
  • Light After Trauma
    Aug 30 2022
    PTSD is diagnosed at least one month after exposure to a traumatic event and is characterized by symptoms that can include: a) Distressing memories b)Nightmares or flashbacks c)Avoidance of trauma reminders The problems that arise can be complex and impair our physical and emotional wellbeing. The way we see ourselves, our relationships and activities, and our ability to feel safe in the world can be turned upside down. In this episode you'll get to know more about PTSD in your regional language-- Kashmiri by Mohammad Moosa! Talking about past trauma can be fear-inducing. We can be left feeling vulnerable and emotionally raw. However, it’s important to realize that you’re not alone. Help is available. We are With you :)
    Más Menos
    3 m
  • Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement
    Aug 26 2022

    Positive thinking can lead to a lot of positive change in your life. Developing an optimistic outlook can be good for both your physical and mental health. But sometimes, certain situations arise in life that makes it hard to keep a positive outlook. Take steps to make positive thinking become more like second nature and you’ll reap some big benefits. Here are 10 tips to make positive thinking easy.

    If you want to get everything you want in life, you need a solid framework to help you get over the fear and challenges that you will encounter along the way to success.

    In this episode we'll talk about how faith on Posi-vibezz can pave a way to success.

    Khushi as Director

    Arham as Editor

    Chanakya and Arshit as script writers

    Ananya Kohli and Parth Sharma as speakers

    Knowledge and Awareness Partner: Maunitva Nirakarn

    Más Menos
    5 m
  • Aaftab-Rays Of Hope (1)
    Feb 24 2022

    Disclaimer: This podcast is based on True Events. It’s a Biopic of Chandeep Singh Sudan being written in the form of interview. Name has been changed in the Podcast.

    "Being disabled should not mean being disqualified from having access to every aspect of life.” – Emma Thompson

    In this episode you'll listen to Arnab Shah (Jai) in conversation with Dhruva Jagannath (Bhamini). Through this episode you'll get to know about the hidden gem of Jammu and Kashmir ----- Mr. Chandeep Singh Sudan. This is special series brought to you by Stride Social in association with Maunitva Nirakarn. Chandeep Singh Sudan was an 11-year-old when he suffered an electric shock of approximately 11,000 volts. When all hope seemed lost, the boy from Jammu decided to fight back. Today, he is a national-level skater and holds the world record for fastest 100-meters para skating. This story is not just one of an athlete fighting against all odds to emerge a winner. It's the story of an ordinary human succeeding against odds that the average human being can't even comprehend. Never give up!

    We believe that it’s ability not disability that counts.

     People with even a slight disability are viewed as being sympathized. They are considered objects of pity and fear, prompting many to deal with them in a dehumanizing manner. For so long, they have been cast to the peripheries of society until some of these spirited warriors broke in, rendering everyone speechless with their extraordinary skills and ABILITIES.

    Their persistent efforts, strong belief in what they had, acceptance of their situation, and determination to get noticed for what they have and not what they don’t make people realize that disability is just a state of mind and nothing else. It was then that the societal lens began shifting, but this shift is insubstantial.

    There is a famous Kashmiri proverb that Sheen gali wandhe chali sui bahar ha yee Taaf kari gul pholi sui bulbul ha yee.... This proverb is apt for the situation as it express optimism in hardships and adversity.

    Let's spread this podcast in every corner of World and tell everyone the story of J&K's hidden gem--- Chandeep Singh

    Directed by: Krishna Saproo (Maunitva Nirakarn) | Srishti Suri

    Concept Idea: Krishna Saproo (Maunitva Nirakarn) 

    Written By: Krishna Saproo (Maunitva Nirakarn) | Srishti Suri

    Jaivardhan Pathania as Arnab Shah

    Bhamini Sharma as Dhruva Jagganath (Dj)

    Edited By: Krishna Saproo (Maunitva Nirakarn)

    Music Credits: Aaftab- Yawar Abdal |  Intro Music- Anonymous

    Produced by: Team Paramount Center

    Knowledge and Awareness Partner: Maunitva Nirakarn

    Más Menos
    21 m
  • That B Word- Crazy! Right?
    Feb 18 2022

    Bipolar disorder (formerly called manic-depressive illness or manic depression) is a mental disorder that causes unusual shifts in mood, energy, activity levels, concentration, and the ability to carry out day-to-day tasks.

    Depression and depressed mood are major problems for many people, and the material we’re going to get into today will be sensitive in nature. If things start to feel uncomfortable, feel free to skip around or turn it off altogether. As with all of the episodes in this series, please remember that bipolar disorder is best diagnosed by a trained mental health professional.

    In this episode, we'll talk about that B-word (Bipolar Disorder).

    We believe that people with Mental Health Issues should take some time. Take some time to work through what that might mean for you. Talk to people. Talk to people that you really trust. And be kind to yourself. Because diagnosis is a big thing and I think that the more that you get to know yourself better, the more you get to understand what the condition means, in terms of the symptoms, but also what it means for you.

