
  • Stand Up, Stand Out or Stand Down
    58 m
  • Communication your Case With Confidence
    Mar 24 2015
    Two very different guests from different worlds will share with us insights on Loyalty and Customer Acquisition . - Why promises kept to your customer can lock you in as their supplier for ever. - Can you Communicate under pressure? Ever presented to a room full of heavy hitters and got nervous? It's all in your head. This is going to be a show with radically new ideas, just what YOU need to compete
    Más Menos
    56 m
  • Trust - Earning it Growing it and Keeping it.
    Mar 17 2015
    We gravitate towards people and things that we trust, we can't always explain why, we just do. For anyone in business you know that this is the only position that works, you lose it and you are out. It is said that your success will come more from how people like and trust you that your technical abilities. It applies in Life also. This episode will discuss TRUST Earning it Growing it and Keeping it.
    Más Menos
    56 m
  • Can YOU Calculate Your Value to Others
    Mar 10 2015
    Getting to know, getting known and being active in the community. Growing a business and becoming successful allows us to be able to give back. Having a prominent position where people do listen and follow allows us to take this to a higher level and be a mouthpiece and on behalf of others even outside of our immediate community. Both of my guests will share their extraordinary and inspirational stories.
    Más Menos
    56 m
  • "Connect to Collect" - The Need to Know how to Network
    Mar 3 2015
    Is your Networking Notworking Some pointers from experts and useful resources to get you building a base of people that know YOU. Discover what is available to help you takie a 20 Second Casual Collision into a 20 year business based friendship.
    Más Menos
    55 m
  • The Visual Wave - Video in Your Marketing Mix
    Feb 24 2015
    In this episode: Joshua Rosenbuam will share with us his insights and experience in the world of web video and why if you have not started including video in your marketing and brand build you had better get on it! Josh makes video. Mostly for the Web!
    Más Menos
    56 m
  • Stand Out - Be Different. but in a Good Way
    Feb 17 2015
    The greatest challenges today for sales people are in the Data Saturated and Lean Organizational World. Less people at companies. More work means, Less time to look around at new things. Customer has not returned my call or replied to my email. These are you modern business weapons - Have you been ever been schooled in how to use them effectively? This episode will discuss how to get noticed, get a meeting and stay engaged. Advice from Experts in the field.
    Más Menos
    58 m
  • It is not the product it the packaging!
    Feb 10 2015
    We will discuss THE IMAGE OF LEADERSHIP brbr What defines the look of leadership? People are fascinated by leaders who can instantly command the attention of a crowded room. They just “appear”. And although all leaders are unique, there are a few similar traits - no matter the industry, their position, style or personal aspirations. Thinking of making a play for the promotion you want. Applying for a new job and have an interview. Apply the Polish Listen to this show Sylvie will set you straight.
    Más Menos
    56 m