
  • "Stars Among Us" premieres November 20
    Nov 9 2023
    "First they made us wear the star, and that was the beginning of the end." Incredible, true stories of survival, rescue, and liberation.
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  • Hanns Loewenbach – Episode 1
    Dec 3 2023
    Escape. As the Nazis rose to power in Germany, the only option to survive for Hanns Loewenbach became escape. In his early twenties, with his future plans suddenly erased, Hanns became a wanted man on the streets of Berlin. His extraordinary story includes a desperate swim to Denmark, unexpected help from an SS officer, and living in the Shanghai ghetto while enduring the Japanese occupation of China. The complete story of Hanns Lowenbach's Holocaust journey can be found in To Life: The Past Is Present, Holocaust Stories of Hampton Roads Survivors, Rescuers, and Liberators. For information about Hanns — and to bookmark the webpage where future episodes of this podcast AND behind-the-scenes content will live, please visit https://holocaustcommission.jewishva.org/stars-among-us. Distributed by WHRO Public Media
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  • Esther Wondolowicz Goldman – Episode 2
    Dec 4 2023
    Esther Wondolowicz Goldman was a young teenager when the Germans invaded her small Polish town. She learned quickly to depend upon herself. Separated from her large, loving family, she survived the Bialystok ghetto, Auschwitz-Birkenau, and a death march to Ravensbrück before being liberated by the Russian Army. Esther and her family remained in Europe for a decade before immigrating to the United States. The complete story of Esther Wondolowicz Goldman’s Holocaust journey can be found in To Life: The Past Is Present, Holocaust Stories of Hampton Roads Survivors, Rescuers, and Liberators. For information about Esther — and to bookmark the webpage where future episodes of this podcast AND behind-the-scenes content will live, please visit https://holocaustcommission.jewishva.org/stars-among-us. Distributed by WHRO Public Media
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  • Kitty Friedenbach Saks – Episode 3
    Dec 5 2023
    Displaced by their German occupiers from their home in Vienna, six-year-old Kitty Friedenbach Saks and her parents fled Austria and made a daring escape into Belgium. As the Germans advanced across Europe, both Kitty and her parents were forced into hiding, but could not be together. A young child alone, Kitty had to assume a new persona that protected her true Jewish identity as she survived the war as a Catholic orphan. The complete story of Kitty Friedenbach Saks’ Holocaust journey can be found in To Life: The Past Is Present, Holocaust Stories of Hampton Roads Survivors, Rescuers, and Liberators. For information about Kitty — and to bookmark the webpage where future episodes of this podcast AND behind-the-scenes content will live, please visit https://holocaustcommission.jewishva.org/stars-among-us. Distributed by WHRO Public Media
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  • Devorah Gutterman – Episode 4
    Dec 6 2023
    Hiding in plain sight was sometimes the only option. Devorah Gutterman, with her baby in toe, was faced with the insurmountable question of how to survive as a Jew in Poland in 1942. Devorah moved desperately from place to place with forged Polish identity papers for protection. She and her daughter were dependent on the assistance of individuals in her community to survive, unable to completely trust anyone as she assimilated into her Catholic surroundings. The complete story of Devorah Gutterman’s Holocaust journey can be found in To Life: The Past Is Present, Holocaust Stories of Hampton Roads Survivors, Rescuers, and Liberators. For information about Devorah — and to bookmark the webpage where future episodes of this podcast AND behind-the-scenes content will live, please visit https://holocaustcommission.jewishva.org/stars-among-us. Distributed by WHRO Public Media
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  • Israel Bornstein – Episode 5
    Dec 7 2023
    For Israel Bornstein, growing up in Copenhagen, Denmark, the Orthodox rituals of Judaism were a central part of his family’s life. Unlike many in Europe, Danish Jewry lived peacefully shoulder to shoulder with non-Jewish neighbors. In the autumn of 1943, Israel’s fellow Danes helped to save the lives of Israel and his family in a daring escape to Sweden that kept nearly 8,000 Jews out of the hands of their Nazi occupiers. The complete story of Israel Bornstein’s Holocaust journey can be found in To Life: The Past Is Present, Holocaust Stories of Hampton Roads Survivors, Rescuers, and Liberators. For information about Israel — and to bookmark the webpage where future episodes of this podcast AND behind-the-scenes content will live, please visit https://holocaustcommission.jewishva.org/stars-among-us. Distributed by WHRO Public Media
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  • Anna Duklauer Perl – Episode 6 (Part one)
    Dec 8 2023
    Having grown up in the resort town of Zakopane, Poland, Anna Duklauer Perl’s comfortable life was quickly upended when the Nazis invaded and remanded her and her family to the Krakow Ghetto. She was eventually sent to the Plaszow concentration camp when a miracle struck, and Anna’s name was added to Oskar Schindler’s list of 1200 Jews who served as slave labor in his factories. The only person in her immediate family to survive the Holocaust, Anna eventually made her way from Poland to Czechoslovakia to Israel and eventually the United States. The complete story of Anna Duklauer Perl’s Holocaust journey can be found in To Life: The Past Is Present, Holocaust Stories of Hampton Roads Survivors, Rescuers, and Liberators. For information about Anna — and to bookmark the webpage where future episodes of this podcast AND behind-the-scenes content will live, please visit https://holocaustcommission.jewishva.org/stars-among-us. Distributed by WHRO Public Media
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  • Anna Duklauer Perl – Episode 7 (Part two)
    Dec 9 2023
    Having grown up in the resort town of Zakopane, Poland, Anna Duklauer Perl’s comfortable life was quickly upended when the Nazis invaded and remanded her and her family to the Krakow Ghetto. She was eventually sent to the Plaszow concentration camp when a miracle struck, and Anna’s name was added to Oskar Schindler’s list of 1200 Jews who served as slave labor in his factories. The only person in her immediate family to survive the Holocaust, Anna eventually made her way from Poland to Czechoslovakia to Israel and eventually the United States. The complete story of Anna Duklauer Perl’s Holocaust journey can be found in To Life: The Past Is Present, Holocaust Stories of Hampton Roads Survivors, Rescuers, and Liberators. For information about Anna — and to bookmark the webpage where future episodes of this podcast AND behind-the-scenes content will live, please visit https://holocaustcommission.jewishva.org/stars-among-us. Distributed by WHRO Public Media
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