
  • What in the World is Contractor Etiquette?
    Jul 23 2024
    …And What Does Etiquette Even Mean?

    It means treating others the way you want to be treated.

    I had a conversation with a friend once about an experience they had with a plumber. While they were standing in the kitchen talking about the project…

    The plumber spit tobacco juice in the kitchen sink.

    Not once mind you, but 3-4 times! At least he had the courtesy to turn the water on and rinse out the sink.

    I wonder if his wife let’s him spit tobacco juice in the sink at home.

    While I was talking with this friend, I thought out loud, ‘What has happened to contractor etiquette?’ The more I’ve thought about it, more examples of this kind of ‘bad contractor behavior’ have come to mind.

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    5 m
  • Now What Am I Going To Do?
    Jul 16 2024
    The Bottom of the Rut is Gone

    It’s been a tough few weeks. With the truck transmission needing to be replaced and the customer shorting Gene $1000 dollars for the garage windows, Gene has felt like he’s stuck in the bottom of a muddy rut.

    Even with all the problems, Gene has had a lot of work to do for his first year of self-employment.

    Some of the projects have been very profitable.

    Having a lot of construction projects is rewarding. It’s also one of the reasons he’s struggling to get proposals done and keep up with the paperwork.

    To add to the busy, it’s time to get the tax paperwork gathered up. Gene needs to get it to the accountant so income taxes can be prepared. One more thing on the to do list that needs done.

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    5 m
  • If You Don't Like How Things Are, Change Is Required
    Jul 8 2024
    Or You Can Just Keep Doing What You’ve Been Doing

    The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results.

    This common quote is attributed to a lot of different people. It doesn’t matter who said it. What matters is what it says.

    I think this quote is so popular because of the truth that it represents.

    I recently shared how change is hard. This seems especially true for people in construction but isn’t limited to them.

    Without intentional action, nothing is going to change. Things will just continue as they are.

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    5 m
  • There's Too Much to Do and Not Enough Time to Do It
    Jul 1 2024
    This is Where Delegation Comes in

    Having too much to do and not enough time to do it is a common situation. This is especially true for people in construction.

    Chasing my tail and trying to keep up is a good description of how this past week was for me. There were four different construction projects being done at the same time. This involved organizing multiple subcontractors and materials.

    In addition to this, there are six construction projects that are either waiting to be started, need to be scheduled, or need change orders done.

    Oh, and don’t forget the proposals that need to be made, payment applications and invoices for the week, and record keeping.

    Sounds like a pretty normal week in construction, doesn’t it?

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    5 m
  • What are the Three Ways Heat Moves?
    Jun 24 2024
    It’s Important to Know This Because Your Money Can Move with It

    It’s that time of the year again; temperatures on the thermometer are creeping near the 100-degree mark. This raises the issue of keeping the heat outside and the cool air inside.

    This issue is even more relevant if you live in a home that is 40 years old or older.

    A home built before the mid-seventies is more likely affected by outside temperatures. Not enough insulation, single-pane windows, and air infiltration are all issues that may need attention.

    Understanding how heat moves in and out of your home can help you determine what projects to consider undertaking to minimize the heat. It can also help determine which projects are most important.

    There is a difference between heat and hot air.

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    6 m
  • How Deep Can a Rut Get?
    Jun 17 2024

    Pretty Deep When the Bottom is Mud

    It’s been a few months since Tony pulled his stunt leaving Gene high and dry without any notice. Gene moved on…what else could he do?

    Gene replaced Tony with Darin. Darin is less experienced, but at least he has shown up so far. Of course, this may be because Darin doesn’t have anything to drive, so Gene picks him up and takes him home every day.

    Gene has been very busy. He’s had a lot of construction projects to do, not to mention trying to keep up with the paperwork. Things seem to be getting busier and busier. Maybe things are going to turn around for his business.

    As Gene was on his way to pick Darin up this morning, the truck began to make a grinding noise and it was hard to shift the truck into second gear. It didn’t get any better after picking Darin up and going to the job site.

    Then it happened…the transmission went out.

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    6 m
  • The Hits Just Keep on Coming
    Jun 11 2024
    And the Rut Just Keeps Getting Deeper

    It’s Sunday afternoon and after getting home from church, Gene is back at his desk (the dining table) working on the third construction bid. He would rather be watching the NASCAR race, but there’s just not enough time for both.

    Some people would say that getting three of the four bids done is pretty good. There are a lot of people in construction that wouldn’t sweat this, but it bothers Gene to not follow through on what he said he would do.

    It’s getting late and the family has already gone to bed as he starts the next bid.

    At 1:15 AM Monday morning, Gene decides to go to bed even though the bid isn’t done yet. He needs to get up in a few hours and do some actual construction work.

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    6 m
  • A Blueprint for Building a Better Business
    Jun 3 2024

    You need a plan if you’re going to build a successful business.


    It was late on a Saturday night and Gene was sitting at his desk in his home office (otherwise known as a dining table). This was the office of his construction company.

    He was working to get at least one more construction proposal done before going to bed. He had promised four different customers proposals this week. If all goes well, he’ll have this second one finished before midnight. As Gene crunched numbers, he worried that he might have forgotten something. This had happened before.

    He asked himself, “Why am I doing this? I could make more money and work less hours working for someone else. Heck, I’d be better off flipping burgers. This sure isn’t how I pictured my construction business five years ago when I started.”

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    3 m