
  • Healing during entrepreneurship
    Apr 10 2024
    True inner work starts with pointing the finger at yourself. Though we know there’s always going to be key players that will cause pain,trauma, drama, hate, etc, the transformation starts with you! Learning to be the “READER” instead of the “Author” has been life changing for me!
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    16 m
  • Pilot or Passenger
    Mar 1 2022
    Are you and passenger or pilot in your life??
    Más Menos
    4 m
  • Loyalty or Liability
    Sep 15 2021
    Where do I begin!! We all desire loyalty. Being loyal means you support someone without question. But when this becomes a liability you have to decide where your loyalty stands!!!
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    7 m
  • How to heal and friendship or let it go!?
    Sep 14 2021
    Good friends are hard to come by but can also be toxic!!! I know we have all been in a space or grey area with someone who we may need to cut ties with! Sometimes we hold on to the memories but sometimes the pain can over shadow the good times. So how can we decide....
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    8 m
  • Forgiveness
    Sep 9 2021
    Learn to FORGIVE yourself!!!
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    4 m
  • What is the top priority in my life right now?
    Sep 8 2021
    How can we filter thru what needs to be priority without losing ourselves? Especially when you wear multiple hats!!! We have to be conscious daily about self care!!
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    8 m
  • What gives me the greatest sense of confidence?
    Sep 7 2021
    What does confidence mean to you? Do you feel confident daily? If not, what steps do you take to feel your best? For me confidence is knowing who I am and what I'm doing...
    Más Menos
    6 m