
  • #172 - 福隆國際沙雕藝術季 Taiwan Fulong Sand Sculpture Art Festival🏖
    Jul 26 2024

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    福隆國際沙雕藝術季 Fúlóng guójì shādiāo yìshù jì - Fulong International Sand Sculpture Art Festival

    沙灘 shātān - beach

    福隆海水浴場 Fúlóng hǎishuǐ yùchǎng - Fulong Beach

    沙雕季 shādiāo jì - sand sculpture season

    沙 shā - sand

    藝術品 yìshùpǐn - artwork

    沙雕師 shādiāoshī - sand sculptor

    合力打造 hélì dǎzào - to create together

    沙雕 shādiāo - sand sculpture

    作品 zuòpǐn - work (of art)

    主題 zhǔtí - theme

    壯觀 zhuàngguān - spectacular

    基隆 Jīlóng - Keelung

    客運 kèyùn - bus transport

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  • #171 - 台灣人最討厭男女朋友做什麼What Do Taiwanese People Hate Most About Their Partners 😡!?
    Jul 24 2024

    Speak Chinese like a local and enjoy worry-free living in Taiwan. Join my Chinese speaking course today! 💪 Get Started Now !

    打叉叉 dǎ chā chā - to reject; to cross out

    自以為是 zì yǐ wéi shì - self-righteous; conceited

    大男人主義 dà nán rén zhǔ yì - male chauvinism

    年代 nián dài - era; age

    思想 sī xiǎng - thought; ideology

    仇女 chóu nǚ - misogyny

    外表 wài biǎo - appearance; external

    再...也沒辦法... zài... yě méi bàn fǎ... - even if... still can't...

    衛生習慣很差 wèi shēng xí guàn hěn chà - poor hygiene habits

    灰塵 huī chén - dust

    說謊 shuō huǎng - to lie

    拜金 bài jīn - money worshipping; materialistic

    媽寶 mā bǎo - mama's boy

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  • #170 - 台灣人不想當醫生了Taiwanese people don't want to become doctors anymore...!? 👨‍⚕️
    Jul 22 2024