    It will mean that you might have to grieve your old life and that you’ll have to leave it in some form. So the partying and the spending and all that kind of thing will almost certainly need to disappear from your life. Because what’s really important is about managing it for yourself. When you’re first diagnosed, you will rely on a lot of other people. But there has to come a point where you have to take responsibility for yourself. That’s some way down the line. But you need to manage your medication. You need to take care of you. You need to explain the change in the situation to friends and to loved ones. You need to manage the things that trigger you. You need to find out what they are in the first place, but then how you are going to minimise them, in a way that allows you to live a more balanced life and to prevent relapse in the future.

    Directed By: Bhavyta Anand (Maunitva Nirakarn)

    Written by: Sakshi Thakur and Shagun Sharma

    Edited By: Archit and Nishat

    Speaker: Archit and Iraa

    Guest Appearance: Nishat

    Knowledge and Awareness Partner: Maunitva Nirakarn

    Más Menos
    6 m
  • Life without Limbs or Life without Limits
    Feb 12 2022

     There are certain things in life that are beyond your control, which you must accept and live with. But we only have two options: quit up or keep on. I assure you that your life is intriguing because it is a JOURNEY. But we will tell you that there are times in life when you fall down and don't feel like you have the strength to climb back up. You know, if you attempt 100 times to get back up and fail 100 times, if you FAIL and you GIVE UP, do you think you'll ever get back up? No. But what if you fail and then try again? And then again and again?As long as you try, there is always the possibility of YOU getting up. Is that what you mean? And it's not over until you give up. Life isn't always rosy. Life isn't always sunny. When you have a sense of purpose in your life, life is worth living. Simply follow your heart in all you do. If that's who you want to be and what you want to accomplish with your life, then go for it. One step at a time.

    In this episode we'll be talk about the life that is without limits.......

    Director: Soumya

    Written by: Malika

    Editor: Hardik

    Speakers: Darsh and Aditya

    Knowledge and Awareness Partner: Maunitva Nirakarn

    Más Menos
    5 m
  • Some Injuries Heal More Quickly If You Keep Moving
    Feb 12 2022

    Without caring about our weaknesses and how we feel, life places what seem like insurmountable obstacles in our path to success. But life rewards those who are willing to keep pushing themselves regardless of what limits are presented to them. So no matter how many times you fall and how exhausted you might feel, let these quotes about not giving up inspire you to keep going on the path that leads you where you always wanted to go. Remember that anything worthwhile takes time and requires some serious energy, dedication, and sacrifice. As long as you’re alive, you have more power than you could ever imagine. So you have no justifiable reason to give up. People might try to talk you out of pursuing your goals and dreams. They’ll tell you what you’re trying to accomplish is out of your reach. But you know that you have a higher purpose. You know your potential and the great things you are capable of. So use the naysayers as your inspiration and keep pushing ahead. 

    In this episode we'll talk about the injuries which heal more quickly when we keep moving without thinking about it. Making Dis-ability to Ability requires dedication and hard-work.

    Director: Devam

    Written by: Anmol and Priyansh

    Speaker: Ananya

    Knowledge And Awareness Partner: Maunitva Nirakarn

    Más Menos
    6 m
  • Fighting Ableism
    Feb 11 2022

    Even after decades of progress against ableism, people with disabilities still face significant barriers to social inclusion, equal opportunity, health and safety, and financial security. And while some of the most visible efforts to continue the fight focus on changing ableist habits and attitudes, the most harmful and persistent barriers disabled people face are still distinctly structural.

    The "Divyangjan" community has long understood that there are really two main kinds of ableism. First, there are personal prejudices, misconceptions and reactions that individuals have about disabled people. Then there are the less personal, but more concrete and materially harmful examples of ableism that are baked into our physical environment, as well as our laws, policies, and everyday practices.

    To meaningfully combat ableism, we must recognize that changing attitudes and raising awareness, though important for their own sakes, is not enough. We all need to first recognize and then commit to tearing down the structural ableism that keeps so many disabled people unfree, unsafe, and dependent –– even when they are superficially accepted more than they once were.

    In this episode we'll talk about Fighting Ableism Is About Much More Than Attitudes And Awareness. 

    Director & Script Writer : Ehsaas Digra

    Editor : Manish Kangotra

    Speakers : Pratham Suri, Kanav Sharma, Susheen Sharma & Hunar Pal Singh

    Knowledge And Awareness Partner: Maunitva Nirakarn

    Más Menos
    6 m
  • Don't Be Ashamed Of Your Story It Will Inspire Others
    Feb 11 2022

    Everyone has a story…a history…a series of failures and mistakes that have shaped them into the person they are today.  I, for one, believe we shouldn’t be ashamed of our story. Our story is what helped us become the person we are. That story is what taught us great life lessons that we might not have learned otherwise. That story is what will help us make better and wiser decisions in our future. That story is who we are…it is us.

    When we hear others share their life stories, it is those mishaps and failures and even mistakes that end up having the most profound impact on us. Their stories of overcoming hardships, and standing up after falling down…those are what inspire us to want to be better in our own life. Those stories are what speak to our hearts. And how unfortunate would it be if those stories hadn’t been shared by that person….how different would our life have turned out if we hadn’t been inspired by hearing from them? 

    In this episode we are going to talk about the need of sharing the story of struggle, failures and success without being ashamed.

    Creators: Arshit Dhiman, Suhani Kataria, Saanvi Andotra

    Knowledge and Awareness Partner: Maunitva Nirakarn

    Más Menos
    4 m