
  • Quantum Leaping into Healthy, Wealthy and Hot AF
    Jul 30 2024

    What can you anticipate when you’re in the middle of a quantum leap?

    Once you’ve created your vision board and are now connected (or re-connected) with your desires, whether it’s health, wealth, love, or image… What happens next?

    Is there such a thing as seamless integration and manifestation? If so, what does that look like?

    In this episode, we talk about what happens in our inner and external worlds as we align with our desires.

    ➡️ Want to know what it’s really like to take content creation from hobby to career in less than 12 months? Check out my Exclusive Audio Series: Influencer Life and Business Bundle.

    🤍 Where you can find me:

    Instagram - @missfernandez__

    TikTok - @missfernandez__

    Website - www.missfernandez.com

    Más Menos
    41 m
  • Energetics of Influencer Life & Business: Part 2
    Jul 24 2024

    Leaning into the desire of an influencer life or having an online presence accompanying your business calls for leadership skills.

    In this episode, we talk about what it’s like to consider your natural rhythm and flow as an effective way to grow your online presence and/or your business.

    We also talk about what it’s like to manage advice like “post twice or thrice a day” if you want to grow and apply it to your style of working.

    ➡️ Want to know what it’s really like to take content creation from hobby to career in less than 12 months? Check out my Exclusive Audio Series: Influencer Life and Business Bundle.

    🤍 Where you can find me:

    Instagram - @missfernandez__

    TikTok - @missfernandez__

    Website - www.missfernandez.com

    Más Menos
    41 m
  • Energetics of Influencer Life & Business: Part 1
    Jul 15 2024

    Is influencer life just a part of being a business owner if your business is fuelled by your online presence? If so, what are the energetics behind this?

    In this episode, you’ll discover the process of going from being a “normal” content creator where you’re focused mainly on the craft of creating content and sharing with the public, to the stages of growth where your business starts to expand and the questions that you ask yourself go from “how can I improve the quality of this production” to “how comfortable am I with being seen?”

    We also discuss the distinction between the certainty that growth and influence are on the horizon for you, versus the feeling that you are yet to believe that it's truly on the way.

    This is part 1 of a 2-part series.


    ⚡[NEW] Fashion Directory

    ⚡ The Ultimate Capsule Wardrobe Workshop

    ⚡ The Ultimate Style Roadmap: 5 Stages to Completing Your Personalised Wardrobe

    ⚡ The Skirt & Shoe Pairing Cheatsheet

    ⚡ The Hot Weather Travel Capsule Checklist

    ⚡ The Ultimate Style Accelerator


    Instagram - @missfernandez__

    TikTok - @missfernandez__

    Más Menos
    41 m
  • Integrating Your Manifestations Into Your Life and Business: Part 2
    Jul 9 2024

    When we manifest with speed and ease (and even learn the process of how to do that), it can lead us to believe that we’ve reached the end - a finish line of sorts. Where in reality, there’s more to it.

    Imagine getting your dream car, your dream house, and your dream relationship, and manifesting your dream business and career path…

    Guess what happens after that? The (un)sexy task of ✨maintenance✨.

    In this case, and in this episode, we continue our conversation about integration.

    Integration is the thing that needs to take place for maintenance to flow naturally. Great maintenance results in great things - growth and the opportunity to thrive. It doesn’t sound sexy but without maintenance, things can go in the opposite direction.

    The good news is that by allowing and leaning into the process of integration, maintenance becomes a lot simpler as it becomes a more natural part of your being. Fresh thought patterns and fresh habits all whilst simultaneously giving ourselves all the grace and love one deserves during the process of integration.

    Stick around till the end as I do a little Q&A!


    ⚡[NEW] Fashion Directory

    ⚡ The Ultimate Capsule Wardrobe Workshop

    ⚡ The Ultimate Style Roadmap: 5 Stages to Completing Your Personalised Wardrobe

    ⚡ The Skirt & Shoe Pairing Cheatsheet

    ⚡ The Hot Weather Travel Capsule Checklist

    ⚡ The Ultimate Style Accelerator


    Instagram - @missfernandez__

    TikTok - @missfernandez__

    Más Menos
    40 m
  • Integrating Your Manifestations Into Your Life and Business: Part 1
    Jul 1 2024

    There’s a phase between visualising your desires and manifesting them in your life, and this is called the integration phase.

    After years of experiencing energy shifts which have helped me bring my dream career path to fruition, I noticed that there were patterns which would happen after the shifts. This didn’t only happen to me, it was an observed trend with others who’d experienced Regenerating Images in Memory, Reiki, or even Kinesiology.

    In today’s episode, part 1 of a 2-part series, we’re exploring the experience of the integration phase.

    If you have any questions or requests, please reach out to me via Instagram @missfernandez__.


