
  • Don't Tell Mom the Babysitter's Dead: No but Seriously, Mom Actually Needs to Know About That
    Mar 27 2024

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    Have you wondered what a movie that has the hijinks of Home Alone but with fashion would like? Have you gone to the doctor and thought "Gee, this office is great, but I wonder what it would look like if the nurses had really impractical bright neon clothes!"? Wonder no longer, because this week the Split Happens sisters are bringing you 1991's totally bananas Don't Tell Mom the Babysitter's Dead

    KATRINA-is the pro this week, and she is here to tell you that everything in this movie makes perfect sense and there is nothing weird at all about a 17yo pretending to be an adult so she can work in the fashion industry and take care of her 4 younger siblings while her mom is in Australia. TOTALLY NORMAL!

    ANNA-is the con this episode, and she is here to tell you that Katrina is wrong and that it is whack-a-doodle to have a 17yo pretending to be an adult so she can work in the fashion industry and take care of her 4 younger siblings while her mom is in Australia. WHACK-A-DOODLE!

    Más Menos
    1 h y 25 m
  • Yellow Submarine: All You Need is Love And Also Some LSD Wouldn't Hurt
    Mar 18 2024

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    The Hills are alive! With a new episode!!! We're baaaaaaaaaaaaack, and boy do we have a delightfully bananas movie we are covering! We've got animation, music, animated music, The Beatles (kind of), and flying fingers. The makers of this film didn't do every consumable drug known to man kind for you to miss this one, so buckle up and get ready for 1968's The Yellow Submarine

    ANNA-is the pro on a movie she has seen dozens of time, and was a formative film of her childhood. Which explains A LOT! Despite ongoing tech issues which gobbled up her trivia notes she comes armed with information about one of the most beloved bands of all time, and a movie that makes the term "bat shit crazy" an understatement.

    KATRINA-is the con, and she is going to have to shoot her love for this delightful madhouse into animated space. You ask, are her cons logical, realistic, or well-formed? To which Katrina responds, "How dare you, and also, is this movie? Boom".

    Más Menos
    1 h y 27 m
  • Shrek: It's a Real Layer of Love
    Feb 15 2024

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    Más Menos
    1 h y 39 m
  • The Golden Child: I Prefer my Oatmeal Without Blood but You do You
    Feb 13 2024

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    I, I, I, I, I, I, I, want the episode! Pleaaaaaaaase! This week the Split Happens sisters flew all the way to Tibet to bring you an episode brimming with facts, a small child with mad magic skills, a dagger that turns out was not named after the singer Ashanti (missed opportunity, Paramount), and of course, Eddie Murphy. Raise your goblet to 1986's The Golden Child

    KATRINA-is the pro this week, and she can barely fit in all of the facts and things she loves about this movie. Fortunately Anna brought tequila so that shuts her up a little bit.

    ANNA-is the con and boy does she have some things to say about the special effects and magic tricks. Who hurt you, Anna? A magician? Find out if her garbage takes are enough to avoid the dreaded button push!

    Más Menos
    1 h y 19 m
  • Demolition Man: But Could Someone PLEASE Explain How the Seashells Work?!
    Jan 28 2024

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    You ready to get down with a little "murder, death, kill" Snipes style? If you know how to take care of your daily business while using 3 seashells then you are prepared for this weeks episode from the Split Happens sisters. Enhance your calm and get ready for the 1993 action packed crime caper Demolition Man!

    KATRINA-is the pro this week, and she is wishing mellow greetings to all who love Westley Snipes as the irascible Simon Phoenix. She is full of joy-joy while watching Anna in a boggle trying to not say anything positive as the sisters discuss this movie set way way way in the future of 1996.

    ANNA-is the con, and since Katrina is an old-fashioned lover of crime driven cinema, she is going to be an old-fashioned ball buster. Can Anna blow Katrina's trivia, we mean, blow her trivia out of the water? Listen and find out!

    Más Menos
    1 h y 24 m
  • Best in Show: Welcome to the No-Holds-Barred, High Octane World of Competitive Dog Shows
    Jan 24 2024

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    Ruff, ruff, ruff. Bark. Bark, bark, bark. Grrrrrrrrr. Awwwwwwww. If you understand this, then you are one of many who love the canine classic, 2000's Best in Show!

    ANNA-is the pro this week, and she is positively BEGGING to catch Katrina say something positive about this perfect film, and is ready to put any negative takes in the dog house.

    KATRINA-is the con, and she is trying to avoid this episodes version of the button push, the button of shame. Can she avoid Anna's kennel full of trivia? Listen and find out!

    Más Menos
    1 h y 32 m
  • Cobra: Synchronized Axe Clapping SFW
    Jan 14 2024

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    You're the audience, we are the tequila saturated chuckleheads. Don't be thrown off by the matchstick in the mouth instead of the hat turned backwards. Sly is all business, and business is gooooood. This week the Split Happens sisters bring you the classic, YES CLASSIC, action flick, 1986's Cobra.

    KATRINA-is the pro, and she is practically beside herself with trivia about her new favorite thespian, the incredible Brian Thompson. She feels pretty confident that she is going to get a button push out of Anna. I mean, who can resist complimenting Brigette Nielsen modeling with robots?

    ANNA-is the con, and she pulls a bamboozle that Katrina did not see coming. Is she scared of getting a button push? She has a few tricks up her sugar soaked chef's coat that not even Sly himself can defend.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 15 m
  • Amelie: Meddling in People's Lives is as Easy as Un, Deux, Trois!
    Jan 8 2024

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    Mon dieu! If gnomes, ghost rides, and well meaning meddlers are included on your list of things you love, we have the episode for you! This week the Split Happens sisters bring the joyous French film, Amelie!!!!!

    ANNA-is the pro this week, and she is happier than a little girl who's imaginary friends support her non-conformist spirit as well as her constant query "Are Cabbage Patch Dolls (TM) real children? (Oui!)".

    KATRINA-is the con, and in summary, she is le screwed. The question isn't whether she will get a button push or not, but how many, and can she handle the consequences (tequila)? The morning after the recording of this episode was definitely not tre bien!

    Más Menos
    1 h y 39 m