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    Today’s Vocabulary

    年代 nián dài - era; decade

    畢恭畢敬 bì gōng bì jìng - respectful; deferential

    加班 jiā bān - to work overtime

    急診科 jí zhěn kē - emergency department

    外科 wài kē - surgery; surgical department

    臨時 lín shí - temporary; ad-hoc

    正確 zhèng què - correct; accurate

    診斷 zhěn duàn - diagnosis

    治療 zhì liáo - treatment; therapy

    決策 jué cè - decision-making

    心理承受能力 xīn lǐ chéng shòu néng lì - psychological resilience

    挑戰 tiǎo zhàn - challenge

    患者 huàn zhě - patient

    效果不佳 xiào guǒ bù jiā - unsatisfactory result

    醫療事故 yī liáo shì gù - medical accident

    家屬 jiā shǔ - family member of a patient

    不滿 bù mǎn - dissatisfaction

    抱怨 bào yuàn - to complain; complaint

    醫療疏失 yī liáo shū shī - medical negligence

    律師 lǜ shī - lawyer

    告 gào - to sue; to accuse

    溝通能力 gōu tōng néng lì - communication skills

    耐心 nài xīn - patience

    解釋 jiě shì - to explain; explanation

    病情 bìng qíng - patient's condition

    方案 fāng àn - plan; scheme

    檢查 jiǎn chá - to examine; examination

    測試 cè shì - test; testing

    醫學知識 yī xué zhī shi - medical knowledge

    工程師 gōng chéng shī - engineer

    谷歌 gǔ gē - Google

    輝達 huī dá - Nvidia

    微軟 wēi ruǎn - Microsoft

    抖音 dǒu yīn - TikTok

    薪資 xīn zī - salary; wages

    福利 fú lì - benefits; welfare

    待遇 dài yù - treatment; reception at work

    優渥 yōu wò - generous; favorable

    薪水 xīn shuǐ - salary; wages

    主業 zhǔ yè - main occupation

    副業 fù yè - side job; secondary occupation

    網紅 wǎng hóng - internet celebrity; influencer

    彈性 tán xìng - flexibility

    個人創業 gè rén chuàng yè - personal entrepreneurship

    獲利 huò lì - profit; gain

    廣告 guǎng gào - advertisement

    贊助 zàn zhù - sponsorship

    產品推廣 chǎn pǐn tuī guǎng - product promotion

    粉絲贊助 fěn sī zàn zhù - fan sponsorship

    獲得收入 huò dé shōu rù - to earn income

    創業 chuàng yè - to start a business; entrepreneurship

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  • #169 - 台灣最好吃的小籠包 The Best Xiao Long Bao in Taiwan
    Jul 19 2024

    Master ordering food like a local in Chinese in just one day! Enjoy stress-free boba tea orders in Taiwan—grab your Chinese conversation templates with an early bird discount now. Click here !

    小籠包 xiǎolóngbāo - small steamed bun

    作法 zuòfǎ - method

    源自於 yuánzìyú - originated from

    發明 fāmíng - invention

    起源於 qǐyuányú - originated in

    江南地區 Jiāngnán dìqū - Jiangnan region

    蘇州 Sūzhōu - Suzhou

    湯汁 tāngzhī - soup; broth

    家喻戶曉 jiāyùhùxiǎo - well-known

    口感 kǒugǎn - texture; taste

    溫順 wēnshùn - mild

    餡料 xiànliào - filling

    蔥 cōng - green onion

    薑 jiāng - ginger

    鹽 yán - salt

    醬油 jiàngyóu - soy sauce

    香油 xiāngyóu - sesame oil

    剁碎 duòsuì - to chop finely

    蔥薑末 cōng jiāng mò - minced green onion and ginger

    攪拌均勻 jiǎobàn jūnyún - to mix evenly

    麵皮 miànpí - dough skin

    揉 róu - to knead

    麵團 miàntuán - dough

    圓皮 yuán pí - round dough skin

    中央 zhōngyāng - center

    黏一下 nián yíxià - to stick together

    蒸籠 zhēnglóng - steamer

    鍋子 guōzi - pot; pan

    蒸 zhēng - to steam

    熟透 shútòu - fully cooked

    皮薄肉多 pí báo ròu duō - thin skin and lots of filling

    湯汁 tāngzhī - soup; broth

    鼎泰豐 Dǐngtàifēng - Din Tai Fung (a famous restaurant chain)

    點水樓 Diǎnshuǐlóu - Dian Shui Lou (a restaurant)

    連鎖的餐廳 liánsuǒ de cāntīng - chain restaurant

    江南 Jiāngnán - Jiangnan (region in China)

    精緻 jīngzhì - exquisite

    原味 yuánwèi - original flavor

    蟹黃 xièhuáng - crab roe

    松露 sōnglù - truffle

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  • #168 - 台灣的新總統 Taiwan’s New President
    Jul 17 2024

    Speak Chinese like a local and enjoy worry-free living in Taiwan. Join my Chinese speaking course today! 💪 Get Started Now !

    總統 zǒng tǒng - president

    賴清德 Lài Qīngdé - Lai Ching-te (current president of Taiwan)

    人家 rén jiā - family; household

    富裕 fù yù - wealthy; affluent

    哈佛大學 Hā fó dà xué - Harvard University

    政治 zhèng zhì - politics

    民主進步黨 Mín zhǔ jìn bù dǎng - Democratic Progressive Party (DPP)

    參政 cān zhèng - participate in politics

    當選 dāng xuǎn - be elected

    立法委員 lì fǎ wěi yuán - legislator

    台南市長 Táinán shì zhǎng - Mayor of Tainan

    政治路 zhèng zhì lù - political career

    滿順的 mǎn shùn de - quite smooth; successful

    名聲 míng shēng - reputation

    蔡英文 Cài Yīngwén - Tsai Ing-wen (former president of Taiwan)