    ⚡[NEW] Fashion Directory

    ⚡ The Ultimate Capsule Wardrobe Workshop

    ⚡ The Ultimate Style Roadmap: 5 Stages to Completing Your Personalised Wardrobe

    ⚡ The Skirt & Shoe Pairing Cheatsheet

    ⚡ The Hot Weather Travel Capsule Checklist

    ⚡ The Ultimate Style Accelerator


    Instagram - @missfernandez__

    TikTok - @missfernandez__

    Más Menos
    48 m
  • 3 Key Things to Manifesting that No One Talks About: Part 2
    Jun 24 2024

    Manifesting with speed and ease, whether in areas of career, business, love, money, or health sometimes raises the question…

    “Is it destiny, or can I really create my reality?”.

    In this episode, you’ll learn about stories of those who have manifested with speed due to applying 1-2 ingredients of manifesting, and then opt to release their manifestations due to misalignment.

    This sets them on a journey which allows them to experience the third ingredient which causes both alignment and retention of larger manifestations.

    In this 2-part series on manifestation, we look at the combination of practical and esoteric processes, and you’ll discover whether there is a gap in your process, or where you can make tweaks to supercharge your manifestation powers.



    📙 Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki

    📙 Psycho-Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz

    📙 The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattles and Ryan J. Rhoades

    📙 Atomic Habits by James Clear


    ⚡[NEW] Fashion Directory

    ⚡ The Ultimate Capsule Wardrobe Workshop

    ⚡ The Ultimate Style Roadmap: 5 Stages to Completing Your Personalised Wardrobe

    ⚡ The Skirt & Shoe Pairing Cheatsheet

    ⚡ The Hot Weather Travel Capsule Checklist

    ⚡ The Ultimate Style Accelerator


    Instagram - @missfernandez__

    TikTok - @missfernandez__

    Más Menos
    45 m
  • 3 Key Things to Manifesting that No One Talks About: Part 1
    Jun 19 2024

    Do you ever wonder why some people can manifest what they want, while others look like they stay in a cycle of ‘wanting’ but not actually manifesting?

    Or do you ever ask yourself… “Am I doing it right? Why are things taking so long?”.

    Or do you find that you’re manifesting certain things and it’s become so easy to do that that it’s become your norm, but when it comes to larger things, you feel like the results just aren’t there?

    As a whole, manifesting is a little more robust than visualising and feeling the things we desire, whether in career, money, relationships, business, or health.

    You may have heard of things like “taking aligned action" to complete the steps or "setting the goal and then detaching from the result”.

    After studying the different areas of energetics and behaviour, influenced by the mind and frequency, we uncover the 3 key things to manifesting that are rarely addressed as a whole.

    There is a reason why some people manifest with ease, and why it feels like some are living the same challenges.

    In today’s episode, we look at the combination of practical and esoteric processes, and you’ll discover whether there’s a gap in your process and where you can make tweaks to SUPERCHARGE your manifestation powers.

    This is Part 1 of a 2-part series.

    If you receive any lightbulb moments or have any questions, send me a DM on Instagram @missfernandez__.



    ⚡ [NEW] Fashion Directory

    ⚡The Ultimate Capsule Wardrobe Workshop

    ⚡ The Ultimate Style Roadmap: 5 Stages to Completing Your Personalised Wardrobe

    ⚡ The Skirt & Shoe Pairing Cheatsheet

    ⚡ The Hot Weather Travel Capsule Checklist

    ⚡ The Ultimate Style Accelerator


    Instagram - @missfernandez__

    TikTok - @missfernandez__

    Más Menos
    42 m
  • From Super Shy to Confident
    Jun 10 2024

    Today, we’re getting a little vulnerable as I share my personal story of how a very shy young me transformed from someone who could barely talk or interact with anyone into a confident woman.

    As a child, I was very shy and feared being an inconvenience, sounding silly, or being judged. I moved through many schools, not just within one country, but across different continents with different languages.

    This experience played a big role in shaping my confidence.

    Fast forward to adulthood, I realised that if I didn't learn how to treat myself with respect and understand my fears, I would always live under their control.

    I began my journey towards confidence by learning how to say "no" to people and situations.

    I started to navigate and understand how to stay true to myself, and how to separate what I really wanted from what my old programming wanted.

    I also learnt that being “shy” and being an introvert are two COMPLETELY different things.

    And although I’m still on this journey - I finally found my voice and I hope that this episode inspires you to find your voice, too.


    ⚡ The Ultimate Capsule Wardrobe Workshop

    ⚡ The Ultimate Style Roadmap: 5 Stages to Completing Your Personalised Wardrobe

    ⚡ The Skirt & Shoe Pairing Cheatsheet

    ⚡ The Hot Weather Travel Capsule Checklist

    ⚡ The Ultimate Style Accelerator


    Instagram: @missfernandez__

    TikTok: @missfernandez__

    Más Menos
    41 m