to life, reducing the fear of missing out and the intensity of decision-making. Throughout the discussion, Joli and Kosmic Jedi express a strong appreciation for the show and its ability to spark deep, reflective conversations about life, choices, and the nature of reality. They commend the creators for their ability to address complex themes in an engaging and thought-provoking manner, making it a standout piece of media. Youroneblackfriend.com •••
    Más Menos
    1 h y 32 m
  • Time Loops, Dark Matter and Reality Transurfing: Exploring Parallel Universes (Part 1)
    Jun 28 2024
    In Part 1 of this episode of "Your One Black Friend," Joli and Guest Host @KosmicJedi delve into the fascinating themes of Time Loops, Parallel Universes, and “Reality Transurfing”, leading to a discussion of Blake Crouch's novel "Dark Matter," (now a series on Apple TV.) What impact do the choices we make have on the paths our lives take? The conversation organically transitions into a broader discussion about the concept of time, routine, and how society's rigid structures often conflict with individual natural rhythms, particularly for neurodivergent individuals. Joli and Kosmic highlight how modern technology and societal expectations can stifle creativity and productivity, suggesting that breaking free from these constraints can lead to a more fulfilling and authentic life. Throughout the episode, the dynamic duo skillfully intertwines personal anecdotes with speculative fiction. References to popular culture, such as "Doctor Who," "X-Men," and "Back to the Future," are used to illustrate the philosophical and practical implications of living in a multiverse, providing listeners with thought-provoking insights and entertaining discussions. Perfect for listeners interested in speculative fiction, philosophy, and the intersections of science fiction with real-world issues. Youroneblackfriend.com
    Más Menos
    1 h y 44 m
  • The Answer To Life, The Universe, And Everything Is Two Die
    Jun 21 2024
    On this episode of "Your One Black Friend," titled "The Answer to Life, Universe, and Everything is to Die," Joli explores the profound implications behind Douglas Adams' famous number 42 from "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy." She reveals a mind-blowing interpretation that 42 symbolizes the concept of "to die," suggesting that our reality is a simulation designed to experience endings and death, created by entities that are incapable of dying. Joli connects this interpretation to themes discussed in her own podcast, "The Dark Oracle's Guide to the Multiverse," where she posits that our world's limitations and delays in gratification simulate the experiences of mortality and desire. She delves into the role of consciousness in navigating different realities and emphasizes the importance of intention in choosing our future experiences. Throughout the episode, Joli reflects on the nature of perception, the potential of AI to mirror human consciousness, and the philosophical implications of dreams as windows into parallel universes. She concludes with a discussion on the eternal nature of energy and matter, reinforcing the idea that while we may shift forms, we never truly cease to exist. This episode challenges conventional perceptions of life and death, offering a unique blend of science fiction, philosophy, and personal insights. youroneblackfriend.com Key Explored Questions: 1. What is the meaning of the number 42 in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy? 2. Are we living in a simulation created to experience endings and limitations? 3. How does our perception of sight actually work? 4. Can we navigate our consciousness to different future realities? 5. How will AI impact storytelling and interactive multimedia experiences? 6. Should we give meaning to ominous dreams or declare them meaningless? 7. Are we energy beings that cannot truly die but only shift forms? 8. Is creation a myth and energy/matter can only be modified, not created or destroyed? 9. Why do we lose track of time and get distracted from our goals? 10. How can AI help with design and visualizing concepts? 11. Do all realities exist simultaneously as probabilities? 12. What is the Dark Oracle's Guide to the Multiverse about? 13. Can our desires determine which future reality we experience? 14. Why is sight often seen as the prime determiner of existence? 15. Is the future of TV interactive AI-generated multiverse storylines?
    Más Menos
    35 m
  • Create Your Own System Or Be Enslaved By Someone Else’s
    Jun 6 2024
    In this episode, your hostess Joli, (aka Jo the Storyteller,) begins by challenging the conventional notion that successful adults must engage in serious professions, highlighting how many top earners, such as athletes and entertainers, thrive by engaging in playful, childlike activities. We then delve into a philosophical inquiry about the illusion of choice and the deterministic nature of our lives, suggesting that while we can choose paths, we don't control the circumstances we encounter. Next, the idea that our lives may be part of a larger, organised system are explored. She questions the materialistic, scientific worldview that assumes reality is purely physical and posits that there could be deeper metaphysical layers to existence that we cannot currently perceive or understand. The discussion touches on the limitations of human perception and how our understanding of the universe is restricted by our senses. Throughout the episode, Jo encourages viewers to reflect on their belief systems. By blending humor, personal anecdotes, and philosophical insights, Jo urges listeners to create their own belief systems or risk being enslaved by those imposed by others. youroneblackfriend.com Some of the key points and ideas she explores include: - Our lives and reality itself could be a kind of story or narrative driven by sentient, abstract forces or entities that we are unaware of. - Time may operate in reverse in a kind of "anti-universe", where our experienced flow of time from birth to death is actually going backwards compared to the "normal" direction. Our visible universe may only be 5% of all existence. - We may be living in a simulation, game, or constructed reality rather than a purely materialistic physical universe that arose by chance. - Our perceived individual choices and paths through life may actually be predetermined, raising questions about free will versus determinism. - After death, our consciousness or existence may continue in other realms, dimensions or parallel universes, contrary to the materialist view of annihilation. - Ancient advanced civilizations may have existed before our currently understood history began after some antediluvian cataclysm or reset. Joli advocates creating one's own philosophical belief system rather than blindly accepting the prevailing materialistic worldview promoted through institutions like science and media. She aims to explore these unconventional ideas through an entertaining lens of storytelling to make them more palatable and thought-provoking. Youroneblackfriend.com ••• Key Explored Questions: 1. Is our reality just a narrative driven by higher conscious entities? 2. Does time operate in reverse in an "anti-universe"? 3. Are we living in a simulated or constructed reality? 4. Is our path through life truly predetermined with no free will? 5. Does consciousness continue after death in other realms? 6. Did advanced ancient civilizations exist before recorded history? 7. Should we create our own philosophical belief systems? 8. What is the nature of our perceived individual choices? 9. Could the stories of our lives themselves be sentient forces? 10. Is the visible universe only a small fraction of all existence? 11. Do we manifest our future selves through present actions? 12. Can parallel universes or selves overlap in consciousness? 13. How does mainstream art/media impact societal evolution? 14. Could time travelers observe or interact with our reality? 15. Can rejecting materialism lead to a richer life perspective? #consciousness #simulationtheory #esoteric
    Más Menos
    1 h y 5 m