    政黨 zhèng dǎng - political party

    副總統 fù zǒng tǒng - vice president

    獨派 dú pài - pro-independence faction

    台灣獨立 Táiwān dú lì - Taiwan independence

    國民黨 Guómín dǎng - Kuomintang (KMT)

    發展願景 fā zhǎn yuàn jǐng - development vision

    政策 zhèng cè - policy

    注重 zhù zhòng - emphasize; focus on

    打仗 dǎ zhàng - fight a war

    武器 wǔ qì - weapon

    商業 shāng yè - business; commerce

    貿易 mào yì - trade

    緊密的關係 jǐn mì de guān xì - close relationship

    廠商 chǎng shāng - manufacturer; supplier

    傷害 shāng hài - harm; damage

    盡量 jìn liàng - as much as possible

    貪污腐敗 tān wū fǔ bài - corruption

    完善 wán shàn - improve; perfect

    民主制度 mín zhǔ zhì dù - democratic system

    薪水 xīn shuǐ - salary

    福利 fú lì - welfare

    社會 shè huì - society

    福利保障 fú lì bǎo zhàng - social welfare

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  • #167 - 台灣人也參加奧運 Taiwanese people also participate in the Olympics ! 🏋️‍♀️
    Jul 15 2024

    Want Taiwanese friends to understand your Chinese instantly? Ready to effortlessly communicate and blend into Taiwan's vibrant culture? Join my Chinese Speaking Course! 🥰

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    Today’s Vocabulary

    奧運 ào yùn - Olympics

    奧林匹克運動會 ào lín pǐ kè yùn dòng huì - Olympic Games

    巴黎 bā lí - Paris

    精彩 jīng cǎi - exciting; wonderful

    延續 yán xù - to continue; to carry on

    東京奧運 dōng jīng ào yùn - Tokyo Olympics

    環保減碳 huán bǎo jiǎn tàn - environmental protection and carbon reduction

    理念 lǐ niàn - concept; idea

    場館 chǎng guǎn - venue; stadium

    體育場館 tǐ yù chǎng guǎn - sports venue

    減少碳排放 jiǎn shǎo tàn pái fàng - reduce carbon emissions

    著名 zhù míng - famous; well-known

    艾菲爾鐵塔 ài fēi ěr tiě tǎ - Eiffel Tower

    凡爾賽宮 fán ěr sài gōng - Palace of Versailles

    搭建 dā jiàn - to construct; to build

    臨時 lín shí - temporary

    場地 chǎng dì - site; venue

    開幕式 kāi mù shì - opening ceremony

    戶外 hù wài - outdoors; open air

    舉行 jǔ xíng - to hold (an event); to conduct

    塞納河 sāi nà hé - River Seine

    巴黎大皇宮 bā lí dà huáng gōng - Grand Palais in Paris

    中華隊 zhōng huá duì - Chinese Taipei team (Taiwanese team name used in international sports)

    承認 chéng rèn - to recognize; to acknowledge

    以台灣的名義 yǐ tái wān de míng yì - under the name of Taiwan

    跆拳道 tái quán dào - Taekwondo

    選手 xuǎn shǒu - athlete; competitor

    空手道 kōng shǒu dào - Karate

    田徑 tián jìng - track and field athletics

    拳擊 quán jī - boxing

    射擊 shè jī - shooting

    注重 zhù zhòng - to emphasize; to attach importance to

    羽球 yǔ qiú - badminton

    桌球 zhuō qiú - table tennis

    舉重 jǔ zhòng - weightlifting

    強 qiáng - strong; powerful

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  • #166 - 台北大稻埕夏日節 Taipei Dadaocheng Summer Festival 🎆
    Jul 12 2024

    The 2024 Dadaocheng Summer Festival will be held from July 17 to August 10, with four fireworks shows on July 17, July 24, July 31, and August 10.

    You can take the MRT Green Line to Beimen Station, the Orange Line to Daqiaotou Station, or the Red Line to Shuanglian Station to get to Dadaocheng. 😊

    Master ordering food like a local in Chinese in just one day! Enjoy stress-free boba tea orders in Taiwan—grab your Chinese conversation templates with an early bird discount now. Click here !

    大稻埕夏日節 Dàdàochéng xiàrì jié - Dadaocheng Summer Festival

    大稻埕 Dàdàochéng - Dadaocheng

    七夕情人節 Qīxī Qíngrén Jié - Qixi Festival (Chinese Valentine's Day)

    舉辦 jǔbàn - to hold; to host

    台北101跨年煙火 Táiběi 101 kuànián yānhuǒ - Taipei 101 New Year's Eve fireworks

    煙火秀 yānhuǒ xiù - fireworks show

    全面升級 quánmiàn shēngjí - comprehensive upgrade

    市集 shìjí - market; fair

    河畔 hépàn - riverside

    夕陽 xīyáng - sunset

    交通管制 jiāotōng guǎnzhì - traffic control

    搭 dā - to take (a form of transportation)

    北門站 Běimén zhàn - Beimen Station

    大橋頭站 Dàqiáotóu zhàn - Daqiaotou Station

    雙連站 Shuānglián zhàn - Shuanglian Station

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  • #165 - 台灣鬼故事 Taiwanese Ghost Stories
    Jul 10 2024

    Speak Chinese like a local and enjoy worry-free living in Taiwan. Join my Chinese speaking course today! 💪 Get Started Now !

    鬼故事 guǐ gù shì - ghost story

    鬧鬼 nào guǐ - haunted; ghostly

    西門町 Xīmén dīng - Ximending (a district in Taipei)

    西寧國宅 Xīníng guózhái - Xining Public Housing (a community in Taipei)

    國宅 guózhái - public housing

    戶 hù - household; family unit

    弱勢族群 ruò shì zú qún - disadvantaged groups

    凶殺 xiōng shā - homicide; murder

    輕生 qīng shēng - suicide

    事件 shì jiàn - incident; event

    頻傳 pín chuán - spread widely; frequent occurrence

    殺人 shā rén - murder; homicide

    自殺 zì shā - suicide

    累積 lěi jī - accumulate; accumulation

    死亡人數 sǐ wáng rén shù - death toll

    情殺 qíng shā - crime of passion

    電梯故障 diàn tī gù zhàng - elevator malfunction

    暴斃 bào bì - sudden death; die violently

    心臟病 xīn zàng bìng - heart disease

    意外墜樓 yì wài zhuì lóu - accidental fall from a building

    詭異 guǐ yì - eerie; mysterious

    墜樓而死 zhuì lóu ér sǐ - fall to death from a building

    死者 sǐ zhě - deceased person

    專程 zhuān chéng - specifically; specially

    老兵 lǎo bīng - veteran (military)

    退休 tuì xiū - retire; retirement

    鑰匙 yào shí - key

    按電鈴 àn diàn líng - press doorbell

    住戶 zhù hù - resident; tenant

    伸出援手 shēn chū yuán shǒu - lend a helping hand

    外牆 wài qiáng - exterior wall

    陽台 yáng tái - balcony

    爬牆 pá qiáng - climb a wall

    失足墜樓 shī zú zhuì lóu - fall from height due to losing balance

    意外身亡 yì wài shēn wáng - accidental death

    詛咒 zǔ zhòu - curse

    命案 mìng àn - criminal case; homicide case

    鬼壓床 guǐ yā chuáng - sleep paralysis

    染上怪病 rǎn shàng guài bìng - contract strange illness

    亡靈 wáng líng - spirit of the deceased; ghost

    報復 bào fù - revenge; retaliate

    拆掉 chāi diào - demolish; tear down

    重新 chóng xīn - again; anew

    興建 xīng jiàn - construct; build

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