
  • When Inclusion Doesn't Work With Heather Avis from The Lucky Few
    Sep 3 2024

    My friend, Heather Avis is a fierce advocate from whom we can all learn something. When she and I planned this episode, we chatted about what happens when families (spoiler alert: like hers) have to make the hard decision to access a more restrictive/less inclusive setting for their children at school. We had so much content planned... but then we hit record and we had an even better discussion about so many things that weigh on parents' and educators' hearts. What is the true definition of inclusion? What does it mean to belong? Where do inclusion and belonging intersect? What do we do when we know schools don't have the tools for promote inclusion? This episode is deep, informative, thoughtful, and inspiring... just like Heather! I hope you'll love it!

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    Más Menos
    56 m
  • Preparing to Meet Your Attorney to Advocate for the First Time
    Aug 27 2024

    Repeat after me... Time is Money! Most attorneys and advocates charge by the hour, and regardless of their hourly rate, we'd all like more Benjamins in our pockets. If you're seeing an attorney or advocate, you're also likely struggling to get your child the right IEP/504 supports, which is horrendously important. And your kids are so, so deserving. Getting just the right information to your special education attorney or advocate in just the right amount of time is therefore a bit of science. So, this episode is all about preparing for your quick intake call and initial consult with your attorney or advocate. I'll give you the 411 on what information my clients struggle to give, what documentation to bring, and how to present the information to save money and get the best results!

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    Más Menos
    33 m
  • You Don't Have to Do Special Education Alone
    Aug 20 2024

    Did you know that people are more liked if they ask for help? There's tons of research behind that. I think it's normal to dive deep into ourselves - to go down all of the rabbit holes - to stick our heads in the sand - to withdraw- especially when the burden of advocating for our kids with disabilities increases. But the fact remains that we don't have to do it alone... and our outcomes will undoubtedly be better if we have strong community along the way. In today's episode, I brainstorm tons of ways you can access community, both in your school and in other circles, which will improve your advocacy, provide inspiration, and occasionally give you an outlet. Plus, as we approach out 200th episode, I provide information on how you can contribute to our big milestone. Here's the link for you to submit your questions: https://www.speakpipe.com/AshleyBarlow

    Más Menos
    29 m
  • Igniting the Fire: Finding Inspiration for your Advocacy
    Aug 13 2024

    Sometimes you just can't even. Am I right?! We've all been there... we know we should be more involved in our children's IEP teams and to collaborate more with them, but gosh, we are just so checked out. It's okay, friends. It happens to the best of us, and it's likely a super normal thing to occur. In today's episode I talk about a lull in my motivation recently, as well as what I did to find inspiration again. Then, we apply it to our special education advocacy efforts. Feeling blah about advocacy today? I'll give you several tips on how to turn that feeling into fire!!! Hope it helps!

    Más Menos
    24 m
  • Tried and True Tips for Dealing With School Anxiety
    Aug 6 2024

    There are two types of kids- those that are excited to go back to school and those that aren't! While I completely believe that we can hold space for allllllll sorts of emotions around school attendance, I also know that society doesn't really make kids that experience school refusal feel "normal." If it did, the #1 question asked of kids in August would be, "Are you feeling kinda blah about going back to school?" We all know the #1 thing asked of your kids, though, is related to their "excitement" regarding the school year. This question alone has provoked a lot of anxiety in our house over the years and for many different reasons. So, today I'm sharing some tips that have helped the Barlow kids and many of my clients with school anxiety - both at the beginning of the year and throughout the year as well. One such tip just sprung into my head during one of Jack's school refusal episodes, and it has helped us for so many years. I hope this is helpful to your family, as I know how hard anxiety can be to support!

    Más Menos
    22 m
  • Future Forward IEP Advocacy
    Jul 16 2024

    The time to start thinking about the Transition to Adulthood is Yesterday. Womp womp! I'm so sorry! In this episode I'll scare the socks off of you... Just kidding! But we'll talk about things to *think* about NOW, no matter you child's age, which will help you prepare them for adulthood. You'll hear a story about my own dinner table that prompted the idea for this episode, too!

    Más Menos
    17 m
  • Before You Write a Goal
    Jul 9 2024

    In today's episode we talk about six things I think you should have, know, analyze, and ask prior to writing annual IEP goals. The list is short, simple, and definitely not intimidating, but it will undoubtedly make a big difference in your next IEP meeting.

    Más Menos
    18 m
  • The Inclusion Workshop
    Jul 2 2024

    Inclusion is probably the special education topic for which I'm hired as an attorney the most often. It's definitely the topic about which my network calls for help. Several years ago, I started recording myself while talking to advocates and attorneys about inclusion, because as I talked to them I'd sometimes come up with efficient, wise statements that were helpful in advocacy. Eventually I took all of that content and made one of my favorite resources, The Inclusion Workshop. In today's episode I walk you through the parts of the Inclusion Workshop in case that's a resource that may benefit your family or community. As a special bonus, you even get to hear one of Jack's meltdowns!!!

    Más Menos
    20